I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 865 is coming on May 5th!A huge storm is coming!

Chapter 865 is coming on May 5th!A huge storm is coming!

Zhou Zhishu, the previous director of the "Desalination Resource Recycling and Utilization Technology Department", was not exaggerating. Although Qin Ke rarely returned to Yuanzhou after the Spring Festival, he had been spending a lot of energy on following up on this seawater desalination and purification technology research project. The research progress of each group is followed up in real time. Many key experimental plans were formulated by him and Ning Qingyun. When encountering difficulties that the groups have been unable to overcome for a long time, he will personally participate remotely and jointly tackle the problem.

It can be said that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are the soul figures in the entire research process.

Therefore, the people in the Yuanzhou Research Center only have one word for Qin Ke, "convinced"!And I am convinced from the bottom of my heart!

They are even more disgusted with the small group of netizens on the Internet who criticized Academician Qin Ke bitterly. Let alone whether Academician Qin's prediction is wrong and it is not yet known, what if Academician Qin is wrong this time?Besides, who can guarantee that he will never make mistakes in his life?
Unforeseen circumstances mean the weather is unpredictable!No one can guarantee that the prediction is 100% correct!Academicians Qin and Ning publicly stated that the El Niño phenomenon will occur at noon on May 5, but there is only an 17% probability, not 87%!

A great scientist who has added countless honors to the country, an unparalleled academician who has made great contributions to the country and the people, and donated important inventions of immeasurable value. How can those clowns slander him?
Therefore, when Qin Ke got out of the car, everyone applauded heartily and vigorously, in order to express their support for Academician Qin through such actions.

At this moment, Qin Ke was going to the experimental sites of each group to test the experimental results. Everyone quickly returned to their posts. Then when Qin Ke arrived, he used the warmest smile and the most exciting work attitude to let those who had not been able to set foot in the research center for two or three months. Academician Qin learned the most real results as quickly as possible.

Qin Ke had seen the final technical plan yesterday and knew it well. The experimental report was also very close to the results he simulated using mathematical models and computer models. There was no possibility of fraud, so he wanted to only look at the most critical ones. A few parts were forgotten, but after the enthusiastic introductions of the researchers, Qin Ke decided to seriously test the experimental results. He even went to the miniature water purification model to operate it himself.

Since this is an affirmation of everyone's achievements, it is also a response to their silent encouragement.

Supervisors such as Ding Sibo, Zhou Zhishu and more than a dozen technical backbones accompanied Qin Ke throughout the various groups. When Qin Ke was inspecting the results of the energy system, Ding Sibo, the director of the "new energy department", said with pride:
"Academician Qin, when I joined the research center, I never dreamed that we could achieve today's results in less than a year. I admire you to the extreme. Yesterday, our four, five, and six groups put 'Green Lemon' Baoer's dynamic balancing power management system', 'Ling Ning electrolysis water hydrogen production technology', 'Ling Ning low-temperature liquid hydrogen storage technology', and 'Ling Ning 1 hydrogen fuel cell technology' were compared with peer technologies on the market. Any one of them can beat them by a long way! Even if it is not used as part of the water desalination and purification technology solution, any one of them alone can kill everyone in the market!"

Ding Sibo does have such confidence. If nothing else is mentioned, the "Lime Baoer Dynamic Balance Power Management System" alone is enough to stand out among the crowd.

"Ling Ning Baoer Dynamic Balance Power Management System" is a software developed by Qin Ke's team. After Qing Ning Technology completed the work version registration, it was publicly released at the end of last year and quickly became a big player in Xia Guo's power management system market. The man fell on his back and his horse fell over.

"Produced by Qing Ning Technology" has a good reputation, strong applicability, extremely low cost, up to 99.3% power supply management efficiency, and the price is similar to that of mainstream power management software on the market. These advantages make "Ling Ning Baoer Dynamic Balance" "Power Management System" has occupied nearly 30% of Xiaguo's market in just over five months, bringing more than 10 billion yuan in net profit to Qingning Technology. It is estimated that it will not be a problem to occupy more than [-]% of Xiaguo's market within two years. , and even foreign companies called to discuss procurement matters after hearing the news.

Half of these profits are used to establish a "Baoer Charity Special Fund", which is under the name of the "Ling Ning Student Aid Foundation" and is used specifically to aid sick and poor children. The other half is used for the expenses of the Yuanzhou Research Center. , but it’s more than enough.

