I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 901: Stand up straight and say no!

"Mr. Wan, do you want another discount? Didn't I give you a 9.9% discount this time?" In the president's office of an international chip giant's Xiaguo District office building, Andal Degado sat behind a large desk. , staring arrogantly at Wan Zuobin, the vice president of a server manufacturer in Xia Guo, and said with displeasure: "Didn't the business representatives of both parties discuss this matter? It is impossible to lower the price!"

Now there are only a handful of major chip manufacturers in the world that are capable of producing higher-performance PC and server chips - unlike mobile phone chips, more and more mobile phone manufacturers have begun to develop independent chips. Road, competition is relatively fierce.

For now, international chip manufacturers still occupy an absolutely strong position and voice in the supply and demand market for mid-to-high-end server chips.

This time, Andal Degado saw that the other party was an old customer that he had cooperated with for many years and was very sensible in personal relationships every year, so he gave him a 9.9% discount. Unexpectedly, the other party actually wanted to turn the discount into a 9.5% discount. ?What an international joke!The purchase amount is less than US$8 million. How dare you make such a request?Now besides international chip giants like them, who can sell them such high-performance and stable server chips?
Wan Zuobin felt humiliated when he looked at the other party's expression, but he had to lower his head under the eaves. He used proficient English and swallowed his anger: "Dear Mr. Degado, the price of chips has been rising in the past two years, which has caused us The group's server production costs have skyrocketed, but domestic server price competition has always been fierce, so we have no way to raise prices. As a listed company, we are now under great operating pressure and have been losing money for consecutive years. Next month we will announce the latest quarterly report Well, the quarterly report will be too ugly and we will have no way to explain it to the board of directors and investors..."

"This is your problem. You can't solve the problem you can't solve by yourself. Let us help you solve it! We also need to maintain necessary profits. We can't harm our own profits to satisfy your profits! If Mr. Wan comes here specially I just want to talk about this matter, so my reply is just one sentence, no need to talk about it anymore.”

Andal Degado spoke rudely. He even reflected in his mind whether he had treated these Xia businessmen too well in the past and allowed them to push forward, thinking that he could achieve such a career with just that little benefit. Manager giving away employer's interests?

Wan Zuobin was so angry that he wanted to punch the opponent's proud face.

He knew very well how exaggerated the other party's so-called "necessary profits" were!Originally, the gross profit margin of chips was close to 4%. In recent years, due to changes in the international situation, the prices they sold to Xia manufacturers have continued to increase! For an order of US$8 million, the other party can earn at least US$5 million!Even if a 95% discount is offered, it will not have a big impact on the other party's profits, but for Xia Guo manufacturers, a slight discount means more profits, so that the hard-earned server business can be expanded Take a few breaths!
But as the weaker party, Wan Zuobin had no way to expose this. He didn't even dare to show his tough attitude.

Apart from this major international chip manufacturer, there is almost no other place where you can buy high-end chips with such high performance and high stability. Even if you try to switch to another international chip manufacturer, the other party will have the same attitude, even offering a 9.9% discount. No discounts were negotiated.

At least there might be a little bit of hope here.

Wan Zuobin almost begged in a low voice: "But, dear Mr. Degado, if our group's server products continue to suffer losses, the board of directors will most likely pass a resolution to abandon the server business, and your group will also lose a person." Big customers and big orders every year..."

Faced with the "threat" of Wan Zuobin hiding needles in cotton, Andal Degado's expression became even colder. He slapped the table and stood up and said: "Seventy percent of the chip orders from your Xia country's server manufacturers are concentrated with us. Your price is very high." If the group really wants to withdraw from the server market, these shares will naturally be taken up by other manufacturers, and our order volume will not change much. Okay, I have other meetings, Mr. Wan, I will not send them."

Wan Zuobin looked at the other party's superior posture, his blood surged up, and his temples ached from the aggrieved emotion.

He finally understood why domestic mobile phone manufacturers had to spend money to develop self-developed chips even if they were desperate. It was so uncomfortable to feel that their lifeblood was in the hands of others and could be manipulated by others!

Unfortunately, there is a long way to go in the research and development of server chips in China and the major international chip manufacturers. Even if low-end servers can use domestic chips, how can mid-to-high-end servers be separated from the supply of these major international chip manufacturers?Even if the other party keeps increasing the price, we can only lose our teeth and swallow blood!
Damn it!

In the end, Wan Zuobin could only clenched his fists unwillingly and frustratedly, and forced a smile on his face: "Then I won't disturb Mr. Degado. I'll see you next time."

