Chapter 757
A company that has just seen benefits and is making a lot of money.

Now, you want to take the initiative to give up profits?
Luo Xuan's actions stunned everyone present.

The other leaders were not easy to ask because of their sympathy.

After all, everyone doesn't know much about this new type of modular furniture.All I know is that this kind of furniture sells well and can make a lot of money.

Leader Wei pondered for a moment and asked, "Tell me about a specific win-win cooperation method?"

Luo Xuan said, "I'm going to teach the techniques of painting, baking, and color mixing to those furniture factories in neighboring counties who are willing to cooperate with us."


As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!

It is necessary to teach them how to combine these furniture, how to cut the painted solid wood boards, and even teach those brothers who are willing to cooperate with Shilipu Tianjing Fashion Furniture Factory.

Everyone can barely accept this.

After all, when an insider sees these furniture and asks them to disassemble it a few times, it won't take long for the technicians in the furniture factory in the neighboring county to be able to do it.

Anyway, teaching or not teaching is the same.

The technical content of the assembled furniture itself is not high, and those with a little stronger hands-on ability can do it after just a few glances.

Next, how to cut the pre-painted and baked solid wood boards in the production process?

In order to pursue the maximum efficiency of use, so as to control the production cost.

The technical content of this link is slightly higher.

If Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory did not teach these skills to the other party, their production cost would definitely be higher than that of Shilipu.

But even in the process of cutting, they waste a lot of wood and paint, resulting in higher production costs.

However, compared to a set of modular furniture that can easily cost hundreds of dollars, this little bit of cost rises.

is totally tolerable.

After all, according to the "Cost Accounting Report" of Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory.

For every 100 yuan furniture sold by the furniture factory, the gross profit rate exceeds 40%!

Supported by such a high profit, the furniture factory even removes the depreciation of machinery and equipment, as well as labor wage costs, and retirement benefits.

The net profit that can really be obtained is also quite considerable.

Especially if the furniture factory can increase its market share and sales in the future.

The production cost of a single product will definitely drop a lot.


Just because if the number of employees of the enterprise remains unchanged, these fixed expenses are roughly fixed.

This is equivalent to making the denominator larger and the numerator not smaller, so the proportion will definitely change a lot.

Since the furniture factory has such a high gross profit, how can it not attract the attention of Zhimi County?
To know,
Most of the huge profits generated by this furniture factory are handed over to the local finance.

Shilipu Commune has money.

Zhimi County's finances will inevitably be much better.

But now,
Luo Xuan wants to teach others all the techniques of painting, baking, and cutting raw materials?
"Yes, trade technology for their market."

Luo Xuan explained: "First of all, we must be mentally prepared to make concessions to others, and discuss a bottom line in advance.

Only in this way will we prevent our representatives sitting at the negotiating table from discussing sales matters with these brother counties.

He was completely confused, and he didn't know what to insist on and what to compromise. "

Leader Wei discussed with the responsible departments for a while, and finally agreed to Luo Xuan's proposal.

"Counties that allow our furniture factory to reach 50 truckloads of goods to enter their sales channels smoothly every year, we can transfer the technological process I just mentioned to their furniture factory."

Luo Xuan explained his solution in detail to the leaders of Zhimi County: "If we can allow our furniture factory, more than 100 vehicles of goods per year, to enter the distribution channel of the county.

I am going to teach them a whole set of furniture production process for free. "

Jian Teng frowned: "Director Luo, are you referring to all the core technologies including the design of the paint shop, paint color matching data, and even the painting process?"

Luo Xuan nodded: "Yes, all the crafts. Including all the confidential data, teach them without reservation."

"This..." Jian Teng hesitated for a while, but after all he didn't say anything, let alone expressed any objection.

Teach the apprentice, starve the master to death, this concept is deeply ingrained in everyone's mind.

Luo Xuan single-handedly rescued Jian Teng from the black coal mine.

Moreover, Jian Teng has become a high-ranking factory director from a laborer who cannot even guarantee his survival.

To say something inappropriate:
For Jian Teng, Luo Xuan's kindness and rebirth of parents are not too much.

