Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 717 Failed to Save People

Chapter 717 Failed to Save People
The three sisters are really beautiful:

The eldest brother, Li Xue, had a fair complexion, and even after soaking in the dirty flood for so long, she couldn't cover her background, which was as smooth as fine porcelain.

Li Xue leaned slightly toward an apple face, with a pair of extremely sexy thin lips, and a thin groove on her lower lip, which looked so delicate and charming that it made people want to try it.

Her figure is a little bit plump, but she is fat and thin just right. She belongs to the kind of beauty who finds fat if she gains a point, and loses weight if she loses a point.

Li Xue's big eyes are full of tenderness and kindness. It may be because Li Xue is the eldest daughter of the family, and her demeanor reveals a sense of calmness and grandeur.

But this stability will not affect Li Xue's natural attractiveness as a beautiful woman.

Especially Li Xue's long legs, trembling upturned, exuding the alluring charm of a half-mature woman everywhere.

The second child, Li Li, is not as fair-skinned as her elder sister, and her face is long and a little bit like that of a foreigner. Compared with people from the Celestial Dynasty, her eye sockets are more three-dimensional, and the edges and corners of her face are more distinct.

Moreover, Miss Li Li's figure is taller than her sister's, and the proportions of all parts of her body are almost perfect.

Due to this period, everyone is using the No. 1 battery, and the quality is not too stable. Li Li is the same. Her bulging is looming under the cover of the wet clothes, which makes people unable to help but have infinite reverie.
The third eldest, Li Na, looks a little dark, petite and exquisite, with no obvious bumps, flat like a wooden stick, but extremely youthful.

Thick eyebrows, a three-dimensional and delicate face, and a skin that is extremely delicate at first glance, completely presenting the characteristics of a typical South Asian race.

Li Na seems to be affected by genetics, and usually has two older sisters, who bear the pressure of life for her.

Therefore, as the youngest daughter in the family, Li Na seems to have a particularly cheerful and lively personality.

Even when she walked, she seemed to be rhythmic and jumpy.

Especially a pair of small pointed bamboo shoots, people really have an irresistible urge to hold them in their hands, so that they can play with them.

The beauty of maturity is not found in Li Na.

But that kind of vitality and agility makes people look at it, and it really has a special feeling in my heart
What kind of people is this family?
Luo Xuan has been staying in the southern border for a long time, so he can naturally tell that although these three sisters belong to the same family, they are probably not of the same species!

The three sisters came to the embankment, and then Li Xue looked at Luo Xuan who was standing on a high place hesitantly.

There was a young man standing there in front of him, which made it difficult for Li Xue to decide for a while: Do you want to change clothes here?
What if, what if the other party doesn't realize it and has to look this way?

Well, now he is looking straight at his three sisters. This makes people feel a little scruples
"Wow, so handsome!"

The youngest, Li Na, was not afraid of Luo Xuan's existence at all, but her focus was on the other party's appearance.

Li Na walked a little wobbly, if it wasn't because of her exhaustion of physical strength, Li Na might still be able to jump down the ditch.

"Second sister, that person is so handsome!"

Li Na slipped down the ditch first, then turned around to help her second sister Li Li, "Come down, second sister, let's change our clothes first."

The second child, Li Li, glanced at Luo Xuan on the embankment, and said in a low voice, "He's handsome but he can't be eaten. Nana, our dad is still missing, so you're not worried about him?"

Li Na pouted: "That's your father. Anyway, I'll just call him uncle. But uncle, he's good at water, so he should be fine, right? Sister, why don't you come down? Wearing that wet padded jacket is really uncomfortable."

Li Xue also shuttled down the ditch, and began to unbutton his jacket hesitantly, but sighed worriedly: "I don't know how Dad is doing now, has the house in the school collapsed?"

"Oh sister, don't worry. Uncle's water quality is so good, it will be fine."

Li Na spoke quickly, and her movements were also quick, while she was talking, she had already pulled off her coat: "Uncle only has his students and his school in his heart, so he is reluctant to leave alone!
Uncle would rather send us away first than leave with us. How irresponsible!

In my opinion, if my uncle didn't rescue all the students, he wouldn't leave that crappy school. "

The boss, Li Xue, unbuttoned his shirt, and looked up at the embankment.

But at this time, the young man had already turned his head away from looking at his three sisters.

Li Xue, who felt more at ease, speeded up changing clothes: "Nana, don't say that. Although my father and you are not related by blood, my father has always regarded you as his biological daughter for so many years. treated."

"Oh, my dad is that kind of person."

The second child, Li Li, sighed: "The only hope he depends on for survival is our three sisters, that is, those 15 students.

If any of my dad's students had a casualty accident due to the flood this time, my dad would feel uncomfortable, and I'm afraid my dad will have to deal with it again. That kind of thing is really terrible. "

"Well, it's really scary when uncle is cleaned up."

The third child, Li Na, shuddered. I don't know if she was cold because she took off her clothes, or because she was scared by the terrible scene of her stepfather being cleaned up: "Oh, I hope uncle is safe. If we don't have uncle , I really don’t know how to live in the future.”

