I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 590 He has created so many miracles, this time I still choose to believe him

Chapter 590 He has created so many miracles, this time I still choose to believe him

In the fluid mechanics experiment building of academician Jiang Weixian, Qin Kezheng and Ning Qingyun tried to repeat the "circular tube water flow experiment" done by Renault, a physicist at Eagle University more than 100 years ago.

This is just a very simple experiment, so simple that even a child can do it at home with a round pipe connected to the faucet, but I want to clearly observe that the fluid changes from a regular flow to a chaotic and irregular flow as the flow rate increases. For turbulent flow, it is necessary to use modern instruments to accurately record the key points of flow velocity that produce transitions, as well as the relationship between turbulent flow and pipe diameter (d), fluid viscosity (μ), and fluid density (ρ).

"Reynolds number Re=ρvL/μ, where ρ and μ are the fluid density and dynamic viscosity coefficient, v and L are the characteristic velocity and characteristic length of the flow field..."

"In a general pipeline, when the critical Reynolds number Re=4000 is reached, it will become a complete turbulent state, and when Re=2320~4000, it will be a transitional state..."

The two recorded and calculated while drawing conclusions.

In fact, the answers to these knowledge can be found by searching the literature, but only by doing experiments and completing the derivation and verification by oneself can the understanding of turbulence and Reynolds number be greatly deepened.

This experiment was naturally arranged by Academician Jiang for the two of them to do it.

"Huh?" Ning Qingyun unexpectedly discovered a problem: "Qin Xiaoke, if we use the NS equation for averaging according to the derivation we made in this experiment, there will be one more unknown function than the number of equations. "

Qin Ke knew it well. He had seen similar answers in the first, second, and second chapters of S-level knowledge "Exploration and Detailed Explanation of the Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation "Navier-Stokes Equation"" This is a closed problem, and it will be very difficult to solve the NS equation. Here you can directly refer to the specific form of the NS equation—the Reynolds equation to explain."

The so-called Reynolds equation refers to the average method that Reynolds used to average the instantaneous velocity and instantaneous pressure of turbulent flow. Based on the NS equation, the basic equation deriving to describe the average flow field of turbulent flow is an important theoretical basis in turbulent flow.

Ning Qingyun tried to substitute into the Reynolds equation, and she succeeded in solving the problem. She exclaimed: "Qin Xiaoke, I found that you really understand everything."

"In general, it just so happens that fluid mechanics and NS equations are the areas I'm good at. In fact, the most difficult thing about turbulent flow is to use nonlinear theory to analyze how it evolves from laminar flow. At present, the main relevant assumptions are bifurcation theory. , Chaos Theory, Strange Attractors, and Boundary Layer Theory..."

Qin Ke also took the opportunity to explain to Ning Qingyun the theory of turbulence related to the S-level knowledge "Exploration and Detailed Explanation of the Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation "Navier-Stokes Equation"", but just halfway through the talk, the phone suddenly rang .

It is an international call.

Qin Ke was slightly startled, and had a certain prediction in his heart. After he connected the phone, a man came from the other end and said in English: "Dr. Qin Ke, hello, I am Dorji Man, a staff member of the IMU. Dele, at present, our "Riemann Hypothesis Review Expert Team" has basically completed the review of the five expressions of the Na Riemann Hypothesis. Next, we need to conduct a remote video question and answer with you, which will last about one hour to two hours. hour, when do you have time?"

Hearing this notice, Ning Qingyun was both pleasantly surprised and a little nervous.

The surprise is naturally to hear that the expert panel has completed the review, which means that no major problems have been found, otherwise there would be no face-to-face "defense" in the second link, but the nervous thing is that there may be two The hour is so long, thinking that Qin Ke will face [-] top experts in the field of number theory "bombing" for two hours, even Ning Qingyun, who has no confidence in Qin Ke, can't help but feel a little worried.

After all, no one is an all-rounder. If there is an expert staring at a certain detail to get to the bottom of it, it is still difficult to deal with it.

She was feeling apprehensive and worried when Qin Ke said, "Is this question-and-answer session open to the public in a live broadcast? Or is it just me and [-] reviewers who have a remote video connection?"

"Both are fine. Our suggestion here is to live broadcast the whole process in the live broadcast area of ​​IMU's official website. This will undoubtedly allow mathematicians from all over the world to understand the situation more intuitively. But if you have any different opinions, you can also raise them. come out."

"I have no objection, the whole live broadcast is ready. As for the time..." Qin Ke looked at his watch: "The day after tomorrow is Sunday, and our time here can be from nine in the morning to nine in the evening."

