So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 435 There must be a corner of the world with someone who can understand everything you mean

Chapter 435 There must be a corner of the world with someone who can understand everything you mean

On one side is the death staring of parents, and on the other side is Xiaohuo's pitiful expression, Heiyang Hongli can't stand it.

Not to mention snowball fights, even if the two of them were to go to the mountains of swords and seas of fire, I am afraid that they would be obedient in the end. Who would make them filial and love their children?
However, Hongli Heiyang felt that things like snowball fights were not suitable for everyone.

After all, what's the point of calling from your own family, what if you hurt your peace or something?
"Hey, hey, how can you hurt your peace?"

Lan Yuying came over and waved her hands, smiling at the two of them.

"Xiaoyang Xiaoli's reasons are not convincing enough."

"Ah, this, this, this..."

Heiyang smiled shyly, pointed to Hongli with quick wit and said: "Well, you don't know, Mom, Hongli has no conscience and no virtue, and when she can't afford it, she will definitely put stones and bricks in the snow to plot against the big guy Son……"

Hongli: "???"

"No, Heiyang, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Hongli glared at Heiyang angrily, looked at everyone in the family, and explained: "Parents, Xiaohuo, don't listen to Heiyang's nonsense, only Heiyang can do such wicked things, okay?"


Hongli let out a long breath, calmed down, pointed to herself and said: "How can a person like me who is quiet, kind, cute, cute, has no evil intentions and is a good wife and mother do such indecent and shameless things!
Only a bad guy like Heiyang can do such a wicked thing! "


Xiao Huo couldn't help laughing, but when she saw that everyone was looking at her, she quickly waved her hand and said, "That, that, Xiao Huo has no objection, Xiao Huo is fine, if Mom and Dad want another way It's okay to play!"

"Hey, it's still my Xiaohuo who will think about mom and dad."

Hongli smiled and rubbed Xiaohuo's short red hair, and praised her daughter without hesitation.

It is much easier and more comfortable to make a snowman quietly than to run around.

Besides, what she said is not completely unreasonable, okay?
Think about it, the Heiyang Hongli Xiaohuo present and even the copper snake lying on the ground not far away, their realm is obviously beyond the standard.

During a snowball fight, what if you get excited and don’t control your strength and hurt your family members?
And if she doesn't get excited and confines herself to the realm of mortals, Hong Li is actually not very willing, because she will definitely be hit by a snowball!

This is called: Obviously you can dodge, but you have to limit your ability to take care of everyone's game fun, so that you can't dodge by force and watch the snowball that you can dodge hit!
Even if the possibility of hitting the face is not mentioned for now, think about it, if it hits the neck, the ice water will flow down the neckline...


Hongli couldn't help shivering, the feeling was not good just thinking about it.

Thinking of having so many shortcomings, and having to run around and worry about things, Heiyang Hongli felt very uncomfortable.

That's why the two of them proposed to make a snowman. When the time comes, just make a few random adjustments and get through easily. Hello, hello, hello, everyone.


"Well, ha, it's done!"

Hongli clapped her hands, looked at the lifelike Heiyang snowman in front of her, and smiled all over her face.

Although it was said to be done casually, but when she thought of the pile of black sun, she was reluctant to perfunctory, so she subconsciously added a little detail, and then it became like this.

"Well, so-so."

Beside Hongli, Heiyang looked at the red glass snowman he had piled up, stretched out his arms to embrace Hongli beside him, and said with a smile: "No, no matter how you pile it up, it is difficult to reproduce one ten-thousandth of the beauty of Xiaoli.

Oh, no, no, why is my Xiaoli so beautiful! "

Hongli was suddenly embraced by Heiyang, and originally wanted to struggle a few times, but when she heard Heiyang's flattery, her face flushed instantly, she gave up struggling, and leaned against Heiyang's arms with a shy smile on her face, She looks like a cute little wife.

"That, that, alas, he is not as good as Heiyang you said!

You are really, hehehe, in fact, I think the same as you, we are worthy of being husband and wife..."


Heiyang looked at the stupid Hongli in his arms whose mind was blanked by his output, he chuckled, and picked her up while Hongli exclaimed, and the princess hugged her to the gate of Yangli's house.

Xiaohuo and the others are now playing outside the open space in front of the gate of Heiyang Hongli's house, turning around is home.

Heiyang gently put down Hongli, and the two of them took out two folding chairs and placed them in front of the door, with another huge windshield umbrella standing beside them.

A small table was opened and placed beside it, with a large jug of hot milk and water glasses placed on it.

While everyone was still busy, the two sneaked here, lay down on the recliner, drank hot milk, and put on sunshade glasses.

