Chapter 637

Xu Daliang lifted a dung bucket.

Pretending to go forward to help, it seems that he is about to pour the scooped manure into the donkey cart.

But in fact, he walked to the member of the Guanzhuang production team who was in the middle and was responsible for scooping up manure.

Then she nuzzled at him.

This member is also a straight man.

Seeing Xu Daliang winking at him, he couldn't help being taken aback, "What are you doing? Your face is twitching from the cold?"

While talking about this member, he stopped the dung spoon in his hand.

Demonstrate it to Xu Daliang, "It's very cold here in winter. You people from the south don't know how bad it is. Here, just rub it like this! Just rub your face to warm it up."

Xu Daliang cursed inwardly: I'll rub your younger sister!
Look at Luo Xuan,

Xu Daliang then pointed to the manure spoon that the commune member put on the edge of the cesspit.

Perhaps many people will not believe it: it is actually in Saibei, including the Hetao area.There are many men whose stubbornness is definitely beyond the imagination of most people.

——The nerve reflex arc is longer, longer than the whip used to drive a donkey.

Seeing Xu Daliang's actions, the member scratched his head and thought for a long time.

Only then did he show a look of sudden realization, "Oh, you want to come and compete with your fellow villagers, and want to be a manure scooper?"

The man waved his hands again and again, "No, no! If the manure scooping hand is tired and strong, you can rest, but you can't change people halfway."

this wood!

Xu Daliang was so angry with the man that he almost lost his anger on the spot!
In desperation, Xu Daliang had no choice but to carry an empty excrement bucket and go around behind Luo Xuan.

He walked to the side of the cesspit, who was still the excrement scooper of the production team in official attire.

Then do the same: look at Luo Xuan's dung spoon, and then nuzzle at that member's dung spoon.


This member's comprehension is much higher, and he finally didn't ask Xu Daliang: Have you eaten?
He nodded silently, then raised the dung spoon in his hand, and swung it viciously towards the eagle-beaked spoon that Luo Xuan was scooping up dung!
Those with real knives and guns can't beat the opponent, and they will make small moves secretly.

For that guy's bad move,
Luo Xuan had already been on guard: don't say that Luo Xuan had seen Xu Daliang, and sneaked over to hint at that member, asking him to trip him up.

It was Xu Daliang, he didn't come here to teach others to play tricks.Luo Xuan has always been on guard against the opponent, and once he is at a disadvantage, he will become angry and start making troubles.

Now when Luo Xuan saw that commune member, he pretended to be scooping up manure on the surface.

But the dung spoon in his hand was floating over from the cesspit, trying to hold down his own dung spoon.

Luo Xuan turned his wrist and scraped the dung spoon on the opponent's spoon.

Luck in the dark,

It seemed calm, but in fact, it spun on the opponent's dung spoon, secretly exerting an extremely powerful force!


That member never expected that Luo Xuan would just scratch so lightly!I couldn't hold the handle of the dung spoon in my hand.

With a sound of "poof", the whole dung spoon was thrown out of his hand, and fell into the cesspit with a puff.
"What are you doing?"

The production team leader of Guanzhuang was surprised, "Junjun, why can't you even hold the guy who eats? Second Qiang, go get Junjun a dung spoon."

Every time they come to the county to grab dung, all the commandos will bring a few more dung spoons.

Just because of the commune members standing by the pit and responsible for scooping up manure.

They are too intense because of too much labor intensity and small movements.In the end, they were so tired that they couldn't even hold the dung spoon in their hands.

Thereby the thing that scoops up excrement tool and falls among the cesspit happens from time to time.

After receiving the new dung spoon, this member is still not convinced!
Because he thought that he just lost the dung spoon because of a moment of carelessness.

So this commune member, after he just got a new dung scoop, he didn't even bother to pick up the dung scoop that fell into the dung pit.

Then he made do with the guy in his hand and tried again to suppress that extra-large dung spoon in Luo Xuan's hand!

It’s just that this member repeated the trick again, and the result was still the same: only an exclamation was heard from his mouth, a new excrement spoon that had just arrived and hadn’t been warmed yet.

With a "poof", he fell into the cesspit again!

Let go this time,
This member of the Guanzhuang production team finally understood: the opponent's strength is far superior to his own.

No matter how you do it, you are definitely not someone else's opponent.
Hey, head on!
If I had known this was the result, I might as well have been obediently scooping up excrement!

Although the speed is slower.

But in doing things, I have always been afraid of slowness, but of standing still.

This commune member delayed several times in succession. As a result, the Guanzhuang production team got even less fertilizer!

