Chapter 108 Crazy Zombie

The mutated clouded leopard took advantage of the situation and crushed the blood bag in its arms, creating a tragic death effect.

Luo Yunjin sat in the last row of the auditorium, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the movie looked rough.

After the mutant clouded leopard 'died', the Lolita zombie hurriedly ran down the high platform, squatted beside it and cried, then showed its sharp claws and dug out its heart.

The Lolita zombie grinned, and then tore Lolita apart, revealing the black witch costume inside.

The narration sounded at this time: the prince who turned into a monster was killed by the monster in the prince's skin, and the witch in the princess's skin cut out the prince's heart. As long as you eat this heart, you can stay young forever.

The witch zombie ate the heart in one bite, and then danced with the oncoming monster in the skin of a prince.

The prince took the witch's hand and kissed her with a chirp.

Witch Zombie Smile: Hush (Do you love me?)
Prince: Whoops! (You are so beautiful, I love you very much.)
The witch zombie pulled out the prince's heart in the next second.

The narration sounded: It turns out that the witch fell in love with the Sleeping Beauty, and the Sleeping Beauty can only wake up by eating the heart of the monster wearing the prince's skin.

The curtain rises, revealing the Sleeping Beauty zombie on the bed of flowers.

The Witch Zombie gently stuffed the heart into the Sleeping Beauty Zombie's mouth, held the other's mouth, and shook it violently up and down, forcing it to swallow.

Soon the Sleeping Beauty zombie gradually woke up.

Narrator: The first time Sleeping Beauty woke up, he saw the beautiful witch.He fell in love with the witch, and made a wish that he would never be separated from life to life.Since then, they lived happily together.

The Witch Zombie and the Sleeping Beauty Zombie chirped affectionately.

The lights on the stage suddenly went out, heralding the end of the movie.

The auditorium was full of audience at some point, and they all applauded enthusiastically.

Audience A cheered and whistled, "One thing to say, this movie is really good, and the actor Zombie has a good figure."

Audience B strongly expressed Amway to the people next to him, "It's so romantic that the witch and zombie are together with Sleeping Beauty in the end!"

Audience C also echoed, "And did you find out that the costumes in this movie are very exquisite, and it is said that they were handmade by costumers with supernatural powers using their own hair and spending huge sums of money!"

Luo Yunjin on the side was numb.

Does anyone find this story very problematic?

Lolita and elaborate gowns made of hair?
God damn it, see you soon.

As the piano sounded, a pink subtitle appeared on the big screen.

"Crazy Zombie 2" comes out in 3 minutes.

Luo Yunjin was dumbfounded: That's it, there is a second part.


She hugged the three kittens and the little tabby pig tightly, and was shocked to see the booing of the audience around her.

The red curtain gradually lifted.

Narrator: The seven fairy zombies in the Heavenly Palace love the prosperity of the world, violated the rules of heaven, and landed on the bank of the beautiful zombie lake.The handsome woodcutter zombie fell in love with the tentacle fairy zombie who is the youngest among the seven fairy zombies after just one look.

Luo Yunjin dementia ing: aba aba aba

On the stage, the tentacle zombie stood intimately beside the woodcutter zombie, wrapping the woodcutter up with a few big tentacles.

Narration: The tentacle fairy zombie intermarried with the woodcutter zombie privately, and was knocked out of the fairy bones, knocked down from the mortal world, and turned into an 80-year-old old lady zombie.The kind witch told her that as long as she ate the heart of the woodcutter zombie, she would be young forever.

The woodcutter zombie eavesdropped on the conversation between the two zombies. He didn't want to see his beloved fairy zombie grow old, so he secretly dug out his heart, stuffed it into the fairy zombie's mouth when she was taking a nap, and held it down. Rocked up and down, forcing her to swallow.

The Fairy Zombie regained his youth, but the Woodcutter Zombie lost his life.

At this time, the kind witch appeared again, "My child, as long as you are willing to dig out your heart and feed it to the woodcutter, he can be reborn!"

Without further ado, the fairy zombie cut out its own heart and fed it to the woodcutter.

After the woodcutter woke up, he saw the fairy zombie who died tragically beside him.

The kind witch sat on the side of the bed, "Son, as long as you give your..."

Infinite loop.

Until the last time, the woodcutter zombie did not sacrifice himself, but looked at the witch.

Narrator: After eight cycles of No.30, the woodcutter zombie finds that his love for the fairy zombie is long gone, and the true love in his heart is actually the beautiful witch who has been selflessly dedicated all the time.

"Oh~ beautiful witch, I found that I have fallen in love with you deeply, would you like to be with me?" The woodcutter zombie confessed affectionately.

The beautiful witch pressed his chest with a smile, "You scum, you have no virtue, get out!"

The witch cut out the woodcutter's heart, fed it to the fairy zombie, and expressed her love for the fairy zombie.

Narrator: From then on, the beautiful witch and the fairy zombie lived happily together.

Luo Yunjin, who was watching the whole process, was so stimulated that he couldn't speak.

"I have a problem, I want to leave this place of right and wrong!" Luo Yunjin was about to suffocate when he saw "Crazy Zombie 3" slowly sliding out on the big screen.

She quickly ran away from the cinema with the cat and the pig.

Outside, spectators poured in continuously.

Audience 1 was excited, "Ahhh, I'm a dog, I love to watch!"

Audience 2 was surprised, "Help, the love between fairy zombies and beautiful witches is so touching, I'm already looking forward to the plot of the third part!!"

Audience 3 grabbed Luo Yunjin who was about to leave, "Sisters, there are eleven "Crazy Zombies", why are you leaving so early?"

Luo Yunjin's pupils were shocked, "Eleven Parts!!???" Her eyes darkened.

This time, he directly pulled out his pulled arm, and ran away with the cat and the pig's head without looking back.

After Luo Yuanting knew that Luo Yunjin had left early, he asked the on-site staff of the cinema specifically.

The staff looked excited, "Oh, the girl you mentioned, I know, she was moved by watching it, her eyes were wide open every time, full of tears. Maybe she was sentimental by this movie, so she left early. "

Back in the villa, Luo Yunjin wiped away the physiological tears shed from yawning.

The little milk cat turned into a humanoid Lin Xi, and wrapped the girl in his arms, "It's okay, we won't go there anymore."

"It's scary, why is Sleeping Beauty with the witch, and the fairy is with the witch, it's not right!" Luo Yunjin was still caught in deep self-doubt, and his three views were shattered.

Lin Xi rubbed the girl's hair, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "Don't go anymore, just stay at home."

The "Crazy Zombie" series of small theater movies became inexplicably popular, and became a household name in the entire small town of Ye Chao, and even spread widely in the surrounding bases.

According to the latest news from Ye Chao Xiaocheng Film and Television Company, "Crazy Zombie" will launch a new series in one month.

The above is Ye Chao Xiaocheng's 1438 radio frequency broadcast for you.

The woman in red in front of the window turned off the radio expressionlessly and let out a sneer.

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  Lin Xi hugged the girl and sat on the roof of the villa, looking at the dark sky.

  The girl's sleepy eyes blurred: You little cat, what else can you do, can you still escape from my palm, you can't, hehehaha.A kitten like you was born to be eaten by me!

  Lin Xi leaned close to the girl's ear and whispered softly: Then eat me quickly~
(End of this chapter)

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