Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 245 Natasha's Bizarre Encounter (6 characters, please order in full!)

Chapter 245 Natasha's Strange Encounter ([-] words, please book in full!)
Give me a little present?

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Russell's expression became a little strange.

Although Tony is indeed rich and powerful, treats money like dung, and can even exchange a famous watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for a box of strawberries, but there are not many things about Tony that can interest Russell.

Apart from the fact that his personal assets are not as good as Tony's now, the only thing that interests him is Tony's smart brain and the rewards that Tony may activate.

Although he didn't know what Tony was planning, but since he had already called to invite him, he didn't mind going there.

After asking Ellie, the blond female secretary with twin ponytails, to send in the documents that needed to be signed and reviewed today, he quickly completed the chairman's work that needed to be dealt with today.

Then, under Ellie's watchful eye, she flew out from the remodeled floor-to-ceiling windows and flew towards Tony's mansion in the suburbs.

In less than 2 minutes, he came to the sky above Tony's mansion.

After observing Tony's mansion through perspective, he found that Tony was currently in the laboratory in the mansion, and without any hesitation, he landed directly in the garden of the mansion.

Then, walk towards Tony's laboratory.

"You finally came!"

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Tony, dressed like a maintenance worker, came to him and said with a smile.

Looking at Tony, who was completely different from the previous playboy image, Russell glanced at the Ark reactor on Tony's chest.

The original palladium element reactor has now been replaced with a new element reactor, and its shape has changed from a circular shape to an inverted triangle.

While looking at the new reactor, he also used his clairvoyant ability to watch Tony's body.

"It seems that you not only replaced the new reactor, but also cleaned up the bomb fragments in your body."

Russell said with a smile.

"Sooner or later, we have to deal with it, so we deal with it together."

Tony said casually.

"Let's not talk about this. You said there was a gift for me. I'm here now. Can you tell me what gift it is?"

Russell asked directly.

"Don't be so anxious, let's drink and chat."

After speaking, Tony came to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of whiskey, and poured two glasses.

Then, he returned to Russell and handed him one of the cups.

"When talking about some secret things, it will feel better with a glass of whiskey."

Tony took a sip and said slowly.

"Secret things?"

Russell raised his eyebrows and looked at Tony curiously.

"Come on, sit down and talk."

Tony came to the sofa first and sat down, motioning for Russell to sit down and chat slowly.

Although he didn't know what Tony was trying to sell, Russell didn't urge Tony, sat down opposite him, and took a sip of the whiskey in the glass.

"You reminded me that there are my father's relics in S.H.I.E.L.D. When I went to S.H.I.E.L.D. to get them back, Nick Fury told me something."

"He told me that my father said the Ark reactor was just a stepping stone to great technology."

"My father was preparing to start an energy competition, an energy competition that would make all competitors unmatched."

"He has figured out the idea of ​​a super energy source. Compared with this super energy source, a nuclear reactor is like a 3A battery."

Having said that, Tony showed a rare expression of admiration, and pointed to the new reactor on his chest with his finger.

"Limited to the level of technology at that time, my father could not complete this great invention. I helped him realize his vision."

"He has been dead for 20 years, and he taught me a lesson."

"You are right, I am much greater than I imagined, and I underestimated him too much before!"

Tony said with a complicated expression.

"Your father was indeed a great man."

Russell agreed with Tony.

"Okay, the prelude is here, and now it's time to get down to business."

Tony's expression became serious, and at the same time he gestured towards the intelligent robotic arm named "Xiaodai" in the laboratory.

After receiving his instructions, "Little Dai" came to Tony and Russell with Howard's notebook.

"This is my father's notebook."

Tony said slowly.

"Could the gift you mentioned be your father's notebook?"

Russell asked back.

"Of course not, open it and have a look, you may be able to see something of interest."

Tony continued.

While Tony hasn't told him exactly what the gift is yet, Russell already has some guesses.

Isn't this guy trying to play the Rubik's Cube?

Russell opened Howard's notes and took a quick look.

Sure enough, in Howard's notebook, he saw information about the Rubik's Cube.

Although Howard did not directly name the Rubik's Cube in the notebook, he described the Rubik's Cube as a new energy source that humans had never discovered, and he also drew the Rubik's Cube.

"You should have heard the story of Captain America's battle with the Red Skull. That cube is the treasure of the Red Skull, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Perhaps because he was worried that Russell didn't know what the Rubik's Cube was, Tony even explained it.

