Savior Simulator

Chapter 1054 Lore

Chapter 1054 Lore
The "Archangel" offensive is not over yet.

With the help of the anti-gravity field under his feet, Umberto rose to the vicinity of the roof, turned like a dexterous swallow in the air, and shot down with his backhand in a head-to-foot posture!
The gunshot rang out, and a large cloud of blood burst out from Saratus' forehead.

Two swords and one spear, counting the special effect of the critical strike, and deducting the 10 points of damage-reducing armor of the glamor, Umberto's smooth attack in this round caused a total of 85 points of damage to the glamor!
Saratus's remaining HP was less than 30 points, plus he was blind, knowing that if he continued to fight, he would commit suicide, so he simply canceled the "anti-gravity field", and rushed out of the church based on the impression he had before he lost his sight.

The gravity field suddenly reversed, and Umberto, who was standing on the ceiling, was also caught off guard. He quickly swung his sword and stabbed into the pillar beside him, using his strength to stabilize the center of gravity so as not to fall from the ceiling.

When Umberto stabilized his center of gravity and looked back, Saratus had already smashed open the door and fled into the corridor.

Seeing that Saratus was about to escape successfully, the ground under his feet suddenly trembled violently.

Gao Fei's incarnation of the earth elemental giant broke through the ground, holding swords in both hands, struggling to pick up.

A 4-meter-long frost sword suddenly protruded from Milumo's crotch, and pierced through the crotch in an instant, with the sharp edge reaching deep into the abdominal cavity.


"Soul Connoisseur" Saratus uttered a final desperate wail, his huge body slammed down, blood spread on the corridor floor, the corpse disintegrated into a cloud of black smoke under Gao Fei's indifferent gaze, and his soul fled back to the infinite. bottom of the abyss.

Gao Fei sheathed his sword and transformed back into human form.

At the same time, the astrolabe sent a reminder:
"You have reached the milestone of the main task of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"


The imitator corresponds to the "mage mask" and "warlock mask", each adding a 3-level magic.

Gao Fei thought about it, and decided to use the "mage mask" to memorize the 3-ring "shelter hut" copied from Ma Yun.

As for the "warlock mask", he intends to imitate Lisa's 3rd ring "spiritual body guard" - this kind of multi-functional and multi-purpose magic that combines damage and field control, and moves with itself, has extremely high tactical value, It is more worth keeping than those spells with a single function.

After the imitator is upgraded, half of the corresponding 12 "magic masks" have developed new abilities.

"Rogue mask", sneak attack damage roll increased to 5d6.

"Mask of the Priest," channeled energy healing increased to 5d6.

The types of "Ranger Mask" and "Nemesis" have been expanded from two to three.

"Monk mask", fighting spirit strike is further upgraded, unarmed attack and monk weapon, automatically get the four special effects of "magic", "cold iron", "alchemy silver" and "fine gold", which can penetrate most of the world Monster's damage reduction armor.

What comes next is the big game.

"Paladin Mask", awakening "Aura of Firmness" from level 10, once activated, you and your allies within 30 feet around are immune to enchantment spells below legend, or supernatural abilities that cause enchantment!
This also means that as long as the paladin activates the "Aura of Firmness", he can almost perfectly restrain the spells of the "Confusion Control School", such as the "Confusion" and "Law · Shock" of the Glauber, both of which are in the "Aura of Firmness". "Creatures under shelter don't work.

The Paladin also has a "Courage Aura", which can be activated at the same time as the "Firmness Aura", without conflicting with each other.

From now on, Gao Fei will be immune to the negative states of "Fear" and "Confusion" at the same time by wearing the "Paladin Mask" and stepping on the double aura. Except for very few exceptions, it is equivalent to a constant "spiritual barrier" !
Finally, Goofy's "Berserker Mask" also experienced a qualitative breakthrough from level 10, and "Rage" was upgraded to "Great Rage".

During the duration of the "Great Rage", strength and constitution are +6 each, and immunity to negative mental states.

As for the "Exhaustion" debuff after the berserk ends, Gao Fei doesn't need to care about it at all. The "Imitator" has too many ways to relieve fatigue, such as the "First Aid" of the "Warrior Mask" and the "Inspirational Song" of the "Poet Mask". ".

Gao Fei's magic pet "Eye of the Bead" Pearl, along with the owner, has been upgraded to a level, HP+5 (48), charm attribute +1 (21), natural armor +1 (5).

After the Hit Dice rose to 10HD, Pearl finally ushered in the first evolution in life!
This subspecies of beholder seemed to have shed a layer of shell, and the original uneven purple-black exoskeleton became radiant and round, shining like an amethyst.

After completing the evolution, Pearl's body shape remained unchanged, her agility and charisma attributes were increased by 2 points, her natural armor was +2, and she also awakened three new abilities: "magic resistance", "wild intuition" and "multiple attacks".

Needless to say the first two items, Gao Fei was most surprised by Pearl's "Multi-Attack", which could launch two "Eye Rays" per round, and the maximum range was increased from 60 feet to 120 feet.

Lisa is the well-deserved protagonist of this chapter, and the role she played even stole the limelight from Goofy, the male protagonist. After the battle, she was naturally promoted to level 9 "Judger".

HP+7 (63), proficiency correction +1 (4), channeling 5d6, two new 4-level magic spells, and a very interesting new ability "dispel deformation".


Dispel Polymorph: Spend a channel of energy to dispel and suppress polymorph effects on hostile creatures within 30 feet for 1 minute/caster level.


The "transformation" effect here includes not only transformation magic such as "transfiguration", "transfiguration" and "malicious transformation", but also similar supernatural abilities, such as druid's "wild transformation", and beast The talent to change human form.

Generally speaking, the scope of application of "Dispelling Transformation" is relatively narrow, but if you really encounter monsters who are naturally good at changing appearances such as shapeshifters, lycanthropes, vampires, hostile druids, or specialized wizards of the transformation department, this one Tricks can play a key role!

In fact, Gao Fei's exclusive profession "imitator", its professional ability includes "transformation", and it relies heavily on various transformation tactics.

If one day I accidentally offended Lisa and was "dispelled and deformed" by this eldest lady... that would be quite uncomfortable.

Gao Fei wiped off his cold sweat, and suddenly thought that after Lisa learned "Dispel Transformation", Brother Musk will be her fiancé, and the "family position" in the future can be imagined.

The 9th-level "judgment" can learn two 4th-level magic spells, one of which is "anti-evil" from the "judgment field"-that is, an upgraded version of the 1st-level spell "protection from evil".

(End of this chapter)

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