I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 1025 A risky response! Overloaded?

The news that this "super giant solar storm" is coming as scheduled has not been blocked, so although normal life and work have not stopped, for most people, today is indeed special, making it a topic that almost everyone is talking about at work and chatting. All revolve around this major event related to the future of mankind.

In particular, Academician Qin Ke once said that the arrival of the "super giant solar storm" is the key to reversing the planet's extreme climate variability and returning it to normal. This has made many people pay attention to the progress of the event. Related news Scroll all over the Internet and quickly reach the top of various trending searches.

The huge popularity makes public opinion in the whole world like boiling water, which cannot be stopped or blocked, especially in the modern era where the Internet world is so developed. Fortunately, all countries have formulated countermeasures from the beginning, and national-level mainstream media have released the most authoritative and authentic news to prevent various rumors from spreading.

Their source of information is naturally the "command center" where Qin Ke is located.

There are dedicated staff in the "Command Center" responsible for this matter. According to Qin Ke's arrangement, a concise, objective and practical but relatively positive message will be pushed out every five minutes or so.

Every time these news are released, the media in various countries use all kinds of tricks to increase their influence and attract traffic when forwarding it.

They dare not change the content of the message, but they can make up their own titles. In order to attract attention, various headlines naturally emerge in endlessly.


"An unprecedented crisis is coming!" But our protective shield "Planet Shield" is in full swing! 》

"The azure scientific miracle is guarding us, let's see how we tiny humans can resist the power of the sun! 》

"Faced with the violent impact of the first wave of geomagnetic radiation, he only said this sentence! 》

"The great battle concerning the future of mankind has begun!" How should ordinary people respond? Remember these three points! 》

"Look up, this is the first time in human history that we have seen an electric spark blooming in outer space and spreading around the world!" 》

For most people, the arrival of pieces of good news not only enhances their confidence, but also adds a lot of talking points. The media's fueling of the incident has greatly increased the popularity of this incident. Even the old lady selling vegetables and the old man playing chess can make some serious comments about "radium cannons that reach into outer space" and "better than blue." A super shield as big as a star"...

However, for all the scientists, engineers, and staff involved in the "Planet Shield" project, they have now calmed down from the joy of winning the first battle and devoted 12% of their concentration and efforts to deal with the next "super giant solar storm" "A steady stream of "attacks."

The speed of geomagnetic radiation is close to the speed of light, so it is the fastest to reach the Blue Star. As long as the solar storm does not stop, geomagnetic radiation will "attack" in waves.

The second type of "super giant solar storm" offensive is a flow of high-energy charged particles, which is mainly composed of protons and electrons. Because protons are about 1800 times heavier than electrons, the speed of high-energy charged particles is naturally much slower, and they often have to It takes tens of minutes to hours after the solar storm occurs to arrive at Blue Star.

At this time, it was the 61st minute before the "super giant solar storm" broke out.

The big screen of the "Command Center" is warning in bright red writing: [The first wave of high-energy charged particles has arrived! Currently colliding with the "Planet Shield"! Preliminary analysis shows that the energy generated by the impact per square kilometer is equivalent to 120 million tons of TNT! 】

The power of 120 million tons of TNT is almost equivalent to the power of 60 "Little Boy" atomic bombs exploding at the same time!

Everyone present turned pale!

At this moment, the original relaxed and joyful atmosphere in the "Command Center" had long since disappeared. Most people were nervously and anxiously watching the real-time video sent back by the satellite.

As the high-energy charged particle clusters continued to bombard the "Planet Shield", the "Planet Shield" appeared more obvious dents, and many light curtains also had "spider webs" like " crack"!
The sight of clusters of shotgun-like pellets constantly hitting the bulletproof glass made most people's scalps numb and their hearts trembling.

Alert messages kept popping up on the big screen, and large green numbers jumped to yellow or even red numbers in the parameter bar on the right.

Looking at it, almost two-thirds of the parameters are beyond the normal range, which is shocking.

Especially when they saw spiderweb-like "cracks" appearing on the blue light screen, many people subconsciously clenched their fists and their hearts almost jumped out of their throats.

They were afraid that the light curtain would shatter in the next second, and countless high-energy charged particles would pass through the defense line and bombard the blue star's magnetosphere and atmosphere, causing irreparable and terrible consequences.

"The power of this wave of attacks is much stronger than the previous one..." a staff member nearby said in a trembling voice.

