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Chapter 101 Steel Shadow and Leo, the Locked Emperor!

Chapter 101 Steel Shadow and Leo, the Locked Emperor!

Gank hit the road?

The early rhythm of the second round was basically working around the bottom half, and the top lane continued to lead the CS advantage, which also gave everyone a feeling that they could handle it by themselves.

Just like those previous games.

Now, Lu Yang took the initiative to call Gank for reinforcements.

Xiangguo naturally has no opinion on this: "Okay, I can come on the road now."

Xiaohu: "Wait, I'll finish pushing this line first..."

While speaking, Xiangguo's blind monk went up the road first, and then Xiaohu's Galio also followed up after clearing a wave of soldiers, without covering up his intentions at all.

SSG also noticed this information.

Cuvee retreated to the area in front of the tower in advance, trying to use the defense tower + red anger state to completely dispel the idea of ​​this wave of Gank on the road.


He underestimated RNG's determination to cross the tower in this wave.

Lu Yang's Qinggang Ying kicked out Tiamat twice, pushed a bunch of soldiers into the tower, and then shot an E hook into the tower without hesitation, kicked Gnar unconscious, and then used the R skill [Ultimatum 】Evade the giant W stun, and imprison it in a small area under the tower at the same time.

without any suspense,

When Qing Gangying's big move fell,
Galio followed up with an R skill [Hero Debut], followed by a WE-Qa skill set.

Before Cuvee came back to his senses,

A blind monk was found in the side wild area, followed by QQR and kicked the wall unpretentiously, and then deliberately left room for output, and took this head away from Lu Yang's Qinggang Yinger kicker.

Even if Gnar made a big move at the last moment before death, Gnar could not rewrite the fate of death.

[Lost Tooth-Gnar has been killed. 】

As the death prompt pops up in front of the screen,

This wave of tower jumping with no operation at all ended, and three big moves replaced one of Gnar's heads.

At the same time, it also comes with a Rift Herald waiting to be spawned.

"Nice, guys, thanks."

Lu Yang quickly manipulated Qing Gangying to pull out of the range of the defensive tower, and then turned around to follow the line of soldiers who had just entered the tower to demolish the tower.


Mala Xiangguo smiled and scolded indifferently: "Thank you a few times, you tm hurry up and take it alone later, I deliberately let people get headaches, come and help me fight a canyon."

Xiaohu: "Grasshoppers have TP, so be careful when you get off the road later."

While talking, Lu Yang followed Xiangguo to the Dragon Pit to scan the canyon, and Xiaohu's Galio returned to the middle lane to continue eating the line.

Maybe it is to stop loss exchange,

An Bisheng's excavator is also jumping the tower in the bottom lane. Cooperating with Corejj Luo's R-flash-W combo, Ruler's mouse has a wave of double kills.

Although he asked Dazui to use two moves to forcefully replace him,

However, the two-for-one swap was not a loss at all, and it still allowed the only mouse in the team to output the Carry position to take the lead. It was a huge profit.

at the same time,

The blind monk of Mala Xiangguo is also on the road to wipe out the canyon pioneer.

But he didn't pick up this canyon imprint,

Let Lu Yang's Qing Gangying pick up this tower pushing prop, and give the task of pushing the tower to the road.

This is a choice that surprised most commentators.

To know,
Even if the blind monk has the reason of "inconvenient to touch the eye", in the current version of the game without plating, the income of letting the top laner hold the canyon is obviously not as high as that of the jungler, and there may even be a waste of some strategic effects sex.

Especially a game that is related to whether you can get a Bo5 match point.


Lu Yang unceremoniously picked up the canyon pioneer on the ground, and then said in a deep voice, "Give me a little time, I can take it on the road."

After saying this, he used the B button to return to the city to make a core equipment: three phases.

With the formation of the "power of three phases",

Lu Yang's online operations became more and more aggressive. After Cuvee's Gnar was killed once, he gradually felt the pressure, as if he was about to repeat the situation in the first game.

As long as his position is a little careless.

Then you have to face Qing Gangying with a sudden E kick in the face, then pull up with a second Q, then slow down and stick to W, and have to jump back to widen the distance.

15 minutes or so,
Lu Yang even played a wave of tower jumping and eating operations.

"The two of them don't have much health, Cuvee Gnar wants to use his big move to clear the soldiers!"

Wang remembers shouting excitedly:

"Unbelievable brother predicts an EW and then pulls, then turns around and kicks the face to stun, Qa, then flashes to avoid a W stun, two kicks and pulls up to complete the solo tower jump, Nice."

Shenchao echoed and said: "It is very important for him to avoid Gnar's big move first. If he faints, he is likely to be replaced by the defensive tower."

Guan Zeyuan: "..."

With the second death of Cuvee Gnar,
SSG's defensive formation is already cracked.

Although they can still get some gains in the middle and bottom lanes, for example: Grasshopper's stable ultimate move control, with the excavator's top kill Gank Galio, or with Luo's combination of non-displacement heroes for RNG's bottom lane.

However, due to the ferocious Gank of Xiangguo.

SSG didn't take advantage of anything. Most of the time, it was the record of swapping heads. Therefore, the records of the two teams have not been able to widen the gap.

This situation lasted until about 18 minutes,

Lu Yang was on the top lane alone to push back Cuvee's Gnar with a set of skills, and then used Canyon Herald to knock down the first tower that was on the verge of collapse, and then escorted it to the second tower to continue the collision, making SSG's top lane instantly precarious.

If it is only a two-tower building,
Everyone in SSG felt that it was acceptable.

After all, the middle and lower lanes have been changed at present, as long as Ruler's mouse can get up, it doesn't matter if they give RNG a second tower for free.


Just when SSG was planning a sneak attack in the middle,
Qinggang Ying who had just pushed up the tower retreated a certain distance, inexplicably made a TP circle in advance, quietly ambushed behind the wild area, suddenly flashed E-R to stop the Ruler mouse who had only appeared for a second, and then cooperated with Galio's ultimate move Entering the arena, the two completed a crucial wave of rapid attrition in team battles.

Then it was time for the ad big mouth to spray,
With the aid of Karma's acceleration shield, Uzi stepped forward and walked around without pressure, and instantly forced out of the excavator's E tunnel, Luo's E aid, and the grasshopper's flash.

However, the team battle wasn't over yet.

The blind monk of Mala Xiangguo entered the field with two Qs on the side, then kicked him back with a flash of R, and instantly hit a wave of bowling balls with adjusted angles, allowing his own AD Dazui to obtain a perfect output space.

In the blink of an eye, the grasshopper melted into a corpse first,
The assistant Luo who didn't flash also became the second dead soul.

An Bisheng's excavator flashed out of the attack range to avoid repeating the mistakes of the first two teammates.

However, Cuvee Nar teleports the night step.

Looking at the corpses of his teammates in the middle of the road, he could only retreat silently from the wild area, as if he had never been there before.

Although it failed to retain all SSG members,

However, this wave of zero-for-three groups is already a bargaining chip that affects the final victory.

"Hey, it's not 20 minutes yet, otherwise you can go straight to the dragon after the fight."

Wang Ji sighed regretfully, and then seemed to suddenly think of something: "By the way... the TP of Qinggangying just now seemed a little fast?"


 (.) Continue to write the second update
(End of this chapter)

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