Therefore, whatever decision Luo Xuan made, Jian Teng would unreservedly support it.

Even if Luo Xuan said that there is a cliff ahead, you have to jump off for me. I guess Jian Teng would not hesitate to jump off.

Jian Teng didn't say anything.

But the leaders here can't sit still!
The director of the office said anxiously: "How is this possible? Comrade Luo Xuan! If you do this, isn't it too short-sighted?"

The director of the planning committee nodded: "Yes, this move is inappropriate. Although market share is very important, but! As long as the core technology is in our hands, our furniture factory can continue to develop steadily and steadily."


The leader of the Finance Bureau clapped his legs and seconded: "In neighboring counties and cities, although our sales are hindered, there are customers who come to our Zhimi County to pull furniture.

If these core technologies are taught to others.

Wait until the furniture factories in those brother counties also produce furniture exactly like ours
At that time, who else will we sell to?This can really be regarded as a problem of breeding tigers! "

Leader Wei is also worried: after the furniture factories in other counties have learned to produce this kind of combined furniture.

In order to seize market share, everyone will inevitably use price as a weapon to compete with each other.

After that,
How can Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory make high profits?

How can you maintain your position in the furniture market in Saibei?
Although Jian Teng has said just now, he still has many sets of new furniture styles, which are still in the drawing stage and have not been launched to the market.

But as long as those other furniture factories, they have learned the whole production process.

Then their style lags behind Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory. The gap in this aspect will be caught up by others sooner or later.

New furniture sales take a long time.

Others, more or less, can feel the pulse of some markets.

Sooner or later others will catch up with the trend in the design of furniture
According to the thoughts of everyone here, Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory, even if the market share is smaller.

The speed of making money, even if it is slower.

But the core technology must be firmly in your own hands, and you must never teach it to others.

In order to keep it secret, Zhimi County even set up a high-level security department for Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory.

The key areas of the security department to strictly guard against death, one is the spray painting workshop of the furniture factory, and the other is the paint mixing room.

Includes drying room.

It is also strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter.

Moreover, Jian Teng's dormitory and office were also listed as key protection areas.

It is difficult for ordinary people to approach.

Zhimi County, including Shilipu Commune, attaches so much importance to the protection of furniture factories and these areas.

It is mainly these departments that are the core parts of the furniture factory.

In the paint spraying room, an air compressor is used to compress the paint into a mist liquid and spray paint on the solid wood boards.

This is not high tech.

However, during this period, painting technology was just launched in Saibei, and it was completely a new technology.

This technology is only available in some large vehicle manufacturers.

Like some slightly smaller agricultural machinery factories and tractor factories, they either use manual painting.

Or use a very simple air compressor to paint the cabin.

Their purely manual and hand-operated mode results in uneven thickness and poor finish of the sprayed paint.

It's not that they can't make the paint surface smooth, smooth and highly reflective.

It's just that if you want to achieve the level of uniformity and brilliance of the paint in the furniture factory.

It needs skilled workers, carefully polished by hand, observed with naked eyes, and touched with hands.

Then through a little bit of repeated spraying, the painting effect of Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory can be achieved.

Then do some work.

It is okay to make small batches of customized products, but it is impossible to achieve large-scale production.

As for the painting equipment of Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory, a complete set of data was obtained after repeated experiments and adjustments of countless nozzles.

The furniture factory did not know how much paint was wasted just in terms of the thickness and uniformity of the spray paint.

It can be said that every fine-tuning in the experiment is a lot of money.

In this regard, it is equivalent to the research and development of new material technology, which can only go through countless tests and repeated experiments.

In order to solidify a whole set of data.

For example, when the room temperature is 20 degrees, what is the flow rate per second of the blue paint nozzle?
Different brands of paint have different particle diameters.

So how, in order to achieve the best formula?

What should be the respective flow rates and pressures of the nozzles of other colors that match it?
And when the room temperature in the painting workshop reaches 30 degrees, what should be the output pressure of each nozzle?
What should be the flow rate of the paint?

If in winter, the room temperature in the paint spraying workshop becomes minus 15 degrees, the paint at this time will become more viscous.

