Spring rain is as expensive as oil, sneaking into the night with the wind.

But this time the oil was spilled too much.

The spring in Saibei is originally a sand blowing weather. One after another, violent winds roll up the dust all over the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, sweeping across the sky and covering the earth.

But different from the sandstorms in previous years, this year's strong wind from Siberia was carrying the water vapor from the Mongolian plateau, and smashed on the arid and barren land in northern Saibei.

The "cracking" storm swept from north to south.

Tuocheng, located about 70 kilometers north of Zhimi County, naturally felt the fury of nature before the Shilipu production team.

"It's scary!"

Huang Xuan, who had never really seen the power of a sandstorm after coming to Saibei to jump in the queue, jumped into Luo Xuan's arms in fright: "The wind is so scary! Can you light a candle? It's dark, I'm afraid."

Light a candle?
it's useless!Countless winds poured in from the cracks in the windows, the cracks in the doors, and the gaps in the walls.

Just relying on the weak flame of the candle, how can it not be extinguished in such an environment with air leakage on all sides?
The wind and rain were rushing, and countless pea-sized gravel, like dense drumbeats, hit the glass window, making a sound like fried beans.

In this drowsy night, mixed with countless thunderstorms above the head, Huang Xuan, who had never seen such a battle before, was afraid.

Even Luo Xuan was beating drums in his heart: Can this kind of old concrete slab building be able to withstand the strong wind of at least level [-]?

The floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, and countless dusts are falling after rinsing, which really makes people feel uneasy
The utility poles outside the windows swayed in the wind and rain, causing large-scale power outages throughout the city.

In the strong wind, many big trees were uprooted and smashed on the window glass.

"I'm so scared."

Huang Xuan snorted, "Give it to me, it will make me feel more at ease."

Luo Xuan frowned: "It is said that when people are in extreme fear, sometimes their muscles will convulse."

"Do not worry about it."

Huang Xuan acted on her own, "I always feel a little empty, and my heart is not full at all. Mmm, it hurts."

Just when Huang Xuan was using local methods to find some comfort for herself
I only heard a loud "bang--"!
The window glass on the north side couldn't bear the huge impact after all, and finally shattered into crystals with a bang.

"Ah—" there was a scream.

It was the 17 girls who lived in the big bedroom and the middle bedroom. Their window glass was shattered, and the strong wind mixed with hail, raindrops, and countless dead branches and leaves, sand and yellow sand flooded into the house.

It's messed up!
The wind was so strong that it was beyond imagination, and the girls who were shivering under the covers were blown so hard that they couldn't lie flat.

The simple wardrobe was broken, clothes, shoes and socks were flying around, and bedding and bedding were whirling in the room, never refusing to fall down.

"Well, quickly pull out Hu Yan and the others are in disaster."

Huang Xuanshuo got down and pushed Luo Xuan: "Go and help them! The girls in these villages are timid, so don't scare them."

Luo Xuan raised it, and then smiled awkwardly: "Is it just like this?"

Huang Xuan got into bed, and replied angrily: "It's okay, the only light is when there is lightning, who can see it? Besides, it will die down in a while."

Fangfei is no longer there, and Penghu is not open.

In desperation, Luo Xuan had no choice but to wrap a thin towel around his waist and go next door to find out.

It looks pretty good, it's scary!
I saw that the window of the middle bedroom was completely shattered, and the bed next to the window was riddled with holes from countless shards of glass.

Fortunately, when the strong wind started, the two girls, Fengfeng and Yanyan, who were sleeping by the window, had moved to the inner bed because of fear, and huddled together with their companions.

at this time,

The four girls in this room were all terrified, and they all curled up in the corners, covering the front with quilts to resist the strong wind and sundries pouring in from the windows.

"Get out of this room quickly."

Luo Xuan pulled up a quilt that was still dry, and stuffed it to Yanyan who was only wearing underwear, "Take all the quilts and clothes, and evacuate to the basement!"

Since there are no windows in this room, countless gusts of wind and rain poured into the room unobstructed.

Don't think about it, these two houses will be drenched by wind and rain sooner or later, how can people live in them? !

After settling the people in the middle bedroom, Luo Xuan hurried to the big bedroom and called the other six girls to evacuate: "Go to the next door, call Wang Ruirui and the others, and hide in the basement and remember to put the quilt on, or it will be freezing cold." Can't take it."

