Chapter 566

In this world,
In fact, there is no such thing as a good relationship or a bad relationship.

As long as the benefits to the other party are large enough, it is not a big problem for the enemy to let him call him father affectionately.

Luo Xuan didn't expect the dancers in the village to be able to call him father.

Therefore, Luo Xuan was not prepared to send too much benefit to the dancer.

But it must also make him tired of sweetness.

——Gifts that are not up to standard will not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but will also attract complaints.

This time,
Luo Xuan intends to be a dancer. When he sees himself in the future, his face can be as bright as the peach blossoms in March.

"Dancer, please come here."

When the dancer announced that Miao Meisha was dead and turned around to leave the room, Luo Xuan called him aside.

Ask him in a low voice, "You can't cure her with your medical skills, can you?"

The dancer's face straightened: "What are you talking about? This is a spell! Do you understand that it's a spell?"

Luo Xuan curled his lips, "Spells? Inquiry and diagnosis, you accounted for three. Just now you said that you used a bamboo tube to check Miao Meisha's body, what kind of ghosts and ghosts are hidden. Actually, I bet.

You are smelling her!A person who is about to die must have a breath of death on his body. "

"It's a pity, this time you missed it! Miao Meisha had an acute cold.

Just relying on the herbs you have on hand, the effect is too slow, so you are not sure that you can cure her. "

Luo Xuan chuckled, "I saw so many wormwood mint, Baiyao Poria cocos, and notoginseng southern star in the package you brought.
Don't tell me that these things are necessary magical tools when casting spells. "

The dancer was about to refute.

Luo Xuan patted him on the shoulder, "I can cure Miao Meisha, but I can't."

After all, the dancer was born and raised here, and his brain is actually not particularly good.

Now being circled like this,
The dancer was a little confused, "What do you mean? You are?"

Luo Xuan took out 2 Ganmaoqing tablets, 3 erythromycin tablets, and 1 Pain Relief tablet from his pocket.

Quietly put it in the hands of the dancer.

Patting him on the shoulder: "The medicine will cure the disease. No, it's the dancer, you have strong mana, and you can't cure it just by looking at it.

Under your all-out spellcasting, dancer, you turned the corner into safety.Awesome, amazing, amazing! "

The dancer looked confused.

"In the future, happy cooperation."

Luo Xuan smiled slightly, "Afterwards, I still have 8 catties of python meat and 10 catties of corn to thank the dancers for their hard work."

The dancer widened his eyes, "How much of this medicine do you still have? Cough cough cough."

Saying that, the dancer quickly shut up and looked around in a panic.

See no one around,
The dancer whispered, "Can it really cure her?"

Luo Xuan frowned, "It's thanks to you that it's cured. If Miao Meisha can't be cured, it's Lao Min who should cry loudly with Han Zhu. You won't lose anything."

"That's true."

The dancer lowered his voice and asked quietly: "I mean this kind of pill, do you have more?"

Luo Xuan replied, "Enough!"

"Then I will come forward to do it, and you will make these films for me?"

The dancer's hands trembled with excitement, "Then the rewards we get, let's add two to one and make five?"

Luo Xuan was taken aback, "Do you know how to plan?"

The dancer shook his head, "This is a word I heard from someone else. I don't know how to make calculations, but I do."

Luo Xuan thought for a while, "The reward is still yours, I don't want it. But after a while, when I want to organize them to work on the mountain, you have to help me behind the scenes. Hehe, you understand?"

"Understood! I understand very well."

The dancer was overjoyed, "Then I'll go in and get busy?"

Luo Xuan nodded, "Go ahead and do whatever you want."

these years,
The dancer went from house to house to practice events. After all, he had been to more places than people in the village.

His knowledge is incomparable to those mountain people in the village.

Over the years, the lion dance has vaguely felt that the life of his profession has become more and more difficult.

The people in the stockade used to include those mountain people who lived scattered in the deep mountains and old forests.

Some have a headache, brain fever, nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night, or go hunting, unlucky, and return empty-handed.

Most of those mountain people would catch two chickens and ask the dancer to do rituals for him.

Especially the mountain people, who have a sore, a disease, or an accidental injury.

Who can't respectfully come over and beg the dancer to cast spells on him?

But since there is a health center in the commune,

Some patients who have suffered trauma and are still relatively serious will go to the health center and ask the doctors there to give them medicine.

This situation, though relatively rare.

As a result, those mountain people are still more dependent on dancers.

But after all, the hole has been torn open.

And the curative effect of others is really visible.

Therefore, the dancer who feels deeply that he is facing an existential crisis is always anxious about this situation.

Yet unable to change.
The major events in the world, Hao Hao Tang Tang.

No matter how remote and backward the Lakuu production team is, the longer and more contact it has with the modern civilization of the outside world.

In the future, the dependence of the mountain people on dancers will inevitably decrease.

How did this happen? !
The profession of wizarding has been passed down from generation to generation.

When the dancer gets old and can't move, he still hopes to receive an apprentice who will go out and help him cheat money.

It's to go out to help the villagers do things, so that he can buy wine and cigarettes for the dancer, and he will die in retirement!
But now,
Seeing that life is getting more and more difficult, it is destined to become more and more difficult in the future.

