Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 716 Three Sister Flowers

Chapter 716 Three Sister Flowers

Ai Meili, a young woman, staggers forward.

Gradually, she finally moved to the intersection between the Guanzhuang production team and the Shilipu production team.

Originally, everyone was affected by the disaster, but at this time, it is reasonable to say that they are busy repairing houses or saving people.

Either clear the landslide road, or rush to the production team cadres to complain, so as to get more relief supplies.
But what she didn't expect was that on this country road, there were actually many people affected by the disaster in ragged clothes and wet bodies, who were struggling in the direction of the Shilipu production team in an endless stream.

"Fellows, what are you doing here?"

The young woman Ai Meili asked the other party, "Why do you think you are all going in the same direction? What are you doing?"

"Oh, what else can I do?"

Among the victims, a woman who also looked very young replied: "We were rescued by the comrades of the Sishlipu production team, but the production team had no food or land to accommodate us.

So, the comrades of the Shilipu production team pointed out a way for us to survive, saying that the Shilipu production team has surplus food, and that we can only survive when we reach the Shilipu production team.”

Ai Meili was taken aback: Shishilipu?

The so-called ten-lipu, twenty-mile shop, and thirty-mile shop here are actually named according to the actual distance from the village to the county seat.

These people came from the Sishipu production team to Shilipu, which shows that these affected people have traveled a full 30 miles!
Ai Meili, a young woman, was curious, so she followed everyone forward and asked, "You are so far away from the Shilipu production team, are you tired?"

"you do not say!"

The other party replied: "Fortunately, the cadres of the 40 Lipu production team are really good people! They know that our physical strength cannot sustain such a long journey.

The Shisilipu production team also sent a donkey cart to take us to the road and the fork in this trail!Otherwise, even if we crawl, we won't be able to climb the lump. "

The other party did not hesitate to use donkey carts, but also sent all these affected people to the Shilipu production team?
Ai Meili was in a panic, feeling relieved and worried at the same time: It seems that the conditions of the Shilipu production team may be really good!
Otherwise, other production teams would not send all the affected people here.

But Ai Meili was also very worried: the Shilipu production team, after all, is just a small production team.

Now that so many disaster-stricken people are rushing here, how can the Shilipu production team handle the influx of so many people?
Can it settle, so many young men and women?
Just when Ai Meili was thinking wildly and worrying about gains and losses.

Only a "plop" was heard.

It turned out to be the young woman, because of exhaustion, she collapsed to the ground, "Oh, I really can't walk anymore, I need to rest."

"Don't dare to rest, elder sister, you have to get up, you will freeze to death if you stop here!"

A girl flashed out from the crowd, she stepped forward and reached out to help the woman: "We are wearing thin clothes and have an empty stomach. If we hurry up to the Shilipu production team and have a bowl of porridge, our body will not be able to bear it." Mile."

These affected people, because of their wet clothes, were pulled down to dry.

So these women and men only wear underwear to hide their ugliness.

Fortunately, it is now approaching noon, and the temperature has risen a lot, which has enabled them to hold on until now.

Everyone here knows what kind of predicament he is facing now.

But the mother-in-law who was slumped on the ground was unable to get up.

She pushed away the girl who wanted to help her, and said weakly: "Erni, you have been soaking in the water for half the night, how much strength do you have on your body? Forget it, don't help me, let me crawl on my own." go!"

Erni shook her head slightly: "Sister, I'm young, so it's okay now! Come on, let me help you up and go together."


The mother-in-law shook her head: "Your clothes are thin, it's as if you have no clothes on. You need to impress you. Otherwise, when we arrive at the Shilipu production team and people see you like this, how can you marry me in the future?" A young man in the production team of Shilipu?

Alas, although we are forced to do this, but think about it, which younger generation is willing to marry a woman who has been seen by so many people as a mother-in-law? "

As she said that, the young woman took off her undershirt and insisted that Erni wrap the clothes around her waist to hide her ugliness.

Among the disaster-affected people on the road behind, there are also strong young men.

When the woman stripped off her blouse and revealed some scenery, the young men all turned their heads consciously so as not to see the woman's naked body.

too difficult!
Everyone has lost their loved ones, and they are also those who lost their sisters and sisters in this flood.

Everyone present knew the intention of the eldest sister in front of her: give up the big and protect the young.

