Chapter 522
The sports field of Kiyoki University is still buzzing with people. It is Sunday afternoon, and the sun in early November is warm and slanting down, making the students who have been busy studying for a week happy to relax on the sports field.

Moreover, the school sports meeting is only a few days away, and many students who signed up for the event also plan to practice in advance to strive for better results.

Although the university is already a small society, it is still a student who has not left the campus after all. Childishness and innocence are still there, and the power of money has not really been highlighted. Boys are eager to attract the attention of girls through outstanding performance. Apart from studying, sports are undoubtedly the same. in a good way.

There are the most people running on the track and field. On the one hand, long-distance running requires long-term practice. On the other hand, Qin Kena’s super long-distance running that shocked the whole school more than a year ago made many students think that running can inspire inspiration.Whenever these students are tired from studying or encounter any difficulties, they will run long distances on the track around the sports field like Qin Ke did.

Some ran until they vomited and it didn’t work, and indeed some people were inspired by the long-distance running. These people’s personal experience further promoted the long-distance running.

So long-distance running has gradually become one of the most popular sports in Qingmu University, almost comparable to football and basketball.

Gu Yanfei's boyfriend Mu Zhigang is also running today.

Mu Zhigang is a student in the basic science class, and his grades are ranked ninth and tenth in the class, belonging to the top third, not top-notch, but certainly not bad.

It is true that he encountered a relatively difficult physics problem when he came to run. Although he could ask his teacher or classmates for advice, he still hopes to solve it by himself.

Influenced by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, the learning atmosphere in the basic courses of the Department of Physics is very strong, and most students will give priority to independent thinking and solve problems independently, and will not easily ask others for help unless it is absolutely necessary.

This is not only because of the arrogance in their hearts, but also because Qin Ke once said that after mastering the basic knowledge, it is more useful to use this knowledge to think and solve a difficult problem independently than to solve a hundred ordinary problems.

Qin Ke's words are almost like "famous sayings" and "motto" in the basic science class. The person Mu Zhigang admires the most is the class leader Qin Ke. It is not surprising that he imitates Qin Ke to run to inspire inspiration for solving problems .

However, his physical fitness is not very good. After running about 2000 meters, he began to get tired. His chest was hot, his breathing was heavy, and his brain did not feel clear, let alone thinking about any problems.

Probably because he didn't run enough, Mu Zhigang was thinking about whether to keep going, when suddenly someone ran past him.

Mu Zhigang was taken aback, looked up, and almost cried out in surprise when he saw the figure running away.

Because that figure is very familiar, it is Qin Ke, the squad leader he admires the most!
It's not surprising to see Qin Ke on the sports field. After all, Qin Ke is a sports enthusiast. It's just that Qin Ke is usually active on the basketball court and rarely runs. At least he won't run in the afternoon when it is most suitable for playing basketball.

Mu Zhigang turned his gaze and noticed that Ning Qingyun had also come, so he stood in the rest area not far away, watching Qin Ke run, and Mu Zhigang also noticed that Ning Qingyun was holding a small notebook and pen in his hand .

Mu Zhigang suddenly remembered what happened during the military training more than a year ago, and couldn't help but feel shocked. Is the squad leader going to run to prove the Tao again?

Because of the shock in his heart and the exhaustion of his physical energy, his steps slowed down, and finally stopped completely.

Not only Mu Zhigang, but also more and more students who were running or exercising on the sports field also recognized Qin Ke, and all cast their attention.

"Hey, isn't that Brother Ke?"

"Yes, it's Qin Ke, why is he also running?"

"Is it to prepare for the sports meeting in a few days? He has always been good at sports, and he is the class leader of the Keke class. He should take the lead in reporting for several events."

"He runs so fast, is he practicing 800 meters?"

"Maybe it's a relay race. If it's 800 meters, he's running too fast."

"It's not like a relay race. Although his speed is a little faster, he has maintained a constant speed."

"How many laps has he run?"

"It seems like three laps..."

Gu Yanfei also ran with her boyfriend, but she just jogged. After two or three laps, she lost the strength to run again. As soon as she returned to the rest area, she saw Ning Qingjun. The surrounding discussions made her look back at the runway. Qin Ke Another gust of wind ran past her eyes.

Gu Yanfei wiped her sweat and approached Ning Qingyun, and asked in surprise, "Qingyun, why are you and Brother Ke here? Brother Ke actually left you and went running alone?"