"Ha, this is what you should do in winter."

Heiyang took a mouthful of hot milk, only feeling the warmth in his stomach.

As a lazy dog, at any time and any place, you can't give up the opportunity to fish, and you must create an environment where you can fish at any time!
"One thing to say, indeed."

With a gentle face, Hongli nodded in agreement with her husband's point of view.


"Hey, isn't it good?"

"Of course, I think it's fine!"

"It's really cute!"

On a certain open space not far away, Lan Yuying and Qing Yiyi smiled and looked at Xiao Huo, and then at the little snowman they made. Their eyes kept moving between Xiao Huo and the little snowman. A little shy.

"That, grandma, grandma?"

Xiao Huo turned his head to look at the little snowman with a 1:1 ratio of his little lolita, his face blushed, which made Lan Yuying and Qing Yiyi laugh.

"How about Little Fire?"

Qing Yiyi smiled and asked: "Is the one we piled very similar to Xiaohuo?"

"Aren't they just as cute?"

Lan Yuying said with a smile on her face: "Why don't you talk, Xiaohuo, come and give us an evaluation!"

"Ah this..."

Xiao Huo looked aside embarrassedly, half secretly happy, half shy, and whispered: "That, I'm so embarrassed, right?"

"Ha, what's so embarrassing about that."

Qing Yiyi touched Xiao Huo's head with a smile, and broke the news: "When I was young, I took your parents to make snowmen, and I always liked to make them look like two.

Xiaoyang and Xiaoli are not as shy as Xiaohuo, and they are very active in helping.

Year after year, year after year, the same appearance, the two of them are best at stacking themselves, hehehe..."


Lan Yuying nodded in agreement with a smile, and said eagerly, "You still look like a little flamingo, should you pile one up?"

"Ah this!"

Xiao Huo covered his face and said, "No, don't you need it?"

"Try it on a small fire."

"Hmm, let's try Xiao Huo."

"Ah, that, Xiaohuo thinks this is too troublesome..."

"How come, Xiaohuo, you are about to grin the corners of your mouth, and you are actually looking forward to it, right?"

"Ah, how come?!"

Xiaohuo was startled, quickly covered his mouth, stared at grandma and grandma with wide eyes, suddenly realized after a long time, and said with a wow: "Grandma, grandma is lying to Xiaohuo!!!"

"Huh? Ah ha ha ha ha..."

The laughter of several people spread far away, passing through the ears of Hong Xiaochen and Hei Muguang in the corner.

The two shook their heads and sighed, looking at the big wine bottles piled up together in front of them, it was obviously seriously out of the theme of the snowman.

But for them, this is now what they most want to see.

"Big bottle."

Hei Muguang looked at the snow sculpture in front of him, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, and said with regret on his face, "It's a pity, if there is really wine in it!"

"Oh, brother Mu Guang, don't just have these daydreams."

Hong Xiaochen sighed again and again, looked up at the wine bottle in front of him, but sighed the same again.

"Yeah, if only there was wine..."

"Brother Xiaochen, do you still have wine in there? I remember you hid a lot..."

"It's gone, this time it's really gone, except for what they drank, they took everything away."

Hong Xiaochen said with grief on his face, "Mu Guang, what about you?"

"Me too, not a single drop left..."

The two middle-aged uncles condemned the "prohibition" in their hearts.

As for why he didn't go to the person involved to condemn...

Come on, at least they're still alive to condemn...

"When's the next hangover day?"

"Well, half a month..."

"What?! Is this asking me, Hei Muguang, to die!"

"Don't ask, if you ask, Hong Xiaochen is already dead."

"How about we go to the City Lord's side?"

"Come on, the city lord is even worse. He was caught drinking by the people of the Yao Wangzong, and they said that he had just recovered from a serious illness and that he would quit drinking and sex within a few years..."

"Hiss! Is it so miserable?!"

"That can't be helped, either the legs can't get up, or... can't get up!"

"Ahem, how many years will it be exactly?"

"This, I don't know too well, why don't you ask him?"

"Good guy, why don't you ask?"

"Because I'm not stupid."

"Ha ha……"



A snowball drew an arc in the air, hit Hong Qiao's head and exploded a cloud of snowflakes, causing her who was reading a book to raise her head stiffly, and looked at Hei Hui who was waving at her not far away.

"Ha! Jojo!!!"

Hei Hui smiled and raised her hand, waving Snowball's hand to show the culprit just now, she yelled, "Qiao Qiao, come and play!"

Hong Qiao: "..."


Hong Qiao snorted softly, turned her head and continued reading.