Until he was sitting in the driver's car and on the way back to his group's office building, Wan Zuobin was still so angry that his chest heaved sharply. He punched the back of the front passenger seat with all his strength and cursed bitterly: "son of bitch!"

The driver only twitched at the corners of his eyes, then continued driving without looking away.

The secretary sitting in the passenger seat didn't dare to say a word. One look at the vice president's look and he knew that the final negotiation had broken down, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

As the secretary of the president's office, he should know that the group has reached an extremely critical point due to chip supply. If he does not continue to purchase chips, the group's core business - the server business can only be suspended, and the debt problem suppressed by the group will soon disappear. Being infinitely magnified, the group is not far from bankruptcy.But if we continue to purchase high-priced chips, we can only continue to lose money and rely on additional issuance and bank loans to survive...

How difficult!How difficult!How difficult!

At this time, Wan Zuobin's cell phone suddenly rang.

When Wan Zuobin saw the call, it was the president Fan Shuping.

He immediately forced himself to calm down.

It's okay to show some negative emotions in front of people around you such as secretaries and drivers, but you should never show such violent and angry emotions in front of your superiors.

"Hello, Mr. Fan. I'm sorry to disappoint you..." Wan Zuobin obviously wanted to control his emotions, but as soon as the words came out, his eyes started to heat up. He bit his lip reluctantly and continued after a while: "...This negotiation failed to achieve any results."

This negotiation was supposed to be negotiated in person by President Fan Shuping, but Fan Shuping wanted to attend an important impromptu meeting held by his superiors, so he planned to cancel the interview, which was almost destined to be fruitless. However, Wan Zuobin was unwilling to give up without trying. , still insisted on negotiating on behalf of the group.The result - he was looked down upon, humiliated, and humiliated, but failed to achieve any results.

At this moment, facing Fan Shuping, who single-handedly promoted him, Wan Zuobin felt ashamed and bitter.

The failure of negotiations means that all the pressure still has to be shouldered by Fan Shuping! "Zuobin... I've made you feel wronged. It's okay. If we can't reach an agreement, we won't talk about it. You can vent your anger later." The voice of CEO Fan Shuping came from the other end of the phone, but it was unexpectedly relaxed. The heaviness of the past, if Wan Zuobin heard it correctly, he even heard a smile in Fan Shuping's tone?


Wan Zuobin was wondering whether his mood swings were too great, affecting his hearing, when he heard Fan Shuping say: "Zuobin, you can go back directly later and tell them that the negotiation for this chip purchase is suspended!"

Abort! ?
Wan Zuobin was anxious: "Mr. Fan, it doesn't matter if I feel a little wronged. This must not be done out of anger. Now our inventory of mid-to-high-end chips can only last for half a year at most. If we don't negotiate this purchase contract, let's They will supply the goods within half a year, and we will have to stop production by then!”

At this moment, he even had a sad guess. Is the group really going to cut off the server business and transition to other businesses?But the server business accounts for two-thirds of the group’s business!Surviving with broken arms is easier said than done!
To his surprise, Fan Shuping smiled and said: "It's okay. You can go back later, find Andal Degado, and tell him that in the future, they will not discuss cooperation with us unless their chip prices are discounted by more than [-]%." thing!"

"Ah? [-]% off?" Wan Zuobin was completely dumbfounded... Thinking about it with his toes, it is impossible for the other party to offer [-]% off, so the other party will definitely lose money!
Wan Zuobin's brain was a little down. He hesitated and said: "Mr. Fan, are we going to completely abandon the mid-to-high-end market? Only use domestic low-end chips?"

"Of course not. We have found a new server chip supplier. The price is only a quarter of the current purchase price, but the performance is more than 10 times higher. It is also power-saving and stable! The key is that it is purely domestic! Because The production line has just started. The supply volume in the first half of the year is limited, but after one year, the supply volume will basically satisfy the domestic server market. I have just initialed the cooperation intention, and they will give priority to supplying it to us in half a year. , can solve our urgent needs! Finally, we don’t have to be angry with those foreigners anymore, hahaha!”

At the end of the sentence, Fan Shuping couldn't help but burst into hearty laughter.

If this was not what Fan Shuping said, Wan Zuobin must have thought that he was joking.

But even if it was what Fan Shuping said, Wan Zuobin still couldn't believe it.

