So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 434 They have a lot of truths about love, but I don't, I only have you

Chapter 434 They have a lot of truths about love, but I don't, I only have you

"Uh, uh, Hei Yang, what the hell are you..."

Hong Li struggled in Hei Yang's arms, and couldn't help but complain: "This, isn't it right?
Obviously at the end of the last chapter, I was still chasing you, why did I fall into your hands again in the blink of an eye! "

"Ha, what's there to say..."

Heiyang sat reclined in the hot spring with a face full of contentment, his arms tightening the red glass in his arms.

Hearing Hong Li's words, Hei Yang snorted and said, "You fell into my hands in a blink of an eye, of course it was because I was stronger than you, don't you understand?

As far as your three-legged cat kung fu, I knocked you down two or three times, and you still try to chase me there, oh, you don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth! "

"Nonsense, how can you be better than me? If you really want to say it, it's [-]-[-]!"

Hongli retorted unconvinced: "No matter how you think about it, it's unreasonable for me to lose to you. Plot killing is completely plot killing!!!"

"Ah, yes, yes, whatever you say."

Hei Yang looked indifferent, hugging the gentle and lovely wife in his arms, subconsciously wanting to sleep directly in the hot spring.

For ordinary people, it's obviously a matter of death, but the Heiyang Nascent Soul stage doesn't matter, okay?

Hongli, who was hugged by Heiyang, sighed and gave up struggling, her small face was so bright red that she didn't know if she was soaked in a hot spring.

The whole body was limp and weak, as if a certain yang had given Shixiangruanjinsan.

"Oh, Heiyang, don't make trouble..."

"Hey hey hey..."

"Grass, you laugh at you ****! Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong, Master Heiyang is the most handsome and greatest~"



Heiyang Hongli was soaking in the hot spring, her eyes were slightly squinted, and she looked like she was about to die.


"This is life, this is life!"

[Congratulations to the contract object for being promoted to the seventh stage of the Nascent Soul Stage]


"Heiyang, we have advanced..."

"Let it go, I'm too lazy to think about it so much..."


Heiyang Hongli stretched.

"Ah ~ comfortable!"


Hongli patted Heiyang's arm lightly.

"Let me out, I'll go to Xiao Huo to see if she has finished drinking the milk."


Heiyang let go of his hand, watched Hongli get up from his arms, walked towards that side lightly, and reminded leisurely: "Put on your clothes."


Hongli froze, she lifted her shoulders, and continued walking pretending to be calm.

"and also."

Heiyang reminded again kindly.

Hongli: "..."


Although the Heiyang family was not afraid to soak themselves in the hot spring for a long time because of their realm, they still crawled out of the hot spring before dinner.

After buying dinner from the Five Elements Sect canteen, Hei Yang fell into a daze mode when he soaked away his exhaustion and jumped into the bed, closing his eyes peacefully and motionless.

"Hey, are you going to sleep now?"

Next to Heiyang, Hongli leaned on the pillow, gave Heiyang a contemptuous look, and said mockingly, "Are you still young? Can you sleep at your age? Ah? How can you sleep?" you!"


Heiyang lifted his eyelids lightly, gave Hongli a look, and said in a disdainful tone, "Tch."

Hongli: "???"

"What do you mean, Gou Heiyang!?"

Hongli glared back at Heiyang viciously, and waved her small fist to give Heiyang a heavy blow, but she swayed for a long time, looking at Heiyang's peaceful face, she was a little reluctant to strike.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Hongli sighed, her black hair was naturally loosened at the back of her head, she reached out to take the book from the bedside, and turned to the part she hadn't read before.

She, a cultural person like Hongli, must take this opportunity to read more books and improve her cultural literacy. She must not be like Hei Yang, who eats, sleeps and eats all day long, and then bullies her in various ways.

She Hongli is different, she is a young man with ideals and aspirations in the traveling world...

In short, I am reading and Hei Yang is sleeping late, I have already won the numbness, and I should crush the other party hard on the level of knowledge!
Hongli told herself this way, the mental victory method made her unable to bear the corners of her lips, she opened the book and read it, trying to "learn" something from it.

Looking at the content of the book so far, it is just an ordinary classic adventure upgrade novel.

