Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 68 Are All Mine? (2 chapters in 1)

Chapter 68 Are All Mine? (two chapters in one)
Is there a problem with the space? !

Surprised that there was an abnormality in the space, Luo Xuan was so panicked that he didn't even bother to put the thing in his hand into the space, so he quickly moved his mind out of the space again, and went back to the stream to think hard about the reason.


At this time, the cuckoo in the distance let out an exclamation: "Why do I suddenly feel a little dizzy?"

She stretched out a hand, covered her forehead and muttered to herself: "Did I bend down for too long? Why did I feel like my spirit suddenly went into a trance?"

Du Juan also felt in a trance?

Luo Xuan guessed in his heart: Maybe when he dodged into the space just now, there was an unknown malfunction in the space in his mind.

Therefore, two parallel time-spaces inside and outside are caused, and both of them are distorted and deformed at the same time in an instant.

It's just the space in my mind, and the scope of the distortion of the external time and space caused by it may be limited to the small environment near me, and cannot affect the large environment outside.

Standing in the water, Luo Xuan's brain was running at high speed at this moment, carefully analyzing what was the reason that caused the vibration in space?

The space in my mind is most closely related to the space in my mind, and I am undoubtedly ranked first.

jade? ! !

Last time, in the frog market, when I met the little jade in Chen Xiaoduan's hand, the space in my mind was a little strange.

This time, since the space behaves very abnormally
Then it is very possible that there are large pieces of jade around!
Thinking of this, Luo Xuan put the sack in his hand on the stone, pressed the opening with a small stone, got up and walked to the riverside beside the stream.

There is a relatively steep slope on one side of the creek, where the bamboo forest is dense and the trees are luxuriant. Pedestrians will not choose to go there.

So Luo Xuan walked to the other side of the river, where the terrain was relatively gentle and open.

Seeing this, Du Juan turned her head and asked, "Luo Xuan, why are you going?"

Without looking back, Luo Xuan said, "Don't worry about it, I'll go there for a while."

Saying that, Luo Xuan's figure had disappeared into the grass on the riverside.

Luo Xuan went into the grass and miscellaneous forests, looking for jade according to the degree of abnormal response of the space.

As long as the response of the space is greater, it means that the jade is closer to him.

After carefully searching for a long time in the small woods and weeds, Luo Xuan finally found himself next to a boulder under a cliff, and felt that the response of the space was relatively large.

Pulling away the weeds on a small slope that is densely covered with kudzu vines and steep rocks, the sense of space becomes more obvious at this time.

Luo Xuan pawed in the soil with a hatchet for a while, and a long strip of light yellow jade with radish patterns showed a small half of its figure in the soil.

Taking it out carefully, Luo Xuan first wiped off the mud on the jade with weeds, and then wiped the jade clean with his own sleeve.

Take a closer look.

This cuboid Tian Huangshi turned out to be a private seal.

I saw the words [Yashizhai Fang Jianru's seal] engraved on the bottom of it.

Luo Xuan took the seal and brought it into the space, and didn't bother to observe the changes in the space, so Luo Xuan returned to the original place.

According to my guess, the piece of jade just now should belong to the private seal of the owner of an antique shop before liberation.

In the years before liberation, the bandits in Xiaolaojun were dealt with miserably, making it difficult to cash in the "goods" they robbed.

Perhaps the owner of this house called "Ya Shi Zhai" took a huge risk to enter the mountain, hoping to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, the owner died here in the end.

The reason for inferring that this guy named "Fang Jianru" died here is because Luo Xuan knew that private seals have been kept very carefully since ancient times, and are usually kept secret by the owner or carried with him.

So since the seal can be found here, most likely the owner of this seal is not far away.

thought here.

Luo Xuan then used the hatchet in his hand to split open the weeds on the soil that looked like it had collapsed before, and searched carefully.


After the weeds were split open, a few white bones and some decayed cloth residues were exposed in the soil.

Judging from the palm bones and leg bones scattered in the soil, it seems that at least two people were buried here by the landslide.

The reason why these bones are so messy is probably because they were people who suffered landslides and were eaten by wild beasts in the mountains after death.

As for these broken fabrics, Luo Xuan guessed that they should be furoshiki used to hold things.

Because Luo Xuan saw a few "Yuan Datou" and some green copper coins scattered around the fabric fragments.

"What are you looking at?"

While Luo Xuan was in a daze, Du Juan's voice sounded behind him, "Huh? Why are there silver and copper coins here?"

It has only been a few years since liberation.

Du Juan, who is 16 years old this year, also recognizes silver and copper coins.

"No, nothing."

Luo Xuan replied indifferently: "You came just in time, then help this unlucky ghost to cover Haosheng with a layer of soil, so that these bones will not be taken away by wild beasts."

Du Juan looked at the silver coins in the soil, and then took a deep look at Luo Xuan.

Then he bent down silently, helped to get some soil, and buried all the silver dollars and bones.

The two were only concerned with burying the bones, but no one took the silver dollars from the soil.

In Luo Xuan's heart, he really didn't want this kind of treasure: not only would it be intimidating to others, but it would also be of no help to his next goal.

During this period, even if anyone has gold bars or silver dollars, there is no place to cash them out.

