I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 555 The fourth set of expressions that caused a sensation in the mathematics world!

Chapter 555 The fourth set of expressions that caused a sensation in the mathematics world!

The day after the awards ceremony was a three-day academic report exchange meeting. In addition to the two Craford Award winners who will give special reports, several heavyweights in the mathematics world were also invited to give lectures. Report.

But everyone's focus is almost on the academic reports of the first and second rounds.

Fortunately, the first academic report was Ning Qingyun's proof of the hail conjecture. Most of the scholars present had already read the paper. At this time, they just listened to the report and asked questions about some details.

Ning Qingjun has conducted many rehearsals with Qin Ke, and she has prepared in advance for the possible issues that may be mentioned, and it took her and Qin Ke more than half a year to finally complete the proof process of the hail conjecture. The details are in the palm of your hand.

The first report ended without any surprises in the girl's clear and pleasant voice.

With her quiet and excellent performance, Ning Qingyun won the endless applause from everyone in the audience, and also confirmed that she does have the mathematics level in line with the Craford Award.

Amid the thunderous applause, many watching media quickly released a series of news.

Among them, the news of the famous large newspaper Daily Mail attracted the most attention. Its headline was "Today, the "Hail Conjecture" was officially announced to be proven!" ", said in a news article:
"Today, at the Stockholm Concert Hall, Ning Qingyun, a magical girl from Xia Kingdom, made a proof report on the 'Hail Conjecture', officially proving it. After a brief question, mathematicians from all over the world gave her The report is approved. The International Mathematical Union IMU intends to name the "Hail Conjecture" as the "Collatz-Qinning Theorem" starting at noon today, in recognition of the two mathematicians who jointly proved it. It is reported that the magic The girl's report will have a profound impact on computer cryptography, computer security, random functions, and chaos theory!"

The second thing that also caused a sensation was that Bakuage Co., Ltd. issued a statement on the company's website and the Mathematical Reward Network at the same time, stating that the company had issued a reward of 1.20 million yen on the Mathematical Reward Network last year to solicit the proof of the hail conjecture, and now it has been verified repeatedly He confirmed that the mathematical problem of the bounty has been solved by Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun, young mathematicians from Xia Kingdom, and the 1.20 million yen research reward will be distributed to the two young mathematicians from Xia Kingdom within one month.

This is almost a huge reward of 100 million US dollars, which is comparable to the amount of rewards offered by the Clay Institute of Mathematics for the seven world problems of the millennium!
As soon as the notice came out, the hot topic of "hail conjecture has been proven" was once again stirred up. Many scientific research institutions and universities that had previously offered relevant global rewards followed suit and said that they would contact two young mathematicians , the amount of the reward offered, of course, the amount of these rewards is much less, the least is only 500 US dollars, and the more is only a few thousand pounds.

However, for the 2000 mathematicians present at the report meeting, these are irrelevant noises, because the host has returned to the podium and announced that the second report meeting is about to begin:
"Next, I will invite the winner of this year's Crawford Prize, Qin Ke from Xiaguo Qingmu University, to give a report on the stage. The topic of his report is "Derivation Process of the Fourth Group of Expressions of the Riemann Hypothesis". Applause is welcome!"

The applause that had just subsided for a while surged again like a tidal wave, and the Filipino award bosses, including old Mr. Faltings, Professor Tao, Wiles, and Deligne, clapped vigorously, with embarrassment on their faces. Mask the color of expectation.

No one thought that Qin Ke would give a meaningless and immature academic report in such a status, so everyone was full of expectations.

Under the gaze of countless fiery eyes, Qin Ke stepped up to the podium steadily, and halfway he gave Ning Qingyun a tacit understanding as he walked down, and smiled at each other.

When Qin Ke, who was wearing a slim black suit and a bow tie, stood on the podium, the audience quickly fell silent.

Qin Ke smiled lightly, opened the PPT, and started this world-renowned academic report.

"About the proof of Riemann's conjecture, I have given a report at the previous academic report meeting of the Scientific Breakthrough Award. That time it was about the first three groups of expressions. These three groups of expressions and their derivation process have been published in " I believe you have already read it, so I won’t repeat it here. The Riemann Hypothesis is a great mathematical proposition, and it is also the most difficult, profound and meaningful one that I have studied so far. Mathematical proposition."

The audience was quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Qin Ke with rapt attention.

