The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 107 Zombie Themed Horror House (2)

Chapter 107 Zombie Themed Horror House (2)

The zombie twisted itself into a twist.

The little piglet had never seen this before, and he fell back in fright on the spot, with two tears in his pig's eyes.

Luo Yunjin on the side picked up the tabby pig without saying a word, and put it in the backpack, as if her cats and pigs were afraid of scary special effects.

The little milk cat thought that she shrank without anyone noticing, but Luo Yunjin had already noticed the movement in her pocket.

Even the black cat Pei Chuan and the puppet cat Qi Chi didn't show up and followed behind.

Don't think they just saw the way the cat stood up when the half zombie slid out, she didn't see it!
Luo Niuhulu Yunjin passed through the black passage in a grand manner.

In the church, a huge stone statue stood in front of the cross, and the surrounding seats were covered with blood. A group of zombies were squatting on the platform in front of them, eating bloody mutated animals.

Seeing Luo Yunjin, he turned his head slowly, revealing blood-colored pupils.

Little tabby pig pupil earthquake!

The little milk cat who poked her head quietly shrank back again, her pupils trembled*2
The black cat's tail doesn't flick anymore, pupil earthquake*3
Ragdoll blinks big green eyes, pupil earthquake*4
After the shock, the cat wonders why they were shocked!

Three cats and one pig look at each other in pairs.

Whoosh whoosh!

They yelled threateningly, and they felt like they were going to beat you up if you didn't accept it. They were very fierce.

Luo Yunjin silently picked up a chair, caught an unsightly zombie, and suffocated fiercely.

The inexplicably beaten zombies crawled up, but Luo Yunjin didn't expect Luo Yunjin to do it, they were all extras!
The zombies quickly retreated in a swarm.

Luo Yunjin patted the non-existent ashes on his hands, "Did you see it? These zombies are very crispy, not scary at all, it's just the sound effect of the loudspeaker that has been playing that creates a suspenseful atmosphere."

"You little cat, what else can you do, can you still escape from my palm? You can't, hehehaha. A little cat like you was born to be eaten by me!" Luo Yunjin and two Holding the two front paws of the little milk cat in one hand, he chirped on its forehead.

The two cats and one pig squatting on the ground took a step back silently. They felt that Luo Yunjin, who was talking to the kitten with such a weird voice, was more terrifying than a zombie.

With the mysterious sound effect played by the loudspeaker, as well as the girl's scary smile and weird voice, the cats were frightened.

The stairs in the church are all quaint metal stairs. Every time you step on a step, you can hear a bang, the stairs are slippery, and water is still dripping from the roof.

The second floor is the storage room, where many mannequins are placed. There are many zombies mixed in the models, and they are dressed as sculptures.

When Luo Yunjin passed by, he suddenly reached out his hand.


Luo Yunjin glanced at it very calmly.

As long as she is not embarrassed, it is the other zombies who are embarrassed.

The sculpture zombie was stunned for a long time, but it wasn't frightened?The people who came in the previous group all screamed.

This is too unfulfilling, no, it can't be wronged like this!

The zombie began to twist its body, it rubbed against the bones, twisting itself into a spring.

The puppet cat saw a black tooth squeezed out of the zombie's mouth, and hurriedly avoided it.

"Stop pretending, you are a zombie, why do you pretend to be a zombie? The horror effect is not good. I will teach you how to make a horror effect." Luo Yunjin stood in front, forcing all the zombies to look at her.

"You learn from me." Luo Yunjin tilted her neck, stood with her legs in a splayed figure, her knees bent at 135 degrees, her arms in a stretching position, her expression was dull, her mouth slightly opened, and she untied her hair rope. disheveled.

"Then, don't walk too fast, it looks too deliberate." Luo Yunjin walked slowly.

A group of zombies seemed to have dug some new continent, following her to learn the zombie pace.

It has to be said that this simply grasps the essence.

Soon, all the sculpted zombies on the second floor began to walk in the figure of eight, and the line gradually grew longer.

As soon as the tourists who went upstairs to explore later stepped up the stairs, they saw the mighty zombies opening their mouths, with dull faces, walking towards them slowly, in unison.

Coupled with the weird sound effects on the radio and the dim environment of the scene, bursts of screams came.

The three cats and one pig were all confused by this battle.

Why, these zombies want to follow her to learn from zombies?

Why do zombies learn how to be zombies?
What happened to this world?
Luo Yunjin is a genius for imitation. She is directing the zombies to take the initiative to scare the tourists, instead of using the old tricks like hanging and sliding out suddenly.

Nothing new.

If you want to play, you have to play tricks and give full play to your own advantages.

A zombie dancing in the black passage, dancing and chanting while dancing, isn't it better than hanging a zombie?
A group of zombies are squatting on both sides, picking out the eyeballs, pressing them back, and then laughing. Isn't it more interesting than half-headed zombies sliding out?

A few zombies sang around the cross in the church, and then made poses with broken limbs, swimming around slippery on the ground, isn't it more innovative than gathering people to eat?
Hey, the operation of this horror house is not working.

Luo Yuanting, who was having a meeting far away in the conference hall, sneezed.

The third floor is the laboratory, where various specimens and chemicals are placed, and many zombies are hidden in glass jars.

Luo Yunjin let them all come out, holding experimental specimens.

"Don't just stay inside to scare people, just chase people with specimens, and chase after tourists when you see them." Luo Yunjin explained in a dignified manner.

The fourth floor is the staff restaurant, and the zombies inside are relatively friendly. Luo Yunjin taught them how to use weapons, such as holding kitchen knives, boning knives, small machetes, and chainsaws to chase tourists and the like.

Only in this way can an atmosphere of terror be created, with that sense of urgency and powerlessness.

When Luo Yunjin walked out of the horror house with the cat and the pig, he was awed by all the zombies.

She wears glory and hides merit and fame deeply.

The horror house gave her the feeling that there are still many places to be rectified.

In addition, she has no interest in Ding Ding cars anymore, and went straight to the small theater of the movie theater.

"Crazy Zombie" was released on the first day, and there were not many audiences, but this did not affect the enthusiasm of the zombies at all.

On a small stage, a young female zombie wearing a Lolita costume is standing on a high platform, holding flowers.

And there was a mutated clouded leopard standing on the ground. It was wearing a dress, standing on the ground with its two hind paws, and its two front paws were stretching out towards the Lolita zombie. It wailed affectionately twice.

Then a young male zombie wearing a prince's costume came out from behind the curtain, holding a long knife in his hand, and stabbed the mutant clouded leopard with one knife.

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  "Crazy Cat" movie theater:

  The little tabby pig is wearing a Lolita princess costume: Oh, my dear prince, what?

  The little milk cat is wearing a prince's costume, with a look of disgust.

  The mutated clouded leopard holds flowers: Oh, Your Royal Highness, please allow me to betroth you to my unborn son.

  The little tabby cat looked disgusted: My heart and my people belong to His Royal Highness, you ugly beast is not worthy!
  Saying that, it threw itself shyly beside the little milk cat.

  The little milk cat deftly avoided it.

(End of this chapter)

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