Between the eldest sister and Er Ni, only one person's image can be kept.

Alas. It's not easy!

Erni looked down at her legs, the thin homespun underwear there was really transparent because it was soaked in water.

Erni wanted to cover it, but the eldest sister was already naked.

If you don't block it
What the eldest sister said just now is also very reasonable: once Erni enters the village of the Shilipu production team, her privacy will be completely lost.

In this way, among those young offspring in the relatively affluent Shilipu production team, who else would want to marry Erni?
After all, Erni's whole body can be seen clearly, and if her man meets another man in the village, that man might feel really apologetic and flustered.
"Take it and put it on, your first impression is very important!"

The eldest sister was a little out of breath when she spoke at this time, and she even lacked the strength to lift her clothes.

Her arms were trembling, and she began to persuade Er Ni: "Sister, if we women want to take root in other people's production teams, what other ways can we women have besides getting married?"

"But sister, I put on your clothes, so you will be naked."

Er Ni was really in a dilemma: "How about I go find some corn stalks, just keep it in the way."

The eldest sister smiled wryly: "Look at the bareness around you, how can there be any straw? Take it and put it on, sister, you will get married in the future, it is better than anything else."

Erni hesitated, "I, I really can't do this."

After all, Erni wants to take care of her image, but doesn't the eldest sister need to maintain her own image?
In fact, the elder sister's age is not very old, at most she is 22 or 23 years old.

Therefore, this eldest sister, she also has to rely on marrying a local in order to obtain the household registration of the Shilipu production team, and to take root here in the future.

If Erni wears her clothes, then this eldest sister will have to severely lower the standard of mate selection if she wants to marry in the future.
"Take it and put it on. When the time comes, don't talk to me about these silly polite words."

The eldest sister slowly lowered her arms, and whispered in an extremely exhausted voice: "This time, there are too many people going to the Shilipu production team. There are so many green-haired girls lining up to marry. Who would want it?
Sister, while we are here early, when you get to the field, you have to hurry to visit a good family, lest you end up picking up other people's melons. "

Seeing that Erni was still hesitating, the eldest sister smiled: "Sister, if you get married, I just hope that you can give me a hand in the future, and occasionally give me some food or something, so my efforts today will not be wasted. "


After all, Erni reached out her hand, borrowed the blouse from the eldest sister, wrapped it around her waist, nodded and agreed with tears in her eyes: "Elder sister, you will be my real sister from now on! As long as my second girl eats, I will Won't leave you hungry!"

The matter of the two women pushing the clothes was resolved, and the number of affected people limping with crutches on the trail, or even crawling on the ground towards the Shilipu production team, increased at this time.

Ai Meili, who stood aside and silently watched the scene just now, had made up her mind: after everyone rushed to the Shilipu production team, Ai Meili planned to go to the village to find a good-natured person even if she drank less porridge. Some aunts and aunts help themselves to get married.
Just because among these affected people, there are too many handsome young women and aunts!
Walking hard all the way, everyone used their hands and feet, and finally came to the village of the Shilipu production team.

"That young man, what is he doing standing on the embankment?"

Erni's eyes are sharp, and she saw Luo Xuan standing on the "war preparation trench" from a long distance, pointing at the river, Erni couldn't help but asked curiously: "Others are standing by the river, busy fishing people from the flood , why didn't he go to help?"

Seeing this, the eldest sister also frowned: "Perhaps, he is directing how to save people? Hiss, no, that should be the work of the production team cadres.

This young man is so young, he can't be the captain or even the captain of the militia!Why is he standing there pointing fingers? "

Saibei is an old district.

There is never a shortage of people who are very old, have joined the army a long time ago, or joined the militia.

Therefore, in the villages in northern Saibei, to be able to serve as the captain of the militia, Duren must have deep qualifications and certainly not too young.

"This kind of person, girl, you can't marry!"

The eldest sister snorted coldly: "Too selfish! You are young, and you are not short of hands and feet. Everyone else is busy, but he is lazy on the river bank! It's disgusting."

Erni nodded heavily: "Yes! I don't want to marry this kind of person! I would rather marry someone who is average in appearance but has a kinder heart than this kind of heartless person."

Marrying a kind-hearted person, it will be easier for Erni to help her eldest sister in the future.

The two of them are well aware of this kind of thing, but they will not say it clearly.

A group of women here are commenting there.