In the office that the cosmetics factory rented in Camel City, they rented two sets of door-to-door rooms for 17 promoters, including Huang Xuan and Luo Xuan, to live in.

It has only just begun to arrange sales work, and the things in Camel City are still complicated and complicated.

If I and Huang Xuan didn't sit here, Wang Ruirui and the others would have no backbone and no direction.

After all, sales work is far from enough just by lip service.

There are some things and some troubles, and you still need to spend money and take things to build a good relationship with others.

If I and Huang Xuan were not here, the 17 promoters would not have the right to use the funds in the factory.

Evacuate the 10 female promoters in this room.

The other seven promotions in the opposite house were also led by Wang Ruirui, holding the quilt and clothes, and moving towards the basement in the dark with the help of the occasional lightning in the corridor.

Luo Xuan took out a flashlight, took care of Huang Xuan and finally left.

The basement of this old-fashioned building is not big. There are two basements each about 15 square meters in size. There are a lot of sundries such as sales promotion desks, colorful flags, and unused posters.

What's more terrible is the gifts and trial packs used in all the cosmetics counters in the entire Camel City.

There are also withdrawn and damaged products, which are piled up in these two small basements.

This time, people from No. 19 rushed in, and it was difficult to squeeze in the entire basement.

There is no way!

Generally, in the yellow sand weather in Saibei, the wind and rain will not be so sudden at the beginning.

If you wait until the cold air going south entangles with the hot air from the south, resulting in huge convection.

The ensuing wind and rain will definitely be stronger.

At that time, not to mention living in the two sets of rooms without glass protection, even sitting in them is equivalent to being tortured.


There was a blast of thunder, as if it had landed in the courtyard of this old community, and the explosion was full of dust, rain and fog.

The whole earth trembled.

All the glass windows in the building trembled in the strong wind.

Including the palm-sized breathable window in the basement, the iron frame on it seems to be unable to withstand the devastation of thunderstorms.

There was a loud thunder, and the iron frame and the glass were shaking, as if they would fall apart at any moment.

The girls were trembling, and screams filled the room: "It's so scary!"

"Oh, I'm scared to death! God, I'm afraid."

In the basement, the girls were tightly packed in the narrow and confined space, and some of them were sitting on cardboard boxes.

Some people were reclined on top of the cosmetic packaging, and some girls had no space, so they could only squat on the ground, shivering tightly wrapped in the quilt.

As if fear was contagious, the screams in their mouths kept coming and going: "Da da! Scared to death!"

"Fengfeng hugged me, afraid!"

Huang Xuan was also afraid. At this time, she slid into Luo Xuan's arms tightly, trembling all over: "With such a heavy wind and rain, the entire Tuocheng might be hit by disaster tomorrow."

"People in the city have food supplies for residents, so it will be better. Especially those who have a latte rice bowl, the impact of this storm on them is not that great."

While patting her thin, trembling back, Luo Xuan said, "What we should worry about now is actually the restaurant in our production team, will there be any accidents in it?

In particular, the Wuding River will definitely surge this time. It is certain that the members of the production team along the coast will suffer losses.The difference is, how serious is it? "

Upon hearing this topic, Huang Xuan got her head out of the quilt.

He asked worriedly: "Your Shilipu production team has built a 'combat trench'. Even if the Wuding River surges, with the protection of this trench, the cultivated land in your production team may not be lost much."

"But the Guanzhuang production team, all their strength in the past few months has been transferred to the river to build a dam."

Huang Xuan asked worriedly: "What do you think, how much will the Guanzhuang production team lose this time?"

After the thaw in spring, the Shilipu production team organized members to use the two tractors and the unlicensed and unlicensed coal truck that came back from the Doujiapan coal mine.

Together with all the members, they worked day and night in the Shilipu production team, facing the upper reaches of the Wuding River, and built a "combat preparation trench" with a height of 5 meters and a base width of 8 meters.

Moreover, in front of this high embankment, there will be a deep ditch dug out with earth for the dam.

The Shilipu production team also built a long and deep trench in front of the high embankment.

Now it seems that this trench can not only stop the imaginary "tank" attack.

And it is also beneficial to drain the raging flood.
Now that Huang Xuan asked about this matter.

Luo Xuan thought for a while, then sighed slowly: "There are no outsiders here, so I'll tell you the truth, you have to be mentally prepared."

