Savior Simulator

Chapter 102 The Hall of Wind

Chapter 102 The Hall of Wind
I am not a wronged person, how can I suffer such a disadvantage!

Gao Fei decisively changed his tactics, stomped his feet, and launched an "earth shock"!
The hard slate ground shattered under the feet of the berserker!
The shock wave spread, causing the red dragon sergeant to stagger back, and hurriedly supported the ground with an ax in his hand, barely gaining a foothold.

Gao Fei did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. He used this gap to put on the goggles, draw the magic power of the gauntlet of the fire dwarf, and cast the newly added 2nd-level "pyrotechnic technique" after completing the 2nd-level synchronization.

The spell "Pyrotechnics" is a bit weird. The target of the spell is not to designate a creature or a location. It must use a fire source as an introduction, and instantly pour high-concentration magic power to detonate the fire source, causing it to release strong light radiation or a large amount of choking smoke. .

So is there a source of fire for Goofy to cast spells on the battlefield?
Of course!
Isn't the red dragon sergeant who is surrounded by flames after the blessing of "Elemental Display" a living fire source in human form?

Gao Fei used the red dragon sergeant as the starting point of the spell, selected the flash mode, and cast the "firework spell" with a wave of his hand.

In the next instant, the flames on Red Dragon Sergeant suddenly burst out with a strong light ten times stronger than the noon sun, illuminating the entire hall brightly.

Gao Fei put on the goggles in advance, and closed his eyes the moment the strong light burst out, avoiding the most violent stage of light radiation. After opening his eyes, he saw that the red dragon sergeant had dropped his battle axe, covered his face with his hands, and was wailing. Obviously blinded by the sudden burst of strong light.

Gao Fei grinned and walked over, imitating Jiang Feng's usual tricks, swung his tomahawk and slashed at the Red Dragon Sergeant's leg, breaking his leg bone and tripping to the ground, rushing forward and outputting crazily until he killed him.

The red dragon sergeant's body disintegrated into a ball of flame, which was extinguished in an instant, leaving only a battle axe.

Gao Fei picked up the battle axe, identified it with the astrolabe, and confirmed that it was a +1 enchanted weapon, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

It's not easy!The entire adventure module has been opened halfway, and I finally got a handy enchanted weapon.

Gao Fei put on his newly acquired battle axe and groped in the foggy hall. He first found Jiang Feng, Eve and Mu Ning who had already defeated their respective opponents, and then searched for the two scared away Dragon Tooth Soldiers.

After killing all the remaining enemies, the dragon head relief on the ceiling of the "Hall of Fire" stopped spewing steam, and lowered a folding escalator leading to the 4th floor of the Keel Tower.

"The second floor is the hall of water, and the third floor is the hall of fire. According to this model, the fourth floor is either the hall of earth or the hall of wind." Gao Fei guessed from the stairs.

"That's right, the gate on the fourth floor leads to the Hall of Wind." Jiang Feng's answer came from upstairs, "I have already removed the door lock and the electric shock trap hidden in the door, but you'd better bless the 'Electric Resistance Barrier' in advance." '."

Why bless the "Electricity Barrier"?
Gao Fei and the others pushed open the door of the hall on the fourth floor, and looked inside to understand.

There was no stable light source inside the spacious hexagonal hall, and the occasional electric sparks flickering on the walls and floor provided some light, allowing them to glimpse the facilities inside the hall.

In the center of the floor stands a statue of a blue dragon made of steel, and crackling electric sparks are also frequently flashing in its eyes.

Gao Fei remotely controlled the "floating ball" and flew into the hall. With the help of more sufficient lighting, he found that the walls, ceiling and floor of the hall were densely covered with exposed copper wires like spider webs.

Electricity flows from the blue dragon statue's feet into a network of copper wires, and creatures in the hall, unless suspended in mid-air, take 1d6 points of electricity damage each round.

"Where is this 'Hall of Wind'? It's an electrocution room!" Jiang Feng was amazed.

Eve spent 20 points of magic power, cast spells 4 times in a row, and blessed herself and her companions with "Electric Resistance Barrier" one by one.

After getting ready, Gao Fei walked into the Hall of Wind first.

The spurs on the boots touched the electrified copper grid on the floor, sparking a string of sparks.Fortunately, the current is not too strong to break through the anti-electric barrier.

Going around the hall, Gao Fei noticed five giant blue eggs placed side by side behind the blue dragon statue. He turned around and gestured to remind his companions to prepare for battle.

Electric sparks like small snakes flowed on the surface of the egg shell, as if sensing someone intruding in, the voltage filling the giant egg suddenly increased, causing the egg shell to crack open, and five figures hatched from it.

Four of them are Dragon Tooth Soldiers with the blood of the "Wind Subspecies", and they are naturally immune to electric shock damage.

The last hatched was the blue dragon sergeant, wearing a blue breastplate, wearing a blue dragon helmet, and holding an enchanted javelin that flickered with lightning.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and checked it. As he guessed, Sergeant Blue Dragon is a level 6 "Wind Elemental Warrior". His strength, physique, intelligence, perception and charm are similar to those of ordinary Dragon Tooth Soldiers, except that the agility attribute is as high as 20!

Jiang Feng was also looking at the monster illustrated book. When he saw the data of Sergeant Blue Dragon, he chatted privately with Gao Fei through the astrolabe: "Secretary Sergeant Blue Dragon has a high agility attribute, and most of them are taking the route of lightness. Why don't you let me deal with him?" ?”

Of course, Gao Fei knew that monks were more suitable for fighting against enemies of the agility department than berserkers, but after a little consideration, he still rejected Jiang Feng's proposal.

"As you said at the beginning, playing games is just a means of training. The real purpose is to accumulate experience and make up for one's own shortcomings by challenging difficult problems and powerful enemies in the game."

"The blue dragon sergeant is indeed the kind of enemy that I am not good at dealing with, but I don't want to escape this test, otherwise, if I encounter a similar guy in the real world in the future, without your help, I still have to rely on Own."

"It's true, instead of suffering in the real world in the future, it's better to suffer in the game world in advance. As the old saying goes, you can grow wiser if you suffer!"

Jiang Feng smiled understandingly, picked up the stick, bypassed Sergeant Lanlong, and assisted Eve and Mu Ning in dealing with the dragon tooth soldiers.

Gao Fei was too lazy to think about flower work, so he howled his hands first, at least to embolden himself.

The effect of "Bloody Battle Cry" was not as good as expected, and only one dragon tooth soldier was scared away by Gao Fei.

Sergeant Blue Dragon turned his head to look at him, his golden brown eyes seemed to be shining like lightning.At the same time, a strong air current was set off on the flat ground under his feet, circling and whistling around his body, forming an invisible atmospheric barrier.

Gao Fei saw that Sergeant Blue Dragon was inspiring "Elemental Demonstration", and that the "whirlwind barrier" surrounding his body would definitely play a key role in the ensuing battle, so he shot two "hot rays" first, trying to interrupt the opponent's attack. Skill.

It's a pity that Sergeant Blue Dragon's agility attribute is higher than that of Sergeant White Dragon, and his reaction is also sharper. As soon as he raised his hand here, the opponent jumped up, flying four meters high into the air!

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 300 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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