"Ling Ning 1 hydrogen fuel cell technology" is also extremely excellent. Laboratory test data shows that its power generation efficiency can reach 88%. Even if the efficiency is slightly lower after industrial production, it is far beyond the 61% mainstream in the world today. Largely, the energy density reaches 50000Wh/kg.

——What is this concept?The world's most advanced all-solid-state lithium metal battery with sulfide solid electrolyte and lithium metal negative electrode has an energy density of only 300Wh/kg!

The overall electricity cost of the Qing Ning 1 hydrogen fuel cell is only one-half of that of an all-solid-state lithium metal battery. It does not require charging and only needs to be replenished with low-temperature liquid hydrogen regularly.

It is a pity that the Lime No. 1 hydrogen fuel cell is designed to power the "water desalination and purification system". Taking into account various factors at the seaside and lakeside and the low probability of relocation, the volume is designed to be larger. A single battery together with the casing It weighs more than one ton, so it cannot be applied to new energy vehicles. Otherwise, lithium battery suppliers around the world would probably go crazy.

Qin Ke still attaches great importance to hydrogen fuel cells and said with a smile: "No matter what, we have taken the lead in technology. Director Ding, you can continue to lead the team to study the new 'Ling Ning 2 hydrogen fuel cell' and will It is miniaturized and mobile, and its application scenarios will be wider in the future."

"Roger!" Ding Sibo agreed excitedly. It was refreshing to do research with Academician Qin. The interpersonal relationships were simple and there were not so many workplace struggles. As long as you have the ability and are willing to immerse yourself in research, you can be trusted and reused. The key is to have sufficient funds. You can freely put the ideas in your mind into experiments for verification!
It took Qin Ke most of the day to complete the field test of the entire technical solution, and he was very satisfied with the results.

"Everyone has worked hard. We will hold a celebration banquet at the Yuanzhou Hotel tonight. Everyone will receive an additional six months' salary as a special bonus for the results of this research!"

Qin Ke's announcement immediately made the entire research center burst into cheers!

The salary and benefits of Green Lemon Technology are very good, and they are increasing every year. The monthly salary of ordinary researchers who joined this year starts at 3 yuan. For supervisors like Ding Sibo, they do not count the five insurances and one housing fund, which is just their monthly salary. That’s 8 yuan, not to mention that there are often extremely generous year-end bonuses at the end of the year!
This time, an additional six months' salary is given as a special bonus. How can we not make everyone excited and party?
Working with a powerful boss, you can get high salary and benefits, a good working environment, you can fully demonstrate your talents, and your work results are recognized and you feel comfortable. Who wouldn’t cherish such a job opportunity?
This is also the reason why many researchers have been able to stand firm and remain unmoved when tempted by the outside world.

After everyone calmed down for a while, Zhou Zhishu said with a smile: "Academician Qin, our technical plan is still waiting for you to come up with a name."

Now that Ning Qingyun is not around, Qin Ke thought for a moment and said, "Let's call it 'Qingning Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution'."

In this way, the "Ling Lemon Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution" destined to be famous all over the world was officially born.

Qin Ke is willing to issue such generous rewards to the researchers. The "Ling Lemon Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution" developed by them working together day and night is indeed outstanding.Especially in terms of overall cost control, the total cost has dropped by a full 25% compared to the imperfect version at the beginning of the year, which is only equivalent to about 30% of the mainstream technical solutions in the market. However, the desalination efficiency has surpassed the mainstream technical solutions in the market. More than 50% of!

We must know that a brand-new water resources desalination and purification technology solution wants to replace several major multinational mainstream solutions in the world today and be promoted around the world. Regardless of marketing methods, in addition to applicability, energy efficiency index, desalination effect, In addition to superior technical indicators such as operation and maintenance costs, it is also necessary to reduce the initial capital investment as much as possible.

Why is the system knowledge "A New Seawater Desalination Technology with High Efficiency, Low Energy Consumption and Fully Automatic" only rated A+?This is because of the disadvantages of higher initial investment cost and poor applicability!

But now these shortcomings basically do not exist in the "Lingning Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technical Solution"!
The energy supply of "Lingning Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution" is self-contained and self-sufficient. It converts the electricity generated by wind power, photovoltaic, tidal and other green electricity into hydrogen energy and stores it. It is then converted back into electricity through hydrogen fuel cells to provide stable, safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly energy for water desalination and purification technology in different environments.

This technical solution is extremely flexible and adaptable. It can automatically adjust the proportion of several green electricity according to different terrains and different climates, and automatically switch to magnetic fluid seawater desalination technology and forward osmosis method according to differences in water quality. technology, electrochemically mediated desalination technology, or a combination of three different desalination technologies to achieve the best desalination effect.