The only place where you can legally make a move is in person.

But in this era, people are very taboo to talk about the words "buy" and "sell".

Even if some people take the "yellow croaker" and "Yuan Datou" in their hands to sell in the pedestrian mall, it can only be called "donation".

The little compensation given by the People's Bank of China can only be called a "reward".

As the old saying goes, 'everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty'.

Luo Xuan didn't want to go to the pedestrian bank to register information for half a day and explain to the cadres the source of these things.

Therefore, Luo Xuan was not interested in those silver dollars at all.

But Luo Xuan didn't like this move when he saw money. In Du Juan's eyes, it meant something completely different.
As for Du Juan herself, she has no feeling for money.

If she is rich, she eats three meals a day, but if she has no money, Du Juan eats meat whenever she wants. To her, money really doesn’t affect her very much [notes below]

After the two buried the remains of these strangers, they continued to go back to the creek to catch fish.

After some anglerfish had accumulated in the sack, Luo Xuan found a stone and pressed the sack into the stream.

Then Luo Xuan carried the big empty bamboo tube into the space and scooped out a bamboo tube of spring water.

The spring water in your own space is magical.

Luo Xuan intends to try, can this spring water keep the anglerfish alive?


The oil in the stream was gone, and the fish, shrimp, turtles and crabs in the water had regained their sanity, and they were swimming very flexibly.

This made it extremely difficult for Luo Xuan to continue catching fish.

At this time, Rhododendron probably knew that the potency of oil dry had expired.

She was holding a bunch of old turtle crabs in her hand, she turned her head and asked Luo Xuan, "Hey! Luo Xuan, how many fish have you caught?"

Luo Xuan opened the mouth of the sack and looked, guessing that there were dozens of anglerfish inside, and then replied: "It may be more than 1 catty, less than 2 catties."

Anglerfish are small in size.

The largest anglerfish only weighs 20 catties.

So Luo Xuan worked hard for a long time, but actually didn't catch many fish.

Du Juan smiled: "Don't be so greedy, just let the little fish go."

Luo Xuan bent down, picked out the smallest anglerfish in the sack, and threw them back into the stream.

Du Juan watched Luo Xuan finish releasing the small fish, and then asked Luo Xuan, "Can you really keep these fish from dying?"

Luo Xuan puffed out his chest and replied with certainty: "Of course!"

Answering Dujuan himself in this way actually has a certain amount of confidence: even if the spring water in the space is scooped up for use outside, the effect will be greatly reduced because of this, and it will not be able to feed anglerfish.

Luo Xuan can also secretly put anglerfish in the space to raise!

In the space, the anglerfish must die, right?
Du Juan couldn't help but smile when he heard Luo Xuan's answer so confidently, "Okay! Anyway, you scholars are educated, and I don't understand how to feed anglerfish. Giggle, I don't want to understand it either."

"Here, Luo Xuan, look, what good things did I catch for you?"

Du Juan held up two of them, and the old turtle, who was almost bald, smiled and said, "We people in the mountains don't eat this food. People outside the mountains, why do you think it is a treasure?"

I treat it like a baby?

Hearing this, Luo Xuan couldn't help complaining inwardly: I wouldn't treat this bastard as a treasure!

Compared with this guy, I would rather eat a plate of twice-cooked pork, which is more satisfying and delicious than the old turtle!
But Du Juan caught two old turtles, she was in a good mood, and Luo Xuan was not good at pouring cold water on them.

So Luo Xuan said with a smile: "Then congratulations, these two soft-shelled turtles may be sold for 10 yuan in the market."

Du Juan replied with a smile: "This is your old turtle, how much it sells is none of my business?"

Luo Xuan was taken aback: "You caught this, of course it's your turtle."

"This is your old turtle!"

Du Juan said to Luo Xuan seriously: "Your old turtle!"

Luo Xuan: "Your!"

Du Juan slammed the soft-shelled turtle into the water: "It's your old turtle!"

Seeing that Luo Xuan was puzzled, Du Juan explained: "Before our little old gentleman, there were often herbal doctors from outside the mountain, people who wanted to go to the mountain to try their luck.

They will pay our little Laojun people a salary on a daily basis. "

Du Juan said: "We mountain people, as long as we promise to come down, we will be responsible for leading the way for others, helping to pick medicinal materials, mountain products, rock bee poisonous snakes and other things. All the gains are considered as others' gains. After all, they are the employers, right? ?”

The "before" mentioned by Du Juan refers to what happened "before liberation".

Now it is a new era, if anyone comes to the mountain again and spends money to hire mountain people to help him as guides and helpers.
That would be tantamount to playing tricks to death.

What an era!Who would dare to openly hire workers to work for them?
That's really an old birthday star who eats arsenic, and it's almost the same if he's tired and crooked.

[Note: In fact, the mountain people, more or less, have a bit of a bearish concept of money in their bones.They have a sense of fear of people and things outside, and they can't integrate into it, and they are unwilling to integrate into the outside world. 】

[This is a concept inherited from their ancestors, and it will not be fundamentally reversed just because they have been liberated for a few years.

They like to stay in a place they are familiar with, and just live in a normal way. 】

(End of this chapter)

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