I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 591 The Riemann Hypothesis proves the final review defense, start!

Chapter 591 The Riemann Hypothesis proves the final review defense, start!
The IMU International Mathematical Union is very cautious in judging whether a significant and far-reaching mathematical conjecture has been proven.

When Professor Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem 30 years ago, IMU and the "Annual of Mathematics" sent six groups of experts to conduct a rigorous review of Professor Wiles' proof process. At that time, communication was not so developed and transportation was not convenient enough. , so it took more than half a year to complete the review. Wiles' paper proving Fermat's conjecture is also known as "the most thoroughly checked mathematics manuscript in history".

When Qin Ke proved Goldbach's conjecture, eight Fields Medal winners collectively reviewed it. After that, Qin Ke also held a global live broadcast academic report conference, and made a public proof at the conference, accepting all mathematics in the world. questions from home.

Even after so many links, the IMU did not officially update the information on the "Goldbach Conjecture" on the official website until the end of July, more than a week after the "Annual of Mathematics" was published, and changed it to: "Goldbach-Qin Theorem, Witness: Dr. Qin Ke, Xiaguo Qingmu University".

So now regarding Riemann's conjecture, the world's top analytic number theory conjecture, IMU is so cautious that it brings together almost all the authoritative masters in the number theory field that can be found in the international mathematics community to jointly review Qin Ke's proof process.

The entire review process took nearly a month. I heard that during this month, these thirty masters of number theory put aside all their work and chores, and concentrated on only one thing, which was to review several papers related to the Riemann Hypothesis by Qin Ke. .

The content they reviewed not only included the five sets of expressions of Riemann's conjecture and their derivation process, but also the "Argument about the Inapplicability of Hardy-Ramanujan System to Riemann's Conjecture" published by Lian Qinke originally published by Jacques Solomon Ada The Proof that the Horse System Cannot Crack the Riemann Conjecture" and "Exploration on the Direction of Cracking the Riemann Conjecture with Core Expressions" were also dug out for re-examination.

This is also because Qin Ke’s announcement not only proved the Riemann Hypothesis, but also revealed a huge mathematical system hidden behind the Riemann Hypothesis, which has far greater influence than Goldbach’s Hypothesis and Fermat’s Last Theorem.

In order to ensure that this major mathematical achievement that may affect the future of the number theory community is true and error-free, the IMU has also taken great pains.

In the past month, the entire mathematics community and even the academic media have been paying attention to this matter, and it is also the most discussed matter in famous universities around the world.I don't know how many media have reported a huge increase in sales because of some specious and specious news.

In order to attract attention, many mathematics professors gave countless interpretations of Qin Ke's proof process.

Some people even jumped out and accused Qin Ke's proof process was wrong and illogical—but these people are basically civil science graduates who have not graduated from high school. Everyone just "hehe" to these people's clamor. I ignored it.

So when the IMU website announced that the luxury jury had completed the first step of the "review" and was about to enter the second step of the "defense", and the "defense" was still conducted in a global webcast, the news was almost lightning fast. Such speed spread throughout the international mathematics community.

Countless mathematicians are excited, and no one wants to miss such an important historical moment. Regardless of whether Qin Ke can successfully pass the "defense", it is just to witness the grand gathering of these thirty world-renowned masters of number theory. The scene is worth watching!Many people opened the webpage of the live broadcast room three or four hours in advance and waited.

IMU's website has expanded the server capacity in advance, but there are too many viewers. There are still two and a half hours before the live broadcast, and the network in the live broadcast room has been overwhelmed.

The IMU had no choice but to activate the emergency plan, release a new statement on the website, and authorize the largest live broadcast platforms in the world, including Youtube, Netflix, etc., to carry out simultaneous live broadcasts.Considering that there are too many IPs from Xiaguo, IMU also temporarily authorized Xiaguo’s live broadcast platforms such as Station B and Douyin, which had been waiting for a long time. .

After the diversion of viewers from several major live broadcast platforms, IMU's live broadcast room barely recovered.

The staff of the IMU also rejoiced inwardly, as expected, there was still a split stream. On some live video sites, the barrage was densely packed before it even started, almost blocking the entire screen.

The live broadcast room of Qingmu University was also very busy, and the network engineer who had finally finished his work wiped his sweat and went to the next work room to wait for orders.

All the lines are double-wired, and they have been tested repeatedly to ensure that they are foolproof-the most important thing is that the school leaders such as President Huang, Vice President Gu, and the leaders of the School of Computer Science are all watching, and they have tried it themselves before putting it down. To my heart, this made the backs of several network engineers drenched in sweat.

