Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 705 The future is bright

In March of Yangchun, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

The land in Saibei is gradually thawing, and countless small insects that have been dormant for several months have also emerged from the frozen ground, witnessing the great changes in this land.

Hiding in the gullies, the little squirrels overwinter in the poplar holes.

However, the members of the Shilipu production team were so frightened that they could no longer be at peace. They jumped onto the treetops one after another, looking at everything in front of them in horror.

This time,
Other production team members are still busy building barrages in the river.

The members of the Shilipu production team were organized and began to vigorously build water diversion irrigation canals.

Now the ground has thawed, and the light yellow weeds have emerged from the ground.

At this time, it is much easier to dig ditches than before.

The two tractors in the Shilipu production team are driven by four tractor drivers in turns, using the method of "stopping people and not stopping the car", and they rotate almost non-stop throughout the day.

With the help of a giant special "grooving machine", the speed of the Shilipu production team digging the trench can be described as "rapid progress"!

"Boom bang bang-"

The tractor drove past with cheerful black smoke, and behind it was the prototype of a deep ravine, with the fragrance of soil, displayed in front of everyone.

As for the commune members who followed the tractor, they only needed to use hoes to dig up the soil plowed out by the tractor.

Then use a stone roller to compact and beat the excavated soil ditch tightly to reduce the leakage of ditch water.

"Oh, that's a great idea!"

While waving his head to work, Old Li praised with his tongue: "A few days ago, I saw other production teams digging ditches. They used donkey carts and ox carts to dig ditches on the construction site, but It took a lot of effort!"

"At that time, they were so naive and showed off in front of me, saying that they dug more than 30 meters of ditches yesterday and more than 70 meters of ditches the day before yesterday."

Old Li grinned with yellow teeth on his head and said, "At that time, they thought that I would be jealous of their achievements! Hahaha, I didn't panic at the time! We have capable people in our production team, are we afraid that we can't beat them?"

The old Litou aunt next to her pouted: "Are you bragging? Who is it that tosses and turns at night and can't sleep, and sighs?

You are envious of other production teams, and their water conservancy construction is progressing very fast.

It is said that others have dug so many canals, but our production team has not moved at all."

Old Li stared: "Aren't you so angry that others are always greedy? But I still know it in my heart. Our Shilipu production team, or we don't do anything.

When they move, they are not one!Look, if we work for a day now, the ditch dug will last them at least a week! "

Accountant Li next to him didn't like listening to Lao Li bragging, so he said, "Don't brag, Lao Li. Two days ago, who came to my door every day, and who was it that was circling in a hurry?"

Old Li smiled: "Although I know it in my heart, the cadres of the production team must have arrangements.

But at that time, I saw other production teams working in full swing. Didn't I feel anxious?

That's why I wanted to come to you and ask, what are you cadres planning? "

Accountant Li snorted coldly: "Look at those production teams, digging canals on the permafrost. Not to mention how much wood and coal they waste for burning fire and roasting the land."

"Let's say that in the weather of more than 20 degrees below zero, the north wind is blowing. Under such conditions, how much should the commune members suffer?"

Accountant Li sighed: "Look at the hands of other members of the production team, are they cracked?
Look at their faces, is there one after another bloody gash?Alas, if you blindly work blindly and recklessly, the members of the commune will suffer from old crimes."

"that is!"

Auntie Litou echoed: "In that kind of weather, let the big guys dig ditches? It's almost like hitting rocks, hard as iron!

If you dig it down with a hoe, it might bounce back up.Alas, the donkeys of the production team can't stand being manipulated like this. "

"Isn't it!"

Gao Peng's aunt, Ruirui, and now her husband, Gao Peng, has become a tractor driver of the production team as he wished.

Today's Wang Ruirui's pretty face is like a flower that is watered more frequently, blooming bright red.

In addition, the cosmetics factory in the production team will officially start production soon, and Wang Ruirui will be able to go to the factory to be an honorable worker in the future.

So now Wang Ruirui is not lazy anymore, it seems that she will not steal men for the time being.

Wang Ruirui said in a good mood: "Two days ago, when I went back to my mother's house.

The production team at my mother's house, the members of the commune, are working day and night, digging canals in the fields and going down the river to build dams.

When they came back from work at night, they all seemed to be seriously ill. They didn't even have the strength to carry their hoes home. They dragged their hoes on the ground and dragged them back. Oh, what a shame! "

"Isn't it!"

