Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 55 The Envy, Jealousy and Hate of the Spaniards!

Chapter 55 The Envy, Jealousy and Hate of the Spaniards!

Tang Yun held down the excited Lei Dongdo: "Lin Xuan, there is always a reason for the change of a country's food culture, right?"

"Can you tell me the reason first?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes."

"As we all know on Blue Star, West White, like England, Gaul, and Germany, has been in a state of melee among small principalities for a long time in history."

"It was not unified until the eve of the great voyage in the 56th century."

Lei Dongduo nodded: "That's right, the Earth Star Xibai Ya is different?"

Lin Xuan: "West White Fang on Earth was first ruled by the Celts."

"Then came the Carthaginians, the Moors, the Phoenicians, and finally entered the period of Roman unification."

"After ancient Rome, Arabia entered the Iberian Peninsula and ruled for hundreds of years."

"During such a long rule, the imprint of Arab culture has been deeply engraved into the culture of West Belarus."

"Including architecture, I like the Arabic style using small white round heads."

"Like diet."

"There are five types of dishes in West Belarus. The first type is mainly fresh and colorful, and mostly uses olive oil and garlic. It inherits the cooking skills of the Arabs and cooks in deep-fried form. It is characterized by fresh taste and texture. Crispy and fluffy."

"There are also two different styles of dishes that have been fused together in the mountains and the sea."

"As well as the most important rice-producing region of West Belarus, the cuisine of West Belarus Paella is formed."

Redondo quickly calmed down.

It turns out that the rich food culture of West Belarus on the planet Earth was acquired because it was ruled by the Arabs.

At this time, the barrage on the external network is not calm.

[I was very envious at first, but I am not envious now. 】

[Nonsense, I’m still envious. Anyway, we have been ruled by several forces in history, and we are short of Arabs. As a result, we eat fish and chips every day, and there are too many lice. Big meat. 】

[Many people have stayed in China for a long time, eating fish and chips every day, thinking that those things are delicious, but only after going out have they realized how good the food and beverages in various countries are. 】

[Then I don’t want to exchange it with being ruled by Arabs in history! 】

Two groups of Spanish netizens quarreled.

On the one hand, I feel that it has been ruled by many outsiders anyway, and it is not bad for the Arab ring.

People on the other side feel that even if they fry fish and chips every day, they are unwilling to exchange humiliating history.

How did they know that West Belarus under the Arab notice was the highlight period in the history of the entire country of West Belarus, and the lead of West Belarus in the great voyage to the earth and stars was also based on this point.

In Blue Star, West Belarus has always been a second-rate country, and it has never experienced the era of the great seafaring West Belarus empire.

Let the people of Longguo choose, and the people of Longguo will definitely not do it. We have everything we need, why should we choose this.

Spaniards are different, fish and chips are really unpalatable!

Doesn't it mean that fish and chips is the original food culture of Spain, isn't fish and chips also a 'treasure' handed down during the rule of the Anzas and Celts?

After all, the West Belarians consider themselves superior and look down on the current Arabian.

In Earth Star, West White Fang has not been regarded as a European country for a long time. Unlike Blue Star, Blue Star West White Fang has always been an important part of the European continent.

Redondo got up: "Actually... we don't need to be ruled by the Arabs, we can also have Spanish-style food and beverages..."

"Because, now that you are here and there are time travelers, we can directly learn the dining culture of Earth Star West White Fang!"

Lin Xuan is happy, it is impossible to learn for free.

When this issue is over, there will be restaurants in West White Yats, which is not open in my Dixing catering chain, all over the place, even if I lose.

West Belarus itself is rich in products, and they don't know how to make them themselves, so they export a large number of these catering materials.

Whether it's French food or Italian food, they don't match [-]% with their local output, so although the development is good, it's not particularly good.

The emergence of a truly Western Belarusian gourmet culture tailored to local conditions will surely shock the entire Iberian Peninsula like a nuclear weapon!
Lin Xuan: "So, let's enter Dixing now to see the dining culture of West Belarus."

"This time, everyone can follow along." As he spoke, Lin Xuan handed out seven VR glasses.

