I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 54 The Exam Paper That Triggered the Fight

Chapter 54 The Exam Paper That Triggered the Fight

This time, the major high schools in Yuanzhou City sent [-] students to participate in the preliminary Olympiad city-level competition. In the end, only the top ten will be selected to enter the provincial competition and compete with high school students from various cities on the same stage. Strive for a place in the national competition.

Because of the large number of people, and the provincial competition is only seven days later, the organizing committee has specially hired nearly a hundred mathematics teachers and professors from various universities to assist in correcting the test papers, so that the final results will be released tonight, and the winners will be selected. The ten candidates who entered the provincial competition.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the entire marking room was quite dignified.

In order to ensure fairness and justice for each student, each test paper must be graded by two marking teachers, and if there is any dispute, the leader of the marking team will be asked to make the final judgment.

A few hours passed, except for a half-hour break for lunch, nearly a hundred marking teachers were in a state of tension and busyness, no one spoke, only the dull sound of pens moving and flipping through test papers in the marking room.

"This paper is not bad. I did a total of nineteen questions, including one additional big question, and all of them are correct. There is also question No. 20. The beginning and solution ideas are also correct. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it. I gave it five points. , the total score of the paper is 210!" Suddenly a teacher sighed.

"Huh? 210 points! It seems that a record-breaking paper has finally been born!" All the teachers raised their heads from the boring grading work.

"Yeah, judging by the beautiful handwriting, she should be a girl, that's amazing."

The name information column of the test paper is sealed, and the teacher who marks the test paper cannot see it.

"Still a girl? It's really unexpected."

"Among the high school candidates in Yuanzhou this time, there are not many candidates who are so good at mathematics. Last year, Ning Qingyun from Yingyuan was the only girl who entered the top ten. Could it be her?"

"Have you forgotten about Chi Jiamu? She also came to Yuanzhou to take the exam this year. She is also a girl."

"Whether it's Ning Qingyun or Chi Jiamu, it seems that the No.1 this time must be this girl."

All the teachers chattered.

The difficulty of this Mathematical Olympiad test is indeed high enough. Now that most of the papers have been corrected, almost [-]% of the candidates have only answered five questions or less, and the correct rate is not very high. Occasionally, I see more than ten questions correctly. They are all rare, very few.

The last paper that attracted everyone's attention was a certain boy's paper. He got 180 questions right and got [-] points.

In addition, there are a few papers with a score of 160, 150, etc. It is the first time I have seen a paper with a score of 200 like this.

Shi Cunyuan, as the team leader of the test group, naturally also serves as the team leader of the marking team. He glanced at the time and the remaining unmarked papers, and said: "Everyone, work hard, and change the last dozens of papers as soon as possible." Finish!"

"Okay." The teachers returned to their posts, and soon the marking room was busy again.

"My mother!" But soon, an exclamation broke the dull atmosphere in the marking room again, and all the teachers couldn't help looking up to where the sound came from.

It was a young male teacher in his 30s who made the sound. He smiled embarrassedly at everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I disturbed all the seniors. The main reason is that the paper in my hand is too scary."

A middle-aged female teacher asked curiously, "Mr. Wei, why are the papers so scary?"

"This one." Teacher Wei smiled wryly and raised the test paper in his hand:
"This is the first time I have seen a paper with all the questions completed, and all of them are correct. The most exaggerated thing is that the examinee used two methods to solve all the big questions... It even makes me wonder if it is the answer There is no way to leak it."

"Really? Such an exaggeration?" All the teachers couldn't help but put down their work and surrounded him curiously.

Sure enough, I saw that the answer area of ​​the main paper and the additional paper held by Mr. Wei was completely filled, and each major question was clearly written "Solution 1", "Solution 2", "Proof 1", "Proof 2"...

"Really? So awesome?"

"Give it to me, I'll take a look."

"Wait, give it to me first."

"Let me review this paper!"

None of the teachers has been engaged in mathematics work for a long time. They have seen the standard answers to these questions, and subconsciously curious to see the student's second solution.

All of a sudden, countless hands stretched out, vying to take the paper in Teacher Wei's hand.

Teacher Wei was so frightened that he quickly protected the paper: "Seniors, don't damage the paper."

"Give it up, what are you arguing about?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Professor Lin Haibo, a veteran of the marking team, coming over.

This is an old professor in Yuanzhou's mathematics field, and his qualifications are even older than the team leader Shi Cunyuan.

Lin Haibo raised his reading glasses with his finger, then reached out to take the paper from Teacher Wei, and hummed while taking it:

"For a mere examination paper, why are you arguing and grabbing? Look at your virtues, where is the teacher's cultivation? Hmph! In order to avoid contention, leave the review of this examinee's examination paper to me! Hehe... "

Seeing Lin Haibo couldn't help showing a smile of success at the end, all the teachers immediately shouted: "Professor Lin, you are deceiving us, we don't accept it."

They knew that Lin Haibo had the oldest qualifications, but he had the funniest temper and loved to make jokes, so they wouldn't be too nervous when talking to him.

Lin Haibo hugged the paper, and stared round his small eyes behind the reading glasses like a puppy protecting food:

"I'm a 70-year-old old man. Do you guys have the tolerance to respect the old and love the young? You even fight with me. If you break me, you will lose such an interesting senior..."

The old professor's words were funny, and all the teachers couldn't help laughing out loud, so naturally no one argued with him anymore.

At this time, seeing the team leader Shi Cunyuan stand up, Lin Haibo immediately shouted nervously: "Team leader Shi, you are the team leader, you can only resolve disputes, you can't directly participate in the initial review work, don't break the rules ah."

Shi Cunyuan glanced at the paper, and slowly picked up the teacup: "I just went to get some tea, why are you nervous? Besides, I read this paper in the examination room."

"you have seen?"

Shi Cunyuan nodded, and said again: "Speaking of which, this examinee finished it in less than an hour and a half, and he was also the first to hand in the paper in the entire examination room."

Teacher Wei lost his voice: "Fuck, are you so hung up?"

The middle-aged female teacher was dissatisfied: "Mr. Wei, can you stop swearing, you are a university lecturer, can you have some professionalism? This will spoil the students."

"I'm sorry, I was taught badly by the students... Then I can say 'fuck', it's hard to express my feelings at this time..."

"I remembered, there seems to be a rumor that Wen Yan, who was the first in the provincial competition last year, was carried into the infirmary because of an examinee who handed in the papers in advance, which affected his mentality... Could it be this examinee?"

"What do you think?" Shi Cunyuan was noncommittal, and went to the water dispenser to get water.

This made the teachers even more curious, like cats scratching their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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