Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 67 1 way to make a fortune

Chapter 67
This time when Luo Xuan entered the mountain, he unexpectedly encountered an anglerfish on the way?
It is simply a big pie with fillings from the sky!
Seeing many black anglerfish figures on the fast-flowing but crystal-clear river bed, Luo Xuan quickly rolled up his trouser legs and was about to jump into the stream to catch fish.

Seeing this, Du Juan grabbed Luo Xuan's arm and said angrily, "Are you going to catch these sucker fish and stuff them in your crotch?"

Hearing this, Luo Xuan couldn't help but blush.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Du Juan said these words, her face turned even redder
In fact, in the countryside, every time the rice is harvested, the little kids go down to the rice fields to catch fish.

There are still many people who just take off their trousers and tie a knot on each of the trouser legs, and use them as cloth bags to hold fish.

What Du Juan said just now was actually not abrupt.

It's just that it's a bit out of place to say it from her mouth.

So as soon as Du Juan spoke, she blushed.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Du Juan put down his package and walked towards the bamboo forest beside him with a hatchet in hand.

walk aside.

She said to Luo Xuan: "Actually, this kind of fish is really not delicious. I have eaten it a few times. My father said before that if you spend so much effort to catch this kind of fish and eat it back, it's better to go to the production team's pond in the middle of the night and catch it." A grass carp is so satisfying to eat!"

What Dujuan said about "catching fish" is actually quietly going to the pond to get fish.
Luo Xuan naturally wouldn't poke it.

At the same time, of course I know why Du Juan and her father, Du Zhong, feel that way.

——Day does not know the darkness of night.

Lobsters will not understand the pain of calcium deficiency of those crawling shrimps.
Maybe it's because Eucommia has a strong body, so he doesn't need to eat this kind of fish for nourishment.

Coupled with these folk remedies in folklore, in fact, most of them are exaggerated.There are only those who go to the doctor in a hurry.Will be obsessed with these things at all costs.

Seeing that Luo Xuantie was determined to catch fish, Du Juan went to the bamboo forest halfway up the mountain and released a big bamboo.

This kind of bamboo is very thick, it is not easy to cut it, and it is even more difficult to pull the bamboo out of the densely packed branches.

But this is obviously not a problem for Rhododendron.

She said to Luo Xuan who wanted to help, "You don't need to help, go, go and chop an older moso bamboo. Remember, you only need to take a piece of bamboo, you don't need to drag it back for a whole a bamboo."

Luo Xuan did as he said, and went to the side to chop a piece of moso bamboo and came back.

After Du Juan cut the bamboo into two pieces and took off the bamboo tubes about 80 centimeters in length, she let the remaining bamboo get stuck in the bamboo forest and discarded it.

Seeing this, Luo Xuan immediately understood: Du Juan is planning to make a hollow bamboo tube to replace the bucket so that he can put the fish in it.

There is no iron rod used to break through the bamboo joints, which is not a problem for Dujuan.

She took the bamboo pole in Luo Xuan's hand, put the bottom of the bamboo against a boulder, and then used the moso bamboo pole instead of the iron rod. After a few "bang bang bang", two simple fish-holding utensils were ready.

Then tie the bamboo tube with a rope, make a thin bamboo pole into a pole, and a pair of outfits similar to those carrying water, and they are fresh out of the oven.

Luo Xuan rolled up his trouser legs and was about to go into the water to catch fish.


Du Juan reached out and grabbed Luo Xuan's shoulder again, saying, Du Juan now seems to be doing things to him more and more frequently!
She said, "Why are you in a hurry! These fish are very small, and they swim very nimbly. If you catch fish one by one like you do, you won't have enough to stuff your belly at night. .

Go, go, rest on the sidelines, get the sacks ready, and go directly to the river to catch fish later. "

Luo Xuan scratched his head embarrassingly, so he obediently untied a sack and waited quietly.

Du Juan squatted down, took out half a piece of Youkubing from the package, and broke it into pieces.

Then Du Juan stood upstream of the stream and threw all the oily powder in his hand into the stream.

Youkubing is the waste left over from mustard seed oil.

The production team used it to feed pigs, or to add fertilizer to orange trees.

Bury some oil cakes under the orange tree to increase the sweetness of the orange.

This kind of oil cake is actually a circle made of straw, which is filled with 6 or 7 minutes cooked rapeseed.

These fritters are then stacked in stacks and put into a hollowed out solid hardwood pipe.

Next, the workers in the oil mill will use huge rams to keep hitting the oil cakes in the wooden clips.

When the space of the oil cake is compressed to a certain extent, wisps of rapeseed oil will seep out from the straw mats and the gaps in the wooden clamps.

When the fine strands of rapeseed oil are collected in the groove, all the processes of oil extraction are completed.

Therefore, the oily cake after the oil is squeezed is covered with a layer of straw.

And a few days ago, when Luo Xuan scolded the fat female salesperson at the oil press shop of the supply and marketing cooperative, he said, "Every rapeseed and every straw here is the result of hard work by us farmers." out" words.

In the upper reaches of the creek, the oil sprayed by rhododendrons has begun to bear fruit.

I saw that the miscellaneous fish and shrimps in the stream had already started to turn up their white bellies, and they kept swirling on the water surface.


The anglerfish, which had been clinging tightly to the stones in the water with its own sucker, finally couldn't stand the strong smell of Youku at this time.

One by one also turned its white belly, surfaced, and then floated down the stream.

Overjoyed, Luo Xuan quickly opened the sack in his hand and scooped up the fish in the stream.

This trick is comparable to poking your butt and then searching for anglerfish one by one on the rocks at the bottom of the water. The efficiency has been improved many times!
The method Du Juan used just now is called "making trouble with fish".

It is also known as "medicine fish".

But her method of troublesome fish is different from the kind of medicinal fish that everyone hates: Rhododendron uses oil dried or 'rodvine' medicinal fish, which is harmless to fish and will not harm other creatures in the water .

It will not leave any sequelae to the surrounding environment.

The use of fish vines and oil to make trouble with fish is all due to the strong smell. The "smoked" fish can't bear it and are temporarily fainted.

After the smell in the water dissipates, the fish will naturally return to normal without any irreversible damage or sequelae.

Luo Xuan was busy picking up anglerfish, but Du Juan, who was a little further up the stream, seemed not interested in this rare fish.

I saw her bent over, watching carefully beside the big rocks in the water, looking for big soft-shelled turtles and big crabs in the water.

If he encounters those little soft-shelled turtles and crabs that are dazed and smothered by oil, Du Juan is not even interested in taking a second look at them.

Old turtles are valuable.

And the old turtles that are getting older and bigger are the most sought-after items in the market.

And the big crab has crab roe in its belly, and Du Juan seems to be more interested in that kind of crab roe, which tastes a bit like salted duck egg yolk.

Therefore, Du Juan only picks old turtles and big crabs, but has no interest in anglerfish with white bellies beside him.

Seeing that Du Juan was busy catching old turtles and crabs, he didn't look at his side.

Luo Xuan quickly poured the anglerfish from the sack in his hand into the big bamboo tube.

Then, holding the big bamboo tube, he flashed into the space with his thoughts!

But this time when he entered the space, for some unknown reason, his sanity suddenly became in a trance the moment he entered the space!

(End of this chapter)

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