It can also classify and utilize impurities such as sewage treatment and refining chemical raw materials and heavy metal elements. It can make table salt, industrial salt, and chemical fertilizers, and the comprehensive utilization rate of water resources can be increased to more than 90%.

Moreover, the implementation method of this plan is simple and mature, the initial cost is low, and it is very easy to promote.

It can be said that Qin Ke is very satisfied with this "Ling Lemon Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution". As long as the authorization amount is reduced, a large number of medium-sized enterprises with relatively small funds will definitely be attracted to join the water resources industry. Come to the field of desalination and purification, speed up the development and utilization of Xia Kingdom's saltwater lakes, and alleviate the likely fresh water crisis in Xia Kingdom in the future.

The only pity was that the system did not send any notification, saying that the technical solution in his hand had been upgraded to S-level knowledge.

Perhaps it’s because this plan is currently more suitable for saltwater lakes, and it’s still not that interesting in terms of desalination and purification of seawater?For example, the problem of nuclear pollution in seawater has not yet been solved?

In any case, the "Ling Ning Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution" has been released. It involves more than [-] patented technologies. The entire technical solution itself is a big patent. Qin Ke has actually made Qing Ning Technology's legal affairs and staff had prepared patent information in advance. At this time, he made the decision, and these employees immediately started the patent application process.

In order to speed up the review and approval as much as possible, Qin Ke also called Uncle Yang Chengke's secretary Lu Xinping. Lu Xinping patted his chest and promised to complete the entire patent process within a week.

Although the speed of patent approval was incredibly fast, and it was almost a green light for the whole process, Qin Ke couldn't wait for the patent certificate to come out. On the second day after the celebration banquet, he arranged for Ding Sibo and Zhou Zhishu to fly directly to Qinghai with their troops. Lake, quickly promote the follow-up construction work of the Qinghai Lake saltwater desalination and purification plant, and strive to complete the implementation of the "Qingmen Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution" before August, which can provide water supply and prepare clean water for the northwest region. Lake salt...


In May, Beijing should have entered summer, but the cool and refreshing weather continues. When the calendar turns to mid-May, the average temperature in Beijing is still only about 5 degrees Celsius. It is really hard to believe that the temperature will soar at the end of the month. to 22 degrees Celsius.

The popularity of the "prediction" topic about Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun has dropped on the surface. Since Ning Qingyun and Qin Xiaoke issued scarves, the small number of accounts that yelled, cursed, and sarcastically were grouped by countless netizens. He attacked and was scolded so much that he dared not show his face again.

In the whole "farce", almost no formal media organizations joined in the fun. Even those self-media that regard traffic as money did not dare to make fun of it and make random negative comments. After all, the Internet has memory. , Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's status in the eyes of most netizens is so high, who dares to risk the world's disapproval for traffic?

So things seem to be calming down on the Internet.

However, there are definitely no shortage of media and netizens who are quietly paying attention to the "special day" of May 5th. Especially those trolls and those with ulterior motives who have been scolded and have been dormant for the time being. They have prepared various "cannonballs" and prepared Fire at Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun that day!
On May 5, media with a keen sense of smell first noticed that the construction of the Qinghai Lake saltwater desalination and purification plant was accelerating. On May 10, they also noticed that in the patent announcement list published by the patent management department on the website, a patent named The new patent for "Ling Ning Technology's new energy and water desalination and purification integrated technology solution", the patent owners are Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun of Qing Ning Technology!
These news have heated up the topic of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's "prediction". The water desalination and purification industry is in a state of turmoil. Some people contacted Qingning Technology early to apply for patent authorization, while others secretly joined forces. Adding fuel to the flames...

Amidst this hustle and bustle, Qin Ke, who had already returned to the capital to accompany Ning Qingyun, was still presiding over the work of the "El Niño Disaster Prevention and Response Command Center", and methodically promoted the work of the "El Niño Disaster Prevention and Response Command Center" with Shen Yunzhang across the country. Implement disaster prevention measures.

Ning Qingyun and Qin Ke would update the El Niño prediction model every few days. Watching the predicted probability increase rapidly from 87% to 96%, the two of them were both relaxed and nervous. They were relaxed because it proved that their predictions were correct. Wrong, I am nervous because this heralds a severe climate disaster sweeping the world that will inevitably come to the world.

However, the little twins that Qin Ke and his wife were looking forward to coming to the world unexpectedly stayed in the mother-to-be's belly and refused to come out.

Finally, in the eyes of countless people, the calendar turned to May 5.

(End of this chapter)

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