"and then?"

Russell closed his notebook and asked again.

"Where the Red Skull got the Rubik's Cube from the universe, I don't know."

"However, after synthesizing this new element according to the information given by my father, I discovered a problem."

Tony looked at Russell seriously.

"what is the problem?"

"This is alien technology!"

Alien technology?

Seeing the serious expression on Tony's face, Russell froze for a moment.

However, he reacted quickly.

Tony is a superhero on the technological side. For him, the power from alien planets can be collectively referred to as alien technology.

"The gift you're talking about, shouldn't it be this Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

Russell asked with a smile.

"You think too much, this thing is not in my hands now, but in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"After knowing the existence of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, I found a relationship and asked someone to investigate the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"Although Captain America stopped the Red Skull, he finally crashed with the Rubik's Cube."

"My father and the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Science and Strategy Corps, searched near the crash site and wanted to retrieve Captain America's body and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"But unfortunately, my father only found the Rubik's Cube."

"As for Captain America, he was just dug out of the Arctic Ocean by S.H.I.E.L.D. ten years ago."

To the others, what Tony was saying now was indeed a secret.

But to Russell, it wasn't secretive at all.

He could even give Tony more specific details if he wanted to know.

"You told me these things, maybe you want me to steal the Rubik's Cube from S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"How is it possible! Telling you these things is just to let you know how precious this new element was invented by my father but synthesized by me!"

Hearing this, Russell gave Tony a supercilious look.

You are fucking kidding me!

Although he didn't speak now, Tony saw what he meant.

"Don't think I'm playing tricks on you. Only by letting you understand how precious this new element is, can you understand the value of the gift I gave you."

After speaking, Tony took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

"There are information and synthesis methods of new elements on it. If you are interested, you can let your people synthesize it."

"I won't give you the design plan of the Ark reactor, you already have it."


Although he knew that Tony was very generous early on, Russell did not expect that Tony was so generous.

This is a brand new element that can replace palladium, and it is also a new element researched from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Although this new element cannot completely replace the Rubik's Cube, which is the energy of the space gem, it can be regarded as a derivative energy of the space gem.

Judging from the current technological level of the earth, this is a priceless treasure!
Such a thing, Tony actually gave it as he said.

"you sure?"

Russell didn't go to pick up the USB flash drive that Tony handed over.

"What I give away, I never regret."

Tony said seriously.

"If that's the case, then I'll accept it!"

Russell did not refuse, and accepted the USB flash drive from Tony.

"You don't have to feel that you have taken advantage of me. Without your reminder, I would not be able to synthesize this new element. You can take this as my consulting fee for you."

"Consulting fee, didn't you pay [-] million US dollars last time?"

Russell asked back.

After hearing Russell's words, Tony froze for a moment.

He forgot!
After seeing Tony's expression, Russell immediately guessed what Tony was thinking now.

Tony's current appearance is like those local tyrants who bought too many houses and forgot that they had bought houses here before.

After realizing that Russell had seen through what he was thinking now, Tony put on an expression that of course I knew, and said seriously: "That's just a deposit!"

"Well, if you say it's a deposit, then it's a deposit."

Russell said with a smile, and put the U disk into the system space at the same time.

After chatting with Tony about some depraved topics among depraved capitalists, Russell left Tony's mansion and returned to the office at the headquarters of the Octopus Monster.

As soon as he returned to the office, he took the USB drive out of the system space.

"Synthesize some new elements according to the data, and compare the reactor using the new elements with the reactor currently used by the endosymbiosis armor, which one is more efficient."

"Okay, sir!"

Number 3 replied immediately.


time flies.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

This month, Russell had an easy life.

Except for occasionally paying attention to Bakshi's plan to "kill chickens and monkeys" and Callum's progress in rebuilding the Roman Assassin Brotherhood, he basically lived a normal life of a corrupt capitalist this month.

Although the days were a bit dull, Russell was quite satisfied.

Plain is a blessing!
Octopus Headquarters Office.

Russell browsed through the documents sent by the blond female secretary Ellie.

Octopus Industry and Octopus Laboratory are now completely on the right track, so he doesn't need to worry much.

Spider-Man, who joined Zhenglian only last month, has gradually become famous and has become a frequent headline visitor of major media.

