I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 523 The Hail Conjecture Proved

Chapter 523 The Hail Conjecture Proved

Qin Ke really didn't realize that his running caused such a big commotion.

His mind and attention were all focused on the Hail conjecture, and there was nothing else, and his body was only running according to his subconscious mind.

When he ran 36 laps in the morning, he had already entered the state of "inspiration boost".Nearly eight months of in-depth research on the conjecture of hailstones can be regarded as a solid accumulation, which also makes this "inspiration increase" stimulation a matter of course.

Qin Ke only felt that he was in a wonderful world of inspiration, and knowledge, inferences, and documents related to the Hail conjecture were everywhere within his reach.

The exhaustion of the body and the scorching heat brought by the breathing in his chest formed a sharp contrast with the incomparably clear thinking world, which instead allowed him to focus more on grasping the countless inspirations that flashed in his mind.

Qin Ke only ran two laps slowly, and solved the most critical point of the last difficulty. In the rest of the time, he went through the proof of the entire hail conjecture in his mind, constantly optimizing, refining and streamlining, which originally required nearly five The ten-page argumentation process was compressed to about thirty pages in the laps of subconscious running, which was more concise, efficient and perfect.

He even thought of a way to prove the last difficulty that Ning Qingyun was responsible for.

Qin Ke breathed a long sigh of relief, Hail guessed that in his eyes, it was like a crystal ball under the spotlight, crystal clear and bright, but there was no secret at all.

He raised his head, his unfocused eyes regained his divine light, only then did he realize that there were students all around him, and everyone was watching him curiously and excitedly.

Qin Ke didn't have time to think about why the students gathered here. Now that he was in a state of increased inspiration, he didn't want to waste his energy on other things at all. Clear thinking writes out the entire proof process.

His eyes caught Ning Qingyun, who was also observing him. As soon as he saw him looking over, the girl ran over immediately and handed her a pen and a notebook.

Qin Ke's breathing was still short, and his forehead was covered with sweat, but he didn't care to wipe it off. He hurriedly took the pen and paper, came to the high table that had been prepared earlier, and started writing quickly while standing up.

The original commotion around suddenly quieted down, and even the dozen or so anchors silenced their voices, only pointing their cameras at Qin Ke.

Everyone held their breath subconsciously, for fear of disturbing Qin Ke's train of thought, especially Qin Ke's focused expression, which made people unconsciously shocked——Qin God, it seems that he really got inspiration through running!

In this quietness, Qin Ke wrote faster and faster, and the pages kept flipping. The students in the basic science class were close to the water, and they quietly came over to see what the monitor was writing, but they only left after reading for a while. .

Because they found that they couldn't understand what Qin Ke was writing, and they didn't even know what some of the mathematical symbols he used were, so they could only sigh, Brother Ke is really amazing!
Mu Zhigang was also a member of the onlookers. He returned to his girlfriend Gu Yanfei early and helped move the table, so he was still standing at the front. He looked at the unfamiliar mathematical formulas, and then secretly read Qin Ke couldn't hide his tiredness, sweat dripping but determined and focused profile, and there was only one thought in his mind - this is the real appearance of a god of learning.

Ten steps away, Principal Huang and Gu Bojun were also watching this scene. They had special identities. They had learned from Ning Qingyun just now that Qin Ke was looking for inspiration to solve the difficulties in the hail conjecture, and their hearts were full of anticipation. , There is still a little worry about gains and losses.

After all, that was hail conjecture!

There were so many scholars and people in the United States who almost tried to conquer it with the power of the whole country, but they all failed in the end.

Can Qin Ke do it now?
Principal Huang couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and asked in a low voice, "Since Qin Ke came back from running and wrote it, does that mean he can prove it?"

Gu Bojun couldn't hide his excitement: "It should be, at least I have inspiration."

The look of anticipation in Principal Huang's eyes was a little bit more. Although mathematics is not inspired, mathematics can definitely solve problems, but Qin Ke has created too many miracles, which always makes people expect him to exceed ordinary people's expectations.

"And, have you noticed Ning Qingyun's expression?" Gu Bojun pointed to Ning Qingyun quietly: "She has been watching Qin Ke's writing process, with a smile on her mouth. What does this mean? It means that she It can be seen that Qin Ke’s writing process is completely fine! If anyone in our school has the most say in the proof of the hail conjecture, besides Qin Ke, it is Ning Qingjun. I am afraid that even Professor Tian Jianlan can’t compare to them , after all, they have been studying this subject together!"

Principal Huang took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw the corners of Ning Qingyun's mouth curled up, his expression full of joy and surprise.

