Chapter 711

This rain was falling heartily.

It was just dawn, and the entire city was already in a state of busyness and panic.

There are ruins and ruins everywhere, and countless tree trunks and weeds are floating in the muddy and dirty flood.

The streets and alleys are full of voices calling for sons and daughters, uncles and fathers.

Countless people who were less affected by the disaster rushed to check the situation at the homes of relatives who were nearby, without caring about repairing their damaged houses and courtyard walls.

If they come across a relative's house and the disaster is not that serious, these people will go to the next relative's house together with their relatives.

If you meet some relatives.If the house was damaged or people were injured, a group of relatives would rush to carry the wounded to the hospital.

The remaining women, children, old and weak used their hands to clean up the collapsed beams, bricks and tiles.
Looking around,

Now the entire city of Camel City, in the two blocks surrounded by the city wall, is all immersed in a vast ocean.

Saibei, can you also see the sea?

This is the resilience of the Saibei people, who are busy with disaster relief while using self-deprecating words.

Due to the higher terrain of the main street, the disaster situation is relatively light, that is, a "drum tower" and more than 10 houses collapsed.

There are also some people who were injured because they rushed to repair their houses in the rain overnight.

However, the low-lying Second Street was seriously damaged during this storm: dozens of houses were seriously damaged in the rainstorm.

There was even a three-story building that collapsed in the wind and rain, crushing a large number of people among the ruins.

Now the entire city of Tuocheng is desperately organizing manpower to rescue the collapsed buildings on Second Street.

Luo Xuan led a group of girls out of the basement.

First, let the girls start to tidy up the two houses affected by the disaster, and take all the rain-soaked bedding to the roof to dry.

As for the glass smashed by the storm and hail, Ms. Hu Yan took another little daughter-in-law to the building materials store to buy it.

It is early spring and the weather is still a bit cold.

If the window glass is not repaired as soon as possible, the temperature will drop sharply at night, and it will be impossible to sleep in the whole room.

Standing on the roof of the office, Luo Xuan looked around, seeing a mess everywhere.

I saw that the whole city has really turned into a vast ocean at this time, and some low cave dwellings are like isolated islands floating in the waves.

Although the flood has receded a lot, the flood flow on the three streets is still not small.

From time to time, among the torrents running on the streets, there are still many wreckages of dead pigs, sheep, dogs and cats, floating and sinking there, drifting with the current.

This attracted many people to go to salvage one after another.
Although these drowned animals soaked in dirty water may have a lot of germs on them, but the people in Saibei who are used to saving, they are reluctant to waste any resources.

"It's so miserable"

Huang Xuan took Luo Xuan's hand, her eyes were full of regret: "Now, how will the masses live? I don't think they can keep their food, pickles, etc.?"

Luo Xuan nodded: "You go and inform Li Yan, the accountant, to take all the staff in the office to the raw vegetable and seasoning store of the supply and marketing cooperative, buy as many vegetables, vermicelli, and tofu as possible, and distribute them to the affected people for disaster reduction and relief work. "

Huang Xuan was about to turn around and leave.

"Also, there are many tofu shops in Camel City, you ask Li Yan to buy as many tofu as possible."

Luo Xuan ordered: "In addition, there are many vegetable planting teams outside the south gate. You can ask them to go directly to these vegetable teams and buy more carrots, white radishes and other things, which are used for the masses to receive free of charge. .

Remember, the place to distribute these things can only be at the entrance of our Orchid Flower Cosmetics Store. "

Wang Ruirui, who was also standing on the top of the building and was busy drying the bedding, couldn't help but blushed when he heard this: "Is this too...too much like that?"

This Wang Ruirui did a good job of watering last night.

It made her whole face look as bright red as a rhododendron just blooming.

Luo Xuan shook his head: "Comrade Wang Ruirui, I'm afraid your concept is wrong.

Donating money and materials for flood fighting and disaster relief, our factory does not try to repay.While distributing materials, it is understandable to add a little exposure to our factory at the door of our own specialty store.

It’s okay to do good deeds without expecting anything in return, but if this kind of thing can be turned into a good thing that both parties can benefit from.

In this way, I believe that more companies willing to do good deeds will emerge in the society.Everyone has followed suit, and the masses can also get benefits, so why not do it? "

The conversation between myself and Wang Ruirui just now was actually due to the difference in concept.

In her cognition, she thinks that doing good deeds is a matter of course, and she should not seek fame or profit.

