The girls have been doing well these days.

At least his attitude towards work has improved a lot.

In Lao Min's words: Now Na Mu and Na Li have placed themselves in a more positive position than before.

Especially Nami.

Since the last time she was injured, Nami's father came over and extorted 15 yuan from Luo Xuan.

This time Nami mustered up the courage to come over and rely on labor in exchange for food.Her attitude is the most correct among all the girls.

Now Nami has begun to look a little like beating a worker.
Since the girls are doing well,
These two days,
Luo Xuan kills two chickens every day to improve food.

Anyway, the chicken here is not expensive, and two chickens cost just over 4 yuan.

Luo Xuan thought the smell of scalding the chicken after killing it was too unpleasant.

So these things are left to Miao Meisha and Nami, the two girls.

Lao Min looked at Nami who was busy,
Taking a closer look at her figure, she sincerely admired, "I haven't noticed it normally, so this Nami is pretty good."

Luo Xuan glared at him, "Old pervert, just calm down. Now that you have Mrs. Hanzhu and such a beautiful sister-in-law Miao Meisha, what do you want?"

"Wrong! The conscience of heaven and earth."

Old Min called Qu, "Miaozhai is different from Laku! If Miao Meisha wants to find a lover, she will build a small wooden house far away.

At that time, Master Pu will naturally go to meet Hanzhu's younger sister. If she didn't build a cabin, who would dare to mess with her?

Unless it's my waist, I want to be stabbed with a knife! "

Luo Xuan and Lao Min were talking.

Holding a hookah, Lao Dao wobbled over.

"Hey, village chief, are you here to inspect the work?"

Lao Min joked, "Look, in order to welcome the big leader, Luo Xuan deliberately killed two chickens to entertain you, the big village chief!"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Lao Dao took a few puffs of cigarettes and said, "Luo Xuan, take care of the matter at hand. In two days, I'm going to take you to the other side of the river.

Find those guys who injured Nami, and their leaders, and talk about it. "


Lao Dao spit out a mouthful of phlegm, "Run to the boundary of our village to hunt.

Not to mention hurting someone, how dare you not share a prey?Are there any rules, are there any laws of the king? "

For a while,

Lao Dao was secretly using his contacts to investigate who the other party was from.

Now it's hard to find out, so Lao Dao is going to come to the door and talk about ugly Yinmao with the other party.

Luo Xuan heard the words,

He couldn't help but frowned, "Major Da, I just finished building the granary. In the past two days, I'm planning to build a hydraulic stone mill!
And the food in my family is consumed very quickly.It's not a problem to always make ends meet like this!
So I plan to take a trip to Dalong Mountain, and I plan to bring back some chestnuts to subsidize my family."

Lao Dao chuckled, "I'm not in a hurry to settle accounts with those guys. They won't be able to move either!"

"I still don't believe it. There are more than 300 people in their entire village, and they can still move the moon's house overnight?"

Lao Dao said, "If you can't leave these two days, then two days later. I will call you when the time comes."

Wait until the old knife is gone.

Lao Min looked at his back and frowned, "There are so many people in the village, why did this old knife come to ask you to accompany him to talk to the river?"

"Luo Xuan, don't go!"

Miao Meisha approached Luo Xuan and said in a low voice, "The people on the other side of the river are more barbaric than this side. If you don't say a word right, the people in the whole village will draw their swords at you."

"On our side, there are commune and county cadres who can manage the affairs of the village.

So whatever you do, don't go too far. "

Miao Meisha said, "But this old knife took you to the other side of the river. Something happened in the deep mountains and old forests.

Who can control it?

Who can tell clearly, what happened in it? "

Lao Min nodded, "Yes! The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. In the deep mountains and old forests, or even in the village, kill one or two people. Who can control it?"

Miao Meisha echoed, "My sister's man is right! I always feel that this old knife has bad intentions.

You are not from their village, so you followed to the other side of the river, what can you explain clearly to the other party? "

Luo Xuan pondered for a while, carefully weighing the pros and cons, "If you say that Lao Dao wants to kill me, it should be impossible. Because doing so would be of no benefit to him."

Lao Min was worried, "For a native like Lao Dao, when he thinks about problems or something.

It is very different from our starting point.The ghost knows his brain circuit, what's going on? "

Luo Xuan sighed, "But after all, he is the leader here.

Now that Lao Dao asks me to go with him, it is really hard to find an excuse and refuse to go. "

Luo Xuan asked Miao Meisha, "Is there a jade mine on the other side of the river?"

Miao Meisha nodded, "There are rubber plantations and banana plantations over there. But there are jade mines further away.

It's just that the exact location is not clear to me.The mountain people over there are very wild, and there are many armed militias along the way, which is too dangerous.

So usually we only operate within the sphere of influence of the village, and rarely go to other people's territory. "

Luo Xuan thought for a while,
He opened the mouth and said, "Perhaps the old knife is because I killed a wild boar by myself.

I want to find a powerful follower, let's go to other people's villages to negotiate together. Now that I can't refuse.In two days, I can only walk across the Laodao River. "

Miao Meisha was full of worry, "Forget it. When the time comes, I will accompany you there too."

Luo Xuan was puzzled, "Lao Dao and I went to negotiate in someone else's village. What are you going to do?"

Miao Meisha raised her chest, "Don't forget, my village is also on the other side of the river!

Moreover, our village is large and there are many clansmen. Those who dare to bully the forces in our village, except those organized armed forces.The other villages are not up to standard. "

That being the case, Luo Xuan simply agreed.

