I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 902 For this moment, all the efforts are worth it!

The next day, in the president's office of an international chip giant's Xiaguo District office building, Andal Delgado was still sitting behind his large desk, but the arrogance on his face had disappeared at this moment, and he was replaced by He was shocked and confused, and he even suspected that he heard wrongly: "Mr. Wan, are you sure you want to terminate this cooperation with us?"

In sharp contrast to him was Wan Zuobin's expression.

Wan Zuobin's face no longer showed the sincerity and even a bit of humiliation to please him yesterday, only a faint smile - or a somewhat dazzling sneer remained.

"Yes, Mr. Degado, I am here to give you an ultimatum on behalf of our group. We are not just interrupting this cooperation. From now on, the chips provided by your company, no matter what model they are, if the supply price cannot be lower than the current market price [-]%, then there is no need to discuss any cooperation matters with us.”

Andal Degado was stunned for a while, and then he looked Wan Zuobin up and down to see if this guy had gone crazy because of yesterday's experience - otherwise, how could he dare to talk to him in such a tone? , and what about "ultimatum"?
Without the chips they provide, how can the Xiaguo server manufacturers currently produce servers?

Are you really unable to bear the high price of chips and want to cut off the server business, or are you taking a step back and trying to force yourself to make concessions with a burnt-out strategy?
Andal Degado sneered in his heart. Regarding such "partners", he had already investigated clearly. If he had the courage to cut off the server business, he would have done so long ago and would not have delayed it to the point where he is struggling to survive today.As long as I can still breathe, I will never cut off my arms!
"Mr. Wan, I hope you pay attention to your attitude and tone when you speak." Andal Degado relaxed. He leaned back on the back of the boss's chair and looked at him sarcastically with a joking expression like "watching a monkey show." Wan Zuobin:
"Don't think that you can achieve your goals with such clumsy negotiation methods. It will only be self-defeating! Our cooperation is based on equality, mutual benefit, frankness, and mutual respect. Your words and deeds today may lead to conflicts between the two parties at any time. The cooperation has broken down. Please remember your identity, you cannot represent your group, only Mr. Fan Shuping can! You messed up this cooperation, he will not forgive you!"

Wan Zuobin looked at the self-righteous and arrogant attitude of this big-faced foreigner and didn't know why he wanted to laugh so much.

He raised the authorization letter in his hand, raised the corner of his mouth, and said in the same sarcastic tone: "Dear Mr. Degado." Here, he also emphasized the word "respected", making the sarcastic tone more obvious:

"This is a complete authorization letter issued by the president of our group, as well as the original stamped ultimatum. It is bilingual in Chinese and English. You can take a look!"

Wan Zuobin slapped the document in his hand on the desk. Although the sound was not loud, it was like thunder in Andal Degado's ears.

He quickly glanced at the document with the corner of his eye, and saw that the document with a bright red seal clearly stated that Wan Zuobin was the plenipotentiary representative of this negotiation and the content of the ultimatum!
crazy!The world is crazy!
A dog that relies on its owner to reward him with food actually dares to show its sharp fangs to its owner!

Andal Degado's face suddenly turned extremely ugly. Don't look at what he said arrogantly to Wan Zuobin yesterday, "If we lose your group's order, we can get it back from other manufacturers in Xia State at any time." In fact, Xia State The market has always been the most important and important market for chip manufacturers like them. Although the server manufacturer in Xia State is not their largest customer, the total annual order amount can also account for their total annual orders. About 5% of the amount.

If this 5% order volume is really lost, Andal Degado, as the president, will definitely have to personally explain it to the board of directors and bear certain responsibilities.

As for getting enough orders from other Xia Kingdom manufacturers within half a year to make up for it?It's not that easy. Other international chip giants will also take action. Thank God for being able to make up 3% of the order share within a year.

Andal Degado was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He took a deep breath and wanted to calm down the atmosphere, but when he saw Wan Zuobin's sneer and sarcastic expression, his anger suddenly rushed into his head.

No, he will never give in. Once he lets these guys succeed once, he will definitely push for more and keep making more unreasonable demands. This time it is 95% off. Next time he will ask for 9% off, or even 88% off. fold?
What a joke, do you really think that if I lose your order, I, Andal Degado, will be in so much trouble?To play confrontation in this way?

