I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 1024: Resist the first wave of impact!

Qingmu University, Garden Villa, Qin Xiaoke is playing with Ning Yongxi and Qin Junyao in the living room.

The two children are already 5 years old and attending kindergarten. However, it is summer vacation and they do not have to go to school, so they stay at home to play.

Ning Yongxi put down the jigsaw puzzle in his hand and said with some boredom: "Aunt, why don't mom and dad come home? Mom and dad are big liars. When they were young, they clearly said they would not leave us for more than two days, and now it is the fourth day. "Hmph!"

Qin Xiaoke hugged Ning Yongxi and comforted him: "Xiaoxiao, your parents are in a very special situation this time. They went to save the world, so they couldn't come back so soon."

Ning Yongxi blinked: "Is it true that the sun is angry and sending all kinds of shock wave energy to our planet, and mom and dad built a big shield to block it?"

Qin Xiaoke said unexpectedly: "Xiaoxiao, how do you know?"

"The kindergarten teachers have said it." Ning Yongxi held her little face in her hands and fantasized: "But I don't think building a big shield or anything is cool at all. If mom and dad can emit light like Ultraman Tiga, Just block the shock wave from the sun!"

Qin Junyao, who had been silently doing basic math arithmetic problems, suddenly interrupted: "Mom and dad are scientists, not Ultraman."

Ning Yongxi glared at him: "I know, that's why I said 'if', huh, stinky brother, you don't have any humor or imagination! Besides, my mother said, as long as there is light in your heart and believe in the light, You will definitely become Ultraman Tiga. How do you know that your parents won’t become Ultraman Tiga? Mom believes in light!”

"It just can't be changed. It's all a lie in the TV series. I've never seen my mother turn into Ultraman!"

"You are the one who lied. I believe in my mother and I believe in the light!"

Qin Xiaoke couldn't help but smile when he thought about the secret of his sister-in-law's love for Ultraman Tiga. He hugged the two cuties with one hand and said, "Okay, okay, don't quarrel. Although your parents have not turned into Diga, Ultraman Tiga, but now he is doing the same thing as Ultraman Tiga, which is to save this planet, which is also great. "

She looked out the window. The sky outside the window was blue, and even the sunlight seemed less dazzling.

Is this the effect of the "planetary shield" being fully deployed?
Brother, sister-in-law, you must work hard, I believe you can save this world!

At the same time, a few hundred meters away, in the "Chief Scientist Building", the information on the large screen of the command center was constantly updating:

[The first wave of geomagnetic radiation is approaching at the speed of light! 】

[According to the prediction of rotation speed, the "2123rd" to "5781st" areas of the "Planet Shield" will directly face the first wave of geomagnetic radiation! 】

[Currently, the operating power of the "Planet Shield" has been increased to 100%, and the electromagnetic energy light curtains in all areas are supplying normal energy. 】

[There are 22 seconds left until the first wave of geomagnetic radiation collides with the "planetary shield" for the first time! 21 seconds! ...]

Obviously the countdown was only displayed on the big screen, but no one read it out, but the same number seemed to be echoing deafeningly in the ears of everyone present, making people subconsciously break out in cold sweat on their backs, and their bodies felt trembling. Feeling of suffocation.

In order to withstand the natural disasters from the sun at this moment, mankind has acquired all the most cutting-edge technologies at present. Countless scientists devoted themselves to the research one after another, and more than a thousand people even fell at their jobs forever before they were finally successfully completed. This "planetary shield" covers the whole world and symbolizes the peak strength of human science and technology today.

But this time the opponent is the sun. Even Blue Star itself is obviously so weak and helpless when facing a "behemoth" like the sun, let alone a mere tiny human being.

Can human wisdom and human efforts be able to withstand this "power of God"?
Regarding this issue, most people involved in the "Planet Shield" project dare not pat their chests and say "absolutely".

【15 seconds! 】

【14 seconds! 】

【13 seconds! 】

Looking at the countdown on the big screen that is constantly approaching "0" and the simulation animation that is about to usher in the "first wave of big impact", more and more people are subconsciously holding their breath.

Even Ning Qingyun was so nervous that there were beads of sweat on her palms, and she unconsciously held Qin Ke's hand next to her.

Only Qin Ke looked the calmest. He smiled at Ning Qingyun and held her tender hand with his backhand.

Unlike others, his eyes did not fall on the countdown, but on the thousands of parameters of the "planetary shield" on the right.

