Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 558 Unorganized and Disciplined

These few days, Luo Xuan has been very busy.

The commune has sent workers from the porter service agency to bring the 3000 jin of grain over.

The grain contained in a sack is 150 catties.

3000 catties of grain, but only 20 sacks.But with just 20 sacks of grain, the main room in the middle of the thatched hut was already packed to the brim.

It is very inconvenient for people to come in and out.

Not to mention,

Now I have a meal with Zhang Xiaoli, Na Mu and the others, and I have to go to the yard to make do with it.

Luo Xuan was going to build a granary quickly, a solid and sturdy granary.

In order to speed up the progress and improve work efficiency.

So Luo Xuan set up a hydraulic wheel on the stream next to the hut.

Luo Xuan planned to use it first as a power source to drive the circular saw next to the hut to make planks.

The forest resources here are very rich, and all kinds of good wood can be found all over the mountains and plains.

But the people in the village,

But it is rare to use wood to build a house. The big guys are almost all simple thatched huts built with bamboo and thatch.

The reason for this,
One is because it is easier and faster to build a house with bamboo.

But this kind of simple house built with bamboo fences will have to be rebuilt in a few years.

Their bamboo fence walls are not like the people in the mainland, who paste thick yellow mud on the walls to make them stronger and warmer.

The bamboo fence in the stockade has sparse walls and large gaps, so that their house is exposed to the wind on all sides, and there is no privacy at all.

And in the rainy season,
The temperature in the area of ​​the Lakuu production team is actually a bit cold in the middle of the night, especially in the early morning.

But those guys in the stockade would rather curl up in the thin quilt and shiver.

Even wrapped in a quilt, sitting by the firepit, and warming the fire all night, in order to endure the long night.

It's hard to bear this kind of sake.

They are also unwilling to build their houses stronger and denser.

The people in Laku stockade, the reason why few of them build wooden houses.

In fact, there is another important reason, that is, those people in the village seriously lack effective tools.

Most of the trees on the mountain are hardwoods, which are very difficult to saw.

Plus these guys are so lazy!

They are even less willing to use their brains.

For thousands of years, the village still maintains the method of manually pounding rice to dehull the rice.
The big guys would rather squat at the base of the wall to bask in the sun than roll up their sleeves and work together to build a water mill.

Similar things abound in the village.
So much so that Luo Xuan is too lazy to complain now!

So Luo Xuan decided to work harder and work hard for a few days, and use his actual actions to slowly change and guide them.

Lao Min brought his wives Hanzhu and Miao Meisha.

There is also Min Buhui, Lao Min's cheap son, and the whole family comes to help with work.

After Luo Xuan built the sturdy woodworking table equipped with a circular saw.

Lao Min said, "Luo Xuan, I'm really sorry. I have to hurry up and go to the mountains to open up wasteland and plant some late rice. I won't be able to help you with the work for a while."

Zhang Xiaoli also echoed, "This year, the paddy fields in the valley have basically been destroyed.

I'm afraid it's hard to get food in the village, so we're here to give us rations. Do we have to go with Lao Min to plant some upland rice? "

Luo Xuan shook his head, "Wait until the county to finish the disaster reduction work.

Subsequent solidarity grains, as well as subsidized grains for rubber planting, will be allocated in place one after another. "

"Old Min, your family will feel at ease and help me work here."

Luo Xuan said, "As for the food, you don't have to worry about it, I'll take care of it for you.

Moreover, if you go up the mountain to rush to plant upland rice, you probably won't be able to get any food back. "

Upland rice is planted on the mountain,
It has a characteristic: unless the big guy connects the upland rice into a piece, that is, several adjacent hills, all have to be planted with upland rice.

Everyone can take turns to go up the mountain to drive away birds and voles.

Just because it is the harvest season of upland rice, the voles at this time will also give birth to a large number of cubs.

These voles who are pinching their cubs can eat up all the upland rice on a hill in just 2 or 3 days.


If no one else in the village grows upland rice.

Just growing a little upland rice alone on the mountain of myself and Lao Min is really not enough to be plagued by birds and voles.
In fact, Lao Min also knows this truth.

It's just that now his family has suddenly increased by 3 people.

This made the rations of Lao Min's family very tense.

Hearing what Luo Xuan said.

Lao Min couldn't help sighing, "I've moved all the food that Hanzhu's family had accumulated before.

After eating all the food on hand, what should I do next? "

Luo Xuan hung the cowhide rope on the transmission gears of the water wheel and the circular saw.

He replied, "Didn't I say that? In the future, your family of four will come and help me with the work. I will take care of the food and wages for you."

Lao Min shook his head, "I know, you are trying to help me. It's just that your food expenses in the future will be huge.

You can help me for a while, but you can't help me forever, right? "

Luo Xuan shook his head, "It should be regarded as helping each other between us.

With you, Hanzhu, and Miao Meisha coming to help, at least one person can match those guys in the village, and the efficiency of two people can work. "

Luo Xuan said, "Old Min, you work, I am willing to pay you.

After a few days, the work on the mountain will officially start, and I will not pay them wages.He manages 2 meals a day and distributes 2 catties of food to them, whether he likes to do it or not. "

Zhang Xiaoli was a little curious, "The people in the village are so lazy. If you give them this little reward, will those people come to work?"

Luo Xuan chuckled, "Their rice fields have been washed away. These people are not in a hurry now, that's because they are waiting!

They are counting on the commune to distribute solidarity food and relief food in a few days
Then let them wait!It will be strange how much food will come down by then. "

This time, the disaster-affected area in Laos County is very large and wide-ranging.