Just as the three sisters were chatting worriedly, they took the time to change their clothes.


From the top of the embankment came Luo Xuan's roar: "Quickly evacuate! Everyone, hurry up and evacuate by the riverside!"


The imaginary Wuding River in the Luoxuan space suddenly became turbid and monstrous, and a tide like a wall was rolling in from the upper reaches with lightning speed!

This is a very rare flood peak caused by the simultaneous failure of several dammed lakes upstream!
"Get out, get out now!"

Roaring, Luo Xuan jumped off the embankment, ready to pull the three sisters out of the ditch.

The embankment is inherently high, and the trench is deep.

The situation was critical, and Luo Xuan didn't care about the 7-8 meter drop, so he jumped off the top of the embankment!

"Puff" sound.

Luo Xuan fell heavily into the ditch!


The second child, Li Li, clutched her chest and screamed.

"What are you doing?!"

The eldest Li Xue quickly stretched out one hand to cover the gap between the legs of the third brother Li Na, while her other hand covered Li Na's small raised legs.He scolded angrily, "Get out of here! Otherwise, I'll yell."

"Scream, evacuate quickly!"

Luo Xuan was stunned, stood up unsteadily, and grabbed Li Xue's wrist with his hand: "The flood is coming, quickly evacuate to the embankment!"

"Ah—" Li Xue screamed.

At this time, Li Xue was as naked as her two younger sisters. As the eldest sister just now, she only cared about covering up the scenery for her younger sister Li Na. At this moment, she was pulled by Luo Xuan, and only then did she realize that she was also naked.
"Stop busy with that shit."

Luo turned around, ready not to look at Li Xue, but he gave Li Na, the third child, and Li Li, the second child next to her, a thorough look.

"Put on your clothes quickly and run!"

close your eyes,
Luo Xuan reminisced about the green grass that had just sprouted, and the other green wheat field, and said, "The tide is coming here soon, this ditch is definitely the hardest hit!"


The three sisters, who had just been submerged half dead by the flood, suddenly panicked, and hurriedly put on the padded jackets. They didn't care to button up the buttons, and hurriedly bent over to put on the trousers.

"That's too late!"

Luo Xuan shouted loudly, "Run quickly!"

As he spoke, Luo Xuan opened his eyes, reached out and grabbed Li Na and Li Li's wrists, and climbed up the dam, "That so-and-so, hurry up!"

The poor three sisters had their cotton jackets unbuttoned.

I wanted to reach out to cover my clothes, but the embankment was so steep that it would be impossible to climb up if I didn't use my hands and feet.

Don't cover the padded jacket, it's dangling again.
"You go up first!"

Luo Xuan pulled Li Na and Li Li from top to bottom, but he couldn't use his strength.

So he had no choice but to lag behind by two steps, let them crawl in front, and Luo Xuan himself pushed up from behind.


Li Na and Li Li both uttered a strange murmur: Where is this man's palm stretched?
——Fortunately, the other party is very young and handsome, otherwise, the two sisters would not turn around and slap each other!

"Come on, I'll lead you away."

Push Li Na and Li Li to the top edge of the embankment, there are already Bai Fugui's mother-in-law and Huang Xuan on it to meet them.

Luo Xuan turned his head, and stretched out his hand to Li Xue who was still struggling behind: "Hurry up! The flood is coming soon."


At this time, there was a thunderous noise in the distance, presumably it was the first wave of tide, which had already reached the river not far from Shilipu.

"Hurry up! Luo Xuan come up quickly, hurry up!"

Huang Xuan, who was on the top of the embankment, obviously heard the sound of the flood, and anxiously urged at this time: "It's really not possible, you come up first!"

Huang Xuan didn't say a word, that is: Luo Xuan, it's important that you run for your life first, never mind the girl behind you
Luo Xuan yelled: "Hurry up and give me your hand!"

Li Xue seems to be more conservative and more traditional like a woman from the Celestial Dynasty, although she is busy climbing up at this time.

But Li Xue was still covering the padded jacket with one hand, and climbed up with only one hand.

In this way, her forward speed will naturally not be fast.


Hearing the loud sound of the rushing flood, Li Xue panicked, but she couldn't bear to put her white belly again. Facing the young man on the slope, she argued with difficulty: "The cotton trousers under me have not been put on yet. good."


The sound of the tide coming in from a distance became louder, as if the huge waves had swept away the entire river, engulfed with countless residues of soil, and swept away all the houses and trees that blocked its progress with a force of destruction.

And these huge trees and wreckage of broken walls that were swept into the torrential torrent became more and more violent under the blessing of the flood.

What really poses a life threat to the members of the commune are actually these trees and house purlins with huge kinetic energy.

They hit the trees in the fast-moving flood, and the tall trees would be cut off right away.

If you encounter houses and cave dwellings built in low-lying areas unfortunately, it will be like waves rushing onto a castle made of sand.

Those seemingly unbreakable stone cave dwellings will collapse in the torrential flood if they can't even hold on for a minute!