Principal Huang's hanging heart immediately let go of most of it.

At this time, the thousands of students present finally couldn't bear it, and began to discuss in low voices, especially those who were standing far away, who couldn't see the situation clearly at all. Many people crowded to the top of the auditorium's steps and looked over from a distance.

"What is God Qin writing about? Did he really run out of inspiration?"

"Nonsense, is this fake? But it seems that he only ran 45 laps this time, which is a few laps less than last time."

"I heard from people in Kicoban that Qin Ke seems to be on the final step of conquering the hail conjecture. He and Ning Qingyun have almost proved the hail conjecture, just a little bit. I think the result will be there soon."

"What's the hail conjecture?"

"It should be a world-class mathematical problem. I don't know the details. I study history, not mathematics."

"How is it different from the world-class conjectures they proved before?"

"God knows! I'm just a student of the foreign language department watching the excitement, and I should be very good anyway."

"Oh, no matter what, this should be the miracle we witnessed with our own eyes, right? I'll brag to my girlfriend when I get back tonight!"

Amidst the increasingly buzzing discussions, Qin Ke suddenly put down his pen, and Ning Qingyun was taken aback: "What's the matter? Haven't you finished the proof yet?"

Ning Qingyun's voice was not loud, but everyone's attention was on her and Qin Ke, so when she said this, the audience was silent, and everyone looked over in astonishment.

Qin Ke can't prove it halfway through the proof?Didn't you say you were inspired?

Qin Ke grinned, took the sweat towel from the girl with one ponytail and wiped off the sweat, then pushed the small book to her: "You are responsible for the rest, I think you should be able to handle it now."

Ning Qingyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly: "Okay, if you want to be lazy, then leave it to me."

The next last difficulty was indeed her responsibility. She had no idea before, but after watching Qin Ke's exquisite and amazing argumentation process, Ning Qingyun's inspiration continued to emerge, especially this one. The difficulty is somewhat similar to the difficulty that Qin Ke faced at the end. It is not difficult to solve it by learning from Qin Ke's process.

She took the pen handed by Qin Ke, and then wrote down.

Seeing Ning Qingyun's more and more confident smile, Qin Ke was filled with pride, and even had a sense of excitement to achieve a certain achievement by playing a beautiful girl cultivation game.

In fact, he could also write down the last step, but he still chose to quit the "Inspiration Amplification" state before he reached his spiritual limit. First, he didn't want to run out of energy and fainted from exhaustion. Second, it also made Ning Qingyun felt more involved.

This is a topic that two people study and work hard together, not Qin Ke's personal show, this joy of success and sweet memories should be shared by two people.

After watching for a while, Qin Ke breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ning Qingyun's proof was correct. Only then did he feel a surge of fatigue and drowsiness, making his legs weak and unsteady.

Seeing this, Mu Zhigang hurriedly supported him, and the rest of the students also reacted, those who moved the chairs moved the chairs, and those who passed the water passed the water.

Qin Ke sat down and drank most of the bottle of mineral water before he barely felt relieved. Although he was still sleepy, he didn't fall asleep directly from exhaustion like before after activating the "Inspiration Amplification". This was naturally because he quit early After breaking through the extremely exhausting "Inspiration Amplification" state, he still maintained the last bit of energy.

"Qin Ke, what's going on? Has your hail conjecture been proven?"

The students stepped aside one after another, but Principal Huang and Vice Principal Gu Bojun walked over quickly. They saw that Qin Keming had stopped writing, but Ning Qingyun took over the pen and continued writing. They were a little confused, so they became a little nervous .

Qin Ke wiped his profuse sweat again with a towel, then smiled and said, "It's almost completely proved, and Qingyun is completing the last steps."

The two school leaders looked at each other with a sense of relief, and then a great joy welled up in their hearts, and their gazes at Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun became extremely hot.

In less than eight months, these two children have actually solved the conjecture of hailstorm!

The world-class mathematical problem that is said to be solved for more than 200 years has been successfully overcome today, at this time!
President Huang and Gu Bojun almost didn't find other professors to evaluate the correctness. Qin Ke said that if it was proved, it would definitely be proved. Over the years, Qin Ke has never boasted!

It's amazing, these two children have created a miracle again!Do what others think is absolutely impossible!

While talking, Ning Qingyun had completed the final proof step, and handed the small book to Qin Ke with a smile.

I saw the last line above, which reads:

"It can be proved that the above-mentioned equations have real number solutions, and it can be proved that X(n+1)=(3Xn+1)/2^m is always established, and all positive integers are calculated by the Hail conjecture rule for a limited number of times. Both can be iterated to 1, which proves that the Hail conjecture is true."