Ning Qingyun hesitated for a while, and she didn't have any need to hide from her good friend, so she said softly: "He was thinking about a difficulty in the hail conjecture, and he was almost able to solve it with a little inspiration, so he came for a run to see if he could find it. inspiration."

"Ice... Hail conjecture? That outstanding project you two are working on?" Gu Yanfei's eyes widened.

In fact, it is not a secret that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are attacking the Hail conjecture. Most people in the class know that, even in a professional class of advanced algebra, the professor who taught the class joked about it on a whim, and told everyone roughly She has explained the hail conjecture, so Gu Yanfei is no stranger to the hail conjecture, and knows how exaggerated this world-class problem is.

Seeing Ning Qingyun nodded, she couldn't help but ask, "Brother Ke, he almost proved the Hail conjecture?"

"The part he is responsible for should be, and the part I am responsible for still has a problem that has not been solved. However, the difficulties we both encountered are somewhat similar. If his part is solved, I should also be able to find a solution to my last difficulty. train of thought."

Gu Yanfei's face was shocked, she widened her eyes and said: "Also... that is to say, if Brother Ke has an inspiration today, then the hailstorm guesses..."

Ning Qingyun thought for a while: "It should be considered as a deal."

Gu Yanfei was stunned for a long time before digesting the shocking news. Once again, she truly felt the terrifying existence of this good friend she had made.

That's hail conjecture!
Even though she was used to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's supernatural performance for more than a year, Gu Yanfei still felt indescribably excited and shocked at the thought of witnessing a miracle again.

She is not a narrow-minded person, and she knows that there is a huge gap between Ning Qingyun and Ning Qingyun in mathematics, so she has no jealousy at all.

She turned her eyes to the runway again, and Qin Ke ran past her again.

"Can Brother Ke really find inspiration through long-distance running?"

"I don't know, but... since he chose this way, it should be said that he has a chance." Although Ning Qingyun has been chatting with his good friend, his eyes never leave Qin Ke.She is waiting, waiting for Qin Ke to need paper and pen, and send the things in her hand immediately, so that Qin Ke can catch the spark of inspiration.

As the number of laps Qin Ke ran increased, the students around him paid more and more attention to him.

"Hey, have you noticed that Qin Ke should have run more than a dozen laps? He has already surpassed the distance of 5000 meters long-distance running. He doesn't look like he is practicing long-distance running."

"Why not practice long-distance running... Fuck, you don't mean to say..."

"Didn't you find that this scene is very similar to the military training more than a year ago? Qin Ke also ran laps that time. How many laps did he run at that time? It seemed to be 48 laps or 49 laps. It was almost 20 kilometers, and then After running, the twin prime number conjecture was proved in one fell swoop."

"Hiss—it's really possible for you to say that. Is he going to make another big move? Has Qin Ke been researching anything recently? I remember it seems that the news said that he will continue to study the Riemann Hypothesis, Navier-Stokes Adams equation, what other Kakutani conjectures?"

"No matter which one it is, I think it's a big news that has caused a sensation in the world."

Someone came over again and said excitedly: "Really? Are you sure Qin Ke is running to preach? I didn't see it with my own eyes last time, so I can only watch the video at the time later. If so, this time I have to take a picture and send it to Moments."

"Hey, that's right, why did I forget to take a picture and send a circle!"

"I also saw Ning Qingyun, she is also waiting, I am afraid it is true."

"Hey, I think it might just be an ordinary run. Qin Ke usually plays basketball, and Ning Qingyun also goes to watch the games to cheer up."

"Did you not observe carefully? In the past, when Ning Qingyun watched Qin Ke play, he always sat in the auditorium and read a book, and only looked up to watch the game from time to time, but do you see it now? Ning Qingyun has been watching Qin Ke all the time. As for Ke, she still looks a little nervous, if Qin Ke just ran normally, would she care so much?"

"Brother, it's too wasteful for you not to be a detective. By the way, how do you know so much about Ning Qingyun's movements?"

"...Brother, you are too outdated, haven't you ever tried to peek at Ning Qingyun from the side of the basketball court?"

Believe it or not, many students still raised their mobile phones and took pictures of Qin Ke who was still running at a constant speed.

On social networking platforms such as Moments and Bibo, a lot of news about "Qin Ke is running, it seems that he is running to preach" appeared soon.

These days, nothing is as fast as news spreads, one spreads ten, ten spreads hundreds, many students who have not left school also heard the news, and ran out of the study room or dormitory curiously, they all wanted to see it for themselves Did a miraculous scene happen? After all, when Qin Ke ran to prove the twin prime number conjecture, it was during military training that only the freshman students watched, and the undergraduates and graduate students of other grades missed it. Now that they hear such news, where do they sit? Can live.

