Chapter 79 Weird
Seeing the settlement of the Uchiha clan shrouded in black light that only he could see in front of him, Xuan Yu couldn't help frowning.

The heart of the world is broken for the first time, and there should not be many roots in this world, and the impact should be limited. It should not be particularly difficult to deal with, but even so, it is the first time to face such a strange and mysterious situation. It is impossible to say that you are not nervous.

He looked around, and finally his eyes settled on a certain position in the northeast corner.

In the apotheosis state, he could clearly see that there, a group of very dense black light was slowly flowing, exuding an extremely strange aura.

That, he knew, was where the roots, tainted by reality, lay.

And what he has to do is to use the ability obtained after mimicry and deification to purify it, and then store it.

The purpose is simple, and the things to be done are not complicated.

Xuan Yu hesitated for a moment, then turned his head inexplicably, and glanced at Quan who was resting peacefully on his shoulder.

This genius female ninja of the Uchiha clan, his savior, his first companion when he stepped into the ninja world, and also his first contractor, but her strength seems to be insufficient at this time. Contractor's burden.

Shaking his head, Xuan Yu stopped thinking about it and walked in with one stride.

After all, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

As soon as he walked to the street, he could vaguely see through the edge of the corner a few Uchiha people talking at the corner, and a few people walking towards them.

"Xuan Yu, come here."

Seeing a clansman approaching, Quan on his back spoke:
"I've recovered a bit, and I'll just walk home by myself."

Saying that, she left Xuan Yu's back on her own, with an inexplicable look of nostalgia flashing across her face.

In fact, she had already recovered her ability to move halfway. For some reason, she recovered very quickly this time. The exhaustion that made her almost lose consciousness before seemed to be just an illusion, a perception disorder caused by a short-term change in cognition. .

"It's getting dark now, you should go back and rest early."

Quan said softly.

However, Xuan Yu, who usually responded quickly to her, did not respond at this time, but looked at the few Uchiha clansmen who had come close, and his complexion gradually became heavy.

Quan looked at him suspiciously.

"What's wrong? Xuan Yu."

Xuan Yu reacted this time, but he didn't look at Quan, but said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just that it feels a little strange here."


"Don't you think it's too quiet around here?"

Xuan Yu suddenly stretched out his hand, put it flat in front of him, and opened his palm, ready to catch the fallen leaves from the big tree behind him that was blown down by the night wind.

"The sound of the wind, the sound of intertwined leaves, the sound of others talking, the sound of footsteps... There is nothing. Now, I seem to only hear your voice."

The leaves slowly fell, and they were about to fall into Xuan Yu's hands.

Hearing what he said, Quan was stunned.

Her attention was almost entirely on Xuan Yu just now, and she didn't pay attention to the changes around her. When she saw a clansman coming over, she was only thinking that she must be separated from Xuan Yu now, and didn't pay much attention to them.

After Xuanyu said this, she suddenly realized that the surroundings had indeed suddenly become extremely quiet, and when Xuanyu was not speaking, she could even hear Xuanyu's breathing.

At this time, the fallen leaf fell to Xuan Yu's palm;

Then, under Quan's gaze, he just passed through and slowly landed on the ground.

It seems that Xuan Yu's palm does not exist, and it can't affect the trajectory of the fallen leaves at all.

Seeing this scene, Quan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

She couldn't help wondering if she was dazzled just now, the fallen leaf obviously fell into Xuan Yu's hands, how could she go through it directly?

Xuan Yu's new ability?Or illusion?
Before she could react, those Uchiha clansmen had already come to the front.

She stepped aside subconsciously, but Xuan Yu stood there motionless, as if she hadn't seen them, and they walked straight past, as if they hadn't seen Xuan Yu.

Then, it went straight through.

Yes, just passing through Xuan Yu's body directly like this, it feels like Xuan Yu is just a virtual image, or they don't exist in themselves, without the slightest influence on each other.

Seeing such an incredible scene, Quan was stunned.

"Sure enough."

Xuan Yu withdrew his hand, with a clear expression on his face.

In fact, he deliberately didn't use cognitive confusion skills to confuse the sight and hearing of the surrounding Uchiha people, and he noticed the abnormality when he walked in so swaggeringly.

None of the nearby Uchiha tribe looked at him as a foreigner.

Even the few young clansmen walking towards them just walked on their own, ignoring him directly.

This is obviously unreasonable.

And, for some reason, no outside voices could be heard.

Specifically, he could not hear the world in front of him, or the voices in this space. Neither he nor those Uchiha people could touch each other, as if there was no connection between them, as if they were in different places. The world, different spaces, different realities are the same.

Xuan Yu thought again.

It seems that they have stepped into this area, but they have not. In this situation, is it a disorder of time and space?The world inside and outside the mirror intertwined?Or space replacement?Or the front and back of a playing card?
When he was thinking this way, Quan beside him suddenly opened Sharingan, and at the same time put his hands together.


She subconsciously thought that she had been hit by an illusion, so she wanted to untie it quickly.

However, it's useless.

The outside world is still silent, and there are weirdness everywhere.

"Stop wasting your efforts, Izumi."

Xuan Yu said lightly: "This is not an illusion, this is the real world."

Quan reluctantly let go.

"What's going on here? Xuan Yu, do you know anything?"

"I know a little bit." Xuan Yu lied casually: "I have encountered a similar situation before, if I guessed correctly, it should be the same situation."

As he said that, he stepped up and walked slowly towards the place where only he could see the thickest black light.

"Let's go, follow me to find out if there are any clues. If this situation is left alone, the consequences will be very serious."

He didn't specify it, but just gave a very general answer. There are some things that don't need to be explained too clearly.

As he said this, he suddenly used ninjutsu to create several shadow clones to walk ahead, just like how he always used the shadow clones to test possible dangers when performing missions in the past two years.

This is his most common method, and it has almost become a habit.

Although the mutation will not take the initiative to attack a certain person, naturally there will be no good intentions, malicious hostility, good or bad, it is just an objective phenomenon, but the essence of this mutation may be related to space after all, and even It may be that time and space are disordered, so he can't run around. After all, the ghost knows whether there will be spatial overlaps or static gaps, or even terrifying space-time turbulence in the place that looks normal in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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