Qin Ke only looked at it for a while, and knew that Ning Qingyun had indeed solved the last difficulty she was responsible for, thus completing the proof of the hailstone conjecture.

Qin Ke raised his hand with a smile: "Okay, we're done."

Ning Qingyun pursed her lips, stretched out her small white hand like jade, and slapped him hard.

The students in the basic science class were startled for a moment, and then let out soaring cheers and excited screams.

"Brother Ke is awesome! The school committee is awesome!"

"Qin Ke, the monitor of our class, and Ning Qingyun, the school committee member, officially announced that they have teamed up to overcome the hail conjecture, long live—!"

"Scream, cheer, we have witnessed the birth of a new history—!"

Accompanied by the nearly fanatical shouts of the students in the basic science class, thousands of students present have understood, and exclamation and screams sounded everywhere.

More than a dozen anchors watched their fans grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, blushing with excitement, and shouted into their mobile phones: "Dears, I suggest that we brush 666 together and pay homage to the two great fans of our school." Salute to the god of learning!"

A few seconds later, the full screen of 666666 filled the entire screen!Enduring!

When President Huang and Vice President Gu applauded first, the shouts of the audience finally converged into thunderous applause.

The news of "Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun jointly proving the hailstone conjecture" spread on the Internet at a frightening speed. Students and netizens who witnessed the whole process up close or through the live broadcast all enthusiastically posted their scarves. The circle of friends announced that this is enough to shake the world's mathematics community.

The "Lime Fan Club" who had been silent for a while for fear of disturbing Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun also flocked to the Internet, frantically calling for their idols!

So there was a lot of excitement on the Internet, and the joy was like a festival.

Netizens are really excited, even though Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun have proved many world-class mathematical conjectures, who would think they have proved more!
【I'm just asking you whether you are convinced or not. Qin Shen and Ning's joint attack is a real attack that is not invincible and goes straight to the blue sky!What is a mere hailstone conjecture, maybe the two of them will be able to step on Goldbach's conjecture in the future! 】

[I counted today, it is an auspicious day, and I knew Qin Shen and Ning would have big news, as expected! 】

[The last time Qin Shen and the others were on the hot search was three months ago, when they won the Cole Award, right?I'm still wondering why I haven't seen their hot searches recently, but it turned out to be today, and it's such an awesome academic achievement! 】

[We Xia Guo college students once again proved a world-class mathematical problem, haha, I feel very happy when I think of the shocked expressions of foreign mathematicians! 】

[There are so many mathematicians from all over the world, but no one can prove it. In the end, we, Qin Shen and Ning, will have to take action to solve it (Proud Dog Head.jpg)! 】

[I'm in the third grade of junior high school this year, and my math grades are pretty good, so I've decided that I'm going to major in math in the future. Brother Qin and sister Ning are so handsome!I want to be as majestic as them! 】

[Children upstairs, have you forgotten that Qin Shen and Ning are physics majors. 】

[Upstairs, your words are too humorous, why do I want to laugh out loud after reading it? 】

【ah!I was at the scene today, and I forgot to take a photo with Qin Shen after the run!Such a historic moment, why didn't I want to keep it!My pig head! 】

[I'm such a clever little ghost. I asked God Qin and Ning that they were about to sign, and I even wrote today's date. I want to leave it to my children and grandchildren. Maybe it will be worth tens of millions in a few hundred years!Hahaha! 】

[Ah, I believe that I can really run long-distance preaching. 】

[Another world-class conjecture fell at the feet of long-distance running. I am now promoting that long-distance running is the greatest help for mathematicians! 】


The media were dispatched urgently again, flocking to Qingmu University to request interviews.

This time, although no one took pictures of the proof process written by the two, but with so many videos and photos on the Internet, so many people saw it with their own eyes, and Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun's great reputation, almost no one doubted the authenticity of this news. Authenticity, so the major media want to grab the first interview news.

However, Qingmu University's attitude was unexpectedly tough, saying that the two children were mentally exhausted and needed to rest for a few days, and would not accept any media interviews for the time being. When asked whether Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun really proved that When it came to hailstorm guessing, the school only answered very cautiously, please wait for the official news we release.

The media had no choice but to retreat.

Two days later, a paper titled "Proof of the Hail Conjecture" was quietly uploaded to arXiv, which immediately caused an uproar.

Because the uploader's ID is "qin ke", and his account has more than 15 followers, ranking among the top ten on arXiv.

 Thanks to "Wiking" for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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