In the eyes of others, the complex parameters were dazzling, but Qin Ke had a strange feeling, as if he saw that the energy supply system composed of six groups of "fast neutron breeder reactors" in the "Zhu Rong Light" was stabilizing. The ground outputs a huge amount of energy like lava, and then reaches every corner of the launch tower along the blood-like energy supply lines, and finally is mainly concentrated into the laser electromagnetic cannons.

The 7000 laser electromagnetic guns are like an enraged giant beast, roaring and roaring at the electromagnetic radiation bombarded from the outer sky!
Qin Ke took a deep breath and his eyes became extremely firm.

He has put in countless efforts, fully utilized his god-level strength, and led scientists around the world to develop the "planetary shield". There is no way that it can't even withstand the first wave of geomagnetic radiation!
【7 seconds! 】

【6 seconds! 】

When the countdown reached 5 seconds, the signals of dozens of satellites including the ultra-high orbit satellites "Titan", "David", "Yingyu", and "Houyi" 35786 kilometers above the ground disappeared almost at the same time. .

This means that these ultra-high orbit satellites were directly hit by the first wave of geomagnetic radiation and caused most of their components to be damaged!

Humanity has lost the forefront of observing "super giant solar storms" from the sun!

The unexpected "loss" still made the command center eerily quiet, and even the sound of someone nervously swallowing saliva could be heard clearly.

【1 seconds! 】

Lao Tao clenched his fists and whispered: "Here he comes!"

Almost simultaneously with his voice, the bright red warning "The first wave of geomagnetic radiation impact has arrived!" was displayed on the big screen! The area on the left side of the big screen automatically switches again. The upper part is a simulated animation of a powerful shock wave violently colliding with the "planetary shield". The lower part is a real-time video sent back by a satellite in a medium-high orbit protected by the "planetary shield". .

I saw electric sparks bursting out on the surface of the "Planet Shield", like countless dragons and snakes swimming around. This is the discharge effect caused by the collision of two equally powerful electromagnetic energies!

Immediately, a large blue light curtain was seen, as if it had been impacted by huge waves, unnaturally undulating and distorting, and even denting slightly inward!
Seeing that the numerous light curtains that were originally somewhat convex began to become concave, and the extent of the concavity was still expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the parameter area of ​​the "Planet Shield" in the area on the right, there were also many numerical values. The ground beats directly and turns yellow or red, indicating that it is beyond the normal range.

Many ordinary staff responsible for administrative work even cried out in fear of gains and losses.

"Don't be nervous, this is the energy absorption and conversion system actively working. The electromagnetic wave intensity of the first wave of geomagnetic radiation is within our original estimate, and we can handle it!"

Qin Ke's calm voice was like a needle that calmed the sea, immediately calming the slightly flustered atmosphere.

Just like confirming Qin Ke's words, the "planetary shield" that was still slowly denting stubbornly pushed back the incoming electromagnetic waves in a few seconds, returning to its original slightly convex state.

The azure blue light is like a victorious soldier, looking extremely active and passionate, and those flashing blue electric sparks seem to be guided by something, flowing continuously towards the north and south poles of the planet, and finally turn into stars. For the brilliant aurora!
The entire process of the first wave of geomagnetic radiation energy impact lasted nearly 32 minutes.

During this period, with the continuous impact of geomagnetic radiation and electromagnetic waves, a large series of fault messages began to pop up on the right side of the large screen, involving hundreds of transmitting towers.

Many of these fault messages disappeared in a flash. After the artificial intelligence Shimmer put forward the reminder message, it directly arranged for the intelligent machine to process it. However, there were still hundreds of new fault messages that had never appeared on the screen, which required Qin Gram or command the team of scientists at the sub-center to make decisions.

——Even after more than a month of repeated testing, Shimmer has mastered all the methods to deal with faults, but the intensity of the "super giant solar storm" exceeds any previous solar storm. There is no reference standard at all, so naturally It cannot solve the brand-new problems that arise when the "planetary shield" collides fiercely with a "super giant solar storm". At most, it can analyze and reason based on the knowledge it possesses and propose some alternatives for decision-making.

At this time, human scientists need to intervene and quickly select the most suitable alternative among the low-light generation options, or propose a better plan for low-light to execute.

This is exactly what Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, Lao Tao, Edward Witten and other members of the "decision-making team" on duty gathered at the command center. Command sub-centers in various countries also have teams composed of tens of thousands of senior scientists at any time. s reason.

As the command center, Qin Ke's main role at this time is not to make decisions, but to accurately "coordinate and assign tasks."