Oh, isn’t it just a matter of explaining a few words to the board of directors? It’s just a change in order volume of about 5%, I will play with you to the end!
Andal Degado sneered: "I don't think we need to continue talking. The current decision-making level of your group is in a non-calm state. Please come back. By the way, I will also give you an ultimatum. If within three days, If your group cannot give me a reasonable explanation and a sincere apology, in three days, your group will become our first manufacturer in Xia Kingdom to be on the blacklist of never cooperating!"

Wan Zuobin raised the corners of his mouth, and his eyes seemed to show some pity for looking at a fool: "Really? This is our honor, we will wait and see."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Seeing that Wan Zuobin's figure was still a bit stooped yesterday, but now his waist was straight and his head was held high, Andal Degado was so angry that he almost smashed the coffee tea in his hand on the carpet!
Crazy, this Xia country manufacturer must be crazy!Where do they have the confidence to talk to me like this!
But despite being furious, Andal Degado felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Could it be that... they have reached a new cooperation agreement with another major international chip manufacturer?

Logically speaking, it is impossible. Even if the server chips provided by another international chip giant with the prefix A are slightly lower in price, they are inferior to our own chips in terms of performance and stability and compatibility. The most important thing is The heating problem is serious, and its recognition in the high-end server market of Xia State is low. If this Xia State manufacturer really chooses to cooperate with it, the high-end servers it produces will have to be sold at a reduced price, and in the end it is very likely to face more serious losses.

Would they be so motivated to cause trouble that they would rather suffer a bigger loss than bow to their side and give in?

After Andal Degado's anger subsided, he began to pace back and forth in the office, thinking about various possibilities.No matter what, it's time for people to pay attention to the dynamics of several competitors to see which competitor plans to take orders from this Xiaguo server manufacturer...

He was lost in thought when his secretary suddenly knocked on the door in a panic and reported: "Mr. Degado, we have just received news that more than a dozen Xiaguo server manufacturers and PC manufacturers who were originally negotiating with us have issued After the notification letter came, further negotiations were collectively suspended! There are also some individuals who have recently signed a contract but have not paid the down payment and delivered goods, and are conveying their attitude of early termination of the contract through their legal advisor..."

Andal Degado's brain buzzed, and he was so shocked that he almost lost his balance.

If there were just one or two Xia Guo manufacturers, it could be said to be a coincidence, but it is absolutely abnormal for so many Xia Guo manufacturers to terminate cooperation at the same time!Some people would rather pay 10% liquidated damages than terminate the contract?
what does that mean!It means that they have a better partner. Even if they lose 10% of the contract liquidated damages in vain, they must choose a new partner that is more beneficial and profitable!
Andal Degado couldn't stand still anymore. His face was livid and his back was covered in cold sweat. If all the orders from these Xia manufacturers were lost in his hands, his position as president would definitely be unsustainable. It is also impossible to afford the serious consequences of losing more than 50% of the total orders!who is it!Who is it!Who stole his order!

"Fake oil!" Andal Degado almost yelled at his secretary:

"Immediately ask someone to check Company A! See if they used disgraceful and unfair competition methods to steal our orders... No, it must be them! That means they can use ultra-low prices to steal our orders. !Fake Oil, in order to seize the Xiaguo market, you won’t even give up [-]% of the profit line, right! Get the legal team in action and be ready to sue them for unfair competition in the federal court at any time!”

Less than half an hour after the secretary left, Vice President Solidas Meadows barged in and said angrily: "Mr. Delgado, just now Xia Xin International of Xia State and more than a dozen chip manufacturers of Xia State suddenly suddenly A notice was sent to hold a press conference in an hour to announce their latest successfully developed chip..."

"Xiaxin International?" Andal Degado was still thinking about how to deal with the vicious competition from his competitors. He said impatiently: "Solidas, I don't have the time to pay attention to the self-developed chips of these small and broken factories. They The level is at least 20 years behind us!”

Solidas Meadows said anxiously: "No, Mr. Delgado, this time is different. According to the notice they released on the scarf, the chip they released this time is very powerful and can far surpass our 5nm. and 7nm high-end chips, but the price is only about 25% of ours! Now the Xiaguo Internet is boiling, and countless media are rushing to the press conference frantically!"

