I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 55: Get Ready for the List

Chapter 55: Get Ready for the List

A teacher shouted: "Professor Lin, why don't you project this paper and put it on the big screen for everyone to look at? I don't believe it. I finished all the questions in an hour and a half, and there is no flaw or mistake!"

This idea immediately got the response of most teachers.

Shi Cunyuan finally spoke out again: "Everyone finish marking all the papers in hand first, and finally read this paper together, don't delay the progress."

All the teachers agreed in unison, this time the efficiency was greatly increased, and in about half an hour, the last dozens of papers were completed.

Of course, it is also related to the low overall answer rate of these dozens of papers. Unexpectedly, most of the candidates only completed two or three questions, and there were not even two people who had more than five questions, which made it easy for the teachers to review.

The examination papers are all reviewed in the order in which they were handed in by the examination room. I don't know what happened to these candidates, and the collective state is actually in a slump.

"These candidates are not all in the same examination room as that Wenwen Yan?"

All the teachers looked at each other and mourned for their luck.

Lin Haibo clapped his hands and said, "Okay, you can take a look at the test paper of this miraculous candidate!"

Soon, with the assistance of the staff, Qin Ke's test paper was projected onto the big screen.

Nearly a hundred teachers sat together, looking at the test papers on the screen, carefully reading each question and line by line.

"Hey, that's exactly right."

"... Awesome, the process is rigorous, and no mistakes have been found at all."

"The second solution to this question is very novel, using the coloring method!"

"I think this additional question uses reduction to be powerful."

"Speaking of which, the girl with a score of 210 also used a similar method. Is it a coincidence or a sympathy?"

"The proof of the second additional question uses the area method and the combination of numbers and shapes respectively. They are different from the standard answers, but they are simpler! Speaking of which, this proof question seems to be done by the examinee alone. Do you have any answers? See the second student who made it?"


"I do not have either."

Lin Haibo sighed: "Full marks, this paper can only be given full marks. It's amazing, such a difficult paper can actually get a full score of 300 points! And it was completed in an hour and a half!"

"To be honest, I want to give him 400 points, all of them use two solutions, it's amazing!"

There is also a younger teacher, Pi Dao: "Submitting such an answer sheet in one and a half hours, Team Leader Shi, as the team leader of the question group, do you feel offended?"

Shi Cunyuan smiled: "I wish there were more students like this, so that the mathematics field in Xia Kingdom can regain its glory and return to the top of the world."

Thinking of the unsatisfactory results of the National Mathematical Olympiad Team in recent years, everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Shi Cunyuan waved his hand and said, "Okay, if there is no objection, this candidate will get a perfect score. Get ready to be listed!"

Lin Haibo said: "Wait, Team Leader Shi, you should be able to unseal the paper now, and see the candidate's name and school?"

"No need to read." Shi Cunyuan said indifferently: "His name is Qin Ke, a second-year student in Yingyuan High School."

A teacher was surprised and said: "Qin Ke? I haven't heard of this name. I thought the whole text had failed the exam, and it could only be one of Chen Hanyin and Hong Xingwei."

"Team Leader Shi, do you still remember?"

Shi Cunyuan smiled and said, "It's nothing surprising, you will all remember this name in the future."

This is a fact. Every year, there are dozens of outstanding students in high school Olympiads in the province. Among them are particularly outstanding students, such as Quan Wenyan, Chen Hanyin, Hong Xingwei, Chi Jiamu, Ning Qingyun, etc., which teacher who pays attention to Olympiads is not so rare ?

All the teachers looked at the correct word "Qin Ke" on the test paper unsealed by the staff, and recited it silently in their hearts.

They knew that this seemingly simple name would soon spread to all the high schools in Yuanzhou and become the name that countless high school teachers remembered in their hearts.


The night covered the land, and the pointer of time had already pointed to ten o'clock in the evening.

The lights outside the Provincial Culture and Sports Center are still bright, and all high schools have sent teachers to stay in front of the list, in order to know the results as soon as possible.

The results of the Olympiad will naturally be announced on the official website, but it will be half a day later than the paper one.

There were crowds of people in front of the list, and the announcement of the list was approaching, and the expressions of the teachers were more anxious than when they were waiting for the candidates to come out in the morning.

Old Zheng is naturally the representative of the Yingyuan side. He sits at the farthest distance, smoking a cigarette calmly.

The list is usually not posted until after nine o'clock in the evening, and he is not in a hurry, not to mention that he has a vague premonition that his favorite student is going to create a miracle.

Suddenly hearing footsteps approaching, Lao Zheng looked up and saw that it was Wen Jianzhao, the vice principal, who came with Director Fang from the school's Academic Affairs Office.

"Principal Wen! Director Fang!" Lao Zheng quickly threw away his cigarette butt and stood up.

Director Fang smiled back, while Wen Jianzhao nodded and asked, "Is the result coming soon?"

"Almost, probably within half an hour."

Wen Jianzhao lowered his voice and asked, "What is the probability that Qin Ke will enter the top three?"

Old Zheng pondered and said conservatively: "More than 19%. He finished all the papers, and Ning Qingyun also did [-] questions. I feel that they all have a chance to enter the top three."

Wen Jianzhao's tense face relaxed slightly.

At this time, everyone in Chengkong not far away also recognized Wen Jianzhao. A bald old man led someone over and snorted coldly, "Principal Wen, you came here in person, but did you come to apologize to us?"

"Principal Huang, are you wrong? Why should we, Yingyuan, apologize to you?"

The bald old man is Huang Langqun, the vice-principal of Chengkong High School. He said strangely:
"Hey! Your Yingyuan High School is really clever. You came up with Tian Ji's horse racing trick, sacrificed the grades of that bastard student named Qin Ke, and pulled down our full text! You Yingyuan High School will not give an explanation for this matter. , we will go to the top!"

The whole text is the ace of the Olympiad that they paid a lot of money and put in a lot of effort to dig back. Although people are awake now, their spirits are greatly shocked, and they are decadent and autistic. Obviously, this student will probably be useless in the future. Chemistry and Physics Olympiads are difficult to participate in, so how can Huang Langqun not be shocked?
Wen Jianzhao lowered his face: "Principal Huang, you must speak with evidence, and as an educator, it is too much to maliciously slander the outstanding students of our school?"

He stared at Huang Langqun and refused to give an inch: "The students in our school completely abide by the rules of the examination room. They raised their hands before speaking, and they didn't hand in their papers until an hour and a half before leaving. The organizing committee has released the investigation results. If you still want to pester If you don’t know, we’ll stay with you to the end! Let’s go to the top to discuss the theory together!”

Wen Jianzhao spoke very confidently. He had checked the monitoring and listened to the report of the invigilator. The organizing committee had released the final investigation results, showing that Qin Ke was innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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