After all, problems emerged one after another. No matter how good he was, Qin Ke could not complete the entire process of analyzing and making decisions on so many problems by himself in a limited time. He only selected some of the most influential problems and handed them over to Ning Qingyun, Lao Tao, and Edward. To analyze, the remaining relatively unimportant issues are accurately assigned to various command sub-centers, where the team of scientists will conduct research and make decisions.

Only some thorny problems that even Ning Qingyun and others could not reach a decision or solve within two or three minutes would be solved by Qin Ke himself.

Once a decision is made, artificial intelligence Shimmer will quickly direct the intelligent robot to implement it, basically without humans having to worry about it.

With the joint efforts of Qin Ke and countless scientists, more than 32 small and medium-sized problems were solved one by one in these 18 minutes, with an average of solved per minute.

The "planetary shield" repeatedly dented and rebounded, seemingly in danger but yet as stable as a mountain.

Especially later on, the number of problems that required human scientists to intervene in decision-making was significantly reduced. This was not only because the intensity of the first wave of geomagnetic radiation began to weaken, but also because LV5 Shimmer's powerful learning ability allowed it to master a solution to a problem. Can know how to solve similar problems by analogy.

At the same time, the "Planet Magnetic Field Repair Progress" displayed on the big screen quietly jumped from 0% to 0.9%. The function of the "Planet Shield" to repair the planet's magnetic field is taking effect, but because of the limited momentum brought by geomagnetic radiation, it cannot It only has an effective repair effect on the planet's orbit and rotation slope.

Finally, a new message popped up on the big screen——

[The first wave of geomagnetic radiation has ended, achieving 100% complete resistance, and no radiation energy has passed through the "planetary shield"! Currently, the overall condition of the "Planet Shield" is good, and all functions are operating normally. There are 126 unrepaired faults that are being processed urgently. It is expected that all repairs will be completed within 10 minutes! 】

The entire command center suddenly erupted in deafening cheers. Many people were so excited that they danced and hugged each other. Some even shed tears.

And in more than 20 command sub-centers, countless people were shouting excitedly and clapping vigorously!
Although it only successfully withstood the first wave of the "super giant solar storm", the boost to morale was huge. This proved that the "planetary shield" can really withstand the "horrible natural disaster" from the sun!
Qin Ke was also filled with enthusiasm.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that he has successfully changed history and changed the fate of this planet that was destined to perish and 99% of humanity disappear!
A good start is half the success. After taking the first step to change his misfortune, Qin Ke became more and more confident and sure that he could withstand this "super giant solar storm" and use it to "solve the crisis". For the opportunity”!

After Qin Ke waited for everyone's excitement to calm down a little, he said loudly: "We have won the first battle, which proves that we are fully capable of winning the entire battle, but the next step is the key battle. Don't Be cautious and blindly optimistic, but still go all out! Now everyone is asked to return to their posts and do their normal shifts. If they are not on duty, go back to rest immediately. The maximum duration of the 'Super Giant Solar Storm' is four. God, only by surviving these four days can we achieve real victory!"

"Yes——!" Scientists and staff from the command center and various command sub-centers responded in unison and immediately returned to their respective jobs.

Looking at Qin Ke's figure that was obviously very young but gave people a sense of reassurance, Brian Schmidt and Andre Heim looked at each other and relaxed their worries. They stood up and said: "Then Academician Qin, let’s go back and rest first, and we’ll come over in sixteen hours to take over.”

"Okay. Thank you for your hard work, go and rest in peace."

After Brian Schmidt and Andre Haim left, Zinke's eyes fell on the big screen.

It shows:

[It is estimated that the second wave of geomagnetic radiation will arrive in 66 minutes! 】

[It is estimated that there are still 23 minutes until the first wave of high-energy charged particles arrives. 】

[It is estimated that there are still 26 hours and 35 minutes until the arrival of the first wave of fast plasma clouds weighing billion tons and caused by coronal mass ejections! 】

Qin Ke's eyes became solemn again.

Geomagnetic radiation is mainly enhanced ionizing radiation, including terahertz radiation, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, radio waves and other electromagnetic radiation. Humanity's technology in resisting such electromagnetic radiation is very mature, so the "planetary shield" has to deal with it It’s not strenuous, but the high-energy charged particles after 23 minutes are different.

Solar high-energy particles mainly refer to charged particles that contain extremely high energy and very fast speeds. They also form strong currents when moving in a directional manner. They are mainly composed of electrons, hydrogen nuclei, helium nuclei, etc., and their energy ranges from 10keV to 30GeV.

The real tough battle is yet to come! (End of chapter)

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