But if you do good deeds, the one who gave can gain fame and even profit.

What's wrong with this?

Always let others pay in vain, and get nothing in the long run. Enterprises that are willing to strive for good people and good deeds must not be so motivated.

This kind of thing can't be compared intuitively.

But if doing good deeds can also benefit the giver, it is inevitable that more companies willing to do good deeds will emerge in the future.

Doing it with subjective initiative and doing it reluctantly have different results.

"Then I also go shopping for vegetables and tofu?"

Huang Xuan asked: "The quantity purchased this time is so large, and there are not so many tofu tickets, how can we buy it?"

Luo Xuan thought for a while, and said, "Wang Ruirui, you go to the second cargo company to find Director Wang, the person in charge, and ask him to contact the 'Disaster Reduction Headquarters', and ask the headquarters to give us a special 2-jin bean curd ticket for flood fighting and disaster reduction. "

Wang Ruirui's phoenix eyes opened wide: "1, 1 catties of tofu? So much?!"

In this era of bills, you need a ticket to buy anything.

Even Camel City is rich in tofu.

But the residents of Camel City can only get 1 catties of tofu tickets per month.

Wang Ruirui is not an urban resident, so she is not eligible to receive the monthly [Urban Resident Quota Tofu Ticket].

But Wang Ruirui also has relatives in the city. Wang Ruirui still knows how difficult it is for people in the city to eat tofu once.

So when she heard from Luo Xuan that she would buy 1 catties of tofu at a time, this was an astronomical figure for him.

"Now is a special situation and cannot be measured by ordinary rules."

Luo Xuan explained: "The Disaster Reduction Headquarters is a complex that integrates the Planning Commission, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Materials Bureau, as well as the fire department and the militia battalion. They have the right to use all social materials to carry out flood fighting and disaster reduction work.

There are not 50 tofu shops in the entire Camel City, but at least 30.What is it to them to make 1 catties of tofu?It's just that they don't dare to produce tofu without that production target. "

"We are a caring enterprise, and we allocated a special fund to buy tofu and distribute it to the affected people free of charge."

Luo Xuan pushed Wang Ruirui, who was a little afraid of difficulties, "Go! I believe that the leaders of the headquarters will strongly support the work of our cosmetics factory."

When Wang Ruirui walked away, Huang Xuan asked: "The leader of the headquarters, can you really give us the quota of 1 catties of tofu?"

"Hard to say."

Luo Xuan smiled slightly: "1 catties is indeed a bit large. But when we write the application, we must write more.

If we open our mouth and only apply for 5000 catties, the leaders of the headquarters will probably only grant us 3000 catties, and the maximum is 4000 catties. "

Huang Xuan nodded, with a look of sudden understanding: "That is to say, we ask for an indicator of 1 catties, and whether to approve such a large amount is a matter for the leadership of the headquarters.

But we must apply for a larger amount, so as to have the possibility of obtaining the 7 catties of tofu. "

"Yeah, the rabbit opened its mouth, but it was just asking for a carrot."

Luo Xuan pulled Huang Xuan up and left: "If we open our mouths like a lion, no one will throw us a small carrot and send us away, right? As long as there is a little possibility, we have to fight for it. As for the final result , that is out of our control.”

Huang Xuan asked where to go?
Luo Xuan replied, "Of course it's back to the Shilipu production team! When the Nanmenkou Bus Station resumes operations, we have to take the first bus and go back to Zhimi County."

"What about the disaster relief work in Camel City?"

This time, the cosmetics factory invested so much manpower and material resources for disaster relief.

Now is the critical time to expand the influence of "Orchid Flower Cosmetics" and increase the reputation of the cosmetics factory, but Luo Xuan doesn't stay to participate in the disaster relief work?
Huang Xuan was very puzzled by this: "You are not in the office, what money do you need to buy disaster relief supplies, what supplies do you need to buy, and distribute them to the affected people? These things would be difficult to handle without you here .”

"Let's slow down the things in the city. For a while, everyone is busy with flood fighting and disaster reduction, and post-disaster reconstruction work.

The real consumption peak is not at this time.Therefore, the cosmetics factory office and all promoters should concentrate on expanding brand awareness and enhancing brand reputation during this period. "

While pulling Huang Xuan to the bus station, Luo Xuan explained: "Actually, when there is a natural disaster, it is the members of the production team who suffer the most.

There will be major units in the city, even the garrison, participating in flood fighting and disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.