The crops of each production team suffered heavy losses.

The county is simply unable to take care of all the production teams; and it is also very difficult to wait for the county to apply for food allocation from the district.

The entire area where Laos County is located is not a grain-producing area.

Every year in the city, a large amount of food has to be brought in to help various counties and production teams.

In terms of regional finances, it has long been unable to make ends meet.

How much spare energy is there to carry out large-scale support?
There are too many monks and too little porridge,

In addition, this time, the area affected by the disaster was wide and the extent of the disaster was severe.

When the relief food is allocated, it will be distributed to the head of each production team, which is really not enough for them to eat two meals of porridge!
People in the village have habitually relied on waiting, relying, and demanding
But this time, I'm afraid it won't be so bright.


Luo Xuan and Lao Min were busy sawing boards.

And sisters Hanzhu and Miao Meisha,
They took Nali and Namu behind the house, busy loosening the soil, fertilizing, and transplanting corn seedlings on the 2 acres of land.

After the rain, come out to the sun again.

The 2 mu of land behind the house is prone to compaction of the soil.

So take the time to loosen the soil to increase the air permeability of the soil.

"Luo Xuan! I don't want to do that job."

After a while,
Nali, Namu, and Najudi girls.

Then he pinched his nose and ran over angrily to complain: "It's too dirty and smelly, so there's no reason to pour pig manure on the ground!"

Luo Xuan snorted, "In our interior, crops have been fertilized for thousands of years. The fertilizers used are pig manure, dog manure, and cow manure."

Na Mu pouted, "But in our place, no one has ever watered the crops with these things!

Can the food grown like that still be eaten? "

Luo Xuan asked her, "In the beginning, I made corn coops. You said that there is no way to grow corn like I do. Now, do you think those corn seedlings are growing well?"

Na Mu nodded, "It really looks good."

Luo Xuan asked her again, "Then when I grow eggplants and celery.

You said you want to eat celery, but usually you all go to the river to find wild celery, no one will grow these things.

So now, have the vegetable seedlings grown?

Even if you say you can’t grow sweet potatoes, they will be eaten up by ants and mice. Now that sweet potatoes have germinated, tell me, can you grow sweet potatoes? "

Na Mu said poorly, "I, I think it should be possible to plant it."

"You don't need to think, you don't need to think. Instead, use your eyes to see clearly the objective facts!"

Luo Xuan said, "I'm so surprised! On the roads in the village, in front of and behind your houses, pig manure and dog feces are everywhere!
You are used to it, and you don't feel dirty at all.

Now I ask you to pour a little pig manure as a base fertilizer on the field that is going to be planted with corn. Why do you feel dirty and can't accept it? "

Na Mu twitched, "If you pour pig manure on the corn, can the food grown that way still be eaten?"

Luo Xuan sighed, "I can't eat it, I use it to feed pigs! Is it okay for the head office?

Namu and Nali, you have to understand one thing, you are using your labor to exchange your 3 meals a day with me.

and a place to sleep at night.

So how to do the work in the field, do I listen to you, or you listen to me?

If you will listen to me, go and work for me. If not, you all go home! "

Na Mu and Na Li were taken aback.
Now they began to realize that there seemed to be something wrong: Could it be that if you don't work, you will come here in the future, and you won't feed yourself.

Don't let yourself sleep here?

What can I do then?

The houses in the stockade have now collapsed a lot.In addition to the mountain people in the stockade, some of their relatives outside the stockade have collapsed houses.

During this period of time, they also came to visit their relatives and friends one after another.

So it is not as easy for Na Mu and Na Li to go to someone's house to spend the night.

For a while,

Na Mu and the others lived with Luo Xuan and ate here.

How did these things come about?
Na Mu, Na Li and the others actually never thought about it.

Usually in their conception: planting crops is actually equivalent to playing.

When I was tired from work, I just laughed and laughed for a long time.

When you are tired from playing, take your time and do a little more work.

Wait till you are hungry,

They ran to the kitchen run by Zhang Xiaoli, scooped up the rice and finished the meal. These girls didn't even know how to wash the dishes.

wait until the next meal,
When it's time for dinner again, they will rush to wash up briefly.

This is a group of people who are truly unorganized, undisciplined, and accustomed to being free and undisciplined.

So Luo Xuan took this opportunity,

Start to tidy them up slowly and instill some modern ideas in them
"I am willing to do this kind of work. I am not afraid of smelly or dirty."

Nami limped over, "Luo Xuan, I want to work for you, can I have a meal instead?"

Nami's house also collapsed in two rooms.

What was even more frightening was that her family had already run out of food.

I used to rely on Nami to go up the mountain to get some cassava and wild fruits.In addition, Nami's father occasionally goes out to hunt.

So reluctantly, Nami's family is still suffering there.

But now Nami's father has extorted 15 yuan from Luo Xuan last time.

That rascal,
I ran to buy a lot of cigarettes and came back to smoke them, so I didn't have the heart to go hunting anymore.

Nami's injuries have not healed yet, and she cannot go up the mountain to dig cassava.

She had been starving at home for 2 days, and couldn't take it anymore, so she mustered up the courage and ran to Luo Xuan's place to find food.

Luo Xuan glanced at her: "Go and help Hanzhu and Miao Meisha with work! As long as she is willing to work, lazy at every turn, and neither dirty nor tired, I will take care of her food."

After speaking, Luo Xuan buried himself in his work.

I no longer paid attention to Na Mu and Na Li who were stunned in place.

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