Another snowball fell, hitting his forehead.


Tic-tac-toe popped out of Hong Qiao's head one by one, she raised her head abruptly, her eyes burst into flames and said, "Hei Hui, you are dead! Try throwing it again if you have yourself!"

"Ha, am I, Heihui, scared too much?"

The corner of Hei Hui's mouth curled up with disdain, and he raised his hand and threw another snowball at Hong Qiao. The latter easily dodged this time, gritted his teeth and rushed towards Hei Hui, shouting: "Hei Hui, let me tell you, you It's over, no one can save you!"

"Hahahaha, come if you can!"

Hei Hui ran away laughing, with Hong Qiao viciously chasing after her.

"Oh, wait for us!"

Qing Lianlian held Xiao Huo's hand, looked at Hei Huihong Qiao humbly, and said unhappily: "Hui Hui Qiao Qiao is too much, I agreed to call Xiao Huo, and let you wait for me!"


Hong Qiao, who was holding Hei Hui's ear, turned her head to look at Qing Lianlian and Xiao Huo suspiciously, and asked curiously, "Did you agree? What did you agree?"

"Of course it's a snowball fight, a snowball fight!"

Qing Lian Lian smiled and looked excited.

"You, Huihui, me, Xiaohuo, the four of us, continue the snowball fight just now, have a good time!"


Xiao Huo, who was pulled over by Qing Lianlian, came back to his senses, and couldn't help but say: "But Mom and Dad said that fighting like this will hurt the harmony and hurt everyone's feelings..."

"Oh, it's just an excuse for Xiaoyang and Xiaoli, two little slobs."

Qing Lianlian rolled her eyes, and complained quietly: "The two of them have been fighting all day long, well, if I didn't know their feelings, just by looking at their hands and feet, I would have thought that they were enemies. As for the hands, do you see how their feelings have been affected?"

"Ah this..."

Xiaohuo Heihuihongqiao's mouth twitched, thinking of Heiyang Hongli wrestling together in his mind, with a black line drawn across his head.

"It seems like this..."

Hong Qiao replied somewhat uncertainly.

"Hey, take it off with confidence, it seems to be like this."

Qing Lianlian patted Hong Qiao on the shoulder, and hummed, "It's too boring to build a snowman without a snowball fight. It's not exciting at all. Don't you want to have fun? Huh!"

"want to!!!"

Hei Hui raised her hand with a smile, and by the way held Hong Qiao's hand to help her lift it up.

"What about you, Xiao Huo?"

Qing Lianlian looked at Xiao Huo.

"Ah this..."

Xiao Huo hesitated uncertainly: "Xiao Huo, maybe? Probably?"

"That's what I want!"

Qing Lian Lian smiled and helped Xiao Huo make a decision.

"That's it, the next step is to discuss the rules!"


"Ah, the years are quiet."

Hongli leaned on the recliner, watching the two fathers dancing and talking in front of the mothers in the distance.

From time to time, the voices of "I beg you", "Give me some", and "Just drink a little" sounded, but seeing the determined looks of the two mothers, Heiyang Hongli felt that the fathers might have to be patient this time. I guess my mom won't be soft-hearted this time!
"Indeed, the mountains and rivers are safe."

Heiyang drank up the hot milk in two or three gulps, and put the empty cup on the table, with a satisfied expression on his face.

And not far from them, a few small heads quietly appeared.

"Xiao Huo will know!"

Xiao Huo looked at his parents lying there, with a relaxed look, showing an unexpected expression.

"Mom and Dad took the opportunity to sneak away to rest!"

"Hmph! These two little slobs!"

Qing Lianlian looked at Heiyang Hongli sadly, held a snowball in his hand, and hummed: "Listen to my order later, one, two, three, throw them together, give them a little surprise!"

"Ah, Xiao Huo will die!"

Xiao Huo quickly waved her hand and refused, she still doesn't want to accept her parents' mixed doubles to ripen her, and when the others run away after doing bad things, she foolishly goes home and throws herself into the trap?

"Ah, that's it, then Xiao Huo is fine with you..."

When Qing Lianlian heard Xiaohuo's explanation, she didn't force her, just sighed, turned her head to look at Hei Hui and Hong Qiao, and said with a smile: "Then you two should be fine, right?"

"Ah this!"

Hei Hui and Hong Qiao looked at each other, turned around nervously and shook their heads repeatedly.

"Hey, Xiao Huo is probably living with them because of her, what are you two afraid of?"

Qing Lianlian snorted with a look of resentment: "Just throw it away, I'll block it if something happens, I'm their little aunt!"

"Ah this..."

(End of this chapter)

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