Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 41: The Tangled and Twisted Cherry Blossom Countryman!

Chapter 41: The Tangled and Twisted Cherry Blossom Countryman!
"What kind of a good building is this?" Cheng Ping Sanlang laughed: "If this thing is considered a perfect building, then there are too many master architects in the world."

Lin Xuan said indifferently: "What if there is another cave in the lotus pond?"

Cheng Ping Sanlang smiled and bent over: "There is another cave? There are no large plants on the top of this small hill..."

"Even if there is any building in the place covered by the lotus pond, it will be a huge failure for oriental architectural art?"

[Hey, Chengping Saburo is right. For the cultural circle of the Dalong Kingdom where the Longguo Bangguo Cherry Blossom Kingdom is located, a building without trees is a failure. 】

[No matter what is built on this bare mountain top, it is impossible for oriental architectural art to have an aesthetic feeling. 】

Lin Xuan smiled: "There is no such shortcoming, Mizumido is surrounded by green plants."

Cheng Ping Saburo smiled: "Let's talk about it again. Are there any oriental buildings built on the top of the mountain? Unless it's a temple."

"Otherwise any building built on the top of the mountain will be considered a failure."

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth turned up: "You guessed it right, it's a temple."

Chengping Saburo didn't see where Mizumido was, but he found the direction of attack after getting the answer that it was the temple.

"The temple is built on the top of the mountain, and it must match the solemn and clean site, so as to conform to the characteristics of the temple."

"If it is built on flat ground or halfway up a mountain, it can have a design style surrounded by green plants. Do you understand temple architecture?"

Temple buildings, church buildings, mosques, and Taoist temples are all special buildings and sacred buildings.

religious buildings.

These buildings have very strict standards.

For example, the Golden Summit of Emei and the Great Hall of Mount Tai all have the characteristics of cleanliness.

Lin Xuan smiled: "There is absolutely no problem of plants blocking the view on its ground."

Cheng Ping Saburo was very interested: "I would like to see how you argue."

"First of all, it is surrounded by green plants, and there are absolutely no plants on the ground to obscure the view."

"Is this temple built on a lawn?"

"A problem that can be solved by just a big tree, but if you have to go around so many circles, what beauty can there be?"

Big tree?A big tree is a pit!

Who would plant a big tree on top of a mountain?Are you looking for Thunderbolt?Practicing Crossing Tribulation?

Guo Kai hesitated for a moment: "Bonsai can solve these problems."

Isn't the reason why bonsai exists is to solve these problems?
Lin Xuan shook his head: "The bonsai is not the focus here, but it has a huge bonsai."

Yinent was very interested: "Why don't we go up in a hurry and discuss it first."

"If I'm not mistaken, it's built with industrial-style cement, so there's a materialistic physical beauty right?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes."

A Buddhist temple with a cement industrial style?

The audience just wanted to ask: [What the hell? 】

Yinent: "Then where does his graphic law and mathematical beauty come from?"

Lin Xuan: "The sky is round and the earth is round, the mathematical beauty of ancient oriental architecture."

Iron nodded: "I really like the concept of round sky and earth. If you can convince me, where does his artistic beauty come from?"

How does it stimulate the human mind?

Lin Xuan: "The requirements of the Buddhist hall are grand and bright."

"It is in the dark, with a narrow layout, and the strong contrast will shock any visitor spiritually."

Chengping Saburo disdained: "The Buddhist hall must have a sense of holiness. Since it is in the dark and the layout is small, how can it be built with a sense of holiness?"

Lin Xuan: "The building is in the dark, but the Buddha statue is in the light?"

Guo Kai saw that Lin Xuan could perfectly answer Chengping Saburo and Yilunte's questions, so he asked:
"Since you said that this is a Buddhist hall on the top of a mountain, how can it ensure the quietness and claustrophobia required by the Buddhist hall?"

Lin Xuan laughed: "If you feel that you are not quiet and claustrophobic after watching it, you can come to the show and beat me."

Barrage burst:

【This is what you said! 】

[Hahahaha, it's crazy, but I like it! 】

[Interesting, these things are clearly in conflict! 】

Every aspect is in conflict.

Darkness and light are in conflict.

Clustrophobic and conspicuous are also in conflict.

Since it must be surrounded by green plants, there must be no plants on the ground to obscure the view.

Since it needs to be small, it must also have a sense of sacredness.

Cement industry-style Buddhist temple?
The cement industry style with a round sky and a local pattern?

It's not next to anything.

Indeed, to deal with these problems and achieve [-]% in each item, that is nonsense.

But if these things are unified, you can still pass.

It can indeed be said that it is a perfect building, an absolutely qualified building.

The question is, how is it possible?

Lin Xuan walked up, followed by several people.

As everyone climbed higher, the line of sight became more and more flat.