Andal Degado was startled at first, then jumped up, pulled his hair and shouted: "Damn it! What happened today? From Xia's server manufacturers, PC manufacturers, to chip manufacturers, are all crazy? Performance? High-end chips that far surpass ours? How is this possible!? Crazy, all the manufacturers in Xia Country must be crazy! Do you dare to tell such an obviously impossible lie? "

At this moment, the secretary hurriedly knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Delgado, according to the information we have learned, it seems that it is not the fault of Company A. They are also in chaos now. I heard that they also lost a large number of orders in the morning. They They called just now to ask if we were stealing their customers through unfair and malicious low-price competition..."

"Not Company A?" The corner of Andal Degardo's mouth twitched. He subconsciously exchanged a look with Solidas Meadows. Thinking of the press conference not long after, both of them felt an incredible thought. Ridiculous idea.

These lost orders...couldn't they have been snatched away by Xia Guoren's own chip manufacturers?
Impossible, absolutely impossible, such a ridiculous thing would never happen even if the sun rises from the west!
But... what if?
Andal Degado and Solidas Meadows looked at each other again, and both saw the other's pale and blue face.


No matter how doubtful and disbelieving foreign chip giants are, the press conference of "Qimeng Chip" was held as scheduled.

This press conference is destined to go down in history, although it was held in an incomprehensible haste, and the notice was not even issued until an hour before the conference, making the media complain that "I have never seen such an unruly press conference."

But "no rules" seems to have become the style of this conference. It is obviously a product conference of Xiaxin International, but more than a dozen domestic chip manufacturers, large and small, attended the conference and announced at the conference that all of the above Xiaguo chip manufacturers will form a real "Xiaguo Chip Industry Alliance" to achieve "technology sharing, patent sharing, and talent exchange"!
This is not the most shocking thing. What is really incredible is the chip code-named "Qimeng". It is said that it is 100% domestically designed and self-developed chips. The EDA used in the design is also the domestically produced "Qiguang EDA" , the interfaces and standards are all national standards, and even the chip materials are made in China. Except for some core equipment such as photolithography machines that can only be imported, it can basically be said that they are purely domestic chips.

Facing countless reporters and cameras, the spokesperson of Xiaxin International directly showed the test report of "Qimeng Chip" after two simple opening remarks.

The performance is 5 times higher than that of the international mainstream 10nm high-end chip, but the price is only 25% of the other price, which immediately caused a sensation and exclamation in the audience.

No reporter knows what new technology this "Qimeng Chip" uses, but almost all Xia Guo chip manufacturers gathered here, and representatives from the national science and technology management department attended, and demonstrated their cooperation with domestic server manufacturers, PC manufacturers, The chip supply agreement of mobile phone manufacturers completely eliminates the possibility of fraud!
The spokesman had tears in his eyes and an excited voice. He waved his arms and said:
"Everyone, I don't need to say more about the importance of chips. For a long time, our country in Xia has only been able to produce low-end chips, and the supply of mid-to-high-end chips can only depend on the faces of international chip manufacturers. Accept their high prices and harsh requirements. Squeezing the terms! But from today on, everything will fundamentally change! Through painstaking research, our Xia State has finally mastered a new chip technology that truly has independent intellectual property rights! With the application of this technology, 'Qiu' Dream Chip' was born!"

"Just like more than two years ago, the birth of 'Qiguang EDA' announced that our country has purely domestic EDA software that surpasses the international level. The birth of 'Qimeng Chip' announced that our country's chip technology has officially surpassed the international chip giants. factory and become the well-deserved number one in the world!”

"From today on, we in Xia State have enough confidence to loudly say 'NO' to the international chip manufacturers! Say 'NO' to high-priced chips!"

"Now, our chip industry in Xia Guo has reached a new level, but if we want to truly stand on the top of the world, we still need the efforts of all Xia Guo chip people! Therefore, this new chip technology will be developed by Xia Guo." Shared by all chip manufacturers in the country, we have therefore formed the 'Xiaguo Chip Industry Alliance' with a closer technical cooperation nature! We will resolutely reject internal friction and work together to support the backbone of the country's chip industry!"

After a brief silence, countless warm applause burst out!

I don’t know how many chip practitioners were moved to tears, and I don’t know how many people cheered!

Even Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, who were sitting in front of the TV and watching this scene quietly, held each other's hands tightly, their eyes burning.

Not many people know the great contributions they have made to the country's chip industry. From "Qiguang EDA" to today's "Qimeng Chip", the shadow of "Mr. Q" is behind them!

But looking at the countless people cheering and wiping tears excitedly on the TV screen, as well as the domestic chip practitioners standing up one by one with straight waists, both of them felt that all the silent efforts were worth it!

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