There are more and more students on the sports field, from a few hundred to 3000.

The reporters of the school newspaper were also moved when they heard the news. For them, no matter whether it was true or not, at least there was a gimmick. The president of the school newspaper had tasted the sweetness last year. Because of Qin Ke's news, the school newspaper's circulation Greatly increased, the influence in the school has reached a new level, how could he miss such a good opportunity in front of him?
With an order, he personally led a dozen or so school reporters to dispatch, carrying cameras and DSLRs to the stadium at full speed...

Today is Sunday, but Vice Principal Gu Bojun was busy with work and was still flipping through documents in the office, when his phone rang suddenly, Gu Bojun picked up the receiver, and after hearing a few words, he stood up in surprise: "What? You said that Qin Ke is running, and he has run almost [-] laps?"

"Yes, Principal Gu. In order to avoid accidents, I just informed the school doctor on duty and the physical education teacher at the school to take care of him. Now it is spreading in the school that Qin Ke is running again to preach."

Running to preach?Gu Bojun couldn't help thinking of the joke he had with Principal Huang in the morning, although it may not be true...but what if?
After all, Qin Ke seldom runs, let alone 12 laps, which is [-] kilometers!
Gu Bojun's heart suddenly became hot.

"You've done a good job, I'll give you credit once, and make sure the school doctors are on standby at any time!" As he spoke, his heart moved, and he asked again: "Is Ning Qingyun here?"

"Yes, she told us not to disturb Qin Ke."

Gu Bojun's heartbeat actually sped up a little, and he faintly felt that something big had really happened!
He stabilized his mood and said: "Okay, I will listen to Ning Qingyun for everything, don't let other students disturb Qin Ke! At the same time, pay attention, we must not let Qin Ke run away and cause any accidents. Principal Huang and I will come over immediately!"

Hanging up the phone, Gu Bojun first called Sun Liwen, an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics, and asked him to take the camera to the sports field to see if he could capture any video materials. He hurriedly put on his coat and ran to ring the principal next to him. office.

"Principal Huang, I have something urgent to report to you!"


The stadium was already crowded with people, at least five or six thousand students had gathered, and almost all the students who hadn't left school to go out to play, all came to watch.

As the number of running laps of Qin Ke broke through 40 laps, the rumors of "running to prove the Tao" became more and more widespread, and the scene was extremely hot.

The students looked excited, some cheered loudly, some kept taking photos, and some even started video calls to share live with their good friends far away. Some part-time anchors on campus even directly raised their mobile phones and started broadcasting on the live broadcast platform:
"Dear fans, now we are on the sports field of Qingmu University, everyone look at my camera, what do you see? Yes, it is Qin Ke, the god of learning! He is the pride of our school! Now he is running! Someone Ask Qin Ke what is so good about running. You are wrong if you think so. Look around, how many people come to watch Qin Ke run? Because other people’s running is real running, and Qin Ke’s running is—running to prove the truth! Now He is already running the 42nd lap, isn’t his physical fitness scary enough? Let us look forward to what kind of miracle he will bring us today!”

Countless "666" popped up on the barrage.

At this time, the rest of the students on the track all left, and even the students who were exercising on the playground stopped.

The only student active in the huge sports field is Qin Ke.

The students in the basic science class surrounded Ning Qingyun. They were both excited and nervous. Looking at the monitor Qin Ke who was running intently, they wanted to cheer loudly, but were afraid of disturbing him.

While watching Qin Ke, the students looked around.

"Huh? Principal Huang is here, and Vice Principal Gu is here too! Brother Ke's run this time is also shocking, haha."

"I'm sweating for Brother Ke, with such exaggerated attention, if Brother Ke still can't find inspiration..."

"Bah, bah, shut your crow's mouth. Even if we, Brother Ke, have no inspiration, we can solve the hailstorm conjecture. Didn't you listen to Gu Yanfei? Brother Ke and the school committee almost proved the hailstorm conjecture!"

"I just wonder if such a high degree of attention will bring invisible pressure to Brother Ke?"

"Is your pattern small? Take a closer look, what is the squad leader thinking about all the time, afraid that he doesn't even know what's going on around him, what will affect him?"

Seeing that Qin Ke's speed was getting slower and slower, almost turning into a jog, and his body was drenched with sweat, Ning Qingyun nervously clenched her small fists and looked at him intently.

Come on, Qin Xiaoke!
(End of this chapter)

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