Old Auntie Li frowned: "You also know that my mother's family is in the Guanzhuang production team. I heard from my second uncle's family that the members of the Guanzhuang production team now have to curse a few words every night when they come home! "

"They cursed the weather, the wind in the river, and the 2-foot-thick ice in the river."

Auntie Litou sighed: "I scold someone for wanting to be a model, to be an advanced, but he doesn't care about the life and death of the fellow villagers, and he doesn't care what the fellow villagers have suffered!"

The Guanzhuang production team was the first to carry out the construction of water conservancy facilities.

After they were set up as models, the cadres of other fraternal production teams who went to the Guanzhuang production team to visit and study every day were like an ant nest before it rained.

That's called an endless stream, that's called a shuttle, never ending.

The cadres of the production team and the higher-level leadership departments who went to the Guanzhuang production team to visit and study every day were densely packed, and there was no rest every day.

This makes the cadres of the entire Guanzhuang production team, early in the morning every day, what kind of work should the commune members do today?

Most of the rest of their time is spent on trivial matters such as receiving the cadres of the production team, reporting to the leaders of departments at all levels, and introducing the progress of the project.

Then what time and energy are there to think about how to strengthen the dams, and then to supervise the construction of water conservancy facilities?

There are too many cadres from other production teams who came to visit and look around!

This made the members of the entire Guanzhuang production team unable to take a breather after going to work every day.

——So many pairs of eyes watching!
If a commune member wants to be lazy, he will definitely be seen by other production team cadres.

It is normal for members to take a rest and be lazy occasionally when they are working.

But now the Guanzhuang production team has been established as a regional model.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, if any member of the commune dares to be lazy, if he dares not to work hard.
The consequences are very serious: this is a typical saboteur who belongs to "smearing the collective" and "destroying advanced models".

this is cleaned up
It took such a long time to do the project, and the environment was so harsh.In addition, when you work every day, you are stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

The members of the Guanzhuang production team, how could they not have resentment in their hearts?

after all,

Relying on a passion to encourage everyone to work, the members can persist for three days, five days, or even ten days and a half a month.

Can they be allowed to continue to rotate for more than two months while eating so poorly?
That's a hard-working person who can't stand it.

In Zhimi County, which member of the production team is the easiest?

This must be the Shilipu production team: members of other production teams, when they were busy building dams in the river.

The members of the Shilipu production team only need to collect dead branches and leaves, and pick manure from the restaurant toilet to compost.

When the members of the production team held up their hoes and steel drills, they threw off their arms and dug ditches on the frozen ground.

The members of the Shilipu production team only need to help build the cosmetics factory and go to the restaurant to help expand the restaurant.

It's not tiring to do these jobs.

Moreover, in the restaurant of the Shilipu production team, a lot of sheep stick bones and beef bones are picked every day.

The members of the commune take these stewed beef and sheep bones home and eat them with a little miscellaneous noodles. It is nutritious and delicious, and the cost is also low.

This show is done.

The members of the entire Shilipu production team, after a whole winter, all of them became rosy, and everyone gained weight and their bodies became stronger!

Here, the Shilipu production team is busy building water diversion irrigation canals.

At the same time,
Luo Xuan took Huang Xuan and Peng Yong to the "material procurement and supply station" in the area, and was going to find the relevant person in charge to discuss the issue of supplying the material supply station.

"Orchid flower hand cream? Shampoo, conditioner, soap, soap?"

The person in charge of the procurement station was full of vigilance: "Are these things produced locally?"


Luo Xuan said with extraordinary firmness: "This is imported and subcontracted production."

What is the introduction of sub-production?

This is definitely a new concept, and the person in charge doesn't understand it.

The poor Luo Xuan didn't say anything about "OEM processing" to him, otherwise, he could have fooled the other party by directly talking about it.

"The introduction of sub-production means the introduction of technology, capital, and advanced sales concepts from developed regions, and then we will produce products instead of them."

Luo Xuan started serious nonsense: "This is equivalent to, brother units with advanced production technology, come to help our enterprises in 'less advanced' areas, upgrade technology and products, so as to achieve common prosperity and join hands to enter what doctrine."

"Oh, it's equivalent to what our region is vigorously advocating now: Everyone learns advanced water conservancy construction technologies and concepts from the Guanzhuang production team?"

The person in charge held up the samples on the table with great interest and asked, "But the problem is that other production teams are competing to learn the advanced technology and concepts of the Guanzhuang production team. This is a good thing that everyone can benefit from."

"But to set up a factory, you introduce other people's advanced technology and capital. Isn't this helping others?"