Another staff member stared at the picture on the big screen intently, seeming to answer, but also saying to himself: "Yeah... the momentum is not on the same level at all..."

Middle school students all know that the product of the mass and speed of a moving object is called the momentum of the object. The speed of these high-energy charged particles ejected from the sun is only dozens of times slower than the speed of light.

The number of high-energy charged particles in this "super giant solar storm" has increased by at least thousands of times compared with the past. As the saying goes, a drop of water forms a river. The "high-energy charged particle cluster" formed by the gathering of an immeasurably large number of high-energy charged particles is like a small meteorite, superimposed with a few tenths of the speed of light. The resulting momentum is naturally It is also extremely astonishing, and it is not surprising that such a collision force occurs.

Sure enough, as Academician Qin said, this wave of high-energy charged particle attack is the real test!

"Attention, everyone, concentrate on fighting immediately!" Qin Ke's expression was equally solemn, but he was obviously much calmer and calmer than others.

His words woke everyone up, and the command center and the command sub-centers everywhere immediately began to move at extremely fast speeds like a tightly wound top.

Qin Ke stared at the screen for analysis and judgment, while maintaining a fast and clear speaking speed, issuing instructions one after another quickly, while hundreds of thousands of scientists and engineers continued to make analyzes and decisions according to his instructions. Shimmer implements these decisions fully automatically and manages and maintains the entire "planetary shield".

In sharp contrast to the scene of high-energy charged particle clusters constantly hitting the "planetary shield" at extremely high speeds, the passage of time seems so slow.

There was sweat on Lao Tao's forehead. He took deep breaths repeatedly to calm down his nervous mood.

Even Lao Tao was so nervous, let alone others.

Edward Witten and Ning Qingyun were also soaked in cold sweat, and even if they turned on the air conditioner, they could not cool down their hot brains.

At this time, they have to complete an average of 33 important decisions in one minute. Counting 11 decisions per person, they only have less than 6 seconds of thinking time to make a decision from the suggested options for problem solving methods that pop up in the dim light.

Lao Tao wiped his sweat and couldn't help but whispered to Qin Ke: "The situation is not good. I didn't expect the attack density of these high-energy charged particles to be so high. It is close to the defense limit of the 'planetary shield' we originally designed." , causing more and more unexpected errors.”

Previously, during the testing and joint debugging phase of more than a month, it was impossible for the "planetary shield" to truly simulate the bombardment effect of such a series density of high-energy charged particles. It was more of a "paper talk". At this time, "paper talks" emerged. "The problem of large discrepancy with the actual situation has caused a "disconnect" in the execution of the algorithms of many functional modules of the launch tower. This is the main reason why nearly half of the light curtain barriers have "cracks".

Now hundreds of thousands of scientists can only make decisions one by one by temporarily treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, making up for the difference between the algorithm and the actual situation, so that Shimmer can continuously fine-tune the actual operation of each functional module to ensure the "planetary shield" "Effect.

This is not only less efficient, but also more likely to make mistakes.

Lao Tao felt that just ten minutes was more tiring than working overtime for three days and nights.

Qin Ke glanced at Lao Tao, his expression still terrifyingly calm: "No, you are just talking about the limits of conventional values." His eyes fell back on the thousands of parameters that were constantly changing on the right side of the big screen, "Mechanical and The "data perception" ability was fully activated, allowing his brain to clearly reflect the actual situation of each launch tower.

Listening to Qin Ke's calm voice, Lao Tao's tired eyes suddenly lit up: "Do you have any other ideas?"

Qin Ke immediately thought of "Project X", but there were other ways at this time, and this last resort was not needed.

"I have just analyzed it and I can try an unconventional method."

"You still had enough time to analyze just now?" Lao Tao asked in surprise. He knew that Qin Ke had hardly stopped talking in the past ten minutes. He had been judging the problems of the functional modules of various launch base towers with the highest efficiency and assigning decision-making tasks to more than twenty different teams. .

"Do you want to hear the truth?"


"This method is not something I just thought of. I predicted that this might happen three years ago. However, when designing the 'planetary shield', due to the level of technology at the time, some things could not be done. But thanks to the "Second Arctic Climate Change", we have greatly optimized the algorithm of "Zhurong's Light", which makes the current "Planet Shield" have new possibilities. But I don't have time to go into details now. Are you willing to take some risks? There is about a 5% chance that the 'Planet Shield' plan will fail, but there is a 95% chance that we can successfully deal with the impact of all high-energy charged particles."