"The day after tomorrow? Let me check the calendar and the time difference...the time is set to be Sunday the day after tomorrow, and Xia Guo's local time is four o'clock in the afternoon. How about it? The time difference between Berlin and Xia Guo is seven hours, and it happens to be nine o'clock in the morning on the same day."

"No problem. Then set the time."

"Okay, in 10 minutes we will announce the live broadcast time of this defense on IMU's official website and various social platform accounts, please prepare in advance, the venue and props you need, please prepare by yourself. If there are expenses, you can send the scan of the voucher to my email address, my email address is... We will reimburse you according to the facts..."

After exhorting various details, the IMU staff politely ended the call.

Ning Qingyun said nervously: "Qin Xiaoke, will you be too rushed to decide the day after tomorrow? Is there time to prepare?"

Qin Ke smiled: "Didn't Uncle Chen arrange a rehearsal with me for five mathematics academicians including Mr. Tian last weekend? That's enough. If I didn't think about the rare holiday tomorrow and wanted to go out with you, I would It's all about tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to prepare well tomorrow?" Ning Qingyun was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, your husband, I haven't seen any storms before. It's nothing to face thirty old men. It's a pity that you haven't seen the majesty when I punched Nanshan Nursing Home and kicked Beishan Kindergarten. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so worried. .”

Seeing Qin Ke joking as usual with a calm expression, Ning Qingyun finally felt relieved.

Qin Ke was indeed full of confidence in the "defense" proved by Riemann's conjecture this time, but according to the procedure, he still notified the school.

As a result, the school immediately became tense. Wei Yuanfu called Qin Ke almost as soon as he received the news, and asked Qin Ke if he needed anything. It also needs to be able to remotely video."

Wei Yuanfu asked cautiously: "Qin Ke, just prepare these? Do you need to arrange some professors from the school to conduct a second rehearsal with you? The ones who came last time were academicians, so I didn't dare to waste them too much. The rehearsal was only for an hour. This time we used the mathematics professors in the school to cooperate with you for the rehearsal throughout the day."

Until Wei Yuanfu was not nervous, the whole world now knows that the expert jury sent by the IMU this time directly decided whether the "Riemann Hypothesis" will become "Riemann's Theorem", and it is more related to whether Qin Ke can obtain the "Riemann Theorem". The great reputation and international academic status of the "Riemann Hypothesis Proven Man" are also related to whether the school can become famous all over the world and rank among the world's top [-] universities for Qingmu University.

"Thank you Director Wei for your concern, but I think it is more effective to relax than to tense up before the final defense."

Wei Yuanfu thought so too, and seeing that Qin Ke had made up his mind, he didn't dare to persuade him any more. After hanging up the phone, he hurriedly reported to Vice President Gu Bojun.

Gu Bojun was also a little worried, but after all, he was used to strong winds and waves, and immediately said: "Just do what Qin Ke wants. Qin Ke knows better than us how to prepare. He has created so many miracles. This time, I still choose to believe him. However, the classrooms for the live broadcast must be carefully prepared at that time, and there must be no sloppy, especially the network equipment, so that Qin Ke’s normal defense cannot be disturbed by the network conditions. You should contact the School of Computer Science and let them Send someone to follow up the whole process..."

Here, Qingmu University is going all out to deal with it, but on the other hand, Qin Ke is already preparing to take Ning Qingyun out to play tomorrow.

The two have been busy since they came back from Yuanzhou, busy visiting their elders, studying, doing experiments, and preparing lessons, but they have no time to enjoy the fun of life itself.

Qin Ke felt that such a state of being so busy that he didn't even have time for a good date should not last, so he was supposed to do experiments on Saturday, so Qin Ke decisively asked Mr. Jiang to ask for leave.

When Jiang Wei first heard that Qin Ke's reason for asking for leave was "to date", he was taken aback, and then smiled: "Okay." With a wave of his hand, he approved Qin Ke's leave form, and added: "After the weekend, Both you and Ning Qingyun don't have to come to the laboratory, I know you have other subjects to be busy with, and no matter how busy you are, you can't ignore life itself, I appreciate your choice."

It was rare for the always serious academician Jiang to praise Qin Ke face to face like this, which made Qin Ke a little uncomfortable.

However, since he doesn’t use the laboratory on weekends, Qin Ke feels more relaxed. Physics is also a long road, and it will not be easier than mathematics. Qin Ke still feels like before. It is the most correct scientific research attitude.

So he took Ning Qingyun back to Xingguang Mingyuan's new home that night, and cooked a big meal himself.

Qin Ke's calmness and relaxation also made Ning Qingjun come out of the busy study and scientific research, and enjoy the sweet world of two together with him.

