The Strongest Technician of Konoha

Chapter 8 Merchant Pursuit of Profit

Chapter 8 Merchant Pursuit of Profit
After finally entering the city, Nishida just invited the ninja team to the mansion under his name to rest.

Because he still had to protect his relationship for a few days, Shinobu Hirano did not refuse.

Nishida Tsuyoshi's mansion is very luxurious, and the inside is cleaned by diligent servants of Ino Country. When the servants see Go Nishida, their eyes are full of gratitude. The reaction was exactly the same.

"Master Nishida, long time no see."

An old man dressed as a housekeeper came over and bowed to Nishida Gang.

Nishida just waved his hand and greeted him kindly.

After exchanging pleasantries, he apologized and said that he had something to do, and asked two young maids who were about Quan's age to take Hirano Shinobu and them to the guest room to rest.

Several people followed behind the maid.

Walking to the door of the guest room, a very cute maid suddenly turned around and bowed slightly to them:
"Thank you, my lords, for protecting Nishida-sama all the way to the country of Yi."

She doesn't look lifeless like those servants outside, but she is very energetic, with big bright eyes that are flickering, very cute.

Before Hirano Shinobu said anything, Sato Taishi behind him scratched his head shyly: "You're welcome, this is what we should do."

The maid raised her head and looked at Dazhi with gratitude in her eyes:

"I heard that Master Nishida was targeted by many nasty thieves during his visit this time. If it wasn't for the ninja masters who took action, Master Nishida would definitely be hurt by them. Even if something really happened to the kind-hearted Sir , we all have no way to survive, so the adults saved all of us."

Hearing this, a faint color appeared on Dazhi's face.

"Wow! Is that uncle so important?"

The two maids nodded heavily at the same time, and said without hesitation: "Yes, Master Xi Tian is very important to us, more important than anyone else!"

"Hey." Dashi's face turned pale, "It seems that Hokage-sama attaches great importance to our first class. The first C-level mission is to protect such an important person. It seems that after this mission is successfully completed, he will definitely take it when he returns. To more extraordinary missions."

Hirano Shin frowned.

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.


The corner of Xuan Yu's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were a little subtle: "This mission is indeed extraordinary, tsk tsk. Our luck is really extraordinary."

Seeing that he actually echoed Dazhi's words, Quan couldn't help giving him a suspicious look.

Dazhi didn't appreciate it, but said with disdain: "What kind of luck is it? You know nothing! It's obviously Hokage-sama who believes in Teacher Xin, values ​​my talent and strength in Izumi, and wants us to grow up as soon as possible. Give us the task of the first shift, only a crane tail like you will attribute all good things to luck."

As he said that, he curled his lips in displeasure, "Tch, I'm in the same class as you."

Hirano Shin frowned, as if he was dissatisfied with Taishi's performance at this time.

But he was only concerned about Dazhi's aggressive attitude, but he didn't stop it immediately.

On the contrary, when Quan saw that Dazhi was about to say something more exaggerated, he immediately turned his eyes and interrupted him loudly:


She stared at Dazhi and said coldly, "You should shut up."

As the best ninja in the team, Quan still has a certain deterrent effect on Dazhi. Seeing her defending Xuanyu, Dazhi dared not say any more, just muttered a few words in a low voice, and stopped looking at Xuanyu.

Quan walked to Xuanyu's side, and said softly, "Dazhi is like this, he always talks nonsense, but he doesn't care, so don't take it to heart."

Obviously, Quan still cares about his companions.

In fact, the contradictions in the first class are already obvious now. Dazhi has always been very dissatisfied with a miscellaneous fish in the team who is paddling. Whenever he has the opportunity, he will be sarcastic. Although Xuanyu ignores him every time, after all, he has his own reasons. He couldn't say it out, otherwise he might be persuaded to quit, and now he still needs to acquire skills through missions.

But his attitude didn't make Dazhi give up, instead it made him more dissatisfied.

And Quanmei is like a lubricant in the team, constantly eliminating the friction caused by Dazhi, so that the first squad can continue to maintain.

Nobuo Hirano gave Quan another good evaluation in his heart, but he didn't say much about the delicate relationship between the three.

Xuan Yu shrugged his shoulders, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was not the tail of the crane that Da Zhi said just now, and he also turned a deaf ear to Quan's kind comfort, just shook his head, ignored them, and walked into the guest room alone.

Although he has already seen that there is something wrong with Nishida Gang.

For example, Nishida Ko is a wealthy businessman seeking ninja protection. Why is it that the first team is obviously a novice who left the village for the first time to perform a mission, and his strength may be weak, but he doesn't care. Instead, he is slightly happy.

For another example, the purpose of a businessman's actions is nothing more than to make money. The three fledgling ninjas on his side, logically speaking, have no value that can create benefits for him. The relationship between each other is just a simple employer and guard. It's all about protecting his employer. As an experienced businessman who has traveled far and wide, it is definitely not the first time he has hired ninjas. He must know this, so there is no need to get close to them, but he is so enthusiastic about them, which is abnormal in itself.

The more Nishida took the initiative to approach them, the more Xuan Yu felt that he had ulterior motives.

Also, as a foreign businessman, why is he so popular with the citizens of the country of Yi?

Because he is kind?Do not make jokes!The essence of a businessman is profit-seeking. If he is a good person, can he make so much money in a foreign country?

There are indeed conscientious businessmen in this world, but their conscience can only be reflected in their own country. A foreign businessman is so kind to the citizens of other countries. impossible!Take Nishida's body, the people of the country of Yi are very concerned about it, and they are grateful for the "business" of Dade, which is definitely not a fun thing.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. In this world, there has never been a favor for no reason.

Even knowing this, Xuan Yu didn't say it right away.

Because he knew that with his extremely bad impression in the eyes of Hirano Nobu and Sato Taishi, plus his previous record of treating Nishida Takeshi's "kindness" as a donkey's liver and lungs, and the bad reputation spread by the groom who didn't like him, no matter what he said Anything will be considered slander.

After all, his current credibility is too low, so he thinks it's better to collect more information, find more conclusive evidence, and then sleep with Quan, so that she, who is a genius, can tell Hirano Shinobu better.

Moreover, the citizens of the country of Yi are like bewitched, they simply regard Nishida Takeshi as their belief. If he, a young brat, speaks ill of Nishida Takeshi at this time, he will immediately become their public enemy. Trouble ensues, mission failure is possible.

The timing was completely wrong. To be on the safe side, it's better not to say anything, especially not to Dazhi who has a big prejudice against him.

Thanks to "Song of Zhige" and other book friends for their recommendation vote support, and a certain book friend supports 6 monthly tickets every day (I don’t know why the record of voting monthly tickets can’t be seen in the background), thank you very much! !
(End of this chapter)

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