Savior Simulator

Chapter 1026 Fake it

Chapter 1026 Fake it
"You have reached the milestone of the main plot of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

After the battle in the spider web pit, Xiao Ma was promoted to a level 11 "artificial craftsman", HP+4 (46), learned the professional ability "advanced activation technique", which is the 5th ring "item activation technique", At most, it can activate objects whose volume reaches "huge" and temporarily transform them into constructed organisms.

Starting from level 11, artificers can analyze, transcribe, and learn 5th-level magic.

In addition to the "item activation technique" that comes with the profession, there are five fifth-level spells in Ma Yun's magic book for study, namely: "Break the Barrier", "Manipulate the Wind Direction", "Mirage", and "Teleportation". and "Malicious Transfiguration".

Among these spells, the one that needs to be learned first is the 5th level "Teleportation". Except that it cannot cross planes, it is basically the teleportation magic with the best performance.

The second priority is "Barrier Breaking", which can remove most negative abnormal states, including permanent "Curse", "Petrification" and "Malicious Transformation".

本章出尽风头的雄狮迪米特里, 晋升6级“勇士”,HP+12(141);力量属性+1(26),还获得了“健壮”的后续专长“强心健体”。


Strong mind and body (prerequisite: robustness): Characters who have mastered this feat will automatically obtain the proficiency items of toughness, reflex and will saving throws. Proficiency in correction.


The "Warrior" profession comes with "Fortitude" and "Will" two kinds of immunity proficiency. After Dimitri learns "Strong Heart and Fitness", when performing the above two kinds of immunity, he will get double proficiency correction, so that As far as the current level is concerned, that is +8!


Starting from level 6, the sneak attack damage dice of the "trickster" rises to 3d6. There is also a more important change that can be called a radical change, that is, you can choose a school and specialize in related spells.

Before that, tricksters could only learn the spells of the two schools of "Illusion" and "Confusion". They were good at pretending to be gods and tricks, but they suffered from a lack of hard power, especially the lack of attack methods. But it can't do high damage.

Now with a chance to choose an "extra school", the trickster finally stood up!

Under Ma Yun's strong recommendation, Weta chose the "Evocation School" - magic that involves invoking elemental energy, especially lethal magic, such as "Fireball", mostly belongs to the "Evocation School".

In Ma Yun's magic book, the following 0~2 level evocation spells are recorded:

0th—fire arrows, prestige, dancing lights;

1st Ring - Magic Missile, Thunder Wave, Electric Claw, Burning Hand;

2nd—searing ray, gust of wind;
Weta can transcribe and learn all of the above spells and include them in his spell list.

At present, what Weta needs to learn most urgently is the 2nd ring "Scorching Ray".

After learning "Scorching Ray", you can cooperate with "Invisibility" and "Sneak Attack" skills to deal high damage. From a supporting role on the battlefield, you can immediately transform into an explosive main attacker.


A 6th-level "Judger" can choose a 2nd-level divine spell.

Nick is equipped with "Spell Clockwork (Lightning Beam)", which is sufficient as a means of remote output, and is more inclined to play more auxiliary roles in the team.

After listening to Jiang Feng's suggestion, he chose the 2nd ring "Guardian".

The Tin Woodman has a strong defense, with up to 118 HP, and can also use "Complete Repair" to repair his own damage, just like a steel fortress on the battlefield.

In contrast, Xiao Ma, a pure mage, only has 11 health points when he reaches level 46. He is too fragile, and he will be killed instantly if he is not careful.

The Tin Woodman blesses her with a "Guardian", which establishes a life chain, and Ma Yun's life is equivalent to doubling her life, which can just make up for her only shortcoming as a crispy mage.

The reward feats in this chapter are all super magic series, choose one of the three "magic extension", "spell shaping" and "spell fixed hair".


Spell Extended: For every 2 points of mana spent when casting a spell, the range of the spell will be doubled.

Spell shaping: Spend 2 extra points of mana when casting a spell, and you can delineate several safe zones within the effective area of ​​the spell, which will be free from the effects of the spell.

Spell Fixed Shot: Spend 2 more magic points when casting a spell, exempting the casting gesture.


These three metamagic specialties have different application scenarios.

Needless to say, "magic extension" is simply extending the range of spells, which is upright and simple.

The value of "spell shaping" is to cooperate with group attack spells to avoid accidental injury to one's own personnel.

The application of "Spell Fixation" is relatively narrow, and it is usually only suitable for two scenarios:

Both hands have been occupied by weapons and cannot be free, or they are wearing heavy armor and cannot flexibly make gestures to cast spells.

The arm is injured and unable to gesture freely, or the hands are tied and cannot move.

From these three supermagic feats, the most practical one is "magic augmentation". However, after careful weighing, Xiao Ma finally chose "magic shaping".

In the game, she does not lack long-range attack spells, but in reality, she can use firearms + infusion bullets to increase the range of spells.

In contrast, she cares more about the teammates around her, and avoids accidental injury from the spells she releases.

The most typical of these is the "thunder wave", which spreads in a radius of 15 feet (5 meters) from the caster itself, causing 3d6 thunder damage, and blowing away all surrounding objects and creatures.

When the mage is approached by the enemy, he often needs to use the extremely fast "thunder wave" to protect himself and shake the enemy away from him.

It would be fine if there were enemies all around, but if there were allies who were also blown away by the "thunder wave", the consequences would be disastrous.

Learn "Spell Shaping" to avoid this embarrassing situation. When casting a spell, draw the allies around you into a safe zone and only cause damage to the enemy.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were not idle when Xiao Ma raised his level and selected rewards for clearing the level. They searched the bottom of the cobweb pit carefully, found the treasury of the Ares Party, pried open the lock, disarmed the trap, and searched Make a lot of ill-gotten gains.

This generous harvest includes gold and silver jewelry, antiques, and artworks worth a total of 20000 Gold Durga, as well as 1 pound of industrial magic crystals brought by the spider elves from the dark area rich in magic crystal veins, and Ari The five magic scrolls that Si carried with him.

(End of this chapter)

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