"In my eyes, the greatest significance of the Riemann Hypothesis is that it is an important bridge between the two fields of algebra and geometry, and it is possible to realize the unification of the two fields. As you may know, I founded the Lime Number Theory Fourth-Order Transformation Method' and 'Lime Hypergeometric Mapping Method' both involve algebra and geometry, and their inspiration comes from my research on Riemann's conjecture and its expression derivation."

"For this reason, I believe that as long as you carefully read the derivation process of the first three sets of expressions, you can see the shadows of these two Lime Number Theory processing methods."

"It can be said that most of my academic achievements so far are inseparable from the research and exploration of Riemann's conjecture. It is like an inexhaustible mathematical treasure and a bright light on the road of human mathematics. ! Today, I will deduce the fourth set of expressions of the Riemann conjecture here, and then uncover the mystery of one-third of this great treasure!"

Qin Ke took the tablet and began to write in a hurry.

With a bang, several mathematicians couldn't help standing up, staring fixedly at the mathematical calculations that kept appearing on the big screen.

"ζ(s)=ξcosθs+ηsinθs+1∞xnn(n+1)-t*O(na)+[∑x^(n+1)]''-[∑x^n]', 0≤s ≤t≤n"

"ζ(s)=Σ[(x^n)/(n!)]/(n+2ti-2p)+O(n^(a+ε)), 0≤t≤p≤n"


After Qin Ke wrote six dizzyingly complicated expressions in one breath, he began to deduce them one by one.

"Just as our first three sets of expressions are mutually progressive, this fourth set of expressions is also based on the first three sets of expressions and deepened. We can see that there are still It involves a special form of the fundamental theorem of prime numbers. In the derivation process of the expression I just wrote, I used the hidden Markov model..."

The audience was still silent, except for the rustling sound of taking notes quickly from time to time.

As Qin Ke continued to deduce, more and more scholars began to frown, and the confusion in their eyes became more and more intense.

Because many people found that they couldn't keep up with the thinking rhythm of this young mathematician, and even though Qin Ke explained many details in detail, the mathematical methods and skills used were too complicated and subtle, and they had to think hard to understand them. Barely trying to figure it out, but at this time Qin Ke has already gone to the next two pages...

Only Faltings, Deligne, Professor Tao, Mr. Qiu, Linden-Strauss, Stewart and less than one-tenth of the mathematicians have kept up with Qin Ke's thinking, and their eyes are full of It's shocking and undeniable admiration.

"This is the derivation of the sixth expression. I don't know if you have noticed. Throughout the derivation process of these six expressions, I have adopted a new mathematical method based on stochastic differential equations. This method is not special at present. Mature, I haven't decided on a name for the time being, the general idea is to introduce random factors into the deterministic model, that is to say, in this treasure of Riemann's conjecture, it also involves the random function system and the chaos system, which is called "general relativity" The m-theory geometric topological carrier integrated with quantum mechanics is well-deserved!"

Qin Ke put down his pen and turned to look at the audience. Ning Qingyun in the first row gave a proud smile. Qin Ke smiled back and said to everyone: "My derivation process is basically over. , I have explained the fourth group of expressions in great detail, I believe everyone can understand, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them, and we can communicate together.”

Quiet, the audience was quiet, and most people only had confusion and "fuck" in their eyes.

Qin Ke spoke in detail, but interspersed with too many theorems and introductions of subdivided subjects, and adopted a mathematical processing method that is said to be his original creation, unless the knowledge of number theory is very profound, for algebra, geometry, A great mathematician who is very proficient in probability theory and differential equations, otherwise there is no way to keep up with his ideas!

There are only a handful of ten or eight Filipino bigwigs left in the audience, especially those who are proficient in number theory can understand and understand all of them, and the rest, even senior professors, can only understand most of them or even some of them. About half of them, and more people struggle to understand even a third of them.

But looking at Qin Ke's slightly open arms and his confident look, everyone present knew that this fourth set of expressions really revealed a large part of the mystery of Riemann's conjecture. Riemann's conjecture Once again, there has been a breakthrough and substantial progress in cracking!

In the questioning session, only Faltings, Professor Tao, Wiles and other Filipino award leaders took turns to ask some key questions, and Qin Ke had already thoroughly understood the fourth set of expressions and answered them fluently.

Finally, old Mr. Faltings smiled: "Let me ask the last two questions that everyone will be very concerned about. Qin Ke, how much do you think the fourth set of expressions has advanced the process of deciphering the Riemann conjecture, and finally completely solved it?" How many sets of expressions are needed to prove the Riemann Hypothesis?"