The person in charge asked puzzledly: "In the end, the advances must be taken back, right? Maybe they have to share part of the profits and calculate the interest on the funds.

In this way, wouldn't most of the benefits generated by your factory be taken away by others? "

"Moreover, the production technology of the product is also controlled by others."

The person in charge asked: "If things change at that time, the other party wants to take away funds and technology, and your factory is not allowed to continue production for others, what should we do?"

Facing a person in charge who is conformist and conservative.

Luo Xuan could only continue to instill in him some business ideas for the future: "Leader, you are overthinking. This is a win-win cooperation. Neither our side nor the other party has any reason to suspend the cooperation."

"First of all, if the other party's company wants to spread their products all over Saibei, if they send people to handle all these things, the operating costs will be very high."

"Because they are from the south, it is inevitable that they will not adapt to the environment here. The salesman sent by the factory came forward and went to many departments to make necessary contacts and communications. He does not have the advantage of our locals.

Therefore, it can be foreseen that if they do everything by themselves, the cost of this operation will be beyond the reach of any enterprise.

Moreover, the efficiency of carrying out work will also be very low. "

"This is the first point. The second point, even if they put the product on the market, what about the follow-up? If there is any problem with the product, they can have our local people to communicate with customers in a timely manner. Communicate and negotiate a solution?"

"The third point is that these big factories have authorized us to process their products on their behalf, and are fully responsible for the sales of Saibei.

In this way, their distribution costs and management costs can be effectively saved. "

Luo Xuan explained: "If a manufacturing company has sales offices all over the country, then its operating costs will be frighteningly high.

Moreover, with so many offices set up, how can follow-up management keep up?For example, how to prevent unnecessary waste?

How to control entertainment expenses and travel expenses?How to supervise the employees of the office, their usual work attendance? "

In fact, there is still a big risk in setting up a sales office: how to effectively curb the head of the office and poach the workers?

You must know that setting up an office will inevitably involve operating expenses and staff salaries.

As for sales people, what they are best at is actually dealing with funding.

This kind of thing is hard to guard against.

No matter how strict funding review measures and cost control measures are formulated, they will not help.

The financial management of an enterprise requires careful attention to details.

And a person who is doing sales outside the company first pursues a flexible and needs them to respond differently according to different situations.

In order to take timely countermeasures to reduce the loss of enterprises.

So the conflict came: the financial requirements of the company were strict, and the revenue and expenditure needed to be in line with each other.

And the persons in charge of these overseas offices often encounter many emergencies, and they need to cut first and then play, and pay first before reimbursement.

If they are managed in strict accordance with the financial system, then these foreign offices will become rigid and unresponsive.

Over time, the office will exist in name only.

The person in charge of the procurement station listened to Luo Xuan's explanation for a long time, and finally understood: why such a large company as Shanghai Daily Chemical, they are willing to jointly set up a factory with Shilipu Commune.

joint factory,

It can effectively control sales costs, save distribution costs, and increase market share.

Moreover, it can also make timely responses to unexpected situations in the local market.

When facing the regional market, the staff sent by foreign companies are often not as efficient as the locals, which is for sure.

In this way, we can jointly set up a small factory with local units that have the energy for social activities.

It would be a good way for a win-win situation.

"For our small place with no technology and no capital, it's called borrowing chickens to lay eggs."

Luo Xuan finally set the tone: "The other party increased the sales volume of their company's products, while we earned some staff salaries and learned advanced production technology.

At the same time, this is also of great help to us in Saibei to solve employment, increase tax revenue, and upgrade the industrial structure. "

After the person in charge listened, he pondered for a moment and then nodded: "From what you said, this joint factory is indeed a good idea."


The person in charge of the purchasing station looked down: "After all, the quality of this product has not been verified, and it has not yet been recognized by the broad masses of the people in northern Serbia.

Therefore, I can only agree to purchase a small batch of goods, and then distribute them to the daily chemical stores of county-level supply and marketing cooperatives for preliminary trial sales. "

"If this product can indeed be recognized by the general public, how about I increase the purchase volume at that time?"

Luo Xuan was overjoyed: "Leader, please rest assured, I will definitely use the actual sales results to submit a satisfactory answer to the leader!"

My other skills may be mediocre, but I am very confident in Luoxuan: I can quickly increase my sales to an incredible height in a short period of time!
In this period,
The sale of any product is basically placed on the counter for customers to choose.

The salesperson's attitude is "buy or not, and don't persuade if you don't buy".

In such an environment where there is hardly any competition, if I can't sell these few products very well.
Then simply, just jump into the Wuding River and forget it!

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