When encountering this situation, how to adjust the flow rate of the nozzle?
What is the pressure inside the air compressor?
Waiting for these details to adjust, there is no shortcut.

It is even more impossible to overtake on a curve.

The same reason: the paint workshop looks very simple, nothing more than a large oven, plus a few large industrial fans.

But for paint surfaces with different thicknesses, what kind of drying temperature should be used so that the paint will not flow or burst?
For different solid wood materials, different drying temperatures are also required.

For different woods and used in different regions, it requires different moisture content.

Only in this way can the combined furniture enter the customer's home.

The frame and door of the furniture, between the drawers, and the seams of the furniture will not crack.

There will be no deviation in size.

As for other people's furniture factories, they don't have this kind of awareness at all.

In order to keep the gap between the furniture door and the frame from being too serious, other furniture factories adopt a stupid method: thicken the wood of the board and frame.

Once it is thick, the degree of deformation of the furniture will not be too serious.

After customers buy it back, they can make do with it, so they don't dare to be so particular about it.

But the times are different now.

The pockets of the masses have become a lot more generous.

Now it is not like before. At that time, it was a period of pure commodity shortage.

It's good to be able to buy things, and the big guys don't have a choice.

Now people have a higher pursuit of the quality of goods.

It is no longer feasible to use the stupid and black products of the past to fool them.


The painting and baking workshop of Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory seems simple, but in fact, if you want to do it well, the technical content is still quite high.

However, Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory has higher technical content, which has to be considered as paint mixing technology.

Only when the paint is mixed, the workers can maintain a consistent ratio, can the surface color of the furniture be uniform.

This is equivalent to later generations. Once the paint surface of those luxury cars is damaged, they must be returned to the original factory to make exactly the same paint surface.

Although the rigor required by the two is very different, the reason is the same.

Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory has a complete set of process for painting:

Under what temperature conditions, how many grams of various base colors should be added to the paint are strictly controlled by data.

Unlike other furniture factories, they operate purely on the experience of veteran workers.

Their paint mixing is equivalent to Chinese stir-fry.

A pinch of salt, a spoonful of vinegar, three star anises, some bean paste
But the problem is the spoon used to measure the vinegar, it is big or small; a little salt, how much is a little?
Doubanjiang is an appropriate amount, how can it be called an appropriate amount?

When to put which condiment to achieve the best effect?
This makes it difficult to operate.

Moreover, the old workers in this period still retain the traditional feudal thinking of old artists in their minds.

——In terms of technology, I always like to keep a hand.

But Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory is different.

In this factory, every process is purely based on fixed-line data to control the quality of products.

Therefore, these techniques of painting, baking and mixing are the core technologies of Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory.

These things, as early as when Jian Teng was still working in a cosmetics factory, he had already started to experiment.

But now,
Luo Xuan actually planned to teach these techniques to other furniture factories!
Isn't this equivalent to digging one's own grave?
Leader Wei is not unenlightened, nor is he the kind of person who doesn't see the big picture.

But when he heard about Luo Xuan's proposal, he also started to frown: "Comrade Luo Xuan, please tell me the real intention of your move first.

Only when you make your words clear and let all the leaders here know what they are doing, can you be willing to support the furniture factory in your commune. "

Luo Xuan didn't dare to hide anything from Leader Wei's questioning.

I had to reply honestly: "Leaders, the furniture market is huge! It's bigger than all of us imagined."

The world outside is vast.

The entire furniture industry is a big industry worth several trillion in the world.

Since the market share is so large, a mere Kaitian Jing fashion furniture factory is expected to have sales of less than one million yuan a year.

That being the case.

Why do you want brothers to fight against the wall, why do you have to roll inside?
Even in the entire Camel City area, everyone comes to produce furniture, thus forming a scale effect.

Even so,

The overall output value is just a drop in the ocean compared to the total sales.

As long as everyone has the courage to innovate and invest, they can create their own competitive products.

Why worry there is no market?
And if you want to become bigger and stronger, you need to set up checkpoints on the road to reject competition from others.

That definitely won't work.

If you want to become stronger and bigger, you can only advance bravely and catch up.

What competition are you afraid of? !

(End of this chapter)

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