It tells the story of the protagonist struggling from being weak, experiencing difficulties and setbacks, and finally becoming stronger and rising to become a boss, and gaining courage, strength, friendship, love, and wealth, etc. in it.

Of course, now Hongli has just read the beginning, and the rest is all in her imagination, because this book is just the first of a new work, and the author is the same set of books that Hongli just read before.

And this is already the fifth book Hongli has read from the other party. She has been one of the other's loyal readers since she was twelve.

It seemed to be a lady of a scholarly family, living in a city further east than the capital.

As for more, Hongli doesn't know. She usually doesn't care much about the identity of the author when she reads books, but she just knows that the brain circuit of this pseudonym is still normal, and she won't feed her poisonous mouth for no reason.

Of course, Hongli still has a certain degree of vigilance, and she can't relax her vigilance just because of the familiar pen name. In case that person suddenly has a seizure, or is hit by something, and suddenly changes his style, it would be too careless to ambush her in the book. up.

But no matter what, Hongli has read her books since she was a child, and feels that the other party is relatively stable, so she probably won't let her put this whole job on hold.

Not to mention those that are there or not, at present, the look and feel of this red glass is not bad.

The protagonist of this book belongs to the type of hard-working, hard-working, and desperately striving type, a creature that is completely different from her and Hei Yang.

But at this time, in order to get ahead and become famous, the protagonist chooses to join the army to make contributions, and wants to make contributions by fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield, becoming a marquis and worshiping a minister, and so on.

Seeing this, Hongli probably already noticed that the protagonist of this book is different from the blackening of Bai Yueguang in the previous book. This book belongs to a ruthless person from the beginning, and he must either die or make a big career out of it. .

It's just that at the moment, Hongli hasn't seen any big opportunities for the protagonist to turn around. He only sees that the author has written a lot of words about the war.

It's not the kind of high-spirited galloping on the battlefield to scold Fang Qiu. Instead, it depicts the cruelty of war from the perspective of the protagonist. .

Another example is that the protagonist finds letters from home on the corpse of the enemy, which is filled with a depressive atmosphere.

"So, fighting each other, war or something, it's really annoying. There will always be innocent people who are sad..."

Hongli sighed, and then felt a little rejoiced. Fortunately, wars only existed in imagination, and there was no war in the real world of travel. It would be terrible if such a thing really existed.

"Well, by the way, come back, the body of the protagonist's friend has not been found, so it can't be that he is not dead, and he will appear as an important role in the future, right?

But this is not like the author's style, she usually writes people to death so that she won't give others the chance to cheat..."

Hong Li thought about it: "Then the next words, the emotional groundwork is almost done, and the next person who encounters life and death crisis should be the protagonist's turn.

There is a companion encounter before, the protagonist should be in a very sensitive and tense state now, what will happen after that? "

Hongli read while guessing the follow-up plot, her face was absorbed by the serious look, in her eyes there was another real world, in which the characters had their own emotions and logic, she regarded every book as an a trip.

And in the process of traveling, the mood will fluctuate accordingly.

Sure enough, Hongli turned the page again, and arrived at a new chapter. Her eyes lit up, and it turned out that a turning point had come. The protagonist's certain specialty was favored by a big shot, and he was assigned to perform a certain secret mission. Everyone's faces were ashen, but the protagonist was at peace and didn't have too many mood swings.

This made Hongli look forward to it. She always felt that the protagonist still had a little secret that she couldn't reveal, but she didn't know what it was, but there must be something hidden.

But this test should be able to force out his secret, and then everything will come to light.

Hongli read it intently, watching the protagonist appear too ordinary at the very beginning of the mission, while a certain important person who has been watching the progress of the mission revealed an old secret, which seemed to be related to the protagonist.

"Keep going……"

Hongli couldn't wait to turn to the next page, and then...


Hong Li looked at the cover on the back, tilted her head, turned it over, turned it back, turned it over, and turned it back again.

After confirming it several times, Hongli finally realized that she had finished reading the book in her hand, and she was told that if she wanted to read it again, she would look forward to the author's efforts in the future.

It sounds troublesome, but it really is very simple.

To sum it up, if Hongli wanted to know what happened next, she would have to wait until next month at the latest!
And next month, there might be a temporary rest due to the approach of the Chinese New Year, and Hongli is too familiar with this.