Purely domestic chips?Can the performance exceed that of major international manufacturers by 10 times?And only a quarter of the price?

how can that be! ?
Wan Zuobin is very clear about the current situation of domestic chips. Even if there is any new breakthrough, it is impossible for the breakthrough to be so exaggerated!

Wan Zuobin carefully reminded: "Mr. Fan, have you seen the real thing with your own eyes? Some domestic factories just sell PPT and make concepts... They are invincible when they make introductions, but they are powerless when they do it..."

Fan Shuping smiled and said: "Zuobin, I'm not old enough. Of course I've seen the real thing. Didn't I attend the emergency meeting held by the superiors this morning? Not just me, but all chip manufacturers, server manufacturers, and desktop computer manufacturers across the country." , mobile phone manufacturers all sent representatives to participate. This meeting was jointly held by the science and technology management department and the Xiaguo Chip Development Association. Boss Yang personally presided over it. At the meeting, he announced the purely domestic 'new generation chip plan' and The latest chip samples and test results are provided!”

His tone became excited when he said this: "It is said that our Xia State has made a huge breakthrough in chip research and development. Boss Yang did not tell us the specific details, but all chip manufacturers must be aware of it. Everyone of them You can’t deceive anyone with your overjoyed look. Currently, Xiaxin International is the first to provide chip samples. They provide a new generation chip called 'Qimeng Chip', which has better performance than the internationally mainstream 5nm server. The chip is about 10 times more powerful, and a detailed test report was provided! I have a copy in my hand, and you will understand after you read it when I return to the headquarters."

Wan Zuobin was startled. Boss Yang personally chaired the meeting?
If it were anyone else, Wan Zuobin would still doubt whether there was fraud, but Boss Yang is famous for being truth-seeking and pragmatic in the industry, and he deeply hates fraud. In the past two years, he has promoted rectification actions It’s very popular. Cases of projects being canceled due to scientific research fraud and being held accountable for their crimes can often be seen in newspapers and magazines!

Boss Yang personally guarantees it, so it’s almost a certainty!
Wan Zuobin was in a daze when he heard Fan Shuping continue: "Boss Yang said that the new technology will soon be popularized in all domestic chip manufacturers, including mobile phone chip manufacturers. By then, domestic chip manufacturers will produce and supply The price of 'Qimeng Chip' is only equivalent to a quarter of the current 5nm high-end chips produced by international giants! This meeting is to give us reassurance so that we no longer need to waste money on purchasing expensive products from international chip giants. For chips, just wait for the supply from domestic chip manufacturers."

Probably because his mood was too exciting, Fan Shuping, who was over sixty years old and had always been steady, became unusually excited in his tone. He seemed to be as high-spirited as an old man talking about being a teenager:

"I have also talked with Xiaxin International. After tomorrow's press conference and the official announcement of the 'Qimeng Chip', they will provide us with a 'Qimeng Chip' so that we can produce and configure it as soon as possible. motherboards, memory, and prototype machines. Boss Yang also said at the meeting that from today on, our Xia Guo’s chips will officially enter the international high-end stage, and our Xia Guo manufacturers can also straighten their backs and face everything. Overlord clause, all high-priced chips in the world, loudly say 'NO'!"

Wan Zuobin could no longer hear what Fan Shuping was saying next. He only felt his brain buzzing, and there was only one voice in his heart - our Xia State has its own high-end chip!And it is a low-cost, high-performance, excellent high-end chip that surpasses international mainstream products!

Whether it’s a consumer-grade PC, server, or mobile phone, Xia Guo Chip no longer has to look at anyone’s face!
And server manufacturers like them no longer have to suffer the humiliation and humiliation of being mermaided!
Thinking about Boss Yang's passionate declaration and high spirits at the morning meeting, Wan Zuobin had the urge to cry.

He waited too long for this day!
I thought I might not be able to wait until my lifetime!

Wan Zuobin, who is cautious and tolerant by nature, said in a slightly trembling voice: "Mr. Fan...I...I still can't accept it...it's too unbelievable."

"You... are just too cautious, but this is not a bad thing. You go back to the headquarters first. I will hold a high-level meeting of the group in an hour to convey the spirit of today's meeting and show the test report of 'Qimeng Chip'." You should be more confident to go find Andal Degardo in the future, right? Haha!"

Fan Shuping's voice was heard in the car through the mobile phone. The secretary and the driver who stopped at the traffic light looked at each other and couldn't help but give a high-five in excitement!

I worked overtime late at night yesterday. When I got home, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep. I coded this chapter in a hurry after getting up in the morning. I will try to catch up on today's update at night.

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