In less than 3 minutes, the stone kilns built by the members of the community will disappear without a trace.

The astonishing loud noise brought by the flood was like a thunderstorm beating on the human heart, making people feel uncontrollable heart palpitations.

An inexplicable panic instantly enveloped everyone's hearts.

Even the large group of people standing on the top of the embankment trembled and panicked.

What's more, what about Li Xue who is still halfway up the embankment, struggling to crawl?
But at this time, the more flustered Li Xue was, the slower she crawled.
"Hey—" a voice exclaimed.

Li Xue's foot slipped, and she headed towards the bottom of the embankment with her head upside down!

"pay close attention!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Xuan quickly straightened up and rushed over the embankment: "Grab my hand!"

Li Xue, who was dancing and scratching with her hands, seemed to grab a life-saving straw in the torrent, and grabbed Luo Xuan's collar all at once, unwilling to let go!
Luo Xuan came galloping from top to bottom, his footing was already unstable at this time, how could he withstand Li Xue who fell backwards like this?
Now being pulled so violently by the flustered Li Xue, Luo Xuan's body became even more unstable, and he rolled into a ball with Li Xue in an instant, and both of them rolled away into the ditch at the bottom of the embankment.
"Luo Xuan!"

Huang Xuan, who was standing on the top of the embankment, saw this, her eyes were about to burst, and her face was ashen ashes: "Luo Xuan, get up quickly! Woohoo, the flood is coming!"

It's a pity that at this moment, in the distance, the huge sound brought by Hong Feng was covered, and Huang Xuan's desperate roar became like a mosquito.

Luo Xuan, who had already fallen into the bottom of the ditch, could not hear Huang Xuan's cry at all.
Luo Xuan and the girl fell into the deep ditch. Huang Xuan, who watched the tragedy, lost her footing and seemed to want to jump down and rescue Luo Xuan.

Standing aside in fright, Bai Fugui's aunt who was also worried about Luo Xuan quickly reached out and hugged Huang Xuan tightly.

He also comforted her insincerely: "Miss Huang, don't be impulsive! Luo Xuan's skills are strong, and nothing will happen. God and God will bless good people."

"No! I'm going to save him!"

Huang Xuan burst into tears, the scenery in front of her eyes was hazy, "Hurry up and get the rope, I'm going down to save Luo Xuan!"

Because Huang Xuan was surrounded by sisters Li Na and Li Li who were disheveled.

In order to avoid suspicion, Accountant Li, Jian Teng, Chen Xiaobai and others who consciously stood at a distance without looking this way, heard Huang Xuan's mournful roar, and they all came back to their senses at this moment.

It was only at this moment that Chen Xiaobai found Luo Xuan who was still stuck at the bottom of the ditch, and the girl Li Xue who had just been rescued. Chen Xiaobai was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he desperately threw the end of the bundle of ropes in his hand to the bottom of the embankment. He shouted anxiously: "Hurry up, everyone, hurry up and get all the ropes down!"

Accountant Li and Chen Xiaobai were more decisive than Huang Xuan when dealing with matters.

Hearing Chen Xiaobai's words, accountant Li followed suit, and quickly threw down a bundle of ropes on his arm: "Luo Xuan, Hongfeng is about to arrive, fasten the rope around your waist! Tie yourself first!" , and then talk about that girl!"

Everyone also grabbed the rope and threw it down the embankment.

The people on the embankment saw that the gusts of hurricanes running in front of the flood peak had already passed through the woods, beating against the high embankment with incomparable turbulence.

This kind of hurricane caused by the waves is menacing and extremely deterrent.

Countless big trees that were blown by the strong wind as if they were about to break have already tilted very badly.

For a time,

The whole earth is flying sand and rocks, the sky is dark, and the sun and moon are dark.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the tide, the sound of countless dead branches and fallen leaves falling and colliding in the sky, and the faint cry from the distance
In an instant, the whole world is filled with a terrifying posture that the world is about to be destroyed and everything will cease to exist!

The flood peak arrived in a blink of an eye, and the ruthless waves rushed over the ditch in a turbulent manner, and slapped hard on the high embankment!

This wave of flood peaks came fiercely, and the wide embankments were also shaken by the flood.

Many people backed away in fright, in order to gain even a little bit of psychological security.

"Try to pull the rope closest to Luo Xuan!"

Accountant Li, who didn't dare to take half a step back, had bulging veins all over his body, and told Chen Xiaobai anxiously, "Look at Luo Xuan, has he tied the rope properly?"

Chen Xiaobai tugged at the rope in his hand, then shook his head in despair: "The fluffy rope is broken. I don't know if Luo Xuan, he, did he tie the rope properly?"

Accountant Li suddenly felt an ominous premonition: "Jian Teng, pull your rope!"


Jian Teng also shook his head in despair, "I don't feel anyone on the rope."

"It's over!"

Accountant Li's face was pale, and he was sweating profusely in the blink of an eye: "Luo Xuan, you, woo woo woo, you must hold on!"


Huang Xuan on the side rolled her eyes and fainted immediately
(End of this chapter)

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