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Chapter 425 IG is on the rise?absolute defense

Chapter 425 IG is on the rise?absolute defense

"Ning's blind monk's Q skill kicked Ryze, stepped forward in the second stage, and forced Cryin's flash."

"IG played well in the early stages of this round."


With the sound of commentary,
In the game shot, there is a replay screen, Ning's blind monk is in ambush in the flank area, with a precise Q skill, and Rookie's Zoe forces a key summoner skill.

At this time, the Taobo vs IG match has reached the 7-minute stage.

There is a little difference from the situation in the previous game,
Neither the former's Taobo nor the latter's IG focused Gank on the top lane, but turned it to the middle and lower areas.

During the first few minutes,
Ning's blind monk frequently took care of the bottom lane, and played two consecutive waves of kills, abruptly helping JKL and Baolan establish a certain degree of advantage.

Now help the middle road play a flash again.

It can be said that they have completely occupied the leading edge for this period of time.

Immediately, the bullet screens in the live broadcast room of the game were swiped one after another:
"I am super, this is the rhythm of letting one chase two."

"Let me just say, let the outrageous brother choose the meat, does Taobo's coach not want to win?"

"Tian's Olaf is a bit of a mess."

"Hahaha, there was no camera on the road in this round, and the two meat tanks fought each other."

"Tricky lineup, Taobo's two output are late-stage heroes, how to play this?"

"They train with weights, do you understand?"

"It's okay to say that, you can practice a series of late-stage lineups."

"Don't worry, wait four or 10 minutes before speaking."


While a bunch of bullet screens were discussing,

The director showed the camera to the top lane area, and saw that Lu Yang's Mundo threw out a kitchen knife with Q skill, and accurately hit Duke Aoun in the rear through the interval of several melee soldiers.

Then he stepped forward quickly,
Quickly turn on a circle of surrounding flames with the W skill, and then launch a general attack with special effects of the E skill.

Such a strong face-to-face output.

It made Duke feel a little puzzled, is their jungler nearby?
Immediately responded with Wa's shattering special effect, and then retreated to open the distance with an E skill without hesitation, the whole process seemed very cautious.

However, this scene feels a bit funny from the audience's perspective.


Tian's jungler Olaf was not in the top lane.

So there was such a dramatic scene in the game.

Duke's Aoun stood behind and didn't dare to step forward to eat the line, while Lu Yang's Mondo showed off his power in front of him, throwing a Q skill kitchen knife from time to time, and continued to highlight the mark and make moves.

There was a muffled pop.

A blood-stained kitchen knife cut across the void and accurately found Duke's Aoun again, causing magic damage and a slowing effect.

However, his Mundo happened to sound an exclusive line:
"Mundo thinks you're a big bitch!"

In an instant, a bunch of ridicule barrages appeared in the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game.


When the time came to more than nine minutes,
A wave of conflicts affecting the situation appeared on the game screen.

Taobo's support, Niutou, suddenly wandered spiritually and ran to the middle area without a sound, along with Tian's jungler Olaf.

Just when Rookie played a wave of Q skills consumption,
Qiuqiu took the lead, and suddenly a flash - WQ's quick control instantly lifted IG's mid laner Zoe.

Then Cryin's Ryze kept up with a complete set of skills,

Tian stepped forward again and unleashed two general attacks with his axe.

in a blink,
Rookie's mid laner Zoe fell into a near-death state.

Although he tried his best to use his flash to retreat a certain distance, and even released a blocking E skill, Tao Bo's willingness to pursue was very firm.

"Broiler flashes back, sleep bubbles."

"Tian's Olaf flashed into the tower, [Ragnarok] overturned the control effect of sleep, and went straight to complete the beheading and harvesting with an axe."

"Taobo's Nosuke is beautifully coordinated!"


With the death of the middle road,
Soon, IG faced an embarrassing problem:

Do you want to fight for the canyon pioneer?

After completing the Gank crossing tower in the middle lane, Taobo's Nosuke turned directly to the upper half of the river, and Sima's ad Kai'Sa also retreated, without giving IG a loophole to catch the order.

Four against five,
And EZ's magic cut has not yet formed.

After a short period of hesitation, IG finally chose to be rational and did not fight for the canyon, but chose to change the control dragon resources.

that's it,
The two teams completed a wave of resource exchange.

Taobo won the Canyon Pioneer, IG won the Elemental Dragon, and each has a bright future.

However, the tempo of the subsequent game accelerated.

In 11 minutes, Cryin's Ryze went to the road at a loss, and cooperated with Lu Yang's Mundo to force Duke's Aoun back to the city.

In 13 minutes, Taobo Zhong Ueno suddenly had a wave of 5 packs and 2, forcibly killing JKL and Baolan in the tower, and using the canyon to push down a defensive tower.

In 15 minutes, IG took the initiative to play a team, Ning played a roundabout kick, and each played a two-for-two tie.

In 20 minutes, the two teams once again had a wave of conflict around Baron Nash. In the end, three for two, Taobo narrowly won.

As the game continued,
IG's early lineup gradually fell into a disadvantaged state.

First of all, Old Thief Sima's ad Kai'Sa equipment is slowly taking shape, and then Lu Yang's Mundo tank is also improving. As long as he stands forward, IG's Poke lineup seems to be unable to penetrate the defense.

When the game lasted until close to 30 minutes,
"Brother outrageous, go forward, the Q skill hit JKL's EZ, and even lit up a like emoji, how can this person be so arrogant?"

"Ning finds a good angle."

"R dodged the roundabout kick, but Marco dodged ahead of time and was not kicked back to the front."

"Tao Bo will deal with the blind monk..."

"Qiuqiu's support bull head flashed two times to keep IG, and Tian's Olaf started his big move to push forward. This wave of IG feels like it will suffer a lot."


With the voice of commentary set off,
IG's lineup is gradually showing some signs of defeat.

Ning's blind monk was the first to die, and then Baolan's support Tamm was also killed trying to save Rookie.

Although JKL and Rookie are trying their best to output,

However, Lu Yang's Mundo is like a solid city wall, with a hard top to resist a wave of output damage in front, and then activate the R skill [Last Stand], quickly regaining a mouthful of blood.

This scene,
In an instant, the IG players felt desperate.

The front row couldn't handle it, and the back row failed to attack, so there was no way to fight at all.

compelled to...

The remaining trio of IG can only choose to retreat.

However, Tao Bo did not continue to chase forward, but turned around and went to the Dragon Pit to prepare to brush Baron Nash.

Looking at the game screen in front of me,
Guan Zeyuan groaned, and then said:

"After this wave, Brother Ma won two more heads. I feel that he is booked for the MVP of this round."

The voice just fell,

Cat next door retorted loudly: "That's a bit of a problem."

"To be honest, a pure passerby..."

"Although Mundo with a record of 0-0-8 is a bit of a mess, but with the huge amount of injuries just now, I think brother outrageous is also qualified to compete for the MVP."


(End of this chapter)

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