I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 554 Win glory for the country with mathematics!

Chapter 554 Win glory for the country with mathematics!
Ordinary people outside the academic circle cannot understand how exaggerated the mathematicians' enthusiasm and attention to the Riemann conjecture is.

Since the Riemann Hypothesis was first proposed in 1859, the Riemann Hypothesis has become a worldwide sensation and has become the most advanced intellectual game pursued by countless mathematicians.

In the eyes of the world, the distribution of prime numbers is irregular, but after Riemann put forward this hypothesis about the zero point distribution of the Riemann zeta function, the world discovered that it can accurately describe the distribution of prime numbers. All prime numbers All can be expressed as a Riemann zeta function, and the millions of relevant documents so far cannot overturn this conclusion.

From this, on the premise that Riemann's conjecture is established, nearly two thousand mathematical conjectures are derived, and these mathematical conjectures cannot be overthrown!
It can be said that in the past hundred years, many studies on prime numbers have been based on the assumption that the Riemann conjecture is established.

But mathematics is a discipline known for its rigor. There are only "hypotheses" but no "proofs". It is undoubtedly a tall building built on the beach. Although it has not collapsed, it is always frightening.

It is precisely because of this that in order to change the "foundation" of this prime number from sand to rock, it is necessary to prove the Riemann conjecture and change it from a "guess" to a "theorem".

Cracking the Riemann Hypothesis is equivalent to holding the distribution law of prime numbers in your hands, and it also makes nearly [-] related mathematical conjectures and inferences promoted to theorems.

It can be said that whoever can prove the Riemann Hypothesis will surely become one of the greatest mathematicians in history, and it can even be said that he will stand on the top of the world's mathematics and win the Fields Medal without any effort.

The biggest charm of the Riemann Hypothesis is that in the process of researching and cracking it, many refreshing mathematical methods were born, which also promoted the continuous development of mathematics.

For more than a hundred years, I don’t know how many mathematicians have devoted themselves to proving the Riemann conjecture, including Hardy, Harold Bohr, Ramanujan, Jacques Solomon Adama, the most famous modern mathematician.

The more you love mathematics, the more you pursue the true meaning of mathematics, the easier it is to be obsessed with it.

Under the "obsession" of mathematicians for more than a hundred years, Riemann's conjecture has made a series of "breakthrough" progress, which makes people feel that it is not far away from solving this century's problem.

But since two years ago, Qin Ke, a miracle boy from the Xia Kingdom, overthrew the two mainstream proof systems with countless achievements-the "Hardy-Ramanujan" system and the "Jacques-Solomon-Adama system". The research on Riemann's conjecture has gone back a hundred years, and mathematicians have been almost silent about the research on Riemann's conjecture, leaving only a daze and loss.

Some people followed the new direction pioneered by Qin Ke—deciphering the Riemann Hypothesis with expressions—and some people worked hard to open up new fronts, but none of them achieved any real and substantial results.

Until August last year, Qin Ke temporarily added a special report at the academic report meeting of the Scientific Breakthrough Award, and announced that he had solved the three-point Riemann conjecture with three sets of expressions and its impeccable derivation process. One of the mysteries caused a sensation in the entire international mathematics community, and made Qin Ke a cutting-edge young mathematician that has attracted worldwide attention and is hot.

I don’t know how many people have repeatedly studied the video of his report that day, as well as related papers published in the "Annual of Mathematics", trying to pick out mistakes or find new ideas for the next step to crack the Riemann conjecture.

The Royal Swedish Scientist is no exception. A dozen or so academicians have devoted their entire lives to Riemann's conjecture. While they feel sorry for their decades of hard work turning into waste paper, they have no choice but to From the bottom of my heart, I agree with and admire the unparalleled talent of the Miracle Boy in Xiaguo in Riemann's conjecture, and look forward to his further academic achievements on Riemann's conjecture.

Two or three months ago, Qin Ke submitted an article to the "Journal of Mathematics". To the delight and disappointment of these academicians, this is a proof paper on the hail conjecture, and the paper is still in the style of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun , Rigorous, innovative, logically self-consistent, flawless, amazing, and academicians are all excited and happy that this mathematical problem that ranks among the top [-] in the mathematics world has been proved.

But after all, this is not the academic achievement related to Riemann's conjecture, and they can't hide their disappointment.In fact, these academicians of mathematics also know that the Riemann conjecture can produce results in a year or two?
So they could only sigh while voting for the "Craford Award" to "Qin Ke" and "Ning Qingyun".