Gwen still continues her double life as a female college student and Spider-Woman, while Kara continues her double life as a superwoman and a movie actress.

Hulk has nothing to say, he is still the same, drinking and training for nothing.

Hulk has no dissatisfaction except that Dabai Xiaobai is not possessed by the chimp now, but by the jaguar.

In this month, the biggest change is Diana.

Because of Russell, Diana's museum routine became more and more difficult.

Now, more than normal tourists go to the museum to see Diana.

If these people were unscrupulous reporters for entertainment newspapers, Russell had a lot of ways to deal with them.

But the problem is, these people are ordinary people.

People just go there with the mood of watching superhero girlfriends and beauties.

Although Russell didn't like their approach very much, he really had nothing to do with these people.

Diana had not been at work for several days because of the curious crowd.

Although Russell didn't expect Diana's little salary to help the family, but when Diana was free, his troubles came.

Because he didn't have to go to work, Diana took him more time to play flying chess.

On the surface, this is a good thing.

But after a long time, even if you have a Kryptonian physique, you can't stand it.

Diana is getting brighter and more attractive now, but Russell feels that his physique is getting worse.

He is now starting to take out the keel he obtained before to make wine.

After finishing today's daily work, Russell directly ignored Ellie's temptation and let the black-haired blonde Ellie leave the office.

Just when he was considering whether to accept a few killer missions in the name of a traveler and go to other cities or foreign countries for a few days, he suddenly received an email in his private mailbox.

"Sir, Agent Romanov sent a secret email, do you want to check it now?"

The voice of number 3 rang.

After hearing the mechanical synthesis sound of No. 3, Russell, who was leaning on the back of the chair, slowly opened his closed eyes.

"Project directly!"

"Okay, sir!"

In the next second, a huge holographic projection screen appeared in front of him.

Russell thought that Natasha just sent an email to explain what she did during the time she was missing.

However, when he saw the specific content of the email, his expression became a little complicated.

Natasha did explain where she had been during this time.

As Russell guessed, Natasha was sent by Nick Fury to perform tasks related to the second phase of the Rubik's Cube.

United Dark Energy Mission!
This is a mission jointly implemented by NASA, the US Department of Energy, and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Publicly advertised as a mission dedicated to the study of dark energy in the universe.

But in fact, in addition to studying the dark energy that humans have never understood before, which accounts for 70% of the total energy of the universe, they will also study some things that cannot be disclosed to the public.

For example, the Rubik's Cube.

A few days before Natasha's "disappearance", she had been staying at the Joint Dark Energy Mission Research Base in Tucson, Arizona.

According to common sense, even in a heavily guarded base, Natasha still has a way to contact Russell secretly.

But the problem is that Natasha's encounter this time is not in line with common sense at all.

According to Nick Fury's arrangement, Natasha's mission this time is similar to that of Hawkeye Button. They are all escorting the research of the second phase of the Rubik's Cube, protecting the safety of the Rubik's Cube and preventing the possibility of information leakage.

To put it simply, what Natasha and Barton do at the Joint Dark Energy Mission Base are similar to security directors.

This is not the first time Natasha has experienced this kind of task.

Natasha and Barton had done a similar mission in the secret base in Norway where they studied symbionts.

However, this time, both she and Barton encountered unexpected accidents.

To be precise, everyone who was in the laboratory at that time encountered an accident.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which was being tested, suddenly opened the portal and forcibly teleported them to a desolate and dead planet.


Russell is sure that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there has never been a plot where Natasha and Barton were sent to a barren planet.

However, what surprised him even more was the planet to which Natasha and her party were sent.

On that desolate and dead planet, Natasha and her party saw an ancient sculpture that was suspected to be a Hydra statue.

In the email, Natasha drew the Hydra sculpture she saw.

Although the painting is not particularly delicate, after seeing this sculpture, Russell roughly guessed which planet they were teleported to.

Planet Maveth!

The Maveth planet where the ancient Inhumans used to exile the first Inhuman Hive in history.

Natasha got the wrong script, right?
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is indeed a female agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. sent to the planet Maveth, but that female agent is not Natasha, but Gemma Simmons.

More importantly, Simmons will be sent to the planet Maveth and has nothing to do with the Rubik's Cube.

It was not the Rubik's Cube that sent Simmons there, but the Cohen boulder made by the Kree.

