Chapter 9 Bet
"Xuanyu, let's go practice."

Early the next morning, Xuan Yu had just finished washing and was about to go out for a stroll, when the sound of springs sounded at the door.

Turn around and look.

The girl was wearing a purple coat similar to a cheongsam. The slightly tight outfit gave her an inexplicably seductive charm at a young age. Her long black hair was draped over her shoulders. Under the light, it looks very agile.

Under the jewel-like eyes, the conspicuous beauty mole makes her look more youthful.

"Today's weather is very good, and it's the most suitable for cultivation." Quan patted the ninja bag hanging on his waist, and said with a smile, "Mr. "

"Don't go."

Before Quan finished speaking, Xuan Yu refused without hesitation.


Do you still think that my chakra is not degrading fast enough now?As far as the blood of the Uesugi family is concerned, other people's cultivation is essentially to increase the amount of chakra, extract more chakra, and use it more skillfully in various aspects, but I practice a few more times, my little chakra It is estimated that he will be cheated until there is no scum left, and he will completely become an ordinary person.

Chakra is the foundation, without this foundation, any technique is meaningless, and cultivation is also meaningless.

Although he can't do much with the remaining chakra, it's better to have something than nothing, isn't it?At least it can be used to shuttle in the forest, and it is no problem to use a transformation technique or something, and it will not cause the deceptive effect of the blood succession limit.

The limits of the Uesugi Clan's blood successors are really stretching the hips, unless they can advance like that senior, can they really do not need to practice, just eat, sleep and go shopping... Well, in short, as long as they don't move around , as a quiet and handsome man, he can raise his chakra level without practicing.

However, the probability of blood succession limit advancement is even lower than winning the first prize in the lottery. If it is just a general blood succession limit, it will be hard work. There is only the cheating ability of "the more you practice and refine the chakra, the worse the effect" , it's better not to awaken the blood inheritance limit.

And even if Xuan Yu's European energy is overwhelming, he will not be able to practice by chance, because the blood successor limit after the advancement is just a further step on the original effect of "do not need to practice chakra to strengthen it" As a result, the persuasive effect has not disappeared, and practice will still reduce the amount of chakra.

So for him now, it is impossible to cultivate, and it is impossible to practice in this life. He has learned ninjutsu and has no chakra.

Seeing Xuan Yu's refusal so straightforwardly, Quan suddenly pouted.

"Why haven't you practiced? If you continue like this, you really can only be a forbearer for the rest of your life."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Xuan Yu yawned, and continued: "In our village, you can still make a living in our village right now."

Quan couldn't help frowning slightly with this proper bastard mentality.

She sighed softly, closed the sliding door and walked into the room, then knelt down on the tatami.

"Because of me?"

"Huh?" Xuan Yu looked at her inexplicably, "Why you?"

"Neither accepting Teacher Xin's guidance nor cultivating, isn't this letting oneself go and completely giving up the way of tolerance?" Quan bit his lips, and said in a rather heavy voice: "Is it because I said before that I don't Accepting your confession is not because you are not strong enough, so you should stop practicing so hard for me?"

Before Xuan Yu could answer, she continued: "But, I just want you not to change yourself for me. What I meant at that time was to hope that you would cultivate for yourself, grow and become stronger for yourself, and not for you to give up. Cultivate, give up growth"

She has already determined that Xuan Yu has given up the way of tolerance.

She believes that the reason why Xuan Yu became like this is because of her relationship.

If it wasn't for meeting her, if he didn't fall in love with her, Xuan Yu wouldn't be what he is now.

It was she who ruined the boy.

Strong self-blame and guilt filled her heart, and she felt a suffocating weight.

"Stop! Stop for me!!"

Xuan Yu raised his right hand, with a dumbfounding expression on his face: "This is all a mess, I don't practice because I don't need to practice, it's entirely my own reasons, it has nothing to do with you, okay, don't think about it Yet?"

To put it bluntly, does this girl have a little too much self-awareness?I just like randomness!
Quan raised his head and looked at Xuan Yu with his eyes, as if he wanted to see through Xuan Yu's thoughts through the eyes, the window to the soul.



Quan lowered his eyes: "Liar."

Xuan Yu: "."

"There is no ninja in this world who can become stronger without training." Quan pursed his lips, and continued: "And you even make such perfunctory excuses to deceive people. You are really a terrible guy."

"Sigh." Xuan Yu pinched his temples with some headaches, "In this world, why is it so difficult to tell the truth."

Gentle girls have always been troublesome.

Xuanyu knew that Quan was so attached to him not because he liked him, nor was it entirely the aftereffect of being rejected by his predecessor who confessed to her, but because she was such a person in the first place.

She cherishes her friends and companions, and thinks that he has given up the way of tolerance if he doesn't practice, so she wants to redeem it for no particular reason, just because she is a gentle girl.

If it is the predecessor, there will definitely be some meaningless expectations for Quan.

But Xuan Yu knew.

Izumi who is so gentle to him must also be gentle to others. If she feels that Dazhi is depressed because of something, she will comfort Dazhi, just like the situation when her predecessor met her for the first time.

The person she likes is Uchiha Itachi, who graduated from ninja school at the age of seven and is already a genius of Chunin at this time. This has never changed in the original book.

Now that there is such an unknown variable as him, it is not certain whether Quan's feelings will change.

But Xuan Yu didn't care about it, after all, he was not the tragic young man of the original owner, and he didn't have such a deep obsession with Quan.

"Then you prove it to me." Quan was ready to go all out, even if breaking Xuan Yu's lies would hurt his self-esteem, he still had to wake up, so he said regardless: "If you can prove that you don't need to practice If you can become stronger, I will promise you one thing, no matter what you ask, I will promise you, but if you can't prove it, then it means that you are lying to me, you must promise me to practice seriously in the future, and don't give up your forbearance easily! "

The problem is that my ninja way is to eat and wait to die.
So I never gave up my Ninja way at all, okay?

Xuan Yu shook his head, with a helpless expression: "Okay, since you've said that, what else can I say."

As he said that, he turned around, picked up the ninja tool bag that he almost regarded as a decoration and hung it around his waist, and then tied the forehead to his head.

"Let's go."

Seeing that he was so calm and composed, without the slightest embarrassment that his lie was about to be found out, Quan felt a little guilty inexplicably, and always had an intuition that he had set himself up, a little regretting what he said just now.

If Xuan Yu really proves that what he said is true, that he can become stronger without training, then what should he do?
But thinking of Xuan Yu's performance since the establishment of the first class, and the poor Chakra Quan in his meridians under the eyes of Shulun, he felt relieved, and felt that he must have thought too much.

Again, in this world, there is no ninja who can become stronger without training!
(End of this chapter)

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