The Strongest Technician of Konoha

Chapter 80 Embarrassment

Chapter 80 Embarrassment
Although it is unlikely that the first shattering of the Heart of the World will scatter out the root cause that can cause space-time chaos, but this kind of thing is not [-]%, so it is always right to be careful.

In the face of this task of exploring unknown areas, the shadow clone, a cost-effective ninjutsu, is super practical at this time. Anyway, if something happens, the first one to suffer must be the shadow clone. As the main body, he There is enough time to react, and the use of other skills will not be wasted.

And looking at his not-so-broad back, Quan couldn't help but feel a little weird, and was very curious in his heart, wondering how many incidents Xuan Yu had experienced in the past two years?Why do you feel that he seems to understand everything except the heart of a girl?

The ninja world knows the king?

But now is not the time to think too much, Quan shook his head, hurriedly followed Xuan Yu, followed behind him step by step, while maintaining Sharingan, together with Xuan Yu's shadow clone, vigilant around.

She doesn't know anything about the status quo, she can't do anything like a headless fly, just like two years ago, she can only leave everything to Xuan Yu.

However, in the sight of her Sharingan, she was surrounded by streets and houses she was familiar with, and she could not see any abnormalities at all. Even the Chakras and slightly heavy expressions of the passing tribesmen were extremely real. There is no difference in the emotions that the clansmen in her perception should have at this time.

It's just that they are just like the few clansmen just now, they don't seem to see her and Xuan Yu at all, even if she walks up to each other and stares at each other with wide eyes.

So, after hesitating for a while, she still couldn't help asking: "Xuan Yu, since it's not an illusion, then what I see is...

Xuan Yu glanced at her, and said lightly: "What you see should be the real situation of your family's settlement now, but everything here has nothing to do with us now, before we find the root of this abnormal phenomenon and solve it , we can only be observers and cannot be participants in any activities in this area, I say that, do you understand?"

I see;

I don't understand.

Quan no longer entangled in this issue, and then asked: "Then... what should we do now?"

"To put it simply." Xuan Yu habitually picked out the earwax, "It is to find out the problem and then solve it."

Hearing that he said the same thing as he didn't say it, Quan, who knew Xuan Yu to a certain extent, knew that he shouldn't ask any more, so he said "oh" softly, stopped talking, and followed Xuan Yu quietly. .

Xuan Yu's mind was running fast, constantly thinking about everything related to the current situation.

However, just as his shadow clone walked to an empty street and stepped forward——

Boom! !


They seemed to have bumped into something suddenly, and they were caught off guard and their center of gravity was unstable and they almost fell.

Wherever they touched, there were waves of black ripples.


Xuan Yu let out a sigh, then looked at the black ripples, there was obviously something invisible blocking the shadow clone, so he controlled the shadow clone with his mind, and then released the shadow clone, and after a while he really had Feel the real thing.

Seeing this, Xuan Yu raised the corner of his mouth.

"So that's the case, the optical camouflage that exists at the same time as space displacement? The first mutation, it really won't be too difficult..."

Seeing the situation of the shadow clone, Quan came over.

"What's wrong? Xuan Yu, did you find anything?"

Xuan Yu nodded.

To put it simply, the space where the Uchiha clan’s settlement is located has been swapped and replaced with an unknown space, but the swapped space has no image, but all the original space is replaced in a strange way. The appearance of things has been preserved. Here, no matter what method is used, whether it is perception or using Sharingan to see, even if it is a white eye, all observation methods seem to pass through the space barrier and directly see the original space in the original space. Everything, exactly.

Therefore, in this mysterious and unknown space, all methods of observation and insight will deceive oneself. On the contrary, the blind man's groping method of shadow avatar has a miraculous effect.

And in this way, he and Izumi could only see the scene in the settlement of the Uchiha clan, but could not touch anything related to it.

"I can see what's going on."

Hearing this, Quan immediately relaxed, and immediately wanted to ask, but Xuan Yu didn't give her a chance to speak, so he continued:

"The principle and reason cannot be explained clearly in a few words. If I really want to explain it, I may not finish it until dawn. The most urgent thing now is to solve the trouble here, and I will talk about other things later."

Well, definitely next time.

As he said that, Xuan Yu formed a seal again, and used the power of grace to create several shadow clones, and began to explore the road openly.

Although I don't know if this unknown space has any special properties, but as long as you use the shadow clone to explore, there will basically not be too much risk, and the destination is very clear, that is, the black light where the source is very strong. area, in this way, it is only a matter of time to find that side.

Quan had no choice but to keep silent, and then he also created a shadow clone to join the exploration team. Although she is not good at the technique of shadow clone, she still knows how to use it.

Now that they knew that vision was no longer trustworthy, and everything they saw was phantom, the two of them lost their scruples, ignored the people and things around them, and pushed along the route they found out by the shadow clone.

The shadow clone is naturally damaged, because it is groping like a blind man, and from time to time it will step on the air and fall into an abyss that does not know how deep it is, but this is not a big deal, just find the way.

And when passing through a certain residential building directly, an embarrassing scene still appeared.

Simply put, it's a matter of course that a couple of young people are having this sublime night.

"Ah ah!"

As soon as Quan saw what was going on inside, he screamed in surprise, and then quickly looked away, patches of intoxicating blush soon appeared on his face, like a frightened quail, tightly covering his face, not wanting to let the neighbors Someone who sees himself at this moment.

Excited, even the shadow clone was released.

"Fuck, it's so early"

Although as he got closer to the source, his heart became more and more nervous and heavy, but when Xuan Yu saw the scene in front of him, he still habitually laughed.

"I always feel that the night is long, but now it seems that the night accompanied by someone will indeed be sublimated."

Hearing this, as if he noticed a certain word in Xuan Yu's words, Quan's shoulders trembled a few times.

After a while, she tremblingly said: "Xuan Yu, you... don't let you see, this kind of thing is too rude, too embarrassing! Let's go, hurry up."

She didn't know what to think of, and her face was suddenly covered more tightly.

"Yeah. How can I face Miss Junko in the future!!!"

Did you still know someone?It was really embarrassing for her.

However, after tonight, that Miss Junko, I think you won't have to face it anymore.
(End of this chapter)

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