The two were cuddling together and watching TV when the sound of autumn rain came from outside the window.

"Oh, it's raining." Ning Qingyun hurriedly got up and ran to close the window, Qin Ke said with a smile: "Did you forget that there is a new function in the low light?" He snapped his fingers: "The low light, turn on the automatic Manage windows mode."

Immediately, the mechanical voice of Shimmer came from the hidden speaker in the living room: "Understood, Master Qin Ke. The automatic window management mode has been activated, and it has detected that it is raining, and the windows of the whole house have started to close automatically..."

It was only then that Ning Qingjun remembered that his family had asked his assistant Fang Yongtang to automate the windows some time ago, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Technology is really convenient."

"Technology has changed the world. But I have to mention that the accuracy of the weather forecast is still low. At noon, I checked that the weather for the past two days was only cloudy, and it turned out to be raining at night."

"Yes, I hope that our turbulence project can improve the accuracy of weather forecasts in the future." The girl stood by the window, watching the rain outside the window appear and disappear under the orange light of street lamps, her eyes full of longing.

Qin Ke was looking at Ning Qingjun's delicate and pretty face reflected in the window, and said with a smile, "It's inevitable, as long as we can completely decipher the mystery of the NS equation, the accuracy of the weather forecast within three days will reach 100%, but more than 90% is not a problem. Forget it, let’s not mention academic research during the holidays, let’s think about where to go tomorrow.”

"Look at the rain, it may continue to fall tomorrow."

Qin Ke said with a smile: "You, you are too serious about things, always thinking that everything is perfectly prepared, but it is not necessary, and more surprises are not a bad thing. We will drive out tomorrow, and we will date indoors when it rains. outdoor date."

Ning Qingyun blinked playfully: "What if it suddenly started raining while we were outside?"

Qin Ke looked at her and smiled: "It's raining, so let's run away, is it raining in place?"

Ning Qingyun laughed amusedly, and her heart began to jump for joy.Sure enough, being with Qin Ke is a joy, no matter what, it seems that in his eyes, it can become easy and full of fun.


The next morning, before the two of them were about to go out, it really started raining, and it was a heavy rain. Dense rain lines fell from the sky, as if covering the world with bead curtains. Bean-sized raindrops hit the glass of the window, splashing From the large rain flowers.

The most troublesome thing is that the wind is still strong, and the green plants in the community are shaking violently.

"Well, the weather forecast is completely inaccurate this time."

It's not safe to drive out in such weather. Qin Ke thought about it, but came up with a good idea. He dug out two sets of raincoats, boots and water guns, and handed them to Ning Qingyun: "It's raining heavily now, we can't go out for the time being. Or go play with water guns on the balcony."

Ning Qingjun's eyes widened, and she turned her head to look at the balcony. Because of the strong wind, the balcony was also wet by the rain: "Where are you going to play with water guns?"

Qin Ke was enthusiastic: "Yes, that girl Qin Xiaoke played with me before, it was quite interesting. There are two rules, the water gun can only catch the falling rainwater, and the water gun can only be shot on the raincoat, not in the face .The last one is to prevent getting wet and catching a cold.”

The area of ​​the balcony is quite large, more than ten square meters, of course you can play, but it is difficult to catch the rain.

However, both of them are smart people, and soon found the strings of rainwater gathered from the eaves upstairs, and started the water gun game like a child.

In the 20 years of Ning Qingyun's life, she hasn't played with others in the rain very much. Needless to say, her parents have not been around for a long time, and there are not many friends. Even if she has friends, they are just chatting and shopping friends, like this The experience of playing with a water gun in the rain can be regarded as the first time.

In the beginning, she was always suppressed by Qin Ke, but gradually she also found the knack, and fought back and forth with Qin Ke.

Because of the torrential rain, the sky was dark, and there was a large area of ​​dim lights in the buildings outside, and the water splashed on the balcony radiated colorful light in the dim lights.

Ning Qingyun's delicate figure was covered by a large raincoat, but the series of happy laughter like silver bells still made the corners of Qin Ke's lips twitch.

Xiaobaicai's childhood life was too serious, too strong and too lonely. Sometimes it is a kind of compensation to find the joy of innocence.

Thinking of this, Qin Ke felt a little grateful for the sudden rainstorm...

As a result, on Saturday morning, the two played with water guns for about an hour. They didn't change their clothes until the rain gradually subsided, and went out on a date to go shopping and watch a movie.

In a blink of an eye, it came to Sunday afternoon, and the "Riemann Hypothesis Proof Final Judgment and Defense Live Broadcast", which was followed by almost the entire international mathematics community, finally arrived as scheduled.

(End of this chapter)

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