Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 40 What is the beauty of architectural art? !

Chapter 40 What is the beauty of architectural art? !

Lin Xuan stood in front of the camera relaxedly, smiling: "I am a time traveler, who will refute me."

"I came to Blue Star with the culture of a world."

"If you don't believe it, please find the loophole."

"If you believe it, please appreciate this magnificent planetary civilization."

"I'm Lin Xuan, are you ready?"

The live broadcast of the second half of the third period resumes!

Lin Xuan on the stage smiled: "There are three accomplished figures in architecture, two masters, and one claims to be unworthy of a master."

"I want to ask a few questions, what is architecture?"

Guo Kai smiled: "From the perspective of Longguo language, architecture is divided into building and building."

"Buildings are man-made objects for human living, learning, production, management, entertainment and storage."

"Structures are man-made objects other than houses that are more inclined to public use, such as road bridges, water towers, dams, wells, and chimneys."

Ellent smiled: "The so-called architecture is a man-made man-made object that is useful, permanent, and aesthetically pleasing."

"For example, sculpture, which is solid and aesthetically pleasing, has no use value, so it is not architecture."

"Tent, it has use value and aesthetic feeling, but it is not fixed forever, so it is not a building."

Some audience members raised their hands, and Lin Xuan ordered one: "Say it."

The audience who picked up the microphone asked: "Professor Murphy Ellent, may I ask, if a sculpture can have use value, for example, it itself is a shelf, does it belong to architecture?"

Ylent: "Sturdy, not just hard, but also solid, immovable, the shelf you mentioned, can it be moved?"

Audience: "No."

Ylent smiled: "'s a building."

That's right, beds belong to furniture, but Northeast kang belongs to architecture.

The washbasin table is hoisted to the furniture, and the brick washbasin belongs to the building.

Many audience members raised their hands, Lin Xuan smiled: "We don't have much time, I know what you want to ask, let me ask."

"Professor Ilund, if a practical and permanent object has no aesthetic feeling, does it belong to architecture?"

Ellent: "Its builders may think it is a building, but as the public and aesthetics, we must firmly believe that it is shit..."

The barrage instantly increased:
[So, the flying kiss is shit and doesn't belong to architecture? 】

[When you say that, I feel like there is a big pile of shit across from our house...]

【Very well, I'm living in shit right now d(д)...】

Lin Xuan: "What is beauty?"

Ellent talked eloquently: "Aesthetics cannot be quantified, but there are some standards."

"For example, things with regular shapes must have aesthetic feeling, which belongs to mathematical beauty."

"As for the messy things, if they are unified or regular in material, they also have aesthetic feeling, which belongs to physical beauty."

"There is no such rule, but it can stimulate people's hearts, and that is also aesthetic, which belongs to artistic beauty."

"More often, the more types of aesthetics it has, the stronger the aesthetic itself."

Lin Xuan found it interesting.

This is something learned.

No wonder "Sunflower" is so famous.

Its color directly hits the soul, its shape has a mathematical beauty, and its own material has a physical beauty.

Triple beauty in one.

Aesthetics are of course not limited to these three, but these three are more basic aesthetics.

It must be beautiful to be able to achieve the unity of the three.

It's like a novel, Chapter 1 to Chapter 100, one hundred stories are written respectively, but none of them has an ending.

That's not aesthetics, that's called feeding shit to readers.

But if out of a hundred stories, 99 have an ending, and only one story has no ending, then it is blank, it is art, it has a strong sense of beauty, and it hits people's hearts directly.

As long as you write a story in a novel, as long as it is finished, even if the story is mentally handicapped, it still has a certain aesthetic feeling.

But if you have a story divided into a hundred chapters and written in a hundred languages, this is called neurosis.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Mr. Chengping Saburo, do you have any different views or additions to architecture?"

Cheng Ping Saburo smiled: "Sense of space, space utilization, optics, vision."

"If a man-made object is solid and its surface cannot be used, then it is not a building."

"For example, if the dump bucket of a mud truck is broken and the cement inside solidifies, it is not considered a building."

"However, there are exceptions. If you move it to the School of Architecture, show it to students, and give it educational significance, it will be considered architecture again."

Lin Xuan summed it up: "Space, light, meaning, right?"

Cheng Ping Saburo proudly said, "That's right."

Waiting for your point of view.

Lin Xuan knows that in a small place like Sakura Country, the designer must pay great attention to the use of space, the expression of light, and the endowment of meaning.

Lin Xuan: "The next thing I want to show you is the Mizumido, a building in the Earth Star Sakura Country."

"It's both a building and a structure."

"It has the mathematical beauty of regular form, the physical beauty of the material, and the artistic beauty that directly hits the soul."

"Its use of space opens up a new type of architecture."

"Its use of light is the pinnacle of the earth-star world."

"Its significance lies in the sublimation of the soul."

"This building basically meets everyone's requirements and imagination for architecture."

"So, this may not be a super high-scoring building, but it must be a perfect and absolutely passing building that can reflect the architectural design."

Elent frowned.

Buildings are different styles.

Different countries have different definitions of architecture.

It's like the five-tone Gong Huishang Jiaoyu is used in Longguo music, and the seven-tone is used in modern music.

If the line is crossed, it's not the same thing.

How can a building achieve great unity and become an absolutely qualified building?
That said, the building might not feel like top-notch design.

But any designer could not find any flaws in front of it?

This is a little crazy.

Lin Xuan looked at Chengping Saburo: "In Dixing, Sakura Country is not famous for its architecture, and it is relatively weak in this respect."

"However, Earth Star Cherry Blossom Country can easily beat Blue Star Cherry Blossom Country."

Cheng Ping Saburo disdained: "I don't believe you are a time traveler at all."

"So, what we are about to see is also a scam that you or your team has prepared in advance."

"You can shock me with all kinds of super-large and long ancient buildings."

"But it's impossible to use the architectural style of our Sakura Country to convince me that your design is perfect."

Cheng Ping Saburo was laughing wildly in his heart.

It's too easy to pick a bone in an egg.

Your building is too close to the sky for my liking.

Your building is too far from the sky for my liking.

Your building is too warm for my liking.

Your building is too cold toned, I don't like it.

Questions can be picked at will.

Just like being a human being, it is very simple to let some people think you are perfect, while others may think you are useless.

But let everyone think that although you are not a saint, you are a good person.

That would be too hard.

Lin Xuan did have absolute confidence.

This building is a rare representative building in the construction industry of Earth Star Cherry Blossom Country.

"Everyone, let's go together."

Lucas raised his hand: "Wait a minute!"

"Here... go to the Sakura Country to see the architecture, is it a Western architecture or..."

Lucas and Li Yu made an appointment before, he went to see the Western Building, and she went to see the Longguo Building.

Now look at the cherry blossom country building how to count?
Lin Xuan smiled: "This building is one of the symbols of Sakura Kingdom learning from Dragon Kingdom, so, Li Yu, shall we go?"

Study like Dragon Country?Cheng Ping Saburo felt that there was a hole in it.

It is definitely not easy to refute that pitfall.

The six people stood on the stage and entered the new space together.

In the sky, the sun is not small.

Here is a meadow.

On a small hill, a lotus pond that looks like a poor-quality fish pond stands above the ground and sits on the top of the hill.

Lin Xuan pointed to the lotus pond: "That is, an absolutely passing building without any defects, Mizumido."

Several architects were dumbfounded, and so were the audience.

There are broken fish ponds all over the world, and any ordinary person who doesn't understand architecture can pour them out with cement and wooden plywood.

What kind of absolute passing building is this?
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(End of this chapter)

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