"The loss of the Guanzhuang production team this time will be very heavy. There is no doubt that the two dams they built in the river channel, which they devoted all the efforts of all the members and invested countless manpower and material resources, were completely destroyed."

Luo Xuan frowned: "Now I'm just worried, how much threat will this soaring Wuding River bring to the safety of the Guanzhuang production team and the members of the commune?"

Tears welled up in Huang Xuan's beautiful eyes: "The homeland is destroyed, but we can still rebuild it. Woohoo, I just hope they are all right. Woooooo."

On weekdays, the Lishilipu production team competes with the Guanzhuang production team.

But in fact, many members of the two production teams are closely related.

As the old saying goes: Break the bones and connect the tendons.

Seeing that the Guanzhuang production team will inevitably suffer heavy losses, the girls who are all huddled in the basement feel sympathy for them.

Wang Ruirui squeezed out of the crowd in the dark, got into Luo Xuan's quilt, and asked on his back, "Luo Xuan, did you meet me a long time ago? The Guanzhuang production team will suffer heavy losses?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Luo Xuan was anxious, so he stretched out his hand and slapped her indiscriminately: "That's typical, it's a project that can stand the test of all aspects, how dare I question it?"

Wang Ruirui was slapped on the left chest, but he didn't take it seriously, and asked again: "Then why did you build such a tall and long retaining dam in our production team in advance, and also dug a dam so wide and so deep in front of the dam? gutter?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Luo Xuan slapped it again: "Ours is called the Battle Preparedness Canal! It is a specially built embankment to defend against the enemy's attack to defend against tanks and armored vehicles!"

Wang Ruirui chuckled and said, "Yes, yes, our production team built a 'war preparation trench', not some kind of dam, oops, don't shoot."

She lowered her voice and whispered next to Luo Xuan's ear, "If you shoot again, I'm afraid this trench will have to prepare for war."

The bitch!

A slap on the left and right, not only did not wake her up, but made her tremble

A bolt of lightning suddenly appeared from the small ventilation window with the sound of tearing the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a heart-piercing thunderstorm sounded like tearing the clouds!


In the entire basement, it was as bright as dozens of spotlights turned on at the same time, and the dazzling white light made everyone's eyes dizzy!
Then, the basement fell into darkness.

The sound of thunder that followed was filled with violent grit, which poured into the basement through the gaps in the windows and the passage in the basement!
"Ah~ afraid!"

The girls panicked, all huddled together, trembling
Often faced with enormous pressure from the outside world, men and women who are terrified and helpless in their hearts will easily bond together at an extremely fast speed.

Opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared.

Wang Ruirui took advantage of the screams in the basement, the muffled thunder outside the window, and the panic and noise in the whole land.
"Shhhhh-" a sound.

It was as if a stake had been driven into a ditch.

Huang Xuan asked in a low voice, "What's that sound? Hey, why did Wang Ruirui get in here?"

Luo Xuan was perfunctory: "Yeah, the place is so big, so there's nothing I can do about it."

Huang Xuan ignored those things, because she knew the pain of a man who gave up halfway.But Huang Xuan had something on her mind, so she was not in the mood to do it by herself at this time.

So Huang Xuan sighed quietly: "Luo Xuan, I'm really worried about Xu Daliang and Gan Shui benefiting them."

The explosion of thunder was too terrifying. It made my eardrums buzz, and Huang Xuan was really scared.

She could only put her head into Luo Xuan's armpit tightly, and then find some topics to divert her inner fear: "Tell me, if the dam built by the Guanzhuang production team is completely destroyed.

Will Xu Daliang and the others be punished by the superiors because of this, so that Xu Daliang's future will be bleak? "

"Well, turn again."

Luo Xuan's words became more and more perfunctory: "It's okay. Xu Daliang will be fine. It's a pity to be gentle, don't be lame. It's a pity that I am most worried about the members of the Guanzhuang production team. This time their lives will be in danger! "

Huang Xuan was puzzled: "How could Xu Daliang not take responsibility for such a big incident?"

"that is it."

Luo Xuan replied: "You are still too simple. If Xu Daliang is pursued, then you can taste the rest by yourself, carefully. Don't interrupt, I don't have time to talk to you about this."



The sound of the wind and rain outside became more and more urgent, and everyone couldn't help but worry about the safety of the lives and property of the members of the Guanzhuang production team.

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