With Miao Meisha's people to rely on,

One's own personal safety must be guaranteed a little more. This is not a place to be a hero or play boldly.

In this period,
The level of economic development on the other side of the river is not worse than here.

This is mainly because there are some crooked bosses, as well as the bosses of Taiguo, who invest in rubber plantations and banana plantations there.

It is said that,

There are also some Southeast Asian bosses over there, who have joined hands with local forces to invest in jade mines.

The economy is improving, but the management cannot keep up.

So on the other side of the river, it was really messy.

People who are rich are very rich; people who have no money are almost poor.

This time, I'm afraid I can't escape Lao Dao's invitation.

Because of Lao Dao, he is used to being arrogant and domineering.This time, of course, I could ignore his request.

But that's the same as,
Since then, his old knife has completely torn his face.

In this way, what you do in the future will be very passive.

It's even possible,

When the rubber plantation is recruiting labor.None of the mountain people in the village dared to come to work to earn food.

After all, what the mountain people love is the grain and two meals in their hands.

But in their hearts, they were actually more afraid of Lao Dao, the former leader of the cottage.

Over the years,
The fear that has been engraved in the bones of the mountain people cannot be eliminated in a day or two.
Since we are destined to go to the other side of the river, let's go back.

Luo Xuan planned to look for it by the way, to see if he could get some Burmese jade. Anyway, it was a matter of hugging grass and beating rabbits.

As for the final success or failure, Luo Xuan is not too concerned
Now that he can live his own life, Luo Xuan no longer has the sense of urgency to expand his space.

"Luo Xuan, before you go to the other side of the river, I want to accompany you to Dalong Mountain and collect some chestnuts."

Miao Meisha said, "It will take a few days for us to go.

There is only such a little food in the house, and soon my brother-in-law will take so many people to burn mountains and open up wasteland.
When the time comes, the food at home will flow out like water in a river. I will put all the chestnuts I collected this time into the granary and let sister Xiaoli register them for storage. "

Miao Meisha, she is indeed a Miaozu girl.

Their clansmen are better at management; they are more planning when doing things.

So Miao Meisha seems to be very economical.

And her mentality is also very upright: this time I went to Dalong Mountain, all the chestnuts collected back belonged to Luo Xuan.

Miao Meisha was just helping with the work as a helper.

No matter how many chestnuts are collected, they all belong to Luo Xuan.

Miao Meisha did not take a single pill.

It's just because Luo Xuan and Lao Min had already negotiated: From now on, Lao Min's family of four will come to help Luo Xuan with work every day.

Then Luo Xuan took care of their meals and paid them back their wages.

If so,
A kind of employment relationship has been formed between Luo Xuan and Lao Min's family: the income from labor belongs to Luo Xuan.

As for the workers, they only need to get their wages and eat the free meals provided by the employer.

Fair and reasonable.

But some people don't think so.

"I also need to go!"

Na Zhudi yelled, "I have no food at home, so I have to go to Dalong Mountain and get some chestnuts back quickly."

Miao Meisha glanced at Na Zhudi, hesitated to speak.

It was Lao Min who said, "Najudi, if you want to go, that's fine too. But let's put the ugly words first.

If you are working for your own family, then you have to bring your own tools, as well as rice balls, sour bamboo shoots and so on.”

Na Zhudi pouted, "Then Miao Meisha, did she also bring her own dry food and tools?"

Lao Min smiled slightly, "My Meisha naturally eats Luo Xuan and uses Luo Xuan."


Na Zhudi almost jumped up, "Why do I have to eat the rice balls brought by me, your Miao Meisha, she can eat the good food from Luo Xuan's family?"

Why? !

Old Min laughed straight: "You still ask me. Why?"

This Na Zhudi went to the mountains, and the chestnuts she got were brought to her home.

This is equivalent to Na Zhudi and Luo Xuan, but they are traveling together, and everyone is just a companion along the way.

She is destined to have to eat her own food!
Old Min snorted coldly: "My family, Miao Meisha, is going to help Luo Xuan with work. So she can eat Luo Xuan's meals as a matter of course."

Na Zhudi couldn't figure out the cause and effect relationship.

She blushed so anxiously that her neck was thick, "I see, your family Miao Meisha relies on you and Luo Xuan, both educated youths, and your friendship is good. We are outsiders, that's why you teamed up to bully me!"

Nazhudi said angrily, "I won't go! I won't do the work here either! Namunali, Nami, let's go!"


She threw the short hoe in her hand to the ground viciously.

Turn around and leave!

Na Mu swayed, as if planning to leave with Na Zhudi.

Nami shook her head and stopped Namu with her eyes.

He opened the mouth and said, "This time I also handed in all the chestnuts I picked up."

Lao Min smiled and said, "Then you don't need to bring food. Luo Xuan will be responsible for all food and drink."

Luo Xuan asked her, "Didn't your family also run out of food? You handed in all the chestnuts you picked up, and your father won't bother you?"

Nami gritted her teeth, "It doesn't matter! From now on, I will work to support myself and I will live here, and I won't go back."

Na Lijiao smiled and said, "Two rooms of your house have also collapsed, and there is no place to live when you go back.

Let's live here in the future, we work and play together, we have to finish our work before we can play. "

Lao Min secretly exchanged a look with Luo Xuan: It's done!

from now on,
I am afraid that this closed and conservative cottage will start to really embark on the road of change from now on.
Nami's small step,

For the entire Laku cottage, it is definitely a big and meaningful step!

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