When Lion Dance was worrying about his future, Luo Xuan sent him these advanced pills.

In the future, spells combined with the effects of modern medicine will definitely be leveraged!
Let me ask, who can do without a dancer?

As for those in the nearby villages, other colleagues?Hmph, not enough to watch!

The dancer was so happy that he almost entered the room humming a little tune. From now on, he will become a great dancer and stand out from the crowd.

Just around the corner!
For this ceremony, the dancers absolutely tried their best: they sang, danced, drew pictures, and chanted mantras.

"Mummi Gulu Gulu. This girl is in a bit of trouble!"

The dancer took advantage of the gap between being a master and whispered to the old Min and his wife, "This girl Miao Meisha is really strong.

Moreover, her original god was able to resist the evil spirits for so long! "

Old Min Yixi, "That means Miao Meisha, she was saved?"

The dancer shook his head,
Then he sighed heavily, "It's hard!"

The dancer said, "She has the anger of mountain gods on her body; she also has evil spirits sprayed by snake gods and monsters, it's hard to deal with!"

Hanzhu was shocked, "Then why, those who followed my family, Meisha, to Dalong Mountain, are the others okay?"

The dancer said slowly, "The mountain god is angry and the evil spirits are invading. It's not for everyone. That Miao Meisha in your family is a foreigner!

How can our mountain god of Laku protect her?
On weekdays, what did you offer sacrifices to the Laku Mountain God?Was there ever a tribute offered?
In the words of the mainlanders, that is called burning incense. Or do you not burn incense?Encountered something, and then go to hug the Buddha's leg? "

The dancer sneered, "Is this appropriate? Usually, there are few sacrifices, but when troubles arise, you can ask the gods. No matter how many tributes you have, it's still difficult!"

Hanzhu's beautiful eyes filled with tears, "Dancer, I beg you, please save my sister."

In fact, what is the effect of the dancer on the medicine Luo Xuan gave him?

Not particularly sure.

He just had the mentality of giving it a try and breaking a new path for himself in the future.

Prepare to test it on Miao Meisha.

In addition, people who work in their business like to say ambiguous words when they say anything.
The magic sticks have always been reluctant to draw conclusions with very positive or negative words.

It's up to me to cure it.

It can't be cured, that's the fate of the patient
At this time, Lao Min also panicked, "Dancer, we have another method called 'Chongxi'. You see. Can you give it a try?"


Hanzhu slapped Lao Min hard on the back of the head, "You, I don't have enough to eat? Are you still thinking about Meisha?"

Old Min yelled wronged, "How can I? Ever since Allah married you, I haven't been to Miaozhai to mess around with you?"

Hanzhu said angrily, "Then what do you mean?"

Miaozu had a lot of contact with Han people.

So Hanzhu also understands a little bit the meaning of 'Chongxi'.

Old Min said, "I mean"

As he said, Lao Min turned his mouth towards Luo Xuan who was not far away.

Hanzhu sighed, "If it's really not possible, then do as you wish."

The dancer hurriedly stopped, "Don't panic! I'll try again later, and show off my housekeeping skills.

I ask our mountain god to be magnanimous and bless me to drive those evil gods out of Miao Meisha smoothly. "

"If Miao Meisha still hasn't improved after three days."

The dancer sighed, "At that time, you can do whatever you like! The rest of the matter has nothing to do with me."

This guy!
He intends to use the medicine Luo Xuan gave him and try it first.

If in the end there is no way to recover, the dancer can also push the responsibility away completely!

The dancer had another epileptic seizure, and he was foaming at the mouth and trembling all over.
He used a kind of "Drip Guanyin" mucus, which is unique to the local area, and put a little bit in his mouth.

This kind of neurotoxin enters the body, and anyone will have epilepsy
After dancing the Great God, the dancer uses burnt talisman water.

Ask Han Zhu and Lao Min to get 3 drops of cockscomb blood, half a piece of fresh yellow lotus, and 7 drops of fresh dew on the clover.

Add 13 drops of duck saliva. No more, no less.

Finally, with the 3-year-old rooster, stir the third wing feather on the left evenly.

Give this bowl of talisman water to Miao Meisha to drink every drop, to see the aftereffect
It's easy to say anything else about the prescription made by this magic stick.

But it was already afternoon and the weather was hot.

Not to mention the dewdrops on the little clover, even the big lotus leaves can't find half a drop of water!
And that duck's saliva is also difficult to deal with.

It's not difficult to get the duck's saliva, just catch the duck and hold it upside down for a while.

Thick, sticky saliva will flow out of the duck's mouth.

But the problem is: the duck's saliva is very sticky.

If you want to accurately calculate 13 drops of liquid in the saliva that flows down like a paste. This is really a technical job!

The magic sticks prescribe prescriptions,

It has always been like this: it is difficult for people to do what is divine.

This is actually a coup for them to shirk their responsibilities:
If the patient is not rescued at that time, these magic sticks can naturally ask the family members about the details of when they selected various exotic medicines for dispensing.

If there is one place that is not done precisely enough, hehe, I'm sorry, it's you family members who can't do things themselves.

none of my business?

(End of this chapter)

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