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Chapter 100 SSG evolution, the engine stalls?

Chapter 100 SSG evolution, the engine stalls?

The victory in the first game did not cause much reaction,
After all, it is a Bo5 game, which is different from the Bo1 game in the group stage. Even with a 2-0 lead, there may still be a miracle of letting the second chase the third.

This is also the charm of the knockout game.

As long as the game is not over, anything is possible.

The players of RNG and SSG returned to the backstage, preparing to plan the tactical content of the second game, and also used this short intermission to rest.

However, the commentary of the two competition areas is leading the audience for a post-match replay.

Although Lu Yang's record in the last game was mediocre,
However, he often appeared in the replay footage after the game.

Successfully escaped in the 1vN chase,

EQ heavy artillery with almost 99% hit rate in team battles,
And the last wave of 1v3 almost killed all the screen,
The director specially edited these shots, and also matched the facial expressions of the players on both sides.

can clearly see...

The SSG middle and lower assistant players started talking crazily, then gradually reduced the frequency over time, and finally fell silent. The whole scene can be said to be full of comedy effects.

at the same time,

Forums in various divisions are also discussing this game.

One of these posts has attracted widespread attention:
[Can Khan stop this rookie player who is attacking? 】

Up to now,

The LCK top laner (front) of this S tournament has already met Lu Yang face to face.

Impact, lost.

Huni, also lost.

Cuvee, was temporarily blasted for a round.

Therefore, everyone was very curious about Khan meeting this newcomer in the primary arena.

What would that be like?

In this regard, many players have expressed their opinions:

"Khan is currently the number one top laner, how could he lose to him?"

"But Khan's performance against MSF was average."

"I think maybe he didn't sleep well last night."

"I like the player Leap more, and his hero selection always surprises me."

"Will the two meet in the final, or the semi-final?"

"Is this the start of booking the finals?"

"A bunch of idiots, let's talk about the two teams making it to the finals."



When a bunch of masked players interact passionately on the Internet.

In the second game between RNG and SSG, BanPick has already been launched in the passionate words of the commentators.

no dawdling,

As soon as the two teams came up, they quickly banned the heroes they didn't want to see.

SSG, who had just switched to the blue side, chose to disable a "Prince + Pig Girl + Syndra" mid-jungle combination, and still didn't care about the hero selection for the top lane.

The SSG coach thinks that the content of the game formulated in the previous game has not been played out,
The main reason is that the middle lane did not swim, and the wild area was invaded and restricted.

In that case,

Press the strong Nakano!

On the other hand, RNG is to ban the skate shoes of fixed items, Xia, and finally block a middle laner Lucian.

Lucian, who was the last Ban, made the commentary and barrage a bit confused.

What do you mean?
The donkey can still be in the class.

Just at this time,

The SSG on the blue side took the lead in locking on a released support Luo, and RNG then chose a mid-top combination of Galio+Qinggangying.


Although its BP rate is as high as 86%, Xiaohu in the middle of RNG has not used this hero in the World Championship.

The reason why the SSG coach chose to release it.

He just wanted to see if RNG would choose,
If RNG does not choose, they can have one more Ban position for other positions, which can be said to be a very profitable business.

SSG took advantage of the situation and chose another Nakano duo of grasshopper + excavator.

RNG finally locked on an ad big mouth.

The first round of ban is over,

The core of the two teams has been determined, and then the core lineup around this core will be gradually filled up a lot, and each will ban a round of heroes such as Lulu + Xiaopao, who are popular in the auxiliary, and then enter the final selection process.

"In the second round of BP, RNG first selects a Karma."

Guan Zeyuan stared at the BP interface on the screen, and continued:
"Samsung finally chose a combination of Gnar + Mouse, and finally RNG's Kang Te chose a blind monk for Mala Xiangguo."

As the commentary sounded,
The lineups for the second round of the two teams have been determined.

SSG (blue side): top laner Gnar, jungler Excavator, mid laner Grasshopper, ad mouse, support Luo.

RNG (red side): Top laner Qinggangying, jungler blind monk, mid laner Galio, ad Dazui, support Karma.

"The second game of RNG vs SSG."

Wang remembers asking some more controversial questions as always: "Zeyuan, which lineup do you think is better?"

Hearing this, Guan Zeyuan was speechless.

Backstage just now, he was complained by the director because of his remarks just now. Now he dares to say anything in support of his favorite team. He can only maintain a reasonable position.

"This...both teams' lineups have good first-mover abilities. Let's see how the players perform."

"I think you can ask Shenchao, a former professional player, for his opinion."


With a dazed expression on his face, Shenchao could only talk about his understanding from the player's point of view one by one.

Just when the commentary seat was bullying the new guests,
At this moment, the game on the field has kicked off.

Accompanied by the camera of the director, the players of the two teams went to the river for a routine guard.

Due to the failure of the first-level regiment design in the last game,

The SSG in this game didn't think about it any more, they stood guard honestly, and then went back to their respective online areas.

Moreover, SSG's players are obviously much more stable.

Take the Cuvee on the road, for example.

Even if he misses a knife or two, he seldom gives Lu Yang's Qinggang Ying a chance to exchange blood, which is so stable that it makes people feel scary.

However, Anbisheng's Gank focus has also changed.

He didn't bother to hit the road again.

Instead, it continues to create pressure on Dazui + Karma in the bottom lane.At the same time, it also forces the blind monks of Xiangguo to rely on the middle and lower half to move around.

Therefore, both sides of the road can be said to be in a 1v1 heads-up state throughout the whole process.

These two factors lead to a situation where
Lu Yang's Qinggangying was able to gain some last-dash advantages in the top lane, but failed to gain any kills on the steady Cuvee, which surprised the spectators watching the game for a while.

Unbelievable brother flameout for two consecutive rounds?

This is a very rare thing.

Immediately, those Post Bar users who had long been displeased with him came out to ridicule:
"The difference between Bo1 and Bo5 is really obvious. Now the top laner of the third LCK team is like this, blow a few blows!"

These remarks will not affect the players on the field for the time being.

The game is still in full swing,

In 5 minutes, An Bisheng's excavator Gank went down the road, forcing out two flash skills.

In 7 minutes, SSG controlled the first elemental dragon.

In 10 minutes, Xiangguo Gank went down the road, but was countered by An Bisheng, and the two sides exchanged and ended.

In 13 minutes, SSG had four packs and two packs, and then evolved into a 5v5 team battle on both sides.

Although in the end it was a three-for-three tie,

However, the LPL audience saw some unoptimistic problems, and the lineup adjustment of SSG seems to be working.

Ueno's engine, which had previously played a key role, seemed to stall a bit.


Lu Yang also noticed this problem, and immediately said: "Teacher Guo, and Brother Hu, let's go up the tower with a wave."


 () The second update, a bit late

(End of this chapter)

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