Qin Ke slightly pondered, then raised his head suddenly, with a bright light in his eyes: "Everyone can see that although my fourth set of expressions has only six expressions, the length of the derivation process is almost equivalent to the previous three sets of expressions. The sum of formulas. As I said before, the first three groups of expressions solved about one-third of the mystery of Riemann's conjecture, and the fourth group also accounted for almost the same proportion. That is to say, these four groups of expressions revealed the Riemann conjecture Guess the mystery of two-thirds. And the distance completely proves the Riemann conjecture, I guess..."

He raised a finger: "Only the last set of expressions remains."


Almost all the mathematicians stood up excitedly, which means that the Riemann Hypothesis is very likely to be completely solved within a few years, and it may not be impossible even within a year or two.

And the most popular and most likely mathematician to solve the Riemann conjecture is undoubtedly the young boy standing on the podium at the moment!
In an atmosphere of shock, disbelief, and admiration, Professor Tao stood up with a smile: "As far as this fourth group of expressions is concerned, I think it is impeccable. It is a very beautiful derivation process. I have to accept it. I think today's The academic report meeting will be a milestone in the history of Riemann's conjecture research! And the future is even more worth looking forward to, Qin Ke, come on, I'm waiting for you to finally illuminate the results of the entire mathematics world!"

Facing countless eyes, Qin Ke smiled and bowed: "Thank you, I will continue to work hard."

Professor Tao smiled, and then took the lead in clapping vigorously.

The audience was soon overwhelmed by deafening applause, which lasted for a long time!
The media present frantically took photos and sent back press releases.

These reporters could not understand the expression and derivation process written by Qin Ke, but they could understand the final conversation between Faltins, Professor Tao and Qin Ke!

A newsletter was sent back to the agency, and then appeared on the Internet as quickly as possible, and shocked the world's mathematics community at a speed that swept everything.

The news about the hail conjecture, which has just caused huge waves in the academic world, has not yet reached its peak, and was instantly overwhelmed by the "fourth set of expressions of the Riemann conjecture".

Riemann's conjecture is definitely the greatest proposition in the mathematics world, and its mathematical value is still higher than the other six millennium mathematical problems including Hodge's conjecture, NP complete problem, NS equation, etc., so even if it is just to uncover the Riemann conjecture again One-third of the mystery, but its importance has surpassed the proof of the Hail conjecture!
The eye-catching titles have swept the screen in the mathematics world!
"Today will be a milestone in the history of Riemann's conjecture research! "

"Xia Guo's Miracle Boy announced that two-thirds of the Riemann conjecture has been solved!" "

"The most difficult mathematical conjecture of the century has ushered in a major breakthrough! "

This is a frenzy exclusive to the mathematics community. Countless mathematicians will toss and turn and cannot sleep. There will also be countless mathematicians who repeatedly study the huge amount of information in today's report, and try hard to derive the last set of expressions.

In China, most people are still immersed in the pride of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun for winning the Craford Award and proving the Hail conjecture. However, the significance of Qin Ke's academic report was not realized until after the foreign media interpreted and publicized it. , forwarded and liked one after another...

In the applause, Linden Strauss approached Faltings and sighed: "I didn't believe that someone was born for mathematics, but Qin Ke in front of me made me believe it. His genius in mathematics , it is really unique, and I am afraid that it is not much worse than your mentor Grothendieck."

Faltings looked at Qin Ke's young and handsome figure on the stage, nodded and said: "I said it before, if anyone in the world can completely decipher the Riemann conjecture, it must be him. It's a pity that my mentor has passed away many years ago. , Otherwise, seeing him, I am afraid that I will rekindle my heart for mathematics, and I will accept him as a disciple."

Wiles also came over and said with a smile, "I'm afraid there won't be much suspense about the Fields Medal at the end of the year."

Faltings thought for a while, and whispered: "Qicheng, he is too young after all."

Several bigwigs from the Philippine Awards couldn't help being a little silent.

Linden-Strauss sighed: "It would be nice if he could deduce the expression of the fifth group before the end of the year."

"The expressions in the fourth group are already so complicated, and the fifth group will only be more difficult." Wiles shook his head, but saw that Faltings had already walked towards Qin Ke.

Wiles caught up and asked, "Why are you looking for him in such a hurry?"

Faltins glanced at him: "Does this still need to be asked? Of course let him submit today's content to our "Annual of Mathematics"!"

(End of this chapter)

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