In other words, there is a high probability that if she wants to see the development of the plot, she may have to wait until next year!

A tic-tac-toe popped out of Hongli's head, and she suddenly wanted to find the door and lock that guy in a small dark room, but she also knew that was impossible.

Therefore, there can only be one word, "wait"!


Hongli let out a long sigh.

"What happened in the middle of the night?"

Hei Yang closed his eyes, but did not open them, and said faintly: "What's wrong with you, summoning souls?"

"Yeah, yeah, I thought you were dead, so I'll summon your soul."

Hongli gave Heiyang a white look, closed the book and put it aside, rubbed her neck, and couldn't help asking: "What time is it?"

"One o'clock in the morning."

Heiyang was just closing his eyes and resting his mind, while Hongli was still awake when he was reading.

After all, if Hongli doesn't sleep, he won't sleep well.

"Ah, it's still early..."

Hong Li heaved a sigh of relief, turned her head to look out of the window, and heard the rustling sounds outside, like the sound of snow slicing across the tops of tree branches, and the whistling of wind.

"Is it still snowing outside?"

"Hmm, it's like this. I guess when I wake up tomorrow morning, there will be a thick layer of snow."

Heiyang snorted and said leisurely: "I don't know if the snow will not stop tomorrow?

If it doesn't go down, Xiaohuo will probably drag us to a snowball fight.

Those who have promised their children are not easy to go back on their promises. "

"Oh roar?"

Hongli frowned, and couldn't help asking: "Heiyang, what do you mean, we can't stop the snow from our tricks..."

"Stop, stop."

Heiyang suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, gritted his teeth and reached out to open Hongli's head.

"Hongli, what are you talking about, you will go to hell like this, let me tell you...

Oh, there is no reincarnation in the travel world, right? Let me tell you that you will be struck by lightning like this, how wicked! "

"Oh, oh, just kidding, I'm that kind of person!"

Hongli's head was held down by Heiyang, she lowered her head and dragged her long voice, she couldn't help but said, "Heiyang, I just finished my hair, don't mess it up for me, why don't you respect other people's labor at all? What about the result?"

"Come on, don't change the subject."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes and said, "What do you say, about the snowball fight tomorrow..."

"Well, if you promise, you must do it."

Hongli waved her hands triumphantly, and said to herself: "Little kid, just run around with her, you will get tired of playing around.

Even if I'm not tired, I guess the novelty will pass away, so I still have to worry about whether or not I have any of these things?
In addition, call a few friends over to help us share the pressure. Isn't it easy for Xiaohuo to play comfortably by then?I don't even know what to worry about? "


Heiyang took a breath, gave Hongli a thumbs up, and couldn't help admiring: "Gao, Xiaoli, it's you, I said why I read so leisurely, so I already have a countermeasure! Really! Resourceful and resourceful, there are no omissions!"

"Hahaha, I'm overwhelmed, I have nothing to say, hahaha..."

Hongli laughed with her hands on her hips.


"Hahaha, hahaha... I can't do it, I can't do it!"

Hongli hugged Heiyang's arm, with a look of exhaustion on her face, the distance was covered with white snow, and the snow almost reached the child's knee.

It was just 09:30 in the morning, but Heiyang Hongli had already been dragged up and tortured for nearly two hours.

"Don't lean on me, I'm tired too."

Hei Yang looked at Xiao Huo jogging and jokingly running in the snow with a look of lovelessness, with tears in his eyes.

"That's what you said, children get tired after running, and the freshness fades quickly?"

"Don't ask me, how do I know!"

Hongli sighed.

Not only the three of them, but also Heiyang's parents, two cousins, and even the rooster and copper snake all came to join in the fun.

"Mom and Dad, come and play!"

Xiaohuo waved a snowball in the distance, and greeted with a blushing smile, "Keep coming!"

"Ahhhh, no, snowball fights are too boring..."


Before Hongli finished speaking, she suddenly felt locked on by several murderous auras. She glanced at her parents, took a deep breath, and smiled: "Well, mom said, mom thought of something more fun, we Why don't you build a snowman, it's safe and fun!"


(End of this chapter)

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