Qin Ke's last words were to Ning Qingyun, Lao Tao, and Edward Witten.

The rest of the duty members of the "decision-making team" are all keeping their attention remotely from their respective countries. It's just that the old scientists know that they are too old to keep up with such a high-intensity response. They said it from the beginning. They just watch and do not make any decision-making interference. They have full authority to make decisions by the personnel on duty in the "Command Center".

The members of the "decision-making team" currently on duty in the "command center" are Qin Ke and four others.

Ning Qingyun, Lao Tao, and Edward Witten nodded without hesitation: "We agree."

Qin Ke had known that they would not object. He took this "process form" just to let the team of scientists at the more than 20 command sub-centers know that his next dangerous decision was "procedurally legal" and must be accepted unconditionally!

So Qin Ke immediately ordered: "Increase the stable output power of the 'Light of Zhurong', the energy supply core in all launch base towers, to 120%, and also increase the power of the 'momentum transfer function' to 120%!"

This instruction stunned everyone. Increase it to 120%? Isn't this overload? You must know that "stable output power" is the maximum output power that ensures normal operation of the equipment without problems. Once the overload increases to 120%, will it cause equipment damage and failure?

However, Qin Ke's order had been delivered, and it had been unanimously approved by the members of the "decision-making team" present. The heads of more than 20 command sub-centers only hesitated for a second, and then clicked on the "decision-making window" pushed by Qin Ke. Li gritted his teeth and clicked "Execute now".

As the decision was made, Shimmer immediately adjusted the output power of all six fast reactors emitting the "Light of Zhurong" in the base. The billion-level energy of nuclear fission instantly increased by 20%!
The viscous liquid-like current containing terrifying energy was instantly transmitted to the laser electromagnetic gun through the power supply line. The originally dazzling blue light beam at the long muzzle suddenly became even more radiant, and the electromagnetic gun shells were fired one after another. out!

The electromagnetic light flowing on the "Planet Shield" is booming, and those spider-like cracks are being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye!
And all kinds of weird error messages disappeared one after another with the abundant energy replenishment. The red mathematical parameters on the right side of the big screen disappeared in a large area. In less than ten seconds, most of the parameters turned into yellow numbers, and The beating amplitude is stable within a small range.

This means that the operating parameters of the "planetary shield" and 7000 "launch towers" are outside the normal range, but they are all within an acceptable and stable range.

It worked!
Before everyone could cheer, they felt a slight vibration under their feet, and the water glasses on the table rippled slightly, as if a magnitude 3.0 earthquake had occurred.

No, it's not an earthquake! This is... the planet under your feet is moving in an abnormal way!

It's the "momentum transfer function" of the "planetary shield" that comes into play!

The "planetary shield" is using the terrifying impact momentum of high-energy charged particles to convert it into a force acting on the blue star, causing the planet's orbit and rotation slope to begin to slowly correct!
The prompt message displayed on the big screen is the best proof:

[The planet’s orbit correction progress is 1.12%! 】

[Planet rotation slope correction progress 3.22%! 】

The "Command Center" finally erupted into cheers!
"The most difficult wave of impact has been blocked!"

"It worked! We succeeded!"

"Academician Qin is so awesome!"

The most critical situation was relieved. Qin Ke breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Fortunately, they have repeatedly optimized the operating algorithm of "Zhu Rongzhi" before, greatly improving its stable output power. The new limit should be 130%.

However, once the output power of "Zhu Rong's Light" is increased to 130%, the launch base tower and "laser electromagnetic gun" may not be guaranteed to have no problems, so Qin Ke just ordered it to be increased to 120% this time.

At present, everything is normal. The "Planet Shield" is still operating well at 120% power, and after a 20% increase, it has obviously stronger defense capabilities, which is enough to completely block this wave of "high-energy charged particles" attacks. .

All kinds of problems that popped up before disappeared. Human scientists no longer needed to intervene to make decisions. Shimmer was enough to deal with it.

Qin Ke rubbed his forehead and relaxed. Even though his mental strength was as strong as his own, he was also quite exhausted from such a high-intensity response.

At this moment, a huge "!!!" warning suddenly appeared on the big screen! (End of chapter)

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