Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 565 Miao Meisha Has No Treatment?

Chapter 565 Miao Meisha Has No Treatment?

"The python slipped away?"

"Let's go. If you don't go, I'm afraid they won't be able to go back."

"It's so cold. Heh. Heh, scared, dead, I'm dying."

Miao Meisha's teeth trembled,
Putting his hands on his shoulders, "Let's go back quickly. Otherwise, I'm afraid, I will, I will be frozen to death here."

Luo Xuan gently took Miao Meisha's hand, "Let's go. I didn't expect you to urinate such a big disaster."

Miao Meisha blushed, "It's a good thing I met that snake when I went to pee. Otherwise, when we were all asleep, maybe the snake would crawl into our shack!"

Now Luo Xuan and Miao Meisha don't have any hair on their bodies.

It was because Luo Xuan didn't bother to put on clothes when the incident was urgent.

And Miao Meisha was at the bottom of the water, lurking for too long.The tube skirt on her body is wet, if she continues to wrap it around her body.

On the contrary, it will make her body temperature lose faster.

So Miao Meisha, who couldn't stand the cold, simply held the tube skirt in her hand.

Fortunately, it was pitch black in the forest.

The original flashlight, because of diving just now, the electric energy in the dry battery has already been radiated.

Now that flashlight is completely useless.

Supporting Miao Meisha, Luo Xuan and her walked back to the shack where they lived.

The light rain in the sky did not know when it had stopped.

Nami, who spread her arms and legs in the shack, was still sleeping soundly there.

Luo Xuan worried about the safety of Nali and Namu.After Miao Meisha settled down, she ran to the shack not far away in the dark.

A match was struck and the number carefully counted.


All golden pythons have a strong sense of territory. The python that I killed just now is probably a solo household.

So there were no other reptiles that ran over to attack Namunali and the others.

in the shack,
Na Mu stretched out one hand somewhere, soundly asleep.Nali didn't know what kind of sweet dream she had, her mouth was chattering.

I don't know if she was eating something in her dream?
Still chewing on people?
The other two girls slept peacefully.

everything is normal.

Back in his shack, Luo Xuan took out two erythromycin tablets from his satchel, and swallowed them dryly.

This is to prevent the place where the python bites itself from being infected by germs.

During this period, no one had the habit of using antibiotics indiscriminately.

So with the wound on my shoulder, even if germs invaded, I could rely on these two erythromycin tablets.

It should be enough to resist the germs of this period.

After taking the medicine, Luo Xuan casually gave Miao Meisha another antibiotic, just in case.

The small pool just now was originally not clean.

In addition, I killed two more pythons.Their internal organs are all floating in the pool!
Who the hell knows what kind of virus is in there?
In the Laku production team, in the deep mountains and old forests where birds don’t shit, sometimes a small cold can kill a person.

So Luo Xuan had to be careful.

Wait until Miao Meisha finished taking the medicine and slowly fell asleep.

Luo Xuan slowly left the shack and walked behind the basket of banana trees.Then he dodged into the space and came out with a machete.

stay here overnight
It is indeed a bit inconvenient to not have a self-defense weapon on hand.

I am unarmed, and I am not afraid of any beasts.

But if you want to protect this group of girls, you still have to have a handy tool.

If you want to deal with wild beasts, it is actually better to use firecrackers in the dense forest.

It was a sharp weapon that could not kill those ferocious beasts, but also scare them to the ground.

I can say that this machete was found by myself overnight to cover up the origin of the knife in my hand.

But if I take out the firecracker, it will be difficult to explain clearly.
That night,

Luo Xuan lay on her stomach in the shack and slept soundly.

The next day,

As soon as it was dawn, Luo Xuan got up.

Running the inner breath of the body for a week, I only feel that my body is very comfortable and smooth.

Then they called Nali and Namu and asked Nali to light a fire and cook.

"Hey, where did such a big snake come from?"

Na Mu looked at the piece of golden python meat, and couldn't close her mouth in surprise, "So thick? That snake must weigh at least 3 to 40 catties, right?"

Luo Xuan nodded, "It should be about the same. This morning, you can eat grilled snake meat, and make me a bamboo tube of rice, and I will eat pickled mountain bamboo shoots."

Na Mu asked, "Where did this snake meat come from?"

Luo Xuan replied, "I killed it last night."

Na Mu shook her head, "Why don't I know?"

Luo Xuan said with a smile, "You sleep like dead pigs. If there is a Pu Shao who climbed into your bed in the middle of the night, I'm afraid you don't know."

Na Mu giggled, "Na Li and I are people who can sleep without knowing anything if they touch the pillow.

If anyone really wants to find a Pu Shao, come here!It depends on who is afraid of who!Do you think those guys are as good at fighting as you are? "

Too lazy to teach Na Mu deeply.

Luo Xuan asked Na Li, "Do the people in your village like to eat snake meat? If I use these snake meat, it will be used as wages.

Let them do the work, will anyone come? "


Na Mu and Na Li said in unison, "Now there are not many families in the village who still have food.

If you give them a few catties of python meat, I can guarantee that most people in the village will run and fly! "


Luo turned around and walked towards the pool, "You two work hard, I will find wages for you and come back."

Namu cooks,

And Nali helped to load the chestnuts onto the trolley.

This kind of cart is a bit similar to the one on the construction site, and there are not many chestnuts on the cart.