No one expected that the explosive news came from the organizing committee a few days ago, saying that the theme of the academic report submitted by Qin Ke was actually "the derivation of the fourth group of expressions of Riemann's conjecture"!
The academicians of mathematics in the Royal Academy of Sciences were all alarmed, and many old academicians personally called the organizing committee of this year's award ceremony and academic report to inquire.

After the news was confirmed, it quickly spread in the international mathematics community at lightning speed, and the organizing committee also began to struggle. Many mathematics leaders in the international mathematics community declined to attend this report due to various reasons. They called one after another, asking to come and participate in this academic report meeting. The impatient mathematicians rushed over by plane without even waiting for the organizing committee's approval.

There is only one goal for everyone, to see the fourth set of expressions of the freshly baked Riemann Hypothesis for the first time!
When Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun reported to the Stockholm Concert Hall this time, it was understandable that so many bigwigs came to greet them in person.

At this time, when Qin Ke nodded and confirmed that he would give a report on the topic of "Derivation of the fourth group of expressions of Riemann's conjecture" in this academic report meeting, several old academicians couldn't help it, but they knew that it hadn't been published yet. At the report meeting, Qin Ke would not spread these academic achievements in private, so he could barely suppress the desire in his heart.

The leading Academician Amber Rosas extended his hand with a smile: "Please forgive our presumptuousness and impatience. We are indeed looking forward to your reports, the youngest winners of the Kefford Award in history."

Qin Ke showed a humble and gentle smile, and shook hands with the old academician: "It's a great honor, Academician Rosas, we will go all out in the report meeting the day after tomorrow, and try not to disappoint any scholar who comes to the report meeting."

Led by Old Mr. Oliver, Qin Ke visited the concert hall and completed the registration procedures.

Qin Ke bid farewell to everyone, and brought Ning Qingyun to the hotel arranged by Chen Ming and the others to check in.

After washing his body and resting, Qin Ke took Ning Qingyun on a trip in Stockholm, making up for her twentieth birthday date.

In winter, Stockholm has relatively short sunshine hours, gets dark quickly, is covered with snow everywhere, and the north wind howls. Chen Ming, Chen Lan and others are accompanied by Chen Ming, Chen Lan and others, but these do not affect the mood of the two people traveling. .

Although Ning Qingyun has a quiet temperament, she cherishes such a rare opportunity to go abroad for sightseeing, and Qin Ke is by her side, which makes her in high spirits throughout the process.

City Hall Square, Skansen Museum, Vasa Shipwreck Museum, Queen Street...the two held hands and traveled all over the famous scenic spots in Stockholm, and asked Chen Lan to take many group photos.

And these group photos and experiences will become the cherished memories of the two and will appear in future albums.

On the evening of the next day, in the Stockholm Concert Hall, the Crafford Awards Ceremony began as scheduled.

The huge concert hall is decorated extremely gorgeously. The Swedish symphony orchestra is performing majestic music. The audience is full of scholars from all over the world. This year’s Crafford Prize is for mathematics, and the guests are almost all celebrities from the international mathematics community. , Big guys.

Media reporters from all over the world even went around to interview. Since this year's winners are from the Xia Kingdom, the most media from the Xia Kingdom.

Putting on formal attire, Qin Ke led Ning Qingjun into the concert hall, and was immediately enveloped by flashlights. Dozens of microphones, large and small, were handed over to interview and ask questions. Photographers even recorded the pair The young mathematician lovers are confident and full of youthful vitality, and the scene is extremely hot.

Fortunately, Qin Ke has a lot of experience in interviews, and he can answer with ease:

"It is an honor for me and Qingyun to win the Crawford Award. I am very grateful for the affirmation of our academic achievements by the international mathematics community. Mathematics is a subject that reveals the essential truth of the world and is the foundation of all sciences. We are honored to open The door of the mathematics world, and there are countless truths waiting for us to explore behind the door. The peak of mathematics is still ahead, and mathematics research is always on the way. We will continue to study along the direction of mathematics in the future and strive for greater achievements. achievements."

"Yes, Qing Yun will be in charge of the report on the proof of the hail conjecture. The topic of the report I am in charge of is the derivation of the fourth set of expressions of the Riemann conjecture. We will share our latest mathematical results at tomorrow's mathematics report meeting .”

After finally dealing with the reporters, Qin Ke took Ning Qingyun to the designated position in the first row. Before they could sit down, a middle-aged man walked over quickly.

"Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, we haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and we have another chance to discuss mathematics together!"