Fortunately, thanks to the fact that Qingmu University is the core transfer station of the National Network Center, the network conditions in all aspects are very good, and thankfully, the live broadcast equipment and network equipment in the small conference room used as the live broadcast room are all normal, and the lines are also faultless. Delay.

When the engineers went to the workplace to monitor the status of the equipment and lines at any time, Wei Yuanfu, the dean of the mathematics department, and the administrative director again personally checked whether there were any errors or omissions in the Chinese and English banners and background boards hung on the whiteboard behind the podium.

The big red banner reads "20XX Riemann Hypothesis Proof Final Judgment and Defense Live Broadcast - Qingmu University Venue".

The background board is the personal profiles of Qingmu University and Qin Ke, both in Chinese and English.

The background board on the left is a brief introduction of the school, only about [-] words, and the words "Qingmu University pays attention to the cultivation of mathematics talents, and the mathematics talents have reached the world's first-class level", made the school leaders present feel elated.

With the birth of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, the world of mathematics is in full swing. Which school in China dares to brag that it is better than Qingmu University's mathematics department?
Even compared with the mathematics departments of first-class universities in the world, Qingmu University is by no means inferior with the presence of Mr. Qiu, Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Tian Jianlan, four mathematics masters.

Of course, compared with Princeton, École Normale Supérieure, MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford and other top universities, there is still a relatively large gap in the number of mathematics masters in the Department of Mathematics of Kiyoki University, but at least the momentum has risen.

With the Qiuzhen Academy of Mr. Qiu, and Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, the rise of the Department of Mathematics is unstoppable, and it is only a matter of time before the Department of Mathematics is upgraded to the Faculty of Mathematics.

And the background board on the right is Qin Ke's personal profile.

"Qin Ke, male, 20 years old, Doctor of Mathematics Department of Qingmu University, researcher-level title, Distinguished Professor of Qiuzhen Academy, Honorary Professor and Distinguished Professor of Beiyan University, head of Lime Mathematics Research Laboratory, top-notch young talent. In recent years In mathematics, he has successively won domestic and international mathematics awards such as the Xia Guochen Prize in Mathematics, the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, the Cole Prize in Number Theory, the Craford Prize, the Humboldt Research Prize, the Ramanujan Prize, and the Steele Prize. The results are mainly proofs of a dozen world-class mathematical conjectures."

"Including: the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, the proof of Zhou's conjecture, the proof of Jebov's conjecture, the proof of Brocar's conjecture, the proof that there are infinitely many Mersenne prime numbers, the proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, Gilbreth's conjecture, the proof of Polignac's conjecture, the proof of Hailstone's conjecture, the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, and the proof of Riemann's conjecture that will be defended soon."

Everything is ready, and Qingmu University has connected to the live broadcast room in advance.

On the live broadcast website, you can see the small conference room of Kiyoki University and the double screen of the academic conference room at the IMU headquarters in Berlin at the same time.

Among them, in the academic live broadcast room forwarded by Xiaguo Station B, the netizens who had nothing to do and entered the venue in advance had already begun to read Qin Ke's profile.

[666, as expected of my husband, these medals and academic achievements are the top in any university! 】

[Hiss——I gasped subconsciously, the master of the god of learning is so terrifying! 】

[I hurriedly put away the silver medal of the National Mathematical Olympiad that was hanging in the room. I can’t hang it up in the future. It’s too embarrassing. Speaking of which, Qin Shen’s results in the Mathematical Olympiad in high school were ignored in this introduction... Oh, that’s right, and the proof The world guessed that even the "+1" champion of IMO is completely incomparable. 】

[Actually, I think "The Wonderful Mathematical Journey of Kitten Lemon and Puppy Keke" co-authored by Qin Shen and Ning can also be included as an academic achievement. I heard that the total sales of two sets of six books in the world have exceeded 8 There are [-] million copies. This is the data from three months ago, and now it is estimated that there are more.These supplementary materials have helped many hard-working students in mathematics. It is considered a great achievement, and its significance may not be less than proving the world conjecture. 】

[I just found out today that Qin Shen is actually a distinguished professor of Qingmu and Yanda University at the same time, and he is also a full professor... Qin Shen didn't share the good news with us on the scarf, a 20-year-old full professor!Is it a record break? 】

[I don't know if the record is broken or not. I only care about when Qin Shen will be awarded an academician. With his academic achievements, it should be more than enough to be awarded a mathematics academician, right?Except for being too young, he has almost no shortcomings, and his character is also top-notch. 】

[Academicians are co-opted once every two years on average, and co-options were just completed last year, and it will not be until next year at the earliest.Besides, although God Qin had a high reputation, he was too young.I went to check it out. The youngest academician in our country is called Ning Zongxun, a physics academician. He was selected as an academician at the age of 36... Hey, this academician is also named Ning, the same as Ning.But I can't find much information about him on the Internet. 】