From looking up at the lotus pond to looking up at the lotus pond.

What about Buddhist temples?What about buildings?
There are only bare lotus ponds and ugly concrete ponds.

What about those other things?

Chengping Saburo looked around: "Mizumido, where is it?"

"Did you fool us?"

Cheng Ping Saburo thought of a point, and then became excited.

"You did it on purpose! After three rounds, you and your team are exhausted!"

"You deliberately said a lot of nonsense, and then admitted that you are not a time traveler at this moment!"

"You want to trick us."

"Right, you liar!"

Lin Xuan looked at Chengping Saburo with a blank expression: "Who said that buildings must be above the ground?"

As soon as these words came out, Guo Kai immediately figured it out, rushed to the lotus pond, and then looked at the bottom of the water.

The bottom of the water is the Buddhist temple!
This Mizumido, he is on the top of the hill, but below the surface!

No wonder it is surrounded by green plants, but there are absolutely no plants on the ground to obscure the view.

Who stipulated that the surface is the ground?

The ground can also be a roof!
Under the oval lotus pond is the Buddhist hall.

The building of the Buddhist hall is built in strict accordance with the law, and it is an absolute square building.

The sky is round.

"Under the lotus pond, the Buddhist hall?"

Lotus and Buddha are inseparable.

The Buddhas are all sitting on the lotus platform.

Who would have thought that the Buddha statue here is under the rhizome of the lotus?
Lin Xuan walked down the stairs: "Let's go."

With the true face of Lushan building being revealed.

It really is an industrial style building.

Those styling details are minimalist, but they don't give people a very modern feeling.

On the contrary, when combined together, there is a unique temperament of Buddhism.

"This is under the surface and also the top of the mountain."

"Although it is the top of the mountain, it is very dark."

Walking into the promenade, the vermilion grille wooden wall is the perfect embodiment of the windows in the ancient Longguo architecture.

The wooden floor gives people a warm feeling.

The wooden grille also brings sunlight into the interior.

Moreover, dye the space red.

It's just a human visual illusion, but it gives people an inexplicable temperament.

The further down you go, the weirder it gets.

The darkness is dense, and the characteristics of various Buddhist temples are reflected in the buildings.

But every divided space is not dark.

Because there is a lotus pond above the head, its transparent bottom allows sunlight to enter the ground.

But these sunlights are not harsh.

Filtered by pool water, they give a dim light feel.

quiet, secluded.

No hustle and bustle.

How can a Buddhist temple be underground?
How can a Buddha statue be underground?
With this kind of thinking, the first sight of the Buddha statue hits everyone's heart.

Because the natural light hangs down from the pool and falls on the Buddha.

In the darkness, only the Buddha statue is bathed in light.

If I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?
This famous Buddhist saying instantly appeared in everyone's mind.

Of course it's not hell, it's beautiful here.

However, the tearing sense of darkness and light makes people instantly realize the truth of the so-called Buddha.

The designer of this building may not know much about art, but he is a good hand at manipulating people's hearts.

Even people who don't believe in Buddhism come here and see the Buddha statue, they will feel the Buddha's breath come alive in the perfect light and shadow.

The lotus pond, the sky light, the darkness, the fragrance of Buddha curls up.

Isn't this the most authentic ancient Buddhist temple building?
But it's so modern.

From the outside, it is all industrial style.

But when you enter the overall appearance of the underground patio and central hall, the pure white overall structure gives people a sense of detachment.

And what about going indoors?

Antique, not weak at all.

From the outermost to the deepest altar.

It's like walking from the world to the Buddha's land.

Cheng Ping Saburo's mind was provoked.

He couldn't help clasping his hands together and bowed down.

Indeed, isn't the Buddhist culture that the Sakura Kingdom learned from the Dragon Kingdom, and in the millennium of exchanges, the Buddhist culture has always been at the forefront of exchanges.

In the Dragon Country, there are not so many people who like Hexin in Buddhist culture, but in the Cherry Blossom Country, the proportion is much larger.

At this time, Cheng Ping Sanlang was in the holy bath and did not dare to say anything.

Yilund sighed: "The combination of modern and ancient times, the combination of Eastern art and Western art."

"Light and shadow, color, space, shape, line, material."

"I can't say how wonderful each item is, but together, there are indeed no shortcomings."

"The architectural designer of Earth Star is so scary."

Lin Xuan smiled: "I've said it before, even if it's the Cherry Blossom Country with poorer buildings on Earth, it can beat the Blue Star Cherry Blossom Country."

"In the next journey of modern architecture, everyone will not be surprised, and don't panic when they see too much."

No one dares to say that the fusion is bad!
But what's the point of merging all these things together? ? ? ! ! !

I can't understand the character of the tangled and twisted Sakura countryman.

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(End of this chapter)

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