Although he didn't know why Natasha and her party were sent to the planet Maveth where the hive was located by the Rubik's Cube, Russell didn't get too entangled in this issue.

It is not the first time that the Rubik's Cube has teleported people to alien planets.

The famous Red Skull was sent to Vormir by the Rubik's Cube to be a "paternity tester".

In the next email, Natasha briefly described how they survived on the desolate and dead planet Maveth and avoided alien monsters.

After about a month or so, the experimenters of the United Dark Energy Mission Base finally found a way to open the cosmic Rubik's Cube portal and rescued them from that planet.

Although it has been several days since they came back, Natasha, Barton and others have been undergoing various physical examinations these days.

It wasn't until today that she finally got the chance to send the secret email.

After reading the entire content of the email, Russell's only feeling is that the future development is getting more and more chaotic.

If he remembers correctly, in the movie universe, SHIELD did not find a way to open the cosmic Rubik's Cube portal until Loki came to Earth.

And here, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s control over the Rubik's Cube is obviously higher than in the movie universe.

At least they already know how to use the Rubik's Cube to open the portal.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that Natasha and her party who were forcibly teleported away will die on Planet Maveth.

Natasha didn't know who the alien monster was attacking them on Maveth, but Russell knew it all.

That was the first alien hive in history, and it was a hive that was always in a state of starvation.

The planet Maveth will become that barren and dead, because the hive has eaten up all the edible creatures on the planet.

Natasha and the others can survive on the planet Maveth for a month without being eaten by the hive, which is already the result of their well-trained training.

If you were an ordinary person, you might not even be able to survive the first day.

Although Natasha lived on the planet Maveth where the hive was located for a month, Russell was not worried that Natasha would be affected or parasitized by the hive.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is not particularly reliable, they are a professional secret service anyway.

As soon as Natasha and the others came back, SHIELD immediately conducted a detailed body check on them.

If they had been infested by hives, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have found out.

After thinking for ten seconds, he replied to Natasha's email.

Collect the data of the second phase of the Rubik's Cube, and keep an eye on the situation of the Rubik's Cube.

If the Cosmic Rubik's Cube shows signs of being opened again, contact him as soon as possible.

After replying to the email, he turned off the holographic projection screen in front of him.

"No. 3, how is the Rubik's cube elemental energy weapon plan going?"

Russell asked No. 3.

Rubik's cube element is the name of the new element he synthesized for Tony.

Because of incompetence in naming, he chose to use Rubik's Cube elements directly to order these new elements.

Simple and easy to understand, but also to symbolize the origin of these new elements.

"At present, 50% of the progress has been completed, which is enough to equip one hundred Baijue fighters with one main, two secondary and three energy weapons."

Number 3 replied quickly.

"Speed ​​up the progress and complete the outfit changes of all the Baijue fighters as soon as possible."

Russell ordered.

"Okay, sir!"

Baijue Warrior is the collective name for Baijue after possessing Hydra soldiers.

After deciding to keep only four animal hosts for Bai Jue at Zhenglian headquarters, the other Bai Jue were all attached to the Hydra soldiers prepared by Bakshi.

Although these Hydra soldiers are ordinary people and have not received brainwashing and enhanced serum enhancement, Russell is not particularly worried about the loyalty of these people.

Bai Jue who possessed them not only endowed them with strength far beyond ordinary people, but also took on the task of monitoring them at any time.

Not to mention putting rebellious behavior into action, as long as rebellious thoughts arise in their minds, Bai Jue who possesses them will be able to detect them immediately, and then forcibly take over their bodies.

After giving instructions to No. 3, he got up and stood up, and then flew out from the open-air balcony that had just been made.

He used to fly out of the office through the remodeled French windows.

Taking advantage of nothing to do during this time, he asked No. 3 to arrange a construction team to renovate the office, and made a slightly exaggerated viewing balcony outside the office.

When No. 3 designed the viewing balcony, he asked No. 3 to refer to the viewing balcony on the top floor of the Stark Tower.

Although the later reconstruction of the building did not comply with the building regulations, these problems are not a problem at all for Russell, who is already a capitalist.

Not to mention just renovating his own office and balcony, even if he wants to rebuild the entire Octopus Mansion, he can easily handle all the legal procedures and get the permission he wants.

That's right, the building where the headquarters of Octopus Monster Industry is located is now his.

He paid for the whole mansion!

(End of this chapter)

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