Seeing that the donkey cart of the Shilipu production team, the big wooden barrel was filled with more and more goods.

The militia captain of the Guanzhuang production team is in a hurry!

He leaned close to the captain and muttered, "Second uncle, it's not okay to go on like this! They scooped up all the thick soup, so we'll just drink thin soup.

It's okay to say once and a half times.I'm afraid our production team won't be able to hold our heads up in front of them in the future. "

Another member was also aggrieved, "That's right! Being suppressed everywhere and being manipulated by others anytime and anywhere, is that okay?"

The captain sighed, "If you don't accept it, how can you explain it? They snatched it by their ability. Hey"

"Originally, it was said that Comrade Xu Daliang came to our village, and there were four other educated youths. Our production team will become more and more powerful."

The production team leader sighed, "I didn't expect that there are people outside this person, and there is a sky beyond the sky. The educated youths from the Shilipu production team are really fierce, and they can't compete."

"What do you mean can't be corrected? Comrade Captain, please don't build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige."

Xu Daliang went to the cesspit to instigate that member named Junjun to do bad things, and failed twice in a row.

In order to clarify the relationship between this matter and myself.

When Jun Jun's second dung spoon fell into the ditch, Xu Daliang had slipped back.

At this time, when he heard the frustrating words of the production captain, he was naturally unconvinced, "I heard that you can still compete with each other.

Use this to determine which production team can give priority to harvesting fertilizer? "

The captain nodded, "Yes, there are two methods of written examination, one is Wenbi and the other is Wubi."

Xu Daliang asked, "What kind of comparison is Wenbi? What kind of rhetoric is Wubi?"

The captain of the militia explained on behalf of his second uncle, "Wenbi is to pull out the Yangko teams from their respective production teams to see who can twist the Yangko better.

You can also take advantage of the New Year's Eve.

At that time, the county will organize "Zuan Jiuqu" and "Da Shuhua". At that time, two production teams who are not convinced by each other can make an agreement in advance to compare who is more powerful by turning Jiuqu and playing Tiehua . "

Xu Daliang asked, "Where is Wu Bi?"

The captain of the militia said, "The military competition is even simpler. Either each production team picks out three riders, and everyone rides a horse to compete in 'carrying a sheep'."

camel city boundary,

It borders the three provinces and belongs to the three provinces of Jiming: the province of beef and mutton to the north, and the province of old vinegar to the east.

Therefore, many customs here have many similarities with the province of beef and mutton, and the province of old vinegar.

Xu Daliang curled his lips, "I think there are only cattle, mules and donkeys in the production team now. Where did the horses come from?"

"That was before! At that time, there were a lot of retired war horses here."

The captain of the militia explained, "However, although it is said that you can't 'hold the sheep' now, there are still two ways of fighting. One is wrestling, and the other is... fisting."

"Then fight!"

Xu Daliang stared at the back of Luo Xuan, who was busy, with a stern face.
Gritting his teeth, he said, "Both sides pick out 3 people, and whichever side wins 2 rounds will be considered the winner."

so ruthless? ! !
The captain and everyone were surprised: This is an educated youth from Bashu, but he is really not fuel-efficient!

It's just that one is more ruthless than the other.
Among the several forms of martial arts competition, like holding a sheep, the contestants will not be injured.

Unless he accidentally fell off the horse.

As for wrestling, it is even less likely to be injured.
But if you choose to raise your fists and compete with whoever is better at fighting, you will be beaten with bruised nose and face, and bleeding from your mouth and nose.

If the fight was overdone and the two contestants got really angry, the consequences would be very serious.

Skin was bruised, bruised, and even limbs were severed.

It is also unusual.

Just roll up your sleeves and compare them to the size of your fists. This method of competition is the production captain of Guanzhuang and the militia captain.

The way they are least willing to adopt.

After all, the two production teams have heard about each other, and they are connected with each other.Among the many members of the two production teams, they are still relatives.

Just like the old head Li of the Shilipu production team, his wife Ji Zhuanzhuan's natal family is in the Guanzhuang production team
During the holidays, everyone has to visit each other and visit relatives.

Once the most primitive and brutal dueling method is adopted, which is the size of a fist.

The faces of the two parties were completely torn.

Seeing that the production team leader was still hesitating.

Xu Daliang raised his voice and shouted, "Comrade Li Accountant of the Shilipu production team, our Guanzhuang production team will compete with you again, and we will have a showdown!"

For the Guanzhuang production team, this evening fell behind.

A reordering will be proposed to determine who is the boss. Accounting Li has long expected it.