The higher authorities will go all out to mobilize various materials from counties and communes.The daily life of these people in the city is still basically guaranteed. "

"But the rainstorm this time, the rainfall is really too much. Don't think about it, the production teams affected by this flood will be very many, and there will be many members who have suffered heavy losses because of this."

Luo Xuan sighed: "The rural area has a vast area. If these disaster-stricken commune members want to get relief in a timely manner, don't say whether there are so many materials to help them.

In other words, the statistics of disaster victims and the distribution of relief supplies are both massive projects. "

The area affected by the disaster in rural areas will be very large, and because of these production teams, they will be distributed within hundreds of square kilometers.

The transportation in Saibei is not very developed, and there are landslides in many places. Even if the higher authorities want to rescue them, it is difficult to do everything.

Therefore, when there are natural disasters, the vast rural areas can only selectively rescue those key areas and rescue those places where the traffic can still be kept smooth.

In fact, even if Luo Xuan didn't say it so clearly, Huang Xuan knew that there was another very important reason just now, and Luo Xuan didn't say it.
When they arrived at the bus station, they bought tickets. Fortunately, Luo Xuan and Huang Xuan came at just the right time. There was a bus bound for Zhimi County, which was about to leave.

get in the car,
Now all the conversations of the passengers in the car are, without exception, discussing the heavy losses caused by this rainstorm disaster.

An old man sighed and said: "I just came to visit the house of a big girl in the city, and unexpectedly I encountered the heavy rain last night.

Oh my god, where is the rain?It was as if countless taps in the city were turned on, pouring water on the roof in unison!Old man, I have lived for 56 years, and I have never seen such a heavy rainstorm. "

A passenger nodded and agreed: "Isn't it! If it's just raining harder, it's nothing to worry about.

The most hateful thing is that gust of wind that lifted the roof of my kid's house!The whole family hid on the kang wrapped in quilts and endured a whole night of hard work!Suffer. Alas. "

"What is the wind!"

Another passenger gritted his teeth and complained: "The most hateful hailstone is the size of a finger! I picked up the biggest hailstone last night and it was about the size of an egg!
The ball is over, and the wheat seedlings that survived the winter this year will be completely ruined in one fell swoop!

Alas, this is the spring famine season, the time when the green and yellow are not picking up.The bitter vegetables and wild vegetables on the mountain haven't grown yet.I don't know how our production team is doing this year? "

"Isn't it!"

The old man took a puff of dry smoke and sighed: "If there is a catastrophe this time, the commune will also distribute some 'return grain'. But with dozens of catties of sorghum, millet, and millet, how can the family survive the spring famine? ?”

Another passenger smiled wryly: "Let's just use this little food and cook it for half a month, then the bitter wormwood and bitter herbs on the mountain will sprout.

We suffering people, our ancestors have survived this way for generations.

What I am most worried about now is whether the river dam built by our production team will be washed away?Is there any landslide in the cave dwelling of our production team? "

Tears welled up in the old man's eyes: "How can we keep it? Once the Wuding River loses its temper, it can hold a fart with those earth dams built with sand and sand!"

Someone asked the old man: "Uncle, since you know that the dam built by the production team will definitely not be able to hold the flood of the Wuding River, why is no one talking about it?"

The old man wiped away his tears, and his face was full of distress: "Why didn't you explain it? My third child said at the beginning that this kind of dam is not very useful after it is built, mainly because it is difficult to play a sustainable role.

But, alas, what the third child of the Er family said is not worth it!Although he is educated, he is not a water conservancy expert, so his words are naturally not authoritative.Some people acted as the third son of the Er family, and they were careless there. "

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly fell into silence.

An auntie asked her companions: "At the beginning, you were not the pacesetter in water conservancy construction in our production team, didn't you work the hardest?"

The man drooped his head, and replied in a muffled voice: "The captain has arranged it, and everyone has to do it. As for the result, that is something that the cadres in the production team should care about. We sufferers just care about it." Just work hard, be worthy of your own hands, and be worthy of the work points."

The people in the car talked and chatted all the way.

Wait until the shuttle bus leaves Camel City slowly, and gradually move forward along the kilometer of Wuding River.


Someone in the carriage screamed: "It's over! Everyone, look, what is floating in the river?!"

Passengers sitting on the right side of the bus, who could see the river, couldn't help but panic when they saw this: "That's a human! A lot of people are floating in the river! God bless you, it's over, it's over, they're over."

(End of this chapter)

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