Savior Simulator

Chapter 1055 Multiple Attacks

Chapter 1055 Multiple Attacks
Level 4 "Counter Evil" (Protection Department): The subject is surrounded by a layer of shimmering white holy energy, and within the next 1 minute/casting level, the following benefits are obtained:

·Defense +4 against evil creatures.

·When hitting an evil creature from another world, you can choose to use up the remaining magic power of the spell to try to drive the opponent back to its original home.

·Applies “counter evil” to a creature suffering from an evil spell or enchantment, instantly removing such negative conditions.


In addition to "Resisting Evil", Lisa can also choose a 4-ring magic spell. With Gao Fei's suggestion, she chose the most practical "Any Door".

Sister Claire was promoted to level 9 "Beast Tamer", HP +9 (71), proficiency correction +1.

Beginning at 9th level, the "beast tamer" gains immunity to poison and can use his animal companion as a starting point for spells.

Mario is promoted to a level 10 thief, HP+8 (77), agility attribute +1 (22), and gains "magic resistance".

The last is "Archangel" Umberto, promoted to level 12 "Fast Swordsman", HP+9 (103), Dexterity +1 (24), awakening the core professional ability "Instantaneous Acceleration".


Instantaneous Acceleration: Acquiring the 3rd level "Acceleration Art", in addition to the normal casting method, you can also spend a "bonus action" or "reaction action" to instantly activate the "Acceleration Art" during the battle, and there is no need to spend extra magic points.


Under normal circumstances, the caster must first learn the super magic feat of "Instant Spell Casting", and spend an additional 8 points of mana as the price of super magic before casting spells instantly in battle.

Considering that the upper limit of the mana invested in a spellcasting cannot be higher than the casting level, unless one acquires specialties such as "Proficient Spellcaster" to increase the casting level, otherwise a person who wants to achieve the instant 3-level "acceleration technique" must at least To have 15 casting levels, the difficulty is very high!

"Fast Swordsman" is an exception.

When you reach level 12, you will automatically learn the "acceleration technique", not to mention, it also comes with instant casting, and you can turn on or off the acceleration state at any time during the battle.

Considering that the professional ability of "Swordsman" also includes speed-enhancing skills such as "dexterous movement" and "gale movement", and then "acceleration" is turned on, the moving speed will be unimaginably fast!

In fact, the biggest feature of the profession of "Rapid Swordsman" is the ultimate pursuit of speed.

Gao Fei thought about it, if he was singled out with Umberto, a level 12 "Rapid Swordsman", excluding those evil means of exploiting loopholes in the game rules, the chance of winning would be less than [-]%.

There is no reward job in this chapter, but the three candidate reward specialties make Gao Fei's eyes shine: "Weapon Specialization", "Great Cleave", and "Multiple Attacks".

"Multiple attacks?!"

Gao Fei was stunned.

He is no stranger to this specialty, but it only appeared on monsters and NPCs in the past.

Gao Fei himself had never seen this option in the list of reward specialties, and none of his friends from the special police team, Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Ma Tao, etc., had taken this specialization.

Even on the "Tianren Forum", there are so many discussion posts about rewarding specialties, but no player seems to provide conclusive evidence that he really got the "multiple attack" in the game.

So for a long time, the special police including Gao Fei had two kinds of guesses about the "multiple attacks":
This feat is either exclusive to NPCs and monsters, and cannot be obtained by players; or it belongs to the category of legendary feats.

Until now, the above two conjectures have been overturned by the facts in front of Gao Fei.

"Multiple attacks" can be learned by players, and it is not a legendary feat. The reason why no one has seen it before is more likely because the game design department has disputes over this issue and does not want to put this feat into the rewards of the module. list.

As a regular specialty, "Multiple Attacks" is too strong, unlike "Standing Standing", there are several troublesome pre-feats, the learning cost is too low and the benefits are too high.

But treating it as a "Legendary Specialty" is a bit unqualified.

Now it seems that the game design department of Tiangong has decided to put "Multiple Attacks" into the reward list, which is of course good news for the majority of players.

But Gao Fei is not clear, all modules have the opportunity to get "multi-attack", or only a very small number of customized modules or super long modules can enjoy this benefit?
Withdrawing his thoughts, Goofy looked at the detailed descriptions of the three bonus specialties.


Weapon Specialization: Choose one of the three weapon types of "Slash", "Puncture" or "Blunt Attack", and the damage caused will be added to the proficiency modifier.

This feat allows stacking with abilities such as Power Attack, Weapon Finesse, and Improved Shield Bash.


Great Cleave (pre-feature: Cleave): After the melee attack hits, spend a bonus action to add two melee attacks.

This feat does not stack with Cleave, but overrides and replaces the latter in the feat list.


Multiple attacks (precondition: proficiency bonus ≥ 4): Take a standard action to launch two consecutive attacks with a weapon or natural weapon against a target, or attack two different hostile targets separately.

This feat is allowed to be superimposed with abilities such as "Cleave", "Quick Shot", "Great Cleave", and "Multiple Shot".

If the character is good at other types of "multiple attacks", such as the "multiple attacks" talent that comes with dragon creatures, you can choose to use it according to the actual combat situation.


"Weapon Specialization" is similar to "Weapon Specialization", which can be selected multiple times, each time selecting a weapon type.

It's worth noting that Weapon Specialization doesn't conflict with damage-boosting feats like Power Attack.

If a person masters both "weapon specialization" and "powerful attack", the double proficiency correction can be counted in the damage caused by the melee attack.

Next is "Great Cleave", a high-level alternative to "Cleave", which is the melee equivalent of "Multiple Shot".

It comes with a double combo of actions, which is quite excellent, and Gao Fei couldn't help but feel a little excited.

After taking a closer look, I suddenly found that this specialty is gray - it can be selected as an elective, but it cannot be used.

This is why?

Gao Fei thought for a while before he figured it out.

If you want to learn "Great Slashing", you must first master the pre-specialty "Slashing".

Gao Fei's current role, the 10th-level "imitator" Musk Justice, has never learned "Clicking" at all. Under normal circumstances, he would not be able to take "Great Chopping".

However, as long as Gao Fei puts on the "Warrior Mask", he can use the professional ability that comes with this "magic mask" to obtain the specialty of "Slashing" and meet the prerequisites for learning "Great Slashing".

(End of this chapter)

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