Hearing Xu Daliang's invitation to fight, Accountant Li sneered, "It's up to you! In our production team, mothers-in-law and aunts have the final say on such trivial matters."

When the members of the Shilipu production team heard what accountant Li said, they burst into laughter.

A commune member jokingly said, "Hahaha, that's right, is the flat food breaded with leeks or shallots? It's up to the mothers-in-law and aunts in the family to make decisions about such small matters."

Standing on a donkey cart,
Old Li, who was stirring the sticky excrement, also booed with an unusually loud voice, "That's right! Auntie, old man, you have the final say on such trivial matters as who sleeps on it in the middle of the night. Old man, I don't care about these nosy things."


The members of the Shilipu production team suddenly burst into laughter.

In the production team,
Everyone usually jokes, if it doesn't have something to do with the thing in the crotch, everyone will feel unable to talk.


The Shilipu production team made a big splash, sweeping away the grievances they had suffered over the years.

Old Li was especially happy about this!

In the past, during the festivals, according to the local custom, Lao Li had to go to the home of his father-in-law and mother-in-law to pay New Year's greetings.

In addition, there are seven aunts and eight aunts, and none of them can be missing.

Whenever it was that time, when Lao Li came to visit with gifts, it was the time when he suffered the most: not only some tricky relatives.

In the casual chat, he would give Old Li's Shilipu production team a big disdain.

Even Lao Li was carrying things, halfway through the streets of the Guanzhuang production team.

All have to endure the pointing and unscrupulous ridicule of those mean women.
Go through the whole visit process,

Lao Li's back was always wet with sweat, and he was angry and anxious in his heart, but he was helpless.

Over the years of being aggrieved, the old man Li felt terrified when he heard the word "Guanzhuang".

Tonight, our old man Li finally stood up! !
Xu Daliang is also a person who has never been reckless.

Seeing the other party's arrogance, he couldn't help but sternly shouted: "Shut up! Thousands of miles of land are created by fighting, not by blowing words.

Take a look at each of you, what qualities do you have?Is it embarrassing to throw a lot of swear words and cowhide flying all over the sky? "

The production team leader of Guanzhuang sighed, "Don't say a few words, big guys. Let's start selecting candidates! Let's compete with each other, and we have to continue working."

Accountant Li had already received Luo Xuan's instruction, and upon seeing this, he replied loudly, "Okay! Since you're happy, we won't talk too much.

You Guanzhuang production team, pick 5 people out.Our Shilipu production team has few people, so we only need to produce 2. "

The captain of the Guanzhuang militia was surprised: "Accountant Li, don't make too much noise. Since it's a competition, let's be fair. You can also pick five people."

Accountant Li shook his head, "No need, a herd of sheep can't beat a wolf. There are not so many idlers in the Shilipu production team."

"Okay! A word from a gentleman."

I'm worried that the captain of the Guanzhuang production team and the militia captain really want to play a fair game with the Shilipu production team.

Xu Daliang quickly took over Accountant Li's words, "Everyone heard it, this is the condition that Accountant Li put forward.

I didn't use such tricks as aggressive generals and Zhuge Liang scolding Wang Lang. "

Now that it was time to compete, the members of the production teams of both sides rushed to collect all the lanterns.

Then send members to stand on the donkey cart and hold the lantern high.

Compete with the entire venue, and the lighting is bright and majestic!

While the members were busy, Accountant Li quietly approached Luo Xuan and asked in a low voice, "Comrade Luo, I know you are a person of great ability. But you and I are going to fight against each other, and there are five people on the other side. Isn't that a little bit?" "

Luo Xuan stared at Xu Daliang who was eager to try.

He also replied in a low voice, "Uncle, you don't have to worry. If there are five people on our side, that guy Xu Daliang, he won't be in danger easily.

Now he sees few of us, so he can take advantage of it.

If my guess is right, Xu Daliang will definitely be the first to jump out and sign up for the competition. "

Accountant Li was worried, "I know you want to kill the opponent's leader. But in this way, our chances of winning are almost nonexistent."

Luo Xuan chuckled, "So what? At worst, if we lose the competition, it will still be the same as before! We won't lose anything."

Accountant Li thought about it.

Then he nodded in agreement with Luo Xuan's statement: That's true!
Anyway, compared with the strength of Guanzhuang, the Shilipu production team, the disparity is too great!
In the worst case, if you lose, you can just stay low and be a small chant as before.

How could it be any worse?

 [Rebirth of the fiery years, let the passion burn] is being updated.
(End of this chapter)

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