Especially this kind of chestnut, which has not been peeled off, is covered with burrs.

No matter how tight it is, it can't actually fit much on a trolley.

Fortunately, when Luo Xuan came out, he didn't intend to bring back just a few chestnuts, so Luo Xuan brought a few big bags with him.

Use sacks to pack chestnuts,
Then use a rope to tie the chestnuts to the cart.In this way, at least 3 kilograms of chestnuts can be loaded on a trolley.

Of the three pythons, this golden python is the biggest.

The other two boa constrictors are not small in size.

One down, it is estimated that there are more than 20 catties.

I don't like to eat snake meat, but I can't stand those people in the village, everyone loves snake meat to death.

Pull these boa constrictors back and use them for wages, more or less, and save yourself some food.

It is still early in the morning and the temperature is not high yet.

Taking advantage of the boa constrictors and poisonous snakes that attacked me last night, their body temperature has not risen yet, and they will not come out to attack me for the time being.

Hurry up and hurry up.

Otherwise, wait until the temperature picks up around noon.If those snakes form a group again, come and find yourself lingering.
At that time, the trouble will be big!

It would have been better if the monster had died.

If it hadn't died, it would be impossible for it not to come to find itself, and take care of that vendetta.

After Luo Xuan found the two pythons and the machete back by the pond.

Luo Xuan first put the machete back into the space, and then dragged the two snakes back to the shack.

Miao Meisha, who always gets up early and works hard, is nestled in bed today, refusing to come out.

It turned out that her tube skirt hadn't dried yet.

While Na Mu was cooking, she was still baking for Miao Meisha.

Miao Meisha is different from Namunali and the others: these girls in the back dare to run around with their buttocks naked.
Simply indecent!
But still very seductive.

"What are you looking at and where are you looking?"

Miao Meisha curled up in the hut, complaining Luo Xuan full of resentment, "In the morning, you tormented Nami again. Hey, hey, when Namu roasted the snake meat, you have to get me some Come here for two."

"so tempting"

Luo Xuan muttered, "Namu's grilled snake meat is indeed quite craving, why don't you go and eat it with them?"

Miao Meisha shook her head, "They don't use chopsticks, they like to grab it with their hands. And they don't pay much attention to hygiene. I don't like eating with Na Mu and the others."

Luo Xuan was just about to turn around,

Suddenly felt something was wrong, "Are you sick? Otherwise, why is your face so flushed?"

Miao Meisha nodded, "My body is a little hot, and my head feels a little dizzy. Maybe it's because I caught a cold last night. It's okay, maybe I'll be fine if I sleep a little longer."

Seeing Miao Meisha's complexion was a bit wrong.

Luo Xuan didn't dare to delay, and told Nami and Na Mu to hurry up and eat.

Then without stopping for a moment, he got up and returned.

After returning home,

Miao Meisha developed a high fever, and seeing her condition had already started to get serious.

Luo Xuan told Na Mu, "Go and invite me the dancer from the village."

Zhang Xiaoli was very surprised, "Miao Meisha is sick, why did you hire a dancer? Don't you know medical skills?

Even me, I'm afraid I can cure Miao Meisha, but it's just an acute cold! "

Zhang Xiaoli is also a veterinarian, so she naturally knows some medical principles.

In fact, treating pigs is the same as treating diseases for people.

The difference is that when the pigs are whole, they don't make a sound.All right and all wrong, those fat pigs can't shout.
Luo Xuan lowered his voice, "The dancer in the village, he has a special status. We offended him inadvertently a while ago.

But I have no choice but to let him soar into the sky like that bad old man in the breeding farm.
Cough, cough. After all, there are weddings and funerals in the village, or several sacrifices every year, and the villagers can't do without this guy, come to do rituals. "

Zhang Xiaoli nodded, "You mean, you plan to use Miao Meisha's incident to improve your relationship with the dancer?"

Luo Xuan hummed, "And I have other things that I need to ask him about."

See what Luo Xuan said.

Zhang Xiaoli didn't speak anymore, but turned around and prepared to catch the chicken so that the dancer could come and do something.

Luo Xuan pulled her back, "Cut 7 or 8 catties of python meat. That guy likes to drink, and he also likes to eat grilled snake meat."

Zhang Xiaoli naturally didn't dare to cut the python.

These things,

Of course it was Lao Min's daughter-in-law, that Hanzhu who did it for her.

After a while, the dancer strolled over under the leadership of Na Mu.

Wait for him to enter the room.

The dancer first looked at Miao Meisha's face, then stretched out the back of his hand to test the temperature on Miao Meisha's forehead.

Afterwards, the dancer pulled out a thin bamboo tube that had been coated with pulp from his arms.

Bring one end of the bamboo tube to Miao Meisha's neck and top of her head.

And his own nose reached the other end of the bamboo tube.

Just through the bamboo tube, I smelled it carefully.


The dancer, who pretended to be a ghost, walked around in the bedroom a few more times in a pretentious manner.

Then he stretched out his hand and stood there pinching his fingers to calculate.

I don't know if he is counting his fingers or looking at the dirt under his nails?
Wait until the dancer is finished.

Finally shook his head, "Find someone to dig the grave! There is no cure."


The pottery bowl in Lao Min's hand fell to the ground and shattered with a "click"!
Hanzhu opened his mouth wide, and the rooster in his hand fled away in shock.

She didn't notice it either
(End of this chapter)

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