At this time, Luo Xuan had already closed his eyes, and was carefully comprehending the pattern in the space.

Since the vision of my own space became prominent, a pattern appeared inexplicably on the dome of the space.

In this pattern, there is a big river with turbid waves, in which there are ruins of houses, broken furniture, and trees washed away by the flood.

In the torrent, from time to time, there are some drowned corpses of cattle and sheep, and some affected people who drifted with the current.

Some of them are still desperately struggling to survive, and some are dying.

Some people are actually dead.

However, before they died, relying on the last desire to survive, their hands still tightly hugged a wooden beam.
Luo Xuan carefully comprehended the illusory "Wu Ding River" in the space, and kept sending out instructions one after another: "Jian Teng pay attention, the flood has washed down people! There are more than 20 meters away from the river, and rescue can be done!"

"There are two young men, about 15 meters away from the river, alas, they are dead"

"Huh? Chen Xiaobai, hurry up and prepare the long pole and rope, and prepare to catch people!"

Under the embankment, Jian Teng and Chen Xiaobai, who were standing by the river bank and were ready to rescue people at any time, stood at a low position and could not clearly see the situation in the flood.

Just because there are a lot of sundries in the flood, I float up and down with the affected people in the water.

Only Luo Xuan, who stands tall and sees far, can spot people who are still struggling in the flood early.

Due to the rapid flow of the flood, those who drift with the flood will be rushed tens of meters away in the blink of an eye if they are not prepared early.

Therefore, Luo Xuan, who is playing the role of "lookout post" today, has to give them an early warning.

"Haha, we're rescued! It's three girls!"

After a while, Chen Xiaobai's excited voice came from the riverside: "They are still alive! Hurry up, hurry up and bring dry cotton-padded clothes and quilts, don't let them freeze, there are no cotton-padded quilts? What can we do now?" ah?"

There are too many people rescued by the Shilipu production team today, causing the resettlement sites to be overcrowded.

The disaster-stricken people who were rescued earlier have been taken home by members of the production team and let them cover them in quilts.

Then, all the surplus cotton jackets from the homes of the members of the production team were collected on the riverside, and those who were salvaged could wear them in rotation.

After they put on their padded jackets and return to the resettlement site, they will be pulled down and sent to the riverside to help the disaster-stricken people who will be picked up later.

Now the settlements are full.

As a result, those affected by the disaster who could not get under the covers to recover their body temperature could only wear cotton-padded jackets and hide in the house shivering.

This made the padded jackets in the Shilipu production team far from enough.

"Take off!"

Chen Xiaobai looked helplessly at the trembling three sisters, gritted his teeth and said, "Jian Teng, you also take off your padded jacket and put it on for them!"

Jian Teng was taken aback for a moment: "Then I'm standing by the river, why don't I die of cold?"

"Can you be colder than others?"

Chen Xiaobai snorted coldly with a straight face: "He has been immersed in the flood for so long, how can his body withstand it?"

Jian Teng had no choice but to take off his coat with a bitter face, ready to put it on for the three sisters who had just been rescued.

One of the girls took the padded jacket, but refused to take off her wet clothes in public: "I, I have to find a place where no one is around before I can change."

"What are you fussing about?"

Accountant Li, who was also standing by the river to save people, frowned and said, "This is a special situation, so don't pay attention to these things.

Which of the mothers-in-law and aunts who were caught today didn't change their clothes here?Ladies, you should change quickly, otherwise, the body temperature on your body will be lost too quickly. "

The girl shook her head and replied exhaustedly: "Uncle, don't worry, we can still carry it."

Accountant Li had no choice but to point to the direction of the embankment: "Then you go to change behind the embankment. There is a ditch over there, and no one can see your body."


The leading girl glanced hesitantly at Luo Xuan standing on the embankment.

That guy is condescending, how could he not see the three sisters changing clothes?
"Don't worry, the educated youth and custodian of our production team is a young man with great ability. The girl who chases him can be arranged from Saibei to the provincial capital!"

Accountant Li chuckled: "Girl, don't blame Uncle for not reminding you Luo Xuan. If he is willing to see you, it will be your blessing!"

The three sisters had no choice but to support each other and slowly approached the embankment.

Luo Xuan, who was standing on a high place, couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the three girls coming: "Three beautiful sisters!"
It's really beautiful! !

(End of this chapter)

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