Savior Simulator

Chapter 1025 Carbine

Chapter 1025 Back to the Carbine

Ma Yun was taken aback by his whimsical idea, and hesitated for a while before answering: "Theoretically, it should be possible, but the risk is too great! Directly teleporting to the enemy, isn't that the same as taking the initiative to send them to the door to be beaten?"

"As long as it can be teleported in, the risk is worth taking!" Jiang Feng became excited, urging his boyfriend: "Take me to the 'shelter hut' quickly, and kill a wave of carbine!"

While casting spells, Gao Fei told his teammates about the next plan: "Wait a minute, let's divide into two groups. Comrade Xiao Jiang and I, together with the lion and tiger, will teleport to Ares' 'shelter hut' together. The thief is the first to capture the king!"

"At the same time, the richest man, you lead Vita and Nick to stay here, try your best to deal with the Giant Mosquito Corps, and help our surprise attack team buy time."

"Brother Fei, it's safer to go with the sand golem!" Ma Yun said worriedly.

Gao Fei shook his head and smiled, rejecting her offer.

"In the next battle, you will take more risks than us. Now, transform the sand golem into an armored form and wear it on your body. When you are besieged by giant mosquitoes later, you can at least last for a while."

Ma Yun had to admit that Gao Fei's analysis was very reasonable, so she followed his advice and ordered the sand golem to attach to her body surface, integrating man and machine.

At the same time, Gao Fei had blessed himself, Jiang Feng, Dimitri, and Janet with the "Acceleration Technique", and finally gave himself an "Advanced Invisibility Technique", and then opened the "Any Door", according to the astrolabe The recorded battlefield map is sent to the coordinates of Ares' "shelter hut".

A circle of silver light enveloped Gao Fei and the others, and then disappeared collectively.

Just three seconds later, the beam of teleportation light rose from the center of the refuge hut, and the landing point was just behind Ares and the three spider elves.

Ares was the first to notice the magic fluctuations behind him, and subconsciously looked back, his shocked eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets!

Right under his nose, in the glowing teleportation array, three vague figures are emerging.

"Quick! Destroy these assassins!"

Ares is maintaining the concentration of "flying insects and beasts" in casting spells. He can't spare any extra energy to cast spells himself, so he can only rely on the two subordinates beside him to fight against the sudden intruder.

The two spider elves also seemed panicked, and hurriedly pulled out their long swords, protecting Ares behind them.

Before they could make a move, the lion Dimitri and the tigress Janet roared and rushed forward, entangled a spider elf respectively.

Holding two swords in his hands, Jiang Feng activated "Ghost Strike", scarlet light appeared in his beautiful eyes, and his pretty face was murderous, like a female death god, striding towards Ares.

Iris hurriedly raised the scepter, muttering something.

Jiang Feng took a step forward with a sneer, and his fit figure was like a flash of lightning, approaching the warlock in an instant, and at the same time, there was a bright sword light like a galaxy all over the sky!
Ares evaded desperately, but barely avoided one sword. The subsequent two swords stabbed him, leaving two shocking wounds on his chest and ribs, and the blood spurted like a fountain.

Jiang Feng drew his sword and retreated, taking advantage of the opportunity to make up a "flame strike", covering the screaming Ares in a golden pillar of fire.

This wave of raids, two of the three swords, including the sneak attack special effects, "Magic Injury Technique" and "Magic Fighting Flame Strike", although it did not trigger a critical strike, it also caused tons of damage to Ares.


Ares struggled to escape the pillar of fire, with only 20 health points left.

Seeing the female evil star with two swords on the opposite side chasing him again, Ares had to grit his teeth and cheer up, trying to cast a "thunder wave" to shake Jiang Feng away to gain a chance to escape.

However, when he raised his hand to cast a spell, he was horrified to find that the surging magic power in his body had been emptied!

To be precise, it was the spell "Thunder Wave" that somehow disappeared from his mind.

Jiang Feng didn't miss the opportunity and caught up with him and swung his sword.

The Twilight Sword pierced Ares' throat like a trailing comet.

A sword seals the throat!
Ares collapsed to the ground with an expression of disbelief, and stopped breathing.

At the same time, Gao Fei's figure emerged from behind Ares' body.

After the teleportation, Gao Fei did not directly participate in the battle, but used the "advanced invisibility technique" to lurk, opened the "eye of insight", and secretly observed Ares' spell list.

As a level 8 warlock, Avis is good at many spells, including the innate spells of the spider elves:


0th—dancing lights, detect alignment, detect magic, daze, mage hand, ray of freezing;
1st ring - Faerie Fire, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Thunder Wave, Grease;

Level 2 - Levitation, Invisibility, Spider Web, Attribute Enhancement, Resistance to Energy Damage, Flying Insects and Beasts;
3rd—deep darkness, suggestion, lightning bolt, dominance of vermin, shelter;

After a little observation, Gao Fei determined the target of attack - thunder wave, control insects, refuge hut and deep darkness.

Stealing "Thunder Wave" was in anticipation that Ares could only use this spell to try to repel Jiang Feng, who was already close, and fight for a chance to escape.

The last three spells are what Gao Fei is really interested in.

It's a pity that Gao Fei doesn't have extra spell-stealing slots to keep the spells he stole from Ares just now, and he is reluctant to give up the existing spells, which is very tangled.

After some difficult choices, I finally had to reluctantly give up the "refuge hut" and "dominate insects", and only keep a 3-ring "deep darkness" to replace the existing 2-ring "darkness".


3rd "Deep Darkness" (Evocation): Touching a creature or object creates a 60-foot-radius ward of darkness for up to 1 day/caster level.In this area, all natural light sources and lighting spells not higher than ring 3 will be suppressed.


Upgrade from the 2nd level "Darkness" to the 3rd level "Deep Darkness", the radius of the dark enchantment has expanded from 20 feet to 60 feet, and the duration of the spell has been greatly extended. In the game world, almost It is tantamount to permanent effect.

More importantly, "Deep Darkness" can be used to counter light magic, such as the 3rd ring "Daylight".

Other lower-level lighting magic, such as the 2nd level "Eternal Flame", 0th level "Dancing Lights" and "Lighting", are not to mention.


When Ares died, the "shelter hut" disintegrated, and the spider swarms summoned by his spell before, including the spiders temporarily enlarged by the "giant insect technique", all disappeared collectively.

Ma Yun took Vita, Nick, Sand Golem and Toto to assist the lion and the tigress to destroy the last two spider elves.

When the last spider elf was chopped down to the ground by the Tin Woodman wielding a battle axe, Ma Yun received the expected system prompt.

"You have reached the milestone of the main plot of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

(End of this chapter)

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