As soon as I heard this hearty and familiar laughter, I knew it was my old friend, Professor Tao from the University of California.He warmly hugged Qin Ke, and said with a smile: "I thought it was an exaggeration for you to prove the hail conjecture in just half a year. I didn't expect that even the fourth set of expressions of the Riemann conjecture was deduced. To be honest , I couldn’t sit still when I heard the news, so I flew here directly, just waiting to hear your report.”

In addition to Professor Tao, Qin Ke also saw many familiar faces, such as Faltins, Elon Lindenstrauss, Andrew Wiles, Ian Charles Stewart, etc., even Qingmu University Old Mr. Qiu also came, but he had other important matters, so he didn't go with Qin Ke and came a few days earlier.

After a busy exchange of pleasantries, the awards ceremony was about to begin, and the four weeks slowly returned to quiet.

In the sound of melodious and solemn music, Academician Daniele Sarkar, President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, stepped onto the podium. After the opening speech, he announced the official start of the award ceremony.Amid the warm applause, Academician Saka opened the speech in his hand, and his resonant voice echoed in the concert hall:
"Mathematics is the core of reality, everything is number, number rules the universe, and it is an important tool to promote the progress of our civilization. Our current Crawford Award is to reward outstanding contributions and dazzling achievements in mathematics in recent years mathematicians."

"Thanks to these two young awardees for their great contributions to mathematics, especially prime numbers. They not only proved nearly ten world-class mathematical conjectures, including Polignac's conjecture, Hailstone conjecture, and Zhou's conjecture. , it proves that there are infinitely many Mersenne prime numbers, there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, and two new and extremely effective mathematical processing methods have been created!"

"Let us give warm applause to welcome the two youngest mathematicians who have broken the record of winning the Crawford Prize on our podium!"

"Please, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun from Xiaguo Qingmu University!"

The applause from the audience rang out like a tide, and countless eyes focused on the two young mathematicians, among whom there was no lack of admiration, envy, admiration, and blessings.

These two young mathematicians rose like comets with an unstoppable momentum, illuminating the number theory sky in the mathematics world, and becoming dazzling existences that no one can ignore.

Today, their academic achievements have been affirmed and recognized by the world.

The mathematicians present from all over the world gave warm applause no matter how they felt in their hearts.

Qin Ke held Ning Qingyun's little hand, felt the girl's slightly raised little finger nervously, and squeezed it gently with a smile. Ning Qingyun's heart warmed up, and together with Qin Ke, he strode up to the awarding platform with his head held high.

When the King and Queen of Sweden solemnly handed the medals, certificates and bonus checks to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun with a smile, the applause was thunderous again.

And this scene was also directly transmitted to all parts of the world through the live broadcast.

Xia Guo, several well-known live broadcast platforms recommended this video to all users in the form of top recommendation. I don’t know how many Xia Guo netizens are carnival, and the barrage is full of blessings and cheers.

The "news" of the Crawford Award for young mathematicians in the Xia Kingdom once again spread all over the Internet. Like Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, "winning the country with mathematics" has become the goal of countless students.

Qingmu University did not organize all the students of the school to watch the live broadcast, but it had issued a notice in advance that the live broadcast of the award ceremony would be broadcast in the auditorium. Countless students from other colleges of the department spontaneously came to the auditorium.Seeing the familiar "Brother Ke" and "Classmate Ning (School Committee)" standing on the stage that attracted much attention, the students burst into applause and cheers that almost lifted the roof of the auditorium.

This was the most glorious moment for the Department of Mathematics of Qingmu University. The director Wei Yuanfu had tears in his eyes, and the eyes of Ning Qingyun's teacher, academician Tian Jianlan, were full of pride.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's teacher Jiang Weixian, an old academician, also sat in the front row, looked at his two disciples on the big screen, and sighed softly with a smile: "I didn't expect that Jiang Weixian, who has studied physics all his life, has two worlds." Class mathematician disciple..."

At the scene of the awards ceremony, Qin Ke, who received the medals, certificates, and checks, also heard a heavenly system notification sound:

"Ding! Congratulations, you have won the 'Craftford Award', the system has rated 'Grade' as 'S+', the 'Grade Improves Me' function is in effect, and your math points are +1000!"

Qin Ke's heart jumped a few times with excitement, and with a glance, the upgrade progress of the mathematics subject had become 8122/10000.

The Humboldt Research Award is estimated to have an income of 500 to 800 academic points. As long as you get the Ramanujan Award, you can look forward to upgrading the mathematics subject to the "grandmaster level"!
And the "grandmaster level" mathematics level means that his mathematics level is comparable to the winners of the Fields Medal, and is enough to reach the top of today's world mathematics!

(End of this chapter)

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