Chapter 413
Qin Feng doesn't like the strength of these people, but there is another important reason why Qin Feng disdains Feng, that is, he finds that although these giant mermaids are also a group, they are also in order, but this group has great influence on human beings. Natural hostility, with a natural sense of superiority.

If Qin Feng wants to cooperate with them, he must get rid of their sense of superiority, otherwise, it will be difficult to cooperate successfully.

Furthermore, a mere mermaid tribe is just a relatively weak race among the tribes in the sea. He really doesn't want to spend too much energy. Only by conquering them can he move forward step by step more smoothly.

Qin Feng thought about it, and Yu Feng was furious: "Presumptuous, Qin Feng, you are too bold, you dare to say here to rob our giant mermaid's goods? Are you declaring war with us?"

As soon as he said that other members of the giant mermaid clan also yelled; "That's right, you don't even look where this is, you dare to be so arrogant, you really don't know how to live or die."

"Believe it or not we let you die here, lowly fellow."

"You're looking for death, aren't you? Kill you."

A group of people shouted louder and louder, and the eyes of the mermaid young master who had brought over from the corner were extremely excited.

They had suffered from Qin Feng on the mainland before, and now Qin Feng finally provoked the anger of their ethnic group. As long as everyone targets Qin Feng, he can take revenge.

Only Qin Feng, watching the excitement of the other party's group, smiled calmly: "Hehe, don't shout, do you think you are very powerful in your territory? There are few people who bully me?"

"Hmph! Qin Feng, you asked for it yourself. Let me tell you, we originally wanted to give you a chance this time, but we didn't expect you to be so ungrateful. Now we can only make you suffer." Yu Feng Disdainful smile.

His two sons next to him took out two long knives in an instant, and walked towards Qin Feng: "Do you let us do it, or do you kneel down and surrender yourself?"

The threat they said was full of meaning. While talking, they soon came to Qin Feng's face, forming an attack on Qin Feng from left to right.

Qin Feng looked at it and smiled: "Hehe, you two trash, dare to threaten me in front of me, I think you really don't want to live anymore."

As he spoke, Qin Feng raised his palm and slapped it out: "Go away, take a knife and shake your sister."

clap clap!

There were two crisp sounds, and then the two people were thrown upside down and flew out. They flew five or six meters straight before landing.


After landing, both of them spat out a mouthful of blood, and there were two black palm prints on their faces. They struggled to get up again, but they couldn't get up after several struggles.

Such a sudden change made the whole hall suddenly quiet. Everyone looked at Qin Feng in disbelief. No one expected that Qin Feng would make such a bold move, let alone that Qin Feng's speed would be so fast. I didn't even see many of them clearly. How did Qin Feng beat people.

The most important thing is that these two blows actually made the two of them unable to stand up, and their faces turned black, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

But this was just the beginning of everyone's shock. Just when they were surprised, Yu Feng's two beaten sons changed again. After vomiting blood, their whole bodies began to tremble and tears fell.

Then they seemed to have experienced something terrible, and began to shout in despair: "No... no, why are we so useless, why are we so useless."

"We are so rubbish, we are so weak, I seem to be sick, am I going to die?"

"Don't, don't, I don't want to die, I'm a loser, ugh..."

The two kept shouting, and after a while they burst into tears.

This made the eyeballs of everyone around them almost pop out: "Fuck, what... what's wrong with this? What's wrong with them?"

"Yeah, didn't you slap me twice? Why does it look like you are seriously ill?"

"Could it be that they were really playing dumb? You see, they are all abnormal."

"What method did Qin Feng use?"

Everyone was amazed, but Qin Feng almost didn't enjoy watching it. What he just cast on the two of them was a newly learned curse technique, which directly mixed all the secondary energy into their bodies.

I didn't expect this effect to be so fun, the two of them were so depressed, and seeing how weak their bodies were, they looked like they were about to die.

This is so interesting, although the effect of this curse is not as obvious as a direct attack, but now it seems that it makes sense for the original Wraith God to be called one of the Eight Great Gods, because this situation is not fatal, but it is enough to let People lose their combat effectiveness.

The more he thought about it, the more fun he became, and he also turned his head to look at Yu Feng: "Yu Feng, is this what you call combat power? This thing can't even bear two slaps on me, and you still want to deliver goods on our mainland? Do you want to rob?" Us? I think you don't call it the guard, call it the death squad."

Yu Feng's lungs almost exploded: "Qin Feng, you... What did you do to my son? Why did they do this?"

Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders: "It's nothing? You see, I just slapped them twice, and they collapsed. Does this have something to do with me? It's just their psychological fragility."

" fart, my sons have all gone through many battles, it is impossible for them to be so fragile, you must have used some despicable means." Yu Feng stared at Qin Feng and said.

"Fuck your sister, what are you shouting for? Believe it or not, if you shout again, I'll tell someone to beat you up as a trash." Qin Feng said disdainfully.

"What? Did you get someone to beat me?" Yu Feng was taken aback, and looked around while talking: "Did you bring someone here?"

The others also looked confused: "No way, did he bring someone here? Didn't he say he came here?"

"Yeah, did he secretly arrange someone?"

While talking, everyone looked at the young mermaid master.

The young master of the mermaid shook his head for a while: "Don't listen to his nonsense, he came here by himself, and it is impossible to bring people. We surrounded him all the way. If he arranged people, we would have found out."

As soon as he said that, the people who greeted Qin Feng before him all started to say: "Yes, don't believe him, he didn't bring anyone with him at all, we are all watching him."

"That's right, our tribe has many formations and guards everywhere. Even if he arranged some people before, it is impossible for him to enter our tribe."

Hearing what they said, everyone was relieved, and the young mermaid turned his head to look at Qin Feng; "Qin Feng, if you are sensible, you should quickly heal the two brothers of the uncle's family, or you will be sick today." There is no doubt about death."

Qin Feng looked at him and grinned; "Hehe, you dare to threaten me? Have you forgotten when I beat you before? Or do you mean you owe it to me?"

"You... presumptuous, do you think this is on the mainland? Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you." The mermaid young master said angrily, but his eyes were a little weak.

He is only relying on the power of his own tribe. If he fights with Qin Feng, it is simply unrealistic.

Qin Feng shook his head slightly: "Hey... you trash, you still dare to be brave in front of me. It seems that if I don't deal with you, you really don't know how powerful you are."

(End of this chapter)

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