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Chapter 424 Replacement, let's ban it

Chapter 424 Replacement, let's ban it
"I think Tao Bo can still fight a wave of Barons."

When Guan Zeyuan spoke,
Taobo's team members have demolished the highland crystals in a wave, and then approached the last two front tooth towers non-stop.

Although IG's middle and upper duo are still alive,
However, they were completely unable to resist Taobo's tower demolition offensive, and could only watch the durability drop little by little.

"Rookie's mid laner clockwork pulled out a big move, he wants to clear the line!"

"But Taobo's forced demolition is very firm..."

"Qiuqiu's assisted Titan hit a Q skill, accurately hooked to the broiler, and cooperated with the teammate's focused fire output to complete the kill."

"Theshy's side interference didn't work at all, and Taobo directly chose to dismantle the tower."


As the voices of the three commentators sounded,
The two incisor towers of IG collapsed into a pile of ruins one after another. The scarlet base crystal was exposed in the air, and then they were forcibly demolished by Taobo players.

Not long after,

The giant base crystal was emptied of its durability, and exploded into pieces all over the sky with a loud bang, and then condensed into a prompt message:
[Victory! 】


Looking at the game screen in front of him, Guan Zeyuan took the lead in saying:
"Let's congratulate Tao Bo, who won the first game quickly in nearly 23 minutes."

The voice just fell,

The Wang next door remembers to answer and said:
"I think it's still the problem of the sword demon being too fat in the top lane. The Ueno didn't get up in the early and mid-term, so they couldn't deal with this point. IG must think about this problem in the second game."

Cat echoed:
"Indeed, from the canyon group Nabo, it can be seen that IG's lineup is very lacking in output."

talking room,
The bullet screens in the live broadcast room of the game were swiping one after another, some were fishing, some were crazy and said some strange things, and all kinds of advertising messages.

However, the players of the two teams also returned to their respective backstage lounges.


At the same time, in the backstage lounge of IG.


Coach Kim stared at Theshy in front of him with a gloomy face, and said in a deep Korean voice, "Why?"

"Just now there are many waves on the line, you can choose to be steady. There is no need to fight head-on with the opponent, and there is no need to give him a chance. Why did you choose to do this?"

Listen to the coach's lecture,
Both Theshy and other IG players fell silent.

silence for a moment,

Theshy looked up at Coach Jin and said, "I want...to win him."

In this regard, Coach Jin was not surprised at all.

Immediately said decisively: "Well, you should calm down as a substitute first, Duke will be replaced in the second game."

Duke: "..."

Theshy: "..."

After a brief lecture, Coach Jin continued to arrange the tactics for the second game.

According to the original idea,
He was deliberately preparing to train this rookie top laner, but Theshy's disobedient character made Coach Jin feel very headache.

As a traditional Korean coach, what he hates most is players who violate discipline.

However, such a high talent made him reluctant to give up, so he could only be sent to the bench temporarily, and he would resume his playing qualifications after this guy understood it.


As time goes by,
Not long after,

The scene ushered in the second game of Taobo vs IG.

"Just received a message from the director."

Guan Zeyuan looked in the direction of the camera and said in a surprised tone:

"IG's top laner will undergo a personnel change, and will be replaced by a Duke player."

This remark surprised Wang Ji who was next door.

"Ah? I think the Theshy player just played well. He was caught once online. If Taobo Nakano didn't grab him hard, he should be able to live."

Just at this time,

Cat said surprisingly:
"Perhaps a few IG coaches think that the rookie top laner can't defend the tower in 1v3 like the outrageous brother, and they want to change to a more stable one."

The moment those words were spoken,

Wang Jiji hurriedly used his eyes to signal him to restrain his speech.

Guan Zeyuan next to him also changed the subject.

"Now that the two teams are back on stage, let's take a look at the BP of this game."

talking room,
The director called up the BP interface of the match lineup. The two teams switched sides. IG came to the blue side, and Taobo won the red side.

It is different from the BP of the first game,

The IG of the blue side did not empty the top laner hero pool, but continuously put Qinggangying, Daomei, and Sword Demon three warrior heroes on the ban list.

However, Tao Bo maintained a ban similar to the previous round.

"The IG in this game was very decisive, 3Ban locked the hero of Brother Outrageous."

"The IG of the blue team chose first, and they chose to grab Zoe first. I think this one-handed grab should be considered as a defense against Cryin's pick."

"Taobo then selected a bot lane combination of Kai'Sa + Bull Head."

"What about IG? Two and three lock the blind monk + Tam's field assistant places respectively."

"Huh? Taobo chose Olaf as a jungler. There aren't many teams that have chosen this hero recently."


As the narration continued to sound,

The lineups of the two teams are also being improved one by one. Taobo selected Ryze for Cryin, and IG selected EZ+Aoun for JKL and Duke.


There is only one last spot left for Taobo, which has not yet been confirmed.
Boom, boom, boom.

Seeing that the BP countdown is coming to an end, the empty Taobo's fifth spot suddenly flashes, and suddenly locked a hero that no one expected.

Zaun Madman - Mundo.

Looking at the BP interface in front of me,

Guan Zeyuan frowned, and then asked suspiciously, "Did Taobo choose the wrong move in the end?"

Cat: "It must be the wrong choice, how could Brother Crazy play this hero."

As soon as I said this,

They heard the director's prompt words in the headset:

"There was no choice, they chose Mundo."


Suddenly, the three commentators fell silent.

"Cough cough."

Guan Zeyuan coughed and said:

"I just got a reminder from the director that Taobo did not choose wrongly, and the one who is outrageous is Mondo."

With the confirmation of the commentary,
The lineup of the two teams has also been selected.

IG (blue side): top laner Ornn, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Zoe, adEZ, support Tamm.

Taobo (red side): Top laner Mundo, jungler Olaf, mid laner Ryze, ad Kai'Sa, support Bullhead.

In an instant,
Immediately, a bunch of ridicule barrages appeared in the live broadcast room of the game:
"I'm super, outrageous brother is actually playing with meat!?"

"What do you mean, IG has just changed players and played meat, who do you look down on!"

"Hahahaha, this guy suddenly picked a hero who hadn't played before."

"Not to mention, this Mondo is quite reasonable, as long as he gains weight, IG's lineup will not be able to move at all."

"You want to die on the opposite side, don't you?"

"Awkward, it's outrageous brother will give you a whole hand to output Mundo, believe it or not!?"

"Sheep Knife Giant Nine Mundo, chop!"


When a bunch of bullet screens keep swiping the screen,
After all, the lineups of the two teams have completed an adjustment, and then entered the second game.


(End of this chapter)

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