Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 414 Panic

Chapter 414 Panic

After Qin Feng's words fell, the mermaid young master immediately hid back, fearing that Qin Feng would attack him, and the other people around him also stepped up their guard, protecting the mermaid young master in the middle.

But then something happened that they didn't expect. The young mermaid just stepped back and jumped up as if his butt was burned: "Ah! It hurts, it hurts."

Then he clutched his ass and started jumping wildly!
The people around all turned their heads to look at it in shock, and they were all stunned when they looked again, only to see that two long swords were thrust into the ass of the mermaid young master at this time.

The two long swords are not very good swords, they are all made of ordinary iron. At this time, half of them are submerged, and the other half is dangling outside the flesh. But what everyone can't understand is that Qin Feng didn't make a move at all. Where did it come from?And how did it stab the young mermaid?
On the other hand, Qin Feng couldn't straighten his back from laughing at this time: "Haha, it's so fun, you trash, why do you have to be brave? Why did you threaten me, now you know the consequences?"

And as Qin Feng said, everyone else began to search; "Who is it, who is it, get out, don't hide your head."

"Qin Feng, you bastard, who did you bring in? Why did you use such a despicable method?"

"Qin Feng, you are looking for death. Believe it or not, we will kill you now."

A group of people shouted and shouted, but they couldn't find anyone after searching for a long time.

Qin Feng was not in a hurry at all, and shook his head with a smile: "Hehe, everyone, don't worry, don't you think you are very good, I want to play with you slowly, let you know that you are really just rubbish. There is nothing in front of you."

"When will you stop yelling at me and speak softly, then I will let you go."

Everyone heard a knot, and then Yu Feng clenched his fists and glared at Qin Feng: "Qin Feng, you are too arrogant, I will see how strong you are today."

As he said that, he instantly pulled out a long sword and jumped in front of Qin Feng, obviously wanting to be tough with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "What? You still want to fight with me? Do you think you are worthy? Believe it or not, I let your last son stick a sword in his ass?"

" fart, do you think we don't have any ability to resist? Are we children? We were just accidentally attacked by someone, and you want to sneak attack again." Yu Feng roared angrily.

"Really? Are you so confident? It seems that you have never been beaten by people in society." Qin Feng shook his head disdainfully.

And just as he finished speaking, Yu Feng's last son standing next to him suddenly jumped up: "Ah! Who, who stabbed me."

Then he began to jump up and down, and there were two rusty iron swords on his buttocks.


When the people around saw this scene, they were instantly even more shocked. It would be understandable to say that the young mermaid master was attacked by surprise. At that time, everyone stood together and didn't pay attention to the back at all, but now it's different. I saw it all, Yu Feng's youngest son was sitting on a chair, and there was no one around, how could there be two more swords suddenly?
The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't understand it. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all at a loss: "What's going on? What's going on here?"

"Yeah, what's going on? Could it be that Qin Feng is a god?"

"It's disgusting. How did the people he ambush do it? Could it be that they are invisible?"

Everyone was talking about it. Qin Feng was very satisfied with the effect. It was very simple for him to do this. It was not how many people he brought, but the avatar technique he used. His current avatar technique can transform more than [-] people at any time. Avatars, and these avatars can all have his own invisibility ability.

Of course, he can also do it directly, but what Qin Feng wants is the shocking effect, so that these people can't figure out his details. Only in this way can he completely conquer them physically and mentally.

While thinking, Qin Feng also looked at Yu Feng: "Look, it's because you don't believe me, now your son has two swords on my butt, and now all four of your sons are injured, look at this! Impulsive to blame."

"Listen to me, go down quickly, don't be brave, otherwise, you will die without a place to die."

Qin Feng said indifferently, Yu Feng's face turned red and then turned white. He didn't know how many people Qin Feng brought, let alone the strength of the people he brought, but now several of his sons were injured by Qin Feng Well, how could he forget it like that.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he shouted angrily: "You are looking for death, Qin Feng, you are a despicable villain, you can only use some despicable means, if you are capable of fighting me head-on, I want to see how strong you are."

As he spoke, he waved his long sword, and huge energy began to gather, obviously wanting to kill Qin Feng with one sword.

Qin Feng smiled disdainfully: "Well...Since this is the case, then don't blame me for being cruel, I will kill you first, and let the rest of you know the result of offending me."

"Go to hell." Yu Feng swung his long sword out while roaring angrily.

But at the next moment, Qin Feng moved sideways and waited for Yu Feng to slash with his sword. He raised his hand and shot a white light to wrap Yu Feng in the middle.


In the white light, Yu Feng screamed out, and then his whole body was ablaze with flames, he began to struggle and scream, the long sword in his hand fell to the ground and turned into a ball of flames.

"Ah?" Seeing this situation, the people around were shocked instantly, no one thought that Qin Feng would hit Yu Feng into a fireball with one move.

But the next moment, the patriarch Yu Lian who was sitting at the top had already made a move, and with a wave of his hand, a huge water light hit Yu Feng, and the people around saw that they sprayed water to put out the fire for Yu Feng.

They are all giant mermaids, and most of them practice water or ice skills, and the water energy they play is quite sufficient.

But several people shot huge water jets one after another, but they couldn't extinguish the flames on Yu Feng's body at all. On the contrary, it was like adding fuel to the fire, making the flames more intense, and a few scattered ones fell directly on the ground on Yu Feng's body. On the two cursed sons, those two things were instantly set on fire.


Those two guys were cursed by Qin Feng, their emotions had collapsed to the extreme, and their bodies were too weak. They were a little annoyed and rolled on the ground: "It's over, it's over, it's really retribution. We used to eat Man, now the strong man of mankind has come to destroy us."

"Ah, retribution, we are all going to die, I saw the call of death, I am going to die..."

They kept screaming, and their minds were already in disarray.

At the same time, the people around were also completely dumbfounded. Qin Feng shot out the flames, and they were not worried at all at first, because they cultivated water-type energy, which is the nemesis of fire-type energy.

But now they realized how naive they were. What Qin Feng fought was not Fan Huo, nor was it something they could destroy.

Now Immortality is fine, Yimi not only made Yu Feng's fever worse, but also implicated two more people.

Especially when they heard the sad screams of those two guys again, it seemed as if they had really seen the retribution, the god of death, and that god of death was Qin Feng, this gentle and refined boy.

(End of this chapter)

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