Chapter 101
After completing the 2nd-level coherent gauntlet of the fire elf, it will automatically fill up 6 rounds of charging, and can release 12 "scorching rays" or 6 "pyrotechnics".Especially the latter, which makes Gao Fei have endless reveries, it is worth designing some showy routines with "pyrotechnics" as the core of tactics!

After destroying the enemies in the hall, the cold air in the hall dissipated automatically, and there was a folding ladder leading upstairs in the corner of the wall.

Everyone rested for a while, received treatment, and then climbed up the escalator to the third floor of the keel tower.

The layout of the third floor is roughly the same as that of the second floor, and the closed red door leads to the "Hall of Fire".

With the experience just now, one can guess without opening the door that the interior of the "Hall of Fire" is as hot as a duck stewing oven!
"Eve, in the next battle, if someone is injured, let Master Su use 'qi therapy' to heal it. You should save some of your magic power and use it to bless everyone with 'resistance to energy damage'."

Goofy said to the druid girl.

"Okay, Brother Basaka."

While agreeing, Eve took a picture of "Fire Resistance Barrier" on Gao Fei's body.

Jiang Feng pried open the door lock of the "Hall of Fire" and released the trap.

Eve's sisters blessed their companions with fire-resistant buffs one by one, and finally Gao Fei stepped forward to open the door and led the team into the "Hall of Fire".

Under the illumination of the "floating ball", Gao Fei found that except for the wall with the door, there were gorgeous reliefs of red dragon heads on the other three walls and the ceiling in the hall.

The hall was originally pitch black, but shortly after everyone passed the threshold, two oil lamps were lit in the eye sockets of the dragon head relief on the wall, and the dragon head relief on the ceiling slowly opened its throat, and every other round (6 seconds), it moved toward A large cloud of scorching steam erupted from the hall.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng received a notification from the system at the same time that they would suffer 1d6 points of burns if they were touched by the high-temperature steam sprayed from the top of their heads.

This was completely within their expectations, and the "Fire Resistance Barrier" blessed in advance was not wasted.

In addition to causing burns, the turbid steam emitted by the dragon head relief continued to accumulate, making the entire "Hall of Fire" foggy like a bathhouse.

Gao Fei felt that his vision was limited, and everything two meters away became blurred.

Fighting in such an environment, both the enemy and the enemy are equivalent to gaining the "concealment" effect, and both melee and long-range attacks have a 20% miss penalty.

Among Gao Fei and his party, Mu Ning and Jiang Feng were hardly affected by the steam.

Mu Ning relies on his sensitive sense of smell instead of eyes to sense the movement of the outside world.

Jiang Feng had learned the "Tian Er Tong", which allowed him to use his hearing to catch slight changes in the surrounding airflow when his vision was limited, and he immediately noticed the abnormal noise coming from the center of the hall.

Under Jiang Feng's reminder, Gao Fei, Eve, and Mu Ning groped their way forward in the steam-filled hall, and they saw five giant red eggs popping out at some time in the center of the hall, and their shells were crackling.

Jiang Nvxia stopped talking about martial arts, raised her hand and blasted "hot light" at a giant egg, intending to strike first and strangle the enemy in the embryo, but it didn't cause the slightest harm.

After reading the system prompts, I learned that the blood of the giant egg was locked by the system before it hatched, and it could not be destroyed by any means.

Jiang Feng's attempted sneak attack wasted 6 points of true qi, and he stomped his feet in remorse.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, five giant eggs shattered one after another, and four dragon tooth soldiers and a "red dragon sergeant" in fiery red armor and holding a long-handled battle ax were hatched from them.

Before the other party launched an attack, Gao Fei quickly opened the astrolabe to check, and found that the four Dragon Tooth Soldiers and the Red Dragon Sergeant belonged to the "Fire Subspecies" and all had a "fog vision" Special ability, vision is not affected by obstacles such as steam and thick smoke, no wonder they are responsible for guarding the "Hall of Fire" filled with scalding steam.

The Red Dragon Sergeant is a level 6 "Fire Elemental Warrior" with a strength attribute of 24, and other attributes are exactly the same as the Dragon Tooth Soldier.

The red dragon sergeant only wore a set of refined breastplate, held a +1 enchanted battle ax in both hands, and was not equipped with a shield, so his defense level was only 21, not only inferior to the white dragon sergeant, but also inferior to ordinary dragon tooth soldiers .

As a berserker, Gao Fei's biggest headache was the agility opponent like Jiang Feng, who was smoother than the loach, followed by the iron-clad bastard who pierced armor and held a shield with super high defense.

The red dragon sergeant is a high-strength and two-handed giant weapon. It belongs to the "violent style" that sacrifices defense and strengthens damage. It is exactly the same as Gao Fei's own fighting style. Even the weapon is the same long-handled battle ax as Gao Fei. It's the type he's least afraid of.

"Brother, your ax is good, can you lend me it?"

Gao Fei hooked his fingers at Sergeant Red Dragon, successfully taunted him, and then let out a roar!

The red dragon sergeant was a small boss after all, so he wasn't frightened by him, but the four dragon tooth soldiers behind him, two of them were shocked by the "bloody battle cry", so frightened that they left their companions and ran away.

Jiang Feng, Eve, and Mu Ning took the opportunity to rush up to deal with the remaining two Dragon Tooth Soldiers.

Gao Fei stopped the Red Dragon Sergeant alone, planning to make friends with him with an axe!
Just like the white dragon sergeant, the red dragon sergeant first added the double buffs of "Elemental Weapon" and "Elemental Demonstration" to himself. The former increased his battle ax by an additional 2d6 fire damage, while the latter generated flames around his body. , causing 1d6 fire damage to opponents who try to attack themselves with melee weapons.

Relying on his "fire-resistant barrier" body protection, Gao Fei didn't regard the flaming red dragon sergeant as a difficult enemy at first, so he turned on "Rage" and rushed directly to attack.

However, after several rounds of fighting, he had to correct his first impression and admit that he underestimated this opponent.

It was only when he fought that he realized that the most powerful thing about the red dragon sergeant was not the flaming battle ax with extremely high damage, nor the flaming barrier surrounding his body, but a reckless two-handed giant ax warrior like him, Even proficient in defensive counterattack!
You are really Zhang Fei's embroidered flowers, thick and thin!
To be precise, the defense level of the Red Dragon Sergeant is not good, not much better than Gao Fei's Berserker, the key is that this guy has mastered a rather perverted specialty called "Tit for Tat"!
Tit for Tat: When you are attacked, expend a Reaction Action to immediately launch a melee counterattack with advantage on attack rolls.

Gao Fei's own "reaction action" can only be used to attack by chance, and it is useless in the scene where the two sides are fighting each other.

The Red Dragon Warrior was completely different. After receiving a high-flying axe, he immediately swung his ax back as a conditioned reflex, and it was his next turn.

The pursuit moves that Gao Fei is good at include "Attack Like a Tide" and "Following the Trend". The Red Dragon Sergeant is still proficient, and he also has "Tit for Tat", which gives him one more chance to counterattack every round, and his blood is thicker than him...

Going on like this, Gao Fei was convinced that he must be the one who rushed to the street first.

(End of this chapter)

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