[Although Qin Shen is young, I think if he can win this year's Fields Medal, why would he give it to an academician? 】

[It's really hard to say, the number of academicians is limited every year, and there are many considerations... Wait, is Qin Shen still a graduate student?Graduate students can still be awarded academicians? 】

[Qin Shen is still a graduate student in physics, but he is already a full professor in mathematics. He is already eligible to be elected as an academician, as long as he has three academicians to recommend him. 】

[Qin Shen is still young, and he hasn't even been selected as a young Changjiang scholar. 】

[I found that you didn't see the point. The point is that only "mathematics" is written in the introduction. Qin Shen wrote the operating system, R&D seeds, etc., and they didn't list it. After thinking about it... only "fuck" Fortunately, Qin Shen is not as exaggerated in physics as mathematics. 】

[Hey, the experts from the IMU have appeared one after another, and I recognized Professor Tao!I don't know any of the rest. 】

[For those who have a list of reviewers, there is also a name plate on the seat, but it is all in English. 】

[Let me translate for you. The reviewers include Professor Tao Zhexuan, Professor Gerd Faltins, Professor Elon Linden-Strauss, Professor Andrew Wiles, Pierre Deli Professor Nie, Professor Gilberto Lopez, Professor Charles Feffman, Professor Enrico Bambelli, Professor Wendelin Werner, Professor William Timothy Gowers...]

[I checked on the Internet just now. Among these reviewers, there are 22 Fields Medal winners, 17 Abel Prize winners, 16 Wolf Prize winners, 5 Craford Prize winners, mathematics There are 2 people for the Breakthrough Award... and almost everyone is a national academician. This jury is really luxurious! 】

[The total number of people is inconsistent with the number of winners! 】

[Some people will win several awards at the same time...For example, Professor Deligne won the Fields Medal, the Abel Prize, the Wolf Prize, and the Craford Prize at the same time, which is terrible. 】

[My god, the more I look at this lineup, the more my legs feel weak. I panic just thinking about thirty professors asking me questions, let alone thirty world-class mathematics masters. 】

【God Qin is here!Look, God Qin is here!Qin Shen looked calm and smiling, and there was no sign of nervousness. 】

[Could it be an act? 】

[It's also a skill to be able to pretend to be so calm. Can you pretend to be so calm? 】

As the barrage in the live broadcast room said, Qin Ke, dressed in formal attire, came to the small conference room and stood in front of the podium.

In the small meeting room, where the cameras cannot see the seats, the school leaders, the main leaders of the Department of Mathematics, and all the professors of the Department of Mathematics were already filled. Mr. Qiu Lao and Academician Tian Jianlan were also present, and Ning Qingyun naturally came too. Yes, but she came in through the back door, and she was sitting in the last row, gently raised her white fist, and made a gesture of cheering Qin Ke.

Qin Ke smiled at her and nodded to the leaders before raising his head and staring directly at the big screen set up in the meeting room.

On the big screen, in the academic conference room of the IMU, more than half of the experts from the [-] judging panel had already arrived. Qin Ke just tried the erasable writing pen, and after waiting for a while, all the experts arrived and sat down in the dark. in two rows.

These mathematics masters are older than 75 years old, with white beard and hair, wrinkles and age spots on their foreheads, but their eyes are still bright under the reading glasses.

The youngest is naturally Professor Tao in his 40s. He smiled and waved to Qin Ke on the screen.

Soon, Morten Duarte, Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of IMU, appeared in front of the camera. He first introduced himself in English, then talked about the meaning and purpose of the live defense broadcast, and finally introduced all the review experts present .

Thirty review experts came from all continents and countries in the world. Except for a small number of old professors who were unable to participate in this review due to various reasons such as too old, poor health, and lack of skills, almost the entire international number theory community can be ranked first. Authoritative experts worthy of the name gather here.

If you count the mathematicians watching the live broadcast in front of the screen, this is an international event comparable to the International Congress of Mathematicians.

After announcing the 78-year-old, highly respected Professor Bertus Otero as the chief judge of the jury, Secretary-General Morten Duarte smiled at Qin Ke and nodded: "Professor Qin Ke, you can always do it if you are ready." The question-and-answer session has started, you don’t need to speak first, you just need to answer the questions from the expert judges, I look forward to your performance today.”

Qin Ke knew that since he embarked on the path of mathematics, the most important and critical moment had come.

He took a deep breath, stared at the big screen in front of him, and said calmly: "I'm ready, please ask the experts to start asking questions."

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(End of this chapter)

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