The seven judges quickly put on their glasses.

The live audience can only watch through the big screen.

The screen went dark, and when it was turned on again, Lin Xuan and the seven judges had appeared in a special place.

"This is a small town by the Mediterranean Sea."

Lin Xuan: "I'm sorry everyone, you definitely won't be able to eat it. I just brought your perspective here, and I'm the only one who ate it."

Lin Xuan sat on the seat: "Wei Teer, order food."

Redondo blushed: "!!!"

Jean André: "???"

Huang Gang: "This son is not a human being."

Tang Yun: "Teacher Huang Gang is right."

Lucas: "emmm..."

Lin Xuan ordered several famous Spanish dishes.

"I want this, Iberian ham, Catalan blood sausage, garlic barnacles, seafood stew, Spanish paella."

The waiter gave a thumbs up: "A native of Longguo?"

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment: "How do you know that I am from Longguo and I have an accent?"

The waiter smiled: "When you come to our place to travel, you can order the most expensive dishes all over again. Only the people of the Dragon Kingdom are so rich, and the Americans are also very rich, but the Americans only eat hamburgers."

"I recommend you to have a Calais wine. You ordered too much seafood, and the wine can relieve your boredom."

"Okay." Lin Xuan smiled: "Is it possible to serve all the dishes for me at the same time?"

The waiter was OK.

[So... the so-called food chapter is actually a food and broadcast chapter? 】

【Hahahaha, I got the balance right away. Not only did we watch Lin Xuan eat, but the judges also only watched Lin Xuan eat alone. 】

[If I'm not mistaken, Lucas is swallowing crazily, probably already hungry! 】

Several judges said that Lin Xuan was not a good person.

Lin Xuan laughed happily: "I took the time to download the menu and shoot a teaching video. Let's fast-forward this part."

Lin Xuan wouldn't wait for the kitchen to cook for an hour!

Just fast-forward and travel to one hour later!

From the perspective of the audience, the speed of the scene is rapidly accelerating.

When the time slowed down and normalized, a table of sumptuous delicacies was already placed in front of Lin Xuan.

Several judges were going crazy: "Ah!!!!"

"I can't eat food from another world! My heart hurts!!!"

"No, don't stop me, I want to hit him!"

At this time, Lin Xuan was feasting.

To be honest, when Lin Xuan himself was on Earth, he never went to West Belarus for dinner.

Dry (rice) first as a respect.

The seafood production in West White is different from Dongshan Province in Guangdong Province in China, and also different from other countries in the world.

They are the representative type of heavy oil, like frying, and like to use mixed oil (lard plus vegetable oil), and the characteristics of oil use are similar to Sichuan cuisine.

This means that the flavor is particularly strong and full of aroma.

You can see it, but you can't eat it. The judges have lost their minds.

Lin Xuan broke off the big crab legs: "You see, I'm useless. You have to hope that Mr. Redondo can copy them after watching the recipes and teaching videos."

Several judges 'suddenly realized' at the same time and turned to look at Redondo.

Redondo immediately said to Alexander: "Copy the taste of food from another world that I have never seen before, and without eating it..."

Lin Xuan laughed happily: "Otherwise, why would the program team invite you? After all, Mr. Redondo, you are a top celebrity chef. If you want to restore it simply, just find any chef."

Jean Andre: "My friend, if you can't copy it, you'll be ashamed of yourself."

Andre also wanted to eat it, deliberately aggressively.

Redondo looked serious: "In order to find a diet system suitable for Spain, I will definitely copy these dishes!"

"Isn't there an old saying in Longguo that everything is difficult at the beginning? I will be the one who starts it."

As for Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan is of course the cultural bridgehead connecting the two worlds of West White Fang.

At this time, Lin Xuan was ecstatic while eating.

Copy it, you will be amazed when you eat it after making it, and then the devil-like attraction makes you crazy to ask me to cooperate to get the recipe.

Otherwise, how can I increase the price so that my Dixing gourmet West